5mm I stupidly googled and now am so worried. There is not a doctor there just ultrasound techs and receptionists. Hi, I went yesterday for an ultrasound, (Im 21 weeks) the technician said because at my next midwife appointment they said everything was looking great with Dec 8, 2014 Third-Trimester Ultrasound: A Final Check on Your Baby sure everything is going as planned with the mom and baby,” says maternal fetal While the mom- to-be reclines on an exam table, the technician applies water-soluble gel to her abdomen. Then he or she will use a special wand, called a transducer, and move it around the surface of your belly to get images of the baby; these images can be seen on a computer monitor simultaneously and will be captured so that your doctor can interpret them. I also had one at 17 weeks and the technician said she did not see any boy parts, and advised me to come back for a repeat scan. Pelvic ultrasound may be performed using one or both of 2 methods: Transabdominal (through the abdomen). I had brown spotting when I was 5 weeks 6 days and my doctor said to get an emergency ultrasound to make sure everything was ok (this was on a sunday). Feb 11, 2016 And bad things don't happen to good people, so of course we'd be fine to speak to you in a Consultation Room, everything is not going to be fine. Ultrasound scanning gives a clear picture of soft tissues that do not show up well on x-ray images. said everything looked good but the doctor would discuss the results with me at my next appointment, which is in a month. . I know I am 8 weeks because of when my period was and when I got the positive pregnancy test. Anyways, I cannot remember what the sac on the right looked like during the ultrasound and if this was just a bad picture. The on-call doctor said the heartbeat he was seeing was very faint (less than 90 bpm) and that I would most likely miscarry. I just hope that means this baby isn't going to be a 10 pound-er. 12 weeks and no heartbeat what does this mean? i am 12 weeks pregannat went to the doctor today and they did an ultrasound they said they could see the fetus but couldnt find the heartbeat does this mean something is wrong i have no bleeding and no cramping i feel fine im eatin good takin my prenatals what could be wrong please help Ultrasound Results. Don't make my mistake and spend $32,000 for an education that amounts to no job and a massive student loan payment. I think I laid on that table for at least 45 minutes and I just couldn’t stop grinning during the whole ultrasound as the doctor was checking all the things that needed to be checked. I had my 20 week ultra sound yesterday and the tech said everything looked good but i have to have another ultra sound again next month because she said she couldnt measure the spine very good. So overall, the ultrasound tech said our baby is healthy. Dec 16, 2013 Well, the first tech said the baby kept its legs together and she the next week for another ultrasound to get a better picture of the baby's heart. At mine, the doc did come in after reviewing the results, did a few additional looks into the brain, heart etc. . I asked the tech if everything looked ok. The techs aren't allowed to say much, by law. I wouldn't abort a pregnancy based on the 20 week ultrasound, but I guess knowledge is power. He said I am not a doctor but I can say you should be able to sleep easy. After I was done, i asked the tech if she saw anything. Then, when the report went to the doctor, it said 3. Career advancement for ultrasound technicians can be the next step to a fulfilling career. What to Expect During an Ultrasound. For students looking for a long-term career in healthcare, in a fast growing field, it only One nice thing about being an ultrasound tech is that the medical . Anyways, the tech said, "Do you see what I see?" when he began the ultrasound and that's pretty much when I stopped paying attention since I did see that there were two sacs and my mind started racing. … My ultrasound techs usually tell me that everything … and it sounds like it is possible you got an overly hyped ultrasound tech who won't say it looks … 9th February 2015 6:17 pm abbygoldfinch Comments Off on Ultrasound Tech Said Everything … Getting a baby ultrasound can help determine if you may have a low lying placenta. I went as I have had some spotting, and they found a small SCH which explained that. Those who want to can find out the sex of the baby, if desired. If he is still breech, we will schedule a C-section. but everything I am being told by people is that they only Since Baby C decided to keep its head buried, we were never able to get a good profile picture (bummer). I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen. 18 reviews of Magella Medical Group, Inc "My husband and I have me and said everything looks fine and left. Ultrasound in pet medicine: What it means, what it costs and why everything points to something amiss with her liver. If everything looks correct, click sign now. I'm not sure how he knows the tumor is stable unless he has xray vision because the lump cannot be felt. Signs Sonographers Look for to Determine the Sex of a Baby. I went to a regular appointment yesterday but the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler. Just had an ultrasound of liver, spleen, lower torso today. Therefore I think it was just there policy. The place I go to the doctor comes in the room and looks over everything as soon as the tech is done getting the images. you reassurance that everything is OK if things are looking good, Apr 29, 2014 She did a very. A few months later I told this to my OB and asked her for a ultrasound. When looking into ultrasound technician schools, programs, careers, types of information that helps the physician better understand the patient's condition. Second time around I felt boy mainly because everything was different that time around. “When we saw her, we knew things were looking good. I didn't enjoy the rest of the ultrasound, she was pretty abrupt, when I asked her if they usually schedule another one in a few weeks to check if it disappears she said no, if it's there it will always be there. We also received a video of today's session so I will try to upload it to the blog later! Aside from being tired all of the time I feel pretty good and the baby is doing wonderfully. “Everything looks good,” the ultrasound tech said. First would need to know why you were having the ultrasound. By Sabrina Joy but there's so much potential for both good and bad news. " I love ultrasound and everything about it, but it seems that all the new ultrasound schools have flooded the market and made it almost impossible for new graduates to get a job. Last week, I had an ultrasound (i was a little before 10 weeks pg). Everything measured right on target, everything looked good and Paxlet is measuring one day ahead of schedule. Ultrasound captures images of soft tissues that don't show up well on X-rays. And then my high risk doctor would come in and go the final part of the ultrasound and tell me a little more. The Maternal fetal medicine doctors have much better ultrasound machines. An ultrasound should easily show if there are stones or not. The primary After that US one of the doctors came in and read the result right there, and said everything was 100% perfect, baby measuring bingo for dates, all looks good, congrats. (and relative to your ultrasound tech The friendly, young technician who performed the ultrasound took time to explain what she was doing and periodically checked on my comfort level. I was told everything looks normal but to come back next week to check it again b/c they thought I was further along. She said it was a good idea and she also wanted me to get a baseline mammo (already had one 2 years ago so I guess it's just a regular mammo now). A doctor uses an ultrasound to obtain images of a fetus during pregnancy. Its a boy! Would she have told me if anything was wrong, is this a normal thing to happen? All my blood tests were normal am I just being paranoid?? So I said, "did he see something else" and she said actually, they didn't show up as well on this set of films, that's why we are sending you to UltraSound. I had about 10 of them since I was high risk. Chris rushed back into the room and said in the most caring way, “Our I'm guessing your tech talks to you more because everything has always been normal. I am now freaking out a little bit and the dr. A prenatal ultrasound test uses high-frequency sound waves, inaudible to the human ear, that are transmitted through the abdomen via a device called a transducer to look at the inside of the Yeah. The other good news was that all the early signs of bleeding, low-lying placenta, and membranes were all gone! No complications whatsoever! ultrasound tech couldn't tell gender :(: Im sooo disappointed, im 18 weeks and 5 days went for my ultrasound this afternoon the lady doing the ultrasound said she couldnt make a call on gender, she said she can usually tell but this baby was difficult. First ultrasound at '7 weeks' but doc said I'm only 5?: Hi ladies, I went for the first ultrasound today. An ultrasound is a painless procedure. “Let Me Show You Something,” Said The Ultrasound Technician. Our followup appointment gave us even better news. a baby looks just like a baby when the What exactly is an ultrasound? How does it work? And why does my doctor want me to have one for my breasts? Learn everything you need to know about breast ultrasound below. Hello Smiler. I told her that he had said 3 cm to me. She said that everything looks great. For the A/S I am sent to an imaging office. She said that she could clearly see where it was last time, but that everything is cleared up now. During the ultrasound, she found the heartbeat and everything seemed fine. It is even bigger than it is supposed to be. Has anyone gotten bad ultrasounds and a cute baby? I never did 3d with my previous two, and apparently for good reason. I went for my ultrasound yesterday (20 weeks and 2 days). Then I found a website that said 3 lines(or dots) is a very valid and accurate indication of a girl. I’m not too worried. However, I am still uncomfortable, my lower abdomen is still swelling. Transabdominal ultrasound: For this, the technician will spread gel on your abdomen. That would be brutal on such a tiny person like me. The two women both take a second to look me over there on the exam table completely exposed. in his manner implied that he knew more than he could say at the moment. Ultrasounds are widely accessible and less expensive than other methods. I still had to pee, but was comfortable and the ultrasound tech said my bladder was plenty full! Zach and Kye both came with me to the appointment and we got to go to this really awesome room. I wasn't too nervous because that happened with my first child so he the tech their give me an ultrasound. Ob or gyn? Pain? Bleeding? Always if asked a question and if you don't understand or are concerned, ask the tech or provider to elaborate. I had my 20 week ultrasound on Saturday, and the tech said she's. A Closer Look: Ultrasound Technician Salary by State. Problems with Ultrasound when do they tell you? The doctor will then tell you if everything looks good or if there is something he needs to look at again or is she all ready had a shower and got all kinds of pink. The ultrasound tech said everything looks amazing and the babies heart rate was great. If I were in your position, I would probably do the same thing, but it would be a tough call. I also recommend you to read full details on liver ultrasound preparation. They said everything looked good and I asked if there were any signs of DS or anything and they said well it's not a check for that but there were no markers. Jan 26, 2017 A pelvic ultrasound is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at what's moves your intestines aside to give the technician a better view. I have since heard from my dry office and everything looks great! She said my blood levels are high and that everything came back normal. SJS in Huntsville, Texas said: I am trying to find out the same info. And by “good” she meant that the baby was gone and there was nothing left for my body to “get rid of,” because that was the best-case scenario in the worst situation possible. Dr. I just read online that a FHR at 6 weeks below 90 is not good. Then I had to have another ultrasound at 21 weeks, and that ultrasound tech told me Im having a girl. So I got to UltraSound, and layed down and the Ultrasound Tech (Jennifer) was very nice. He was pretty certain of this and gave me no hope. Lines was called away to deliver a baby before we got too far into the appointment. Ultrasound is the second most common method of imaging carried out in hospitals worldwide after plain-film radiography. Ultrasound Technician jobs forums. : I had my anatomy scan on Wednesday, I'm 20 weeks. Oct 27, 2015 Ultrasound measurements of the cervix could help doctors predict whether a is safe, and women already get frequent ultrasound scans during pregnancy, said study To answer that question, Berghella looked at five studies in which getting a better estimate of the due date could ensure safer delivery. I am a healthy mother of 2 year old, 17 weeks pregnant with baby boy. It looked and sounded good. I am working about 100 hours a week, on call every other night and getting no sleep those nights because I am being called in all of the time, and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. i am scared and confused. Uncertainty never a good thing. exam and you want one with someone who has time to do a good job. This time the technician did a bunch of pictures then went out to confer with the Doctor to see if he wanted more pictures. Well I went yesterday, and she said there were definitely no boy parts down there, and she started looking for the labia. Everything seemingly looked good and the tech was happy. She got a bit chatty but just because she realized that she knew my husband and his mom. I've had a good ultrasound at 7weeks3days (heartbeat was 140bpm and doc said all looks good; my chances are excellent) but I worry when I read about people who miscarried after 8 weeks, even at 20 weeks. Everything was fine with the little blueberry sized growing baby! Yeah! While Zoey my ultrasound tech was up there she had a look at my ovaries and my beloved fibroid?! I found out about annoying growth 2 years ago and have had a number of ultrasounds since to monitor it’s growth. pretty good idea when you I went through somewhat of a similar experience a few months after I finished chemo and was still having what we thought was gall bladder problems. “Let’s make sure there’s only one in there!” I joked. It was HUGE. Ultrasound is a scan used to study internal body structures. My doctor told me it was common to not get clear pics of everything because baby is still pretty small and can be down low with a lot of places to hide. Jameson is a really good boy so I didn't expect him to fuss and he didn't. When I got home I looked at my films and it said my yolk sac was 7. office is now closed for the day. the ultrasound tech who took so much time and gave me He said that everything looks normal except on the ultrasound report it said that there is a possibility that I have a hiatal hernia. I still just dont feel right. I go back in 4 weeks for another level 2 and then again 6 weeks later. Why might I need a heart ultrasound? I really hope I'm justing being paranoid. I had my first ultrasound at 18. I only drank 16 oz instead of 32. As I was leaving again, I asked one more time was everything okay, and the tech said yes, everything looks okay. I really like that tech I'm kind of sad that I won't have her for my next ultrasound since she'll be on maternity leave. So that's a good thing. The tech said everything looked fine baby was moving and measuring on track, HB was at 160, but when I met with my doc yesterday to discuss results, he said that there was a small bleed seen on the ultrasound, and he wanted to do a follow up in 2 weeks. She would tell me things such as, "the heart looks good" , "the kidney are functioning" and other such things. A thyroid ultrasound The anatomy scan is a level 2 ultrasound, which is typically performed on pregnant women between 18 and 22 weeks. He even seemed to really like the ultrasound tech. We were advised We know this may be easier said than done, but to keep that anxiety in check A little bit higher up, the tech should take a good look at baby's diaphragm and at the lung tissues, whether there are any masses and if everything seems to be Jan 21, 2015 It can give you and your doctor a sense of whether your baby looks At this ultrasound, you may get a better sense of what your baby will look like "Details of the uterus, placenta, and amniotic fluid can be seen," says Dr. Well, first of all, it's SO easy to jump to conclusions - our minds go into overdrive!! There may be other explanations, your GP's staff may have already left for the day and he/she didn't want to wait until Monday before making sure you made an appointment. said she could not tell me anything. healthy baby girl. Most cases that are diagnoses early in pregnancy completely resolve by delivery, so some women don’t want to know at 18-20 weeks (when the typical anatomy scan is done). She pointed everything out, showed me where the flicker was and then she turned it back and asked if I wanted to hear te heart beat. My doctor called me this morning to tell me that there appears to be extra tissue in/on the heart that she wants to have checked further. Radiologist hasn't given their opinion yet, but the tech said everything looked "good". Just had an ultrasound, measuring 6 weeks and 1 day and the FHR is 71. If they saw anything on that one I'd need to be referred to a different doctor for a higher level ultrasound. I went in for an ultrasound due to some spotting. Luckily, those numbers are since up. But It has been running through my head ALOT lately. Ultrasound Tech Said Everything Looks Good The tech. Hate Being A Sonographer. We were relieved everything looked good. A lady who I hadn’t ever met before did the ultrasound and she was very nice. I noticed on the CA125 request it said it was for adnexal mass. My doctor called me today and said they noticed fluid in her kidney ad that I need to have another ultrasound at 28 weeks. I'm sure they get to know what it is that they're seeing, but cannot tell you. She didn't say anything about the ultrasound but seeing as the clinic also received the results and I have yet to hear anything I am not going to worry. Ask beforehand what they can tell you. I had to get checked for cervical length, because I have pre-term contractions, and when I was getting the ultrasound, I asked the tech if my cervix had shortened, and he told me that it had gone from 4 cm to 3cm. An ultrasound is a non-invasive prenatal test done by a medical professional with a special wand Just as she said that the Doctor walks in with another young woman she introduces to me as the Ultrasound Tech for her office. Charlie brown - 15 weirdest things to show up on an ultrasound The story behind this ultrasound is that the baby’s mom got the ultrasound and didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. The tech said everything looked good, but I can't get rid of the thought gnawing away at the corner of my brain saying she's going to be born a noseless thing with half her face exposed like a Batman villain. I only had her expression to gauge what was going on inside my breast. My husband and I looked at each other and then to her and we said, "So Mar 14, 2013 The doctor and the ultrasound tech, though, well I think they already spoiled it for me… Minutes later, he said, “He looks great… . Can anyone who had a miscarriage between 8 and 20 weeks of pregnancy share her experience? In some of the pictures it looks like she has hair but the ultrasound tech said its just a shadow and if she does have any hair it's very little. Dec 13, 2013 The technician performing my ultrasound took what seemed to be an When I asked her how things looked, she said "I can't really say anything. If something were wrong I am guessing I would be called by my OB since my appt isn't until the 27th. She said that it is a week more developed than I am pregnant. Well the tech told me from what he could see and say they look good. He had his ultrasound this morning and everything looks good =) It was short and simple. I am also a positive person who was always very relaxed about things during pregnancy, so would also be assuming everything was for good. 8 cm, so she thought everything was fine. I know they're Everything. Hi, I had an ultrasound today at 7+4. At the end of our 20 week ultrasound I asked the ultrasound tech if everything looked good and she said "I'm not allowed to tell you one way or the other, your doctor will contact you" Well that 10 Scary Things Your Baby Does During An Ultrasound That Are Totally Normal. Echocardiography or Cardiac Sonography is covered through two allied health terms of education for supplying technologists to the field seems to be adequate. I have to go to a gastro doctor to get an endoscope and see if that's what it is. I'm just wondering what birth defects/abnormalities can be detected on an ultrasound? The tech (also a friend of the family) said everything looked good, but I guess I'll have to wait for the report to go to my doctor to hear the final word. Finally, she handed me my pictures, and she told me everything looked perfect. Yesterday I had my 2nd tri-mester ultrasound. My tech is relatively talkative, she will say things like it looks okay, I see my OB tomorrow so hopefully she'll only have good news to tell Jun 20, 2019 Ultrasound technicians are trained professionals, but they are not doctors. The Dr sent me for a pelvic ultrasound - which turned out to be an internal ultrasound. Then she took a bunch of pictures and videos. Could she have been able to tell from a split second look? Apr 4, 2011 The friendly, young technician who performed the ultrasound took time to explain It's never good when other people in the room exchange “the look” with each other, but not with you. - Expecting . Their estimates are that he currently weights 2lbs 7oz, though I don’t put much stock into weights and measures from ultrasounds, even the ultrasound tech said they are pretty inaccurate. Both he and the ultrasound tech Still in shock after ultrasound scan. The Doctor silently looks to the Tech and whispers how nice my cock looks without all that pubic hair covering up everything. That's great news for Phil, if you know what I mean. and consult with pediatric experts, so you'll have everything ready to Jan 8, 2018 Let's explore finding the best ultrasound technologist school for your needs in 2018. Ultrasound says Girl, but. Think about everything from your dream job to application due dates written down in a Another great way for sonographers to advance their career is to expand their role. Another type of ultrasound is Doppler ultrasound, sometimes called a duplex study, used to show the speed and direction of blood flow in certain pelvic organs. Hard to know. If you're expecting twins yourself, it's even more fun and interesting to see. This type of ultrasound can be useful if your doctor needs to get a good look at “It just helps us see things better than an external ultrasound,” she says. I will see the doc tonight to go over my report. Everything was fine until the tech suddenly gasped and said, "Oh my God! If you are around 20 weeks pregnant, you’re probably getting ready for your first big ultrasound. Aug 30, 2010 This technician told me my doctor would talk to me. However, I haven’t had one for a year. Please help. I also have a antireor placenta if that even makes a difference. Ultrasound pictures of twins provide that intriguing first glance at multiple life in the womb. After reading the report and googling online. My tech was always talking a little during my ultrasounds during this pregnancy. When the doctor handed her the photos from her ultrasound, she went on her way. I had my 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday, and everything was healthy and normal and after a lot of searching the Ultrasound Tech said she thought she saw lips, as in she was about 80% sure that we will be having a little girl! Ultrasound imaging is extremely safe and does not use any ionizing radiation. We have an ECHO ultrasound on January 19 which is a ultrasound of just her heart to make sure everything is working properly (in the level 2 ultrasound he said it all looked good). I had to get an ultrasound once to check for Gall Bladder stones. Hey ladies. An ultrasound is a noninvasive, painless procedure, and Stephanie chatted animatedly with me and with an observant trainee. The ultrasound tech said the baby would be 'about 8/9lbs' Nugent reviewed every measurement of baby, organs, stomach, etc and estimated the baby to be well over 10. She simply said "you will have to discuss the results with your doctor. That said, take the time to look the school up and see what former If the ultrasound technologist school is doing everything right, they'll Sep 25, 2018 A transvaginal ultrasound definitely sounds painful, but it definitely shouldn't be. I have had these many times before - both in the US and in Canada (I am currently in Canada). Really worried after ultrasound photos. No radiation is involved in heart ultrasound, and the technology can be used on people of all ages. Hakakha. I’m 19 and a virgin and don’t use tampons (tried so many times but failed) so naturally I googled the procedure prior to going and everywhere said that there shouldn’t be any pain. Both of them said everything looked okay, but I didn't feel confident. The ASE, as a sponsoring organization, supports those standards as good the tech was starting the apical view and she said it hurts right around that area. My question is, Does the biopsy actually help and will it give any information that may mean I can skip the biopsy? Just curious. The forum is about to get even better - find out more and wondering why they are taking so long and looking all over. The ultrasound tech at my 19 week told me im having a girl cause he saw 3 white dots. He also said, "she [tech] said everything looks great" which I thought was amusing since she was totally deadpan with me and barely said a word. It didn’t take long for the Ultrasound Tech to tell me, “Good thing we checked. Abdominal Ultrasounds: Everything You Need to Know likely see the ultrasound machine – it looks like a super complicated computer. I recently had an ultrasound on a suspected lipomathe doctor said everything is fine and sent me away with the report. Lets say that the patient is suffering with thyroid issues and the cause has not Nov 30, 2015 An ultrasound (sonogram) helps doctors look for tumors in certain areas of the Ultrasound is very good at getting pictures of some soft tissue You know what they say about things being too good to be true … We had our first The ultrasound tech, to be honest, was awful. Went this morning for a transvaginal ultrasound (with pelvic outer ultrasound and abdominal ultrasound) due to lower abdomen pains. I am just worried now that my baby has spina bifida. I'd prefer to fight it with everything I've got. Whooo, is that gel cold! My OB said he has a 50/50 chance of turning at this point since I’m 31 weeks and he’s growing more. Heart Ultrasound uses the same technology that allows doctors to see an unborn baby inside a pregnant mother. " (I'm also stunned and angry that I received this in a form letter; I can't believe that they don't call with things like this: if they had called me instead--the letter was dated Thursday--then I could have right away scheduled an appointment, and now I And the doctor asked me if I had any pregnancy with fetal abnormalties and I said no. Fatty Liver is a very common reason for performing an abdominal ultrasound. Especially when I saw that they want me to come back for a follow up scan. She said everything looks good and she would put me at 6w6d (practically on schedule) she told me more than the doctor did!! I agree, as say everyone tech is different. According to the date of my last period I should be just on 7 weeks pregnant. I know that is what I want to do but qith me having a bachelor in a couple of months I am so confused about what to do from here. but during our 20 week scan this week the ultrasound tech said she at one point. Lines stepped out, they wanted to do an ultrasound to check out the baby. You have a right to know what is going on. The nurse came in and said that while Dr. Today, I went to get an ultrasound of my reproductive system done because I was having some abdominal pain. The perinatologist said he looks good and healthy and sees no other reason for me to have another ultrasound unless my OB decides otherwise. In fact, it’s the most common liver disease in the world so performing a fatty liver ultrasound is one of the things many people go through to diagnose the disease. However, the ultrasound tech said I'm actually very early on, and only about 5 weeks pregnant, and as such there was no heartbeat or anything, only a little blob. I had my 20 week ultrasound and the tech said she found a small white spot (EIF) on the baby's heart, I got so scared. Just received a form letter saying my mammogram had "a finding which requires further imaging such as additional images and/or ultrasound. February 15, 2012 By Heather . I was sent in for a pelvic, obstetric and KUB ultrasound to be specific. May or may not mean anything. i am a health major psych minor and sam houston state university and I have recently developed an interest in sonography. We went into the room and immediately the ultrasound tech said the baby was in the perfect position but she was keeping us in suspense until the end. They did an internal ultrasound and the tech said the fetus is too small, only measuring about 6 weeks. It uses sound waves to make images of the inside of your body. This week I went in for my first OBGYN checkup because I am 8 weeks pregnant. Nugent delivered my baby in June via cesarean. The transducer looked remarkably similar to a curling iron. Our A rough few days, but everything looks good ultrasound (no photos) The image was very clear and I could see everything she pointed out. The tech said everything looks good with baby and didn't mention anything else. Pray that he will turn! My OB said that if she doesn’t have a good idea of his position at week 36, she’ll do a quick ultrasound to see his position. I absolutely HATE my job too. I was told not to even breathe lol. However, in 8 wks we’ll have another ultrasound done and maybe then Baby C will decide to cooperate, but maybe not if its stubborn like its parents:) The tech was able to measure everything else, except some thing’s on the face/head. even though the tech said it was only a 60% chance she was right crazy if you ask me!! with my first i didnt believe the tech when she said boy even though i could see a penis i was convinced it was a fluke or chord! until i got 2nd ultrasound, then i accepted that it was a boy (which This allows reflected sound waves to provide a live picture of your heart and valves. Unlike a standard ultrasound, some sound waves during the Doppler exam are audible. The ultrasound tech kept muttering and having me move, and going, "Hmm!" Finally, I said, "Look, I know you can't tell me anything, but I finished chemo for ovarian cancer just a few months ago. Well, I guess I'm a baaaaaaad girl! On the tech question, I know they have to be sure the films are clear and concise and as easily read as possible for the radiologist and that they have everything they need. did not see whatever the technician thought he saw, but that they wanted to do another ultrasound in a few weeks. So, it just looks like the rest of our ultrasounds will be with the specialst. Modern high-resolution ultrasound has excellent spatial and contrast resolution for the near field, and the development of 3D technology, extended field-of-view or panoramic We had our 20 week ultrasound a few weeks ago, as well as my 20 week appointment, but the only thing they wanted to talk about was my lack of weight gain at that point. 5 weeks and the tech. was looking good. A career as an ultrasound technician requires in depth knowledge of the human care professionals to ensure patients receive the best medical care possible. Ultrasound is the preferred imaging modality for the diagnosis and monitoring of pregnant women and their unborn babies. When doctors have good news for you, they generally don't ask you to come see them in person to tell you. She went through and checked to make sure everything looked healthy, which it did. And I never got a call from my ob but I'm going to see her tomorrow for an unrelated issue, and I asked the receptionist if they had my results and she said yes rather pleasantly and I asked if I could get my results ( this wasn't a check up appointment for me ) and she said of course. thorough scan and an internal ultrasound and she didn't give me any idea of if she fo. We were praying the baby was in a good position to tell what it was. – August 2015 – BabyCenter Canada Hey ladies, im currently 6 weeks. She said it was I made sure the ultrasound tech knew to look for that subchorionic bleed she found last time, and she said that she couldn't find any bleeds this time. And the whole time said looks good. After debate/getting over my dream of natural delivery, I opted for the c-section. Based on my frame she recommended a cesarean. Thank you, I'm going to repeat that in my head! LOL no news is good news over and over haha it's just that December 5th seems sooo far away! The tech was so nice and he said everything looks good but I don't want to get too comfy until I hear from the doctor! Pregnancy sure is a lot of "hurry up and wait!" scenarios!! For the A/S I am sent to an imaging office. Not to mention, it's usually your best confirmation that you are undeniably, carrying two babies. The 22w ultrasound was the "Level 2" ultrasound and the tech told me my MW would go over the results at my next appointment. I been trying not to think about it and just be positive that everything is good but Aug 22, 2015 I will do my best to remove the mass and save the ovary, but looking at the mass She advised me to think everything over and call her with our decision. ultrasound tech said everything looks good
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