Xgmii interface specification
hiteksys. RGMII Interface Timing Budgets RobertRodrigues ABSTRACT RGMII Interface Timing Budgets is intended to serve as a guideline for developing a timing budget when using the RGMII v1. 3 2005 specification. network-side interface (XGMII SDR) after the bit was first available on the Avalon-ST interface. • Fabric Interface Controller features were added to IGLOO2 FPGA Product Family, page6. 3bz standard is similar, but leaves physical implementations of the PHY-MAC interface to the industry to define. The methods in this document describe how to set up an RGMII specific timing budget and determine USGMII Specification. 125 Gbps/pin. 3ae material for a 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII), a 10 Gigabit 2. 5G and 5G operation with modest changes to Clause 46 The Clause 45 MDIO/MDC register addressing scheme is much preferred over the Clause 22 scheme The Universal Serial 10GE Media Independent Interface (USXGMII) IP core implements an Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) with a mechanism to carry a single port of 10M, 100M, 1G, 2. 25MHz PCS layer XGMII interface implemented as 64-bit (single data rate) SDR interface at 156. – Blade servers are changing the boundary of box / backplane interface – XAUI will be the closet standard in this space • In Nov. Data on the interface is framed using the IEEE Ethernet Internal XGMII Loop-back (Optional). 3 specifications and verifies MAC-to-PHY layer interfaces of designs with a 10G Ethernet interface XGMII. Previous definition/implementations cover single (SGMII) and quad (QSGMII) options. While the XGMII is an optional interface, it is used extensively in this standard as a basis for functional specification and provides a common service interface for Clauses 47, 48, and 49. 3 enables several different Ethernet speeds for Local Area Network (LAN) applications, and 25 Gb/s is the latest addition to the standard. 0 standard with a Gigabit PHY transceiver like the DP83867. Tanguay Draft 0. 1 Overview 10. 2. . MAC Address A 6-octet number representing the physical address of the node(s) on an Ethernet network. 3 protocol and MAC specification to an operating speedof 10 Gb/s. 3ae specification with preamble/SFD generation, frame padding, CRC XGMII Interface operating at 156. GitHub is home to over 36 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. 6 05/23/2009 A. Promiscuous mode where all valid received frames are forwarded. If you are using the Ethernet FMC, the PHY is the Marvell 88E1510, and the Ethernet MAC is inside the FPGA. Revision Figure 1. 3 standard. 0 3/31/2005 Added register specification which covers up to 24 ports and added IO signal specification. Bit(s). This SGMII solution meets the SGMII specification and saves cost and power in systems that have low to high port-count Gigabit Ethernet per device. The interface defines speeds up to 1000 Mbit/s, implemented using an eight bit data interface clocked at 125 MHz, and is backwards compatible with the Media Independent Interface (MII) specification. a) Two families of PHY layer specifications - a LAN PHY operating at 10 Gb/s, and. 0. XGMII supports full duplex operation only. 3-1996 standard. This interface will be compatible with lower voltage devices that emerge in the future. XAUI is pronounced "zowie", a concatenation of the Roman numeral X, meaning ten, and the initials of " Attachment Unit Interface ". ▫ Media independent interface (MII). 3u. e. 25MHz ○ PCS layer XGMII interface implemented as 64-bit (single data rate ) Jun 20, 2002 Through the serial GMII (SGMII) and the XAUI interfaces, designers are . 3125Gbps Data pattern XGMII data Number of channels 1 IP used 10GBase-R PHY IP, Traceiver Reconfiguration Controller Join GitHub today. The RGMII interface is a dual data rate (DDR) interface that consists of a transmit path, from FPGA to PHY, and a receive path, from PHY to FPGA. The 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) is an interface standard that uses 72 data pins for both RX and TX. 3 DS201 September 16, 2009 0 0 Product Specification Introduction The LogiCORE IP 10-Gigabit • Ethernet previously did not standardize backplane interface as Ethernet traditionally focuses on the box interface. Support for pause frames. For more information about NetFPGA Standard IP Interfaces, please see here. between the signals provided at the XGMII and the MAC/PLS service definition. ñ Created test bench, UVM environment instantiating components, and tests. Access Control (MAC) protocol, the IEEE 802. It is intended to provide the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) functionality between the 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) interface on a Ten Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) and a Ten Gigabit Ethernet network physical-side interface (PHY). 3ae-2002 specification for coding/decoding using 64b66b rules, XGMII Interface to MAC directly or via XAUI; Encrypyted Netlist / Encrypted Source Oct 7, 2008 A Joint Specification of Cortina Systems and Cisco Systems. The transmit datapath either duplicates the transmit XGMII data to both serial side 10GbE# 3# 1. Reduced gigabit media independent interface (RGMII) is a standard interface, which helps in reducing the number of signals required to connect a PHY to a MAC. The switch integrates SerDes and provides enhanced XAUI Interfaces which extend the length up to 25m with copper cables. Table 8. 1. XAUI's wiki: XAUI is a standard for extending the XGMII (10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface) between the MAC and PHY layer of 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE). XGMII is a low-speed, wide interface (74 signals, with 32 each for transmitting and receiving) that you may use to connect the Ethernet MAC to the PHY. For example, the suggestion of XAUI "in the > middle of the XGMII" would architecturally be represented as three physical > instantiations of the PCS Service interface, two XGMII's and one XAUI/XGXS; > - A compliant Ethernet device implementation may likewise include three XGMII's > and two XAUI/XGXS's. 3bd specification with ability to generate and recognize PFC at 156. 7 12/13/2009 A. The 10G Ethernet Verification IP is compliant with IEEE 802. The "X" represents the Roman numeral for ten and implies ten gigabits per second. 25MHz. I'm currently reading the IEEE XGMII specification (IEEE Std 802. 3 Enhanced XAUI Interface The XAUI Interface is designed as an extender of XGMII Interface for 10Gigabit Ethernet but its max. length is limited to 50cm. Tanguay Added big endian mode for packet interface. Aug 30, 2013 specification for the key internal interface of radio base stations The bytes in Table 9A are input to XGMII as shown in Figure 49-5 in. 0 10-Gigabit Ethernet MAC v9. XAUI interoperability is based on the 10-Gigabit Ethernet standard (IEEE Standard 802. A number of individuals from both the 802. 3 Clause 49 BASE-R physical coding sublayer/physical layer (PCS/PHY). 32907. The RGMII interface is the physical connection between the Ethernet PHY and the Ethernet MAC. 3 approved Backplane Ethernet Study group. Version 1. 0: • Tables 3-6 were combined into Table5, page9. Xgmii Interface Spec Video Download 3GP, MP4, HD MP4, And Watch Xgmii Interface Spec Video 10GBASE-R/KR is a 10 Gb/s serial interface. Every Ethernet frame contains both a source and destination address, both of which are MAC addresses. Introduction Ethernet is a set computer networking technologies that were standardized in 1983 by IEEE for local area networks (LAN). On the side interfacing with the HSMC interface, the XAUI PHY takes the XAUI signals as input and also produces them as output. Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface is a standard for extending the XGMII (10 Gigabit Media . XGMII, 10 Gbit Media Mar 12, 2018 Compliant with IEEE 802. 3 and has evolved from the 10 pin MII (Media Independent Interface) for 10/100 Ethernet, to the 20 pin GMII (Gigabit Media Independent Interface) for GE, to the 36 pin XGMII (10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface) for 10 GE. PMC-Sierra's device takes an XGMII signal from the Ethernet MAC, and Broadcom's BCM8701 10-Gbps transceiver uses the XAUI interface. Tanguay Added details of operation. 25 MHz core clock. Two XAUI link The interface defines speeds up to 1000 Mbit/s, implemented using a data interface clocked at 125 MHz with separate eight-bit data paths for receive and transmit, and is backwards compatible with the media-independent interface (MII) specification. Apr 1, 2004 Slip buffers for clock domain transfer to/from the XGMII interface. It can also operate on fall-back speeds of 10 or 100 Mbit/s as per the MII specification. ) • AXI4-Stream interface • AXI4-Lite control and status interface Applications IEEE Std 802. If the MDIO uses the same voltages as the XGMII then we are lucky, but the MDIO will be around a lot longer than the XGMII so we should not let the XGMII electrical specification influence the MDIO electrical specification. short period of time the image processing circuit tailored to individual specifications of users by User's Manual for each functional block, User's Specification: Device Family Stratix V GX FPGA 5SGXMA7K2F40C2 Quartus version QuartusII v11. XGMII interface with internal/external PHY Easy to use AXI Streaming user interface. clock FIFOs and a standard XGMII interface on the network side and. Table 1 defines the signals, which are all synchronous to the 156. 3 specification and verifies MAC-to- Amendment Standard - Superseded. • Serial Media Independent Interface (SMII) • Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII) • Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface(SGMII) • 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) • 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI) Intelop Ethernet Verification IP is compliant with IEEE 802. 1. 4. The capability to 10GBASE-R/KR is a 10 Gb/s serial interface. The XAUI is designed as an interface extender, and the interface, which it extends, is the XGMII, the 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface. 10 gigabit media-independent interface (XGMII) は、全二重10ギガビット・イーサネット(10GbE)ポートを相互に接続したり、プリント回路基板上の他の電子機器に接続したりするためのIEEE 802. X-Ref Target - Figure 1-4 Abstract: Support to extend the IEEE 802. Last Major Update . ▫ While the The XGMII specification is largely speed independent. 3 Clause 46 ratified specification enabling a variety of PHY The specification for XGMII is in Clause 46 of IEEE 802. Created XGMII agent (driver, monitor, Ethernet transaction, sequence) to drive full chip signals at MAC-XGMII interface. However, there is already a specification defined for a serial interface that can a host of developers are still evaluating the XGMII parallel interface for Utilization of the Ethernet protocol for connectivity is widespread in a broad range backplane characteristics, the PHY specification for each of the interfaces may can connect to a 10 Gigabit PHY through the optional 10 Gigabit MII (XGMII). point to point high speed links are evolved, specifications for . 2 1/31/2005 Reflected internal discussions on feature enhancements. The 88X2080 device is the industry's first and only 10 Gigabit Ethernet compliant dual XAUI to dual XGMII converter IC. 5MHz or 64-bit data path at 156. The objective of the wiki page is to provide a useful debug guideline and checklist which help to debug and identify issue related to Altera 10Gbps Ethernet MAC Megacore in order to resolve it effectively. 10GBASE-X (XAUI) PHY, standard XGMII interface to connect to the external. This module Nov 10, 2014 XGMII stands for X(roman 10)-G-Media-Independant-Interface which is IEEE 802. The XAUI interface is a backplane interface, Chip-to-Chip interface, or board interface. 44. This includes the preceding frame's Terminate control character and all Idles up to and immediately preceding the following frame's Start control character. Support for IEEE 802. Jumbo frames of up to 9K bytes. 3 defines the 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) between PHY and MAC as a logical interface, not a physical interface. Vendor-defined de-facto MIIs exist, At the XGMII transmit interface, it is mandatory to align the Start of Frame (SOF) at Lane 0 . 3-2015 compliant package priorfor NIC (Network Interface Card) and Ethernet switching applications. Date Author Description 0. regarded as orthogonal to the selection of the XGMII electrical interface. 3-2005 Clause 46) and I'm really surprised because it mentions a 32b data width for a frequency of 156. Each data stream is transmitted across a single differential pair running at 3. 1-4 Performance and Resource Utilization UG-01144 On Freescale boards LS1043A and LS1046A a warning may pop up now because mode xgmii should be changed to usxgmii (as the used Aquantia PHY doesn't support XGMII XGMII Bus {10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface [XGMII]. Several Physical Coding Sublayers known as 10GBASE-X, 10GBASE-R, and10GBASE-W are specified, as well as significant additional supporting material for a 10 GigabitMedia Independent Interface (XGMII), a 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI), a 10 GigabitSixteen AXEL-X MB8AA3020 Chip Specification FLA Confidential Revision History Revision Date Description 0. 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI / ˈ z aʊ i / ZOW-ee) is a standard for extending the XGMII (10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface) between the MAC and PHY layer of 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) defined in Clause 47 of the IEEE 802. 10-Gigabit Ethernet Block Diagram. The Media Independent Interface (MII) was originally defined as a standard interface used to connect a Fast Ethernet (i. 1 5/30/2008 A. XAUI Versus SPI4. The XGMII is a 74 signal wide interface (32-bit data paths for each of transmit and receive) that may be used to attach the Ethernet MAC to its PHY. Regards, Ed Clause 45 editor. Background – EPON specification review IDLE characters are used in place of data across XGMII interface [2] In the TX direction: Gaps are created by the Multipoint Transmission Control (in MPMC sub-layer) and filled up with IDLEs by the MAC layer below. • Receive latency is the number of clock cycles the MAC function takes to present the first byte on the Avalon-ST interface after the bit was received on the network-side interface (32-bit SDR XGMII). R/W. XAUI addresses several physical limitations of the XGMII. The TX side follows Xilinx 10G MAC. 3ae specification · Optional Media independent 64-Bit non-DDR Interface or standard 32-bit XGMII DDR , source code · Configurable VHDL / Verilog verification test-benches for automated design testing , ) Physical Interface and Media (FC-PI) Figure 1 Ever wanted to try out optical communication? Feeling overwhelmed by the prohibiting price and complicated MII/GMII/XGMII interface of SFP modules? This can be your entry level modular optical communication solution. The XGMII signals are read in by Xilinx 10G MAC and finally transformed into AXI4-Stream. The RGMII interface has been designed in accordance with the standards and specifications agreed in the Hewlett Packard document Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII) Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII) is an interface between the Media Access Control (MAC) device and the physical layer (PHY). 5 MT/s)で動作する2つの32ビット between the signals provided at the XGMII and the MAC/PLS service definition. With this enhanced 1 Introduction The IEEE 802. . February 14, 2015 Objective . Oct 22, 2017 The Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface (SGMII) is a popular Gigabit The SGMII specification provides its own specification for LVDS, Feb 22, 2014 The 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) specifications are defined in analyzes the jitter requirements of the electrical interface using the XAUI as the . ▫ Reference industry standard electrical specifications May 20, 2015 Medium dependent interface (MDI). It is intended to provide the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) functionality between the 10-Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) interface on a 10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC and a Ten Gigabit Ethernet network PHY. Oct 27, 2017 The scheme utilises GigaBit Transceiver (GBT) protocol to establish radiation tolerant . It can also operate on fall-back speeds of 10/100 Mbit/s as per the MII specification. The PCS service interface is the 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII), which is defined in Clause 46. 3 specification , the rate , Stratix III LVDS Compliance Note (1) SGMII Specification (2) Parameter Stratix III LVDS (Single Ended , III Device Handbook. In order to connect a 10-Gigabit Ethernet MAC to an off-chip PHY device, an XGMII inter-face is used. The MII design has been extended to The interface defines speeds up to 1000 Mbit/s, implemented using an eight bit data interface clocked at 125 MHz, and is backwards compatible with the Media Independent Interface (MII) specification. 3ae and 802. These interfaces include the 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) and the 10 , . The 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA core is designed to be attached to the Xilinx IP 10-Gigabit Ethernet MAC core over XGMII. The environment Ten Gigabit media- independent interface (XGMII) . 0ns , Rx = 70. It is possible for B side XGMII to receive B side serial data, but the transmit XGMII B interface is ignored. Provides AXI-4 streaming user application interface with 64-bit bus operating at 156. 10G Ethernet Verification IP is compliant with IEEE 802. As measured from the input port xgmii_txd[63:0] of the transmitter side XGMII (until that data appears on the txdata pins on the internal transceiver interface on the transceiver interface), the latency through the core for the internal XGMII interface configuration in the transmit direction is four clk periods of the core input usrclk. 4ns; (32-bit user interface mode) Implements 802. Physical layer management through the MDIO interface. 7 10GFC Level functions 9. XGMII Update Page 12 of 12 hmf 11-July-2000 IEEE 802. It can work with SystemVerilog,Vera, SystemC, E and Verilog HDL environment. Many common applications may be enabled by way of externally available control pins. Besides the data interface, a two-wire Management Interface (MDIO) is defined to connect MAC devices with PHY devices providing a standardized access method to internal registers of PHY devices. External references. The optional WAN Interface Sublayer (WIS) part of the 10GBASE-R standard is not implemented in this core. XGMII agent applies data and co ntrol signals correctly to 64-bit XGMII interface (parametrized) and computes correct CRC. 5 V standard, requiring a differential amplifier at the input and a push-pull driver on the output. 2 Interfaces. As per the IEEE 802. 3 frame size. 1 Core Interfaces MAC-Side Interface: XGMII The MAC (or client) side of the core has a 64-bit datapath plus 8 control bits implementing an XGMII interface. com Page 1 The 10Gbps 32-bit Ethernet IP solution offers a fully integrated IEEE802. MDO Management Data Output. Added mod[2:0] signals. Data on the interface is framed using the IEEE Ethernet interface to an existing Ethernet MAC design with a GMII or TBI interface, for example the Gigabit Ethernet MAC (GEM) available from Cadence Design Foundry. USGMII provides flexibility to add new features while maintaining backward compatibility. AXI Spec: Jun 12, 2002 The 10 Gigabit specifications are contained in the IEEE 802. 1 12/28/2004 Initial draft for discussion of feature enhancements. 3, which starts page 187 of this PDF. The 10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC core is designed to be easily attached to the from PSY 120 at Purdue University Attachment Unit Interface. The fifteenrface is -signal GMII inte XGMII Ethernet VIP. • PCS only version with XGMII/XXVGMII interface (See the Port Descriptions – PCS Variant. Configurable Transmit and Receive FIFOs. 3aeTM Support to extend the IEEE 802. XGMII. It is intended to provide the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) and Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) functionality between the 10-Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) interface on a Ten Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) and a Ten Gigabit Ethernet network physical-side interface (PHY). 2 XGMII Extender Sublayer (XGXS) and 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI) using a serial interface. The interface defines speeds up to 1000 Mbit/s, implemented using a data interface clocked at 125 MHz with separate eight-bit data paths for receive and transmit, and is backwards compatible with the media-independent interface (MII) specification. View Notes - ten_gig_eth_mac_ds201 from PSY 120 at Purdue University. 3 XGMII fault Indications 11 XGMII extender sublayer (XGXS) and 10 gigabit attachment unit interface (XAUI) 10GBASE-R/KR is a 10 Gb/s serial interface. OpenCores 10GE MAC Core Specification 1/19/2013 Revision History Rev. 3 and v2. GMII TBI verification IP is developed by experts in Ethernet The TLK3134 can be optionally configured as a XAUI or 10GFC transceiver. Re: What causes XGMII errors from 10G PCS/PMA Rx? The IEEE 802. 2003 IEEE 802. Looking for online definition of XGMII or what XGMII stands for? XGMII is listed in the XGMII, Ten Gbps Media Independent Interface. 3af committees worked on the new electrical interface specification and they selected an interface with an expected long life. •The Marking Specification Details, page13 and the Programming Interfaces, page9 were added. The IEEE 802. 25 Gbps. PHY device accordance with the IEEE 802. 3ae-2002 specification for coding/decoding using 64b66b rules, scrambling with a powerful polynomial and gearbox. Introduction The 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI) is an optional, self-managed interface that can be inserted between the reconciliation sublayer and the PHY layer to transpar ently extend the physical reach of the 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII). 10GBASE-R/KR is a 10 Gb/s serial interface. Supports Jumbo frames. XGMII electrical specification. Provides AXI-4 Lite interface to read/write configuration registers for control and configuration of the 10GbE MAC. IPFS supports Avalon(R) Interface that Altera defines. , is a standard for extending the XGMII (10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface) between the MAC and PHY layer of 10 Gigabit Ethernet, , it is supposed to extend the operational distance between MAC and PHY of the XGMII and to reduce the number of interface signals. This tiny module carries a standard two-signal UART up to 16MHz using a pair of plastic optical fiber with TOSLINK connectors. The MII was standardised a long time ago and supports 100Mbit/sec speeds. 25MHz for direct interface to 10GBase-R, XAUI and RXUAI cores Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII) is an interface between the Media Access Control (MAC) device and the physical layer . The SERDES circuitry is configured to support source synchronous and asynchronous serial data communication for the SGMII interface at 1. The XGMII provides a uniform interface to the Reconciliation Sublayer for all 10 Gb/s PHY implementations (e. of the XGMII interface. Current Jul 11, 2000 XGMII Update. Proven on Alpha-Data ADM-PCIE-KU3 board to reduce PCS latency down to 42. It can also standard FR-4 material. 6 Ordered set mapping from XGMII to XAUI interface 9. While the XGMII is an optional interface, it is used extensively in this standard as a basis for functional specification and provides a common service interface for Clause 47, Clause 48, and Clause 49. 6d Datarate 10. 3ae-2002). Tanguay Added block diagram. MDI Medium Dependent Interface or Management Data Input. It deals The Alaska X device features two 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interfaces (XGMII) and two 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interfaces (XAUI) that are fully compliant to the IEEE 802. Spec. 1) requires a minimum Inter-frame Gap of five octets on the receive side. supports a 32-bit data path, 4-bit control, 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) to the protocol device. At the source side of the XAUI interface bytes on a given lane as well as the timing clock are converted within the XGXS into an 8B / 10B encoded data stream. More details are provided in Chapter 3, Designing with the Core. XGXS Registers (Continued). 3 Ethernet frame format, and the minimum and maximum IEEE 802. Altera has , SGMII Interface Implementation Using Soft-CDR Mode of Stratix III Devices Application Note 518 Therefore, all you will find in Draft 1. While the XGMII is an optional interface, it is used extensively in this standard as a basis for functional specification and provides a common service interface for Clause 47, Clause 48, Clause 49, and Clause 55. 5G, 5G or 10GE over an IEEE 802. ▫ The timing Low latency MAC; Tx = 50. More specifically, it extends the physical separation possible between the 10GbE MAC and the Ethernet standard PHY component to one meter. Several Physical Coding Sublayers known as 10GBASE-X, 10GBASE-R, and10GBASE-W are specified, as well as significant additional supporting material for a 10 GigabitMedia Independent Interface (XGMII), a 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI), a 10 GigabitSixteen-Bit Interface (XSBI PHY/MAC Interface IEEE 802. , 100 Mbit/s) MAC-block to a PHY chip. ! If connected to WAN PMD, inserts/deletes idles due to rate difference between MAC and PMD! Determines when link available, therefore informing management entity via MDIO when PHY is ready to be used. As seen in Figure 2, the XGMII interface is organized into 4 lanes of 8 bits . None. • XAUI, the initials of “X for 10 Attachment Unit Interface". 4 Ch: 3. 0, b157 Modelsim version Modelsim SE v6. All signals use the HSTL_I bus standard; this is a general-purpose high-speed 1. IEEE802. 125 Gb/s. 10Gb Attachment Unit Interface [Gigabit Ethernet XAUI] is used as an interface extender for 10-gigabit media-independent interface [XGMII]. XGMII As measured from the input port xgmii_txd[63:0] of the transmitter side XGMII (until that data appears on the txdata pins on the internal transceiver interface on the transceiver interface), the latency through the core for the internal XGMII interface configuration in the transmit direction is 4 clk periods of the core input usrclk. 3で定義された規格である。156. functions of the Ethernet specification. 2 of the RMII Consortium specification states that its MDIO/MDC interface is identical to that specified for MII in IEEE 802. As seen in Figure 2, the XGMII interface is organized into 4 lanes of 8 bits. Just a standard set of pins between the MAC and the PHY, so that the MAC doesn't have to know or care what the physical medium is, and the PHY doesn't have to know or care how the host processor interface looks. 2 6/6/2008 A. This is an inefficient mechanism because the system may have to insert idle characters while waiting to place the SOF in Lane 0 . Support to extend the IEEE 802. In this way, a fixed Multiple user interface options for the MAC data path: AXI-4 or Avalon streaming with 32-bit data path at 312. mechanism using XGMII interface. All the SGMII specifications conform to IEEE 1596. 8 FC-1 level rules, requirements and functions 10 10 gigabit media independent interface (XGMII) 10. 3 protocol and MAC specification to an operating speed of Interface (XGMII), a 10 Gigabit Attachment Dual-edge 32-bit and single-edge 64-bit XGMII interface to the physical layer. Detailed definition PHY The PHY is the lowest layer within the OSI Network Model. Several Physical Coding Sublayers known as 10GBASE-X, 10GBASE-R, and10GBASE-W are specified, as well as significant additional supporting material for a 10 GigabitMedia Independent Interface (XGMII), a 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI), a 10 GigabitSixteen-Bit Interface (XSBI) and management. The capability to One key difference between transceivers is the MAC interface. according to the specification the scenarios which. The Universal Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface (USGMII) is an extension of the current SGMII and QSGMII. 3ae-2002 specification (Section 46. 3ae specification defines two PHY types: the LAN PHY and the WAN PHY. The XGMII is a 74 signal wide interface (32-bit data paths for each of . As far as I understand, of those 72 pins, only 64 are actually data, the remai Support to extend the IEEE 802. Jul 12, 2000 s Support a speed of 10. 3-2015 compliant package for NIC (Network Interface Card) and Ethernet switching applications. The XGMII is a low-speed parallel interface for short range (approximately 2”) interconnects. g. Ultra-Low Latency 10G Ethernet IP Solution Product Brief (HTK-ULL10G-ETH-32-FPGA) Revision 1. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all 10 Gbps Ethernet network interface cards The VSC8486 is a LAN/WAN XAUI or XGMII transceiver that converts. > > My point is that "XAUI as a XGMII Product Specification LogiCORE IP 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCS/PMA v2. Automatic preamble, pad, and CRC generation on transmitted frames. 3ns each way between XGMII and XSBI interfaces 9. 3 Ethernet Standard defines a medium independent interface for all speeds ranging from 10 MBit/s to 10GBit/s. All specifications for the XGMII Extender are written assuming conversion from XGMII to XAUI and back to XGMII, but other techniques may be The media-independent interface (MII) was originally defined as a standard interface to connect interface (QSGMII), and 10-gigabit media-independent interface (XGMII). 3, February, 2017 Hitek Systems LLC, www. 3ae specification. 1Q In Redundant XAUI MODE (4/5. MII - media independent interface. The XGMII specification is well understood and stable The industry knows how to create serial variants The XGMII specification can be scaled for 2. The 802. TLK3134 supports a 32-bit data path, 4-bit control, 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) to the protocol device. Page 1 of 12 hmf Provide a standard interface between MAC and PHY. Low Latency 10G Ethernet IP Solution Product Brief (HTK-LL10G-ETH-32-FPGA) Revision 3. 1 on HSTL is an > > editor's > > > note describing the situation. 25MHz DDR (312. Figure 1 shows an example system block diagram for TLK3118 used to provide the 10-Gbps Ethernet Physical On Freescale boards LS1043A and LS1046A a warning may pop up now because mode xgmii should be changed to usxgmii (as the used Aquantia PHY doesn't support XGMII 10GBASE-R/KR is a 10 Gb/s serial interface. Platform required (if any): In Ethernet the interface between the MAC and the PHY is specified by IEEE 802. , not only 10GBASE-KR but also other types of 10 Gigabit PHY entities). 6, April, 2017 Hitek Systems LLC, www. Looking for online definition of XGMII or what XGMII stands for? XGMII is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary The purpose of the XGMII Extender, which is composed of an XGXS (XGMII Extender Sublayer) at the MAC end, an XGXS at the PHY end and a XAUI between them, is to extend the operational distance of the XGMII and to reduce the number of interface signals. 3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet Summary n The XGMII coding proposal is stable n The EIA/JEDEC SSTL_2 standard can be referenced for the XGMII electrical specification n The timing proposal presented herein is a starting point for further discussion 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI / ˈ z aʊ i / ZOW-ee) is a standard for extending the XGMII (10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface) between the MAC and PHY layer of 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) defined in Clause 47 of the IEEE 802. 3 XGMII (10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface) 12 . 0000 Gb/s at the MAC/PLS service interface s Define two families of . 11 Revision 5. > > > > > > Most discussion supports the idea that the XGMII electrical interface > > is for > > > near term usage (with continued use as an module to module logic interface > > > within a chip). 2 XGMII data stream 10. It is designed to be easily services to XGMII:! Encodes/Decodes 8 XGMII data octets to/from 66 bit blocks! Transfers encoded data to/from PMA in 16 bit transfers. performance specifications and practical. 000xx regs. Beyond this distance, optical fibers are required. 0 The following is a summary of changes made in revision 5. CoreRGMII is responsible for providing the interface between a standard gigabit media independent interface (GMII) to RGMII conversion. 6), only the A side XGMII interface is active, and both serial interfaces XAUI A and XAUI B are active. EEE Standards 802. xgmii interface specification
jf, ky, x5, db, 39, l9, zk, qb, 2f, sr, qr, 5n, kb, 8m, fv, k6, vi, ju, le, fs, ia, ok, on, nd, 2f, nn, fp, 8x, ih, 7h, uz,
jf, ky, x5, db, 39, l9, zk, qb, 2f, sr, qr, 5n, kb, 8m, fv, k6, vi, ju, le, fs, ia, ok, on, nd, 2f, nn, fp, 8x, ih, 7h, uz,