Scalar wave medicine
This is the ultimate tool for addressing multiple facets of health enhancement at the cellular level. Because of this, scalar wave fields function in a self-referral and self-generating manner. Please contact me at any time, is you would like assistance or suggestions. 4. There is a wide confusion on what are scalar waves in serious and less serious literature on electrical engineering. Scalar Wave Laser Testimonials. Renfro cites the work of Tom Bearden with questions about how Meyl’s theories may be related. The Scalar/Quantum Wave Laser (QWL) is the ultimate blend of Cold Laser/Low Level Laser and Frequency Medicine, representing one of the most effective healing technologies. The annual manufacturer's support of the patented scalar wave devices consists of the organization of and invitation to a conference of scalar wave users. in the EM wave. -Ing. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. The brain then resonates at the same vibration as the earth’s energy field and is able to amplify these vibrations. The first phase of the study spanned 3 months; from the beginning of September until the end of November 2018. The longitudinal waves used to carry the information fields are gravitational in nature and are formed from the collapse of two equal and opposing electromagnetic waves that are canceled out upon the creation of the longitudinal scalar wave. Introducing the Scalar Wave Laser. The EESystem can help you achieve your maximum potential by recharging your energy. Gerald Smith, an integrative physician, talk about the revolutionary science behind scalar energy. This also has important implications for the body. A bewildering revolution is on the way. Perhaps the most powerful and the most interesting find in this regard is the scalar wave. About a year ago I was having problems with my lower back and legs, caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal. A Scalar Wave is a non-linear, non-Hertzian, (does not diminish with distance) standing wave capable of supporting significant effects including carrying information and inducing higher levels of cellular energy, which greatly enhances the performance and effectiveness of the body and immune system. Scalar Wave Effects ( Zbornik Radova Proceedings ) *reference: Meyl, K. Compared to conventional medicine, alternative therapies rarely produce negative side effects. For example, there are vital scalar waves (corresponding with the vital or “qi” body), emotional scalar waves, mental scalar waves, causal scalar waves, and so forth. An offset of this is the scalar wave, which is applied today in alternative medicine as a form of energy healing. Prof. Explore Dot Trimble's board "Scalar Wave Laser" on Pinterest. Scalar Wave Laser Technology & Unique Scalar Enhanced Violet Wave Technology (boy, that's a mouthful!). The Scalar Wave Laser comes with over 100 presets for healing cells, all organs, glands and systems of the body. Annual expert meeting concerning scalar wave medicine . It is a power that is transmitted, that of emitting at will these scalar waves, the primary agents of Scalar Wave Morphogenetic Field Mechanics and Ozone Therapy As a Revolutionary Model for Bioenergetic Regeneration Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph. The unique Pulsar Lasers come in red, infrared and violet wavelengths. Scalar waves are not electromagnetic waves. The Rejuvenative and Healing Powers of the SCALAR WAVE An Energy Enhancement System Seminar and Kahuna Healing Ceremony with Dr Sandra Rose Michael, DNM. The ScalarWave Laser is revolutionary in its ability to neutralize and clear cell memory. If you have been taking drugs or chemicals you will likely experience a detoxification effect (increase urination and/or body odor). Sedona residents, Ira Marxe and Sheila Jackman, Ph. We have been successful in modifying a small, powerful two-channel Class-T Digital Audio Power Amplifier that offers both the audio fidelity of Class-AB and the power efficiency of Class-D amplifiers. Gagnon also claims that this scalar wave technology can strengthen or weaken traditional co-valent chemical bonds, allowing him to increase the strength and durability of both organic and inorganic compounds. Scalar Energy is an excellent companion to conventional medicine and does not interfere with any form of medication. Particularly scalar wave. Next . Konstantin Meyl discusses scalar wave technologies with Tim Renfro at TeslaTech 2012. The QiFi is a scalar wave emitter that is perfect for the home, offices, clinics, waiting rooms, hospitals, conference halls, hotel rooms, airports, and many other spaces. Scalar Wave Laser. In contrast to the electromagnetic wave, a scalar wave transports energy in addition to the information. Dr. 157, H. Alternative Science Video Collection http://www. K. Sometime in 1889, famed Nikola Tesla became determined to enter a systematic investigation into the electrical nature of the human body from an electro-therapeutic point of view. From Maxwells field equations only the well-known (transverse) Hertzian waves can be derived, whereas the calculation of longitudinal scalar waves gives zero as a result. Book: Documentation (2) on Scalar Wave Medicine included. Based on quantum physics and scalar waves – discovered by physicist Nikola Tesla – this relatively unknown form of medicine is the future of healing. Scalar Waves in Biology & Medicine May, 2014 - Chateau de Montchat, Lyon, France. If you’d like more information about the SCALAR WAVE LASER, please call Kalon at (808) 870-0348. Beardon was an adherent to the theory that all energy as we know it is vacuum energy. Using the Scalar Wave technology and Quantum Soul Clearing Process, you can choose up to three of your most pressing problems. Come along for this Information Evening where the Master Distributor for Australia and USA, Mr Tony Mark-Seymour, Deborah Rugari N. The Scalar Wave Laser is a holistic therapeutic tool, which is made up of multiple healing technologies all in a compact, portable, hand-held device. A Scalar field is known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear field. When Spooky 2 Scalar is running, you can’t see much happening. Scalar waves embody static points of perpetual fission and fusion that radiate from the fabric of morphogenetic fields. In: Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift, Jg. Scalar waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency are exactly out of phase (opposite to each other) and the amplitudes subtract and cancel or destroy each other. They are just a recent urban-legend nothing more. Tesla already accomplished the same experiments one hundred years before with very high voltages and with steered spark gaps. Scalar Wave Free Seminar May 26th Sunday 2:00 pm Kukui Plaza Mall by Dr. This work attempts to detect the torsion field nature of scalar wave generated by the dual Tesla coil system, using the torsion balance consisting of a wooden frame. Konstantin Meyls. During the meeting, which I moderate, physicians share and discuss their experiences. What is Scalar Wave Laser and What is ATP (LIGHT energy) in the cells?The Scalar Wave Laser is a remarkable anti-aging, pain management, and healing laser that works at the cellular level to donate photonic energy, or ATP (Light energy) while promoting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Albert Einstein discovered the practical application of the scalar wave. " Let There Be Light! - Cindy R. Raising your Conscious Awareness allows you to see the fact, that when your Physical Body is full of energy and vitality, it vibrates at a higher frequency and in turn, your Life Force Energy – the energy that lives in and animates your physical body – can match the same level of frequency. Electromagnetism of the 60 Hz AC variety, for example, emanates a secondary longitudinal/scalar wave that is typically detrimental to living systems. Introducing the CyberScan Professional System † Intelligent Evolution Through the Use of Proprietary Scalar Wave Technology. All of our soft laser systems are portable handheld units designed to be used by lay persons or professionals alike. The Quantum Wave Laser (QWL) is the ultimate blend of Cold Laser/Low Level Laser and Frequency Medicine, representing the finest of complimentary healing technologies!It is loaded with pre-programmed frequencies that rejuvenate the body by working on a cellular level to donate photonic energy, while promoting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The integrated mp3 player contains pre-stored Rife frequencies. effectiveness and to the possible use in medicine. In about 1908 Tesla discovered that scalar energy, without energy loss, using an interferometer becomes bottled from the intersection of two scalar wave beams. This unique feature is made possible by our patent pending scalar wave technology. Only electromagnetic waves were studied in school and this is why not many people know about. Since I've been using it, I've packed away my Rife machine and put up for sale my red Scalar waves were documented by Nicola Tesla many years ago (later research demonstrated that scalar waves from Teslar watches increase the production of lymphocytes). With a database of over 135,000 electromagnetic signatures He received his Ph. Since more energy at the receiver arrived than the transmitter had delivered already at that time, Tesla called the transmitter ,,Magnifying transmitter". Not much The FDA registers manufacturers of energy-medicine devices — not the products. QuWave Scalar Wave Products for Improved Life and EMF Protection - Home Page - Harmonizer, Defender, Energizer QuWave Harmonizer provides protection from EMF fields, blocks & reduces stress with Energy Medicine Scalar Wave Schumann Generator. come and hear about the benefits to us of scalar wave technology and its application in the field of biological signalling FROM A WORLD EXPERT, WARREN HANCHEY Come and find out about the link between Tesla, frequency, application of longitudinal scale waves, biological imprinting, vibrational medicine and protection against harmful Radio This is about the dangers of WIFI based on Scalar wave research of Dr. and Dr Geoffrey Bryant will share with us a brand new, exciting presentation on Energy Wave and the scalar wave technology. Third dimensional laws of nature do not bind it. Konstantin Meyl, todays Tesla, is explaining his research in biology. Terry Shintani limited seating please register early 628-8784 or online at this site The Scalar/Quantum Wave Laser (QWL) is the ultimate blend of Cold Laser/Low Level Laser and Frequency Medicine, representing one of the most effective healing technologies! It is loaded with pre-programmed frequencies that rejuvenate the mind/body at a cellular level by donating photonic energy to reduce inflammation, enhance production of ATP Since the magnetic field vector is perpendicular to the electric vertical field, a resulting axial direction to the DNA strand is a logical consequence. At the end it could be of interest to compare Oschman’s concepts with other concepts in literature: Ochman’s scalar wave is a potential (like voltage) or a vector potential, while Meyl’s and Bearden’s scalar waves are waves of electric or magnetic field vectors. The Scalar Wave Laser is our main handheld cold laser model. The basic approach to a theory of extended . This may be a morbid fact, but it is also telling as to how, even in conventional medicine, life is truly is defined by energy. a scalar wave transmitter realizes directly, if the receiver is in resonance 5. It is shown that a longitudinal wave is a combination of a vector potential with a sacalar potential. ‘Scalar wave chambers emanate scalar wave energy… an energy clinically proven to enhance clarity, meditation, rejuvenation, anti-aging, general health and wellbeing’ The most advanced scalar energy system for immune support and bio-energetic regeneration. The “RESIDENZ-STRANDHOTEL” is the first hotel worldwide which offers Scalar Wave Therapy in the medical-wellness area. D. Scalar Wave Lasers are a powerful technology that literally erases damaged cell memories and revolutionizes the way your body heals. Scalar Wave Lasers are fantastic stand alone cold lasers with numerous healing functions that can be used with or without the Pulsar Probes. How one man’s invention is part of a growing worldwide scam that snares the desperately ill Scalar energy is non-linear, co-operative and coherent. A scalar wave field is known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear field. The Quantum Wave Laser is revolutionary in its ability to neutralize and clear cell memory. My Note: For an interesting take on scalar energy and healing, check out John Mallon's video. There is a full My experience with the laser continues to be a journey towards rejuvenation and regeneration that has me very excited! The Scalar Wave Laser is an empowering tool that allows the body to "unwind," delete stress, receive energy for repair and to reach the blissful state of "Still Point. This is exciting! Wellness Technology at the Leading Edge What is Scalar Wave Laser and What is ATP (LIGHT energy) in the cells? The Scalar Wave Laser is a remarkable anti-aging, pain management, and healing laser that works at the cellular level to donate photonic energy, or ATP (Light energy) while promoting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Our Scalar Wave Vortex Miracoil is the perfect delivery for our award-winning software. Give is a call today to speak with one of our Scalar Wave Laser Customer Care Specialists. Healing Energy. It generates powerful coherent healing laser energy from the two most researched and utilized healing laser spectrums, providing a total of 40 mW of Red Laser energy and 40 mW of Infrared Laser Selected Papers on Scalar Wave Diffraction (Spie Milestone Series, 51) by Kurt Edmund Oughstun | Feb 1, 1992. The fact alone that they can neutralize the harmful effects of EMFs makes Scalar Wave generators worthwhile in using, but they have also been shown to help with sleep, mental health, energy levels, pain relief, balancing the left/right hemisphere of the brain, and reducing the effects of past traumas. I work with a patients’ meridian system, lifestyle, diet, mental and emotional balance, to restore physical, mental and emotional health. We make 4 different types of products to improve your life. Our Sacred Scalar Generator represents another milestone in our incarnation. There are 3 options for scalar sessions: You as an individual; You and one other as a Couple; You and a group of 3, 5, 7; You can click here or on the banner below to get ; Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF)–results in evidence based medicine. Scientific and prof. These reports are the focus of the documentation no. It's all about energy. Supposedly, there One of the most exciting technologies currently emerging in the field of alternative medicine is grounded in these basic facts of life. hydrogen2oxygen. Hence, other healing modalities will not interfere with the scalar light pathogenic cleanse. Loeffler, OR) This paper was meant to give a layperson’s an easy, straight forward explanation of scalar waves and scalar fields. Scalar energy products are alternative medicine products. net/en German Blog http://www. ( self. And she had no energy to stand nor did she even have the strength to really stand. Scalar energy is able to promote alpha wave frequency in the brain. Tesla said it is possible to stimulate the nucleus into explosive or rapid general transmutation. [4] Figure 1. Thus, there is some hydrodynamics. Meeting June 28, 2006 Zagreb, Croatia, IEEE+Croatian Academy of Engineering, Zbornik Radova Proceedings, page 95 Scalar Waves Understanding the power of the Homeopathic Remedy Maker. 2 on scalar wave medicine, making no claim to completeness and intended to be interesting for everyone seeking new approaches towards a bloodless medicine free from side effects. Low Level Laser Therapy is the application of specific wavelengths of coherent laser light, however some unique lasers such as the Scalar Wave Laser also deliver specific hertz frequencies for added benefit and increased results. And so I offered prayers and energy healing. Lotus laser has built-in patented Scalar Wave technology, which is a revolutionary way of clearing old, outdated cellular memory. The light being's radiance struck him like thousands of tiny pinpricks. The CyberScan [‡] determines your present and past health condition based on the trends that are identified in the current state of the body's immune system. Scalar Wave Laser, the Ultimate Marriage of Cold Laser and Energy Medicine. In fact, he got such good results, one patient ordered a Scalar Laser for their home use. By virtue of scalar waves, mortal diseases and incurable diseases are no longer so. The potential vortex which Meyl derives propagates as a scalar wave through space; it is a longitudinal electric wave whose properties have already been established a century ago by Nicola Tesla. If it was a wave, it will lose power over distance. It must be realized, however that any vector could be added that may be integrated to zero over a closed surface and Poynting theorem still applies. no shields against scalar wave 6. Scalar wave fields exist out of relative time and space, thus they do not decay over time or distance from their source. scalar waves can have huge over unity effect by collecting neutrinos (free energy) 4. Brett’s patients come from out of town and even out of country. What sets the Scalar Wave Laser apart from all other Cold Laser Therapy Devices? The Scalar Wave Laser is the first fully digital cold laser or low level laser, which allows the user to be able to program in any frequency he or she desires. An apparatus is disclosed for generating scalar energy for domestic use, provided with an electronic circuit capable of generating an oscillating wave at a fixed frequency of 12 hertz, radiated by means of a transmitting antenna. Scalar Waves – IQubes. The Scalar Wave Laser uses the newest cold laser technology, free shipping and DVD training, a fantastic Quantum Referral opportunity, financing and all the help you need to help get you up and running. Scalar energy can regenerate and repair itself indefinitely. Square or sine wave generation Has a scalar wave Sweep Frequency Generator Create Wave Files of your scalar frequencies. One important discovery states that there are many different types of scalar waves, not just those of the electromagnetic variety. Not all scalar waves, or subtle energies, are beneficial to living systems. 3. Now that we have some background, we're ready to move on, but first, a quick review of what we now know. There is a lot to which could be said about Scalar Waves Technology and we would like to encourage you to do your own research on this amazing technology. It works by using a special chip in the watch that generates an 8Hz standing wave that helps reinforce your body’s own bio-electric field protecting it from damage caused by disruptive manmade frequencies such as the 60 Hz current in our buildings. The diathermy of today has near field effect is nothing else but the scalar wave part of the wave equation. Now with the Scalar Wave Laser your animal friends can benefit too. The Cyberscan system allows medical and alternative health practitioners to quickly and easily support the client’s health through using our proprietary scalar wave technology: MEDICINE HAT - During this transformational gathering there will be a focus on Expanding Love and Consciousness using Technology - This is a great way to come and connect with like minded people who want to make a difference in this world through LOVE. The model of magnetic scalar vortex wave not only covers many structures observed in the core perfectly, but also explains the Hyperboloid channels in the matrix when two cells communicate with each other. Scalar fields exist out of relative time and space, thus they do not decay over time or distance from their source. These are transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver, not as in the well-proven SWD in the opposite direction, which reduces the efficiency somewhat. It's as easy as using a cell phone; yet profound, like a Star Trek Tricorder. Bruce Copen USA | The Global Leader in Quantum Technology is a Cybernetic Biofeedback Device w Tesla based scalar wave technology to address the imbalances and disorders within the body by helping the body remember the balanced and stress free state. Thank you for your interest in the article Scalar Energy Breakthrough with Herpes Scalar Wave Literature Survey (N. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Then, four times a week, I will send healing energy to you that will unwind the stubborn patterns that are associated with those problems. Likewise, scientists through the ages have discovered how to use certain formations of energy for healing. Scalar electromagnetic healing devices will actually restore our living cells back to a previously healthy conditioning by time-reversing the cells themselves using longitudinal wave interference patterns in the vacuum of space. The manufacturers of scalar energy products state that they are made of volcanic materials or other minerals and make claims of a number of health benefits, including improved circulation, improved stamina and improved flexibility. [WIKI] Scalar waves: Debate on whether scalar waves exist, whether they attack TIs and whether jammers jam scalar waves. It features 16 5mw laser diodes (8 in 650 nm or red spectrum and 8 in the 780 nm or infra-red spectrum), as well as 20 unique violet LED’s with high powered narrow beam width to help soften the light. Jere specializes in advanced scalar wave morphogenetic field technologies and quantum sound therapy for patients with cancer and autism. After reading over 1500 pages on the subject, I became more confused than when I started, mainly because the more I read the more diverse and even contradicting explanations I got… The Quantum Referral Program is super easy and user friendly. The strange or awkward feeling comes during the initial period of the treatment. What is Scalar Wave Therapy? The ScalarWave Laser is the first truly quantum laser rejuvenation system. Dr Sandra Rose Michael, an internationally recognised innovator, has developed the Energy Enhancement System (EES) that utilises the unique energy field produced by scalar waves to regenerate the physical body. Energy Wave technology is a combination of the meridian system, a concept in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and scalar wave technology, longitudinal waves that are responsible for DNA and cell-to-cell communication. carol bosiger Energy Alignment My practice restores one’s cells to their perfect function through the re-balancing of internal energy. Meyl indicates that the torsion field is the nature of scalar wave. Throughout the 1890s and on into the early 1900s, Tesla Scalar Wave Driven Energy Applications. It enables the user to regenerate cells and to clear stress and tension patterns of cells in the body. net English Blog http://www. Scalar Energy and the Nervous System . Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) and a Lasers light wavelength is measured in nanometers (nm). Quantum Wave is a visionary company with a guiding message of light as the medicine of the future. Wave Equation By using the Laplace operator, the well-known wave equation, according to the rules of vector analysis, can be taken apart in two parts: in the vectorial part (rot rot E; Figure 1), which results from the Maxwell equations, and in a scalar part (grad div E; Figure 2), according to which the divergence of a field point-er is a scalar. Welcome to Lexington Center for Integrative Health - Kentucky’s first Energy Spa, and the place to come for support of natural health, energy enhancement and stress reduction. th 323 5 Avenue, Venice, CA 90291 USA Abstract The author proposes an advanced quantum médicine model based upon organic scalar-wave morphogenetic field mechanics, biocybernetic médicine, and ozone thérapie. have expanded their QHM Labs to include THE-HEALTH-WAVE, an Energy Enhancement System. Our nesting scalar vortex Miracoils, penetrate all the way into sub-atomic levels. Scalar wave is a form of electromagnetic wave that works outside standard physics theory. in Natural Medicine from the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii. Is anyone familiar with scalar-wave healing? Scalar waves are the same science Tesla used to create free-energy. Many of Dr. The art of healing. Below are parts of the study results pertaining to Spooky2 Scalar. We are fundamentally energy beings. As with most of these fads, the most common extended the Maxwell equation and found the lost scalar wave part. The Scalar Wave Laser incorporates 5 Healing Energy Technologies into an Ultra-Portable Healing device, enabling you to completely transmute and release painful, traumatic, and otherwise problematic cell-memories. According to Dr. The indications are widespread, whereas little is known about the effects. A Scalar Wave propagates through the dimensional time, but not through the dimensional space. iAwake’s biofield technology effectively cancels this detrimental wave and transmutes it into a beneficial wave. Scalar energy is a fundamental force in nature that is not impeded by any medicine, surgery, therapy, bandage, massage, pendant, psychological counseling or physical environment. Sandor A Markus started his mission in 1953 when he saw a luminous being in the Hungarian Great Planes (Puszda). Imagine what this can do for you! By beginning with Faradays law of induction as an axiom, Meyl derived relevant properties of the new concept of electric vortices. It is designed to help our cold laser clients share the gift of low level Laser light medicine with those in their community and networks. This healing power in the longitudinal waves of the time domain is a mind-boggling thing to face. Thank God for healing us. He detected that our whole body works with scalar waves, that the DNA transports information and energy with a magnetic scalar wave, that the nerves transport scalar waves, that the nodes Ranvier detected indicate a standing, longitudinal wave = scalar wave and that bio resonance medicine and homeopathy use scalar waves. Longitudinal wave experiment after Nikola Tesla of Professor Dr. In physics, a scalar is a simple physical quantity that is not changed by coordinate system rotations or translations. Affecting the L4&5 spinal vertebras, causing the nerves specifically the sciatic nerve, to be pinched, causing at times various levels pain and disability in my legs and lower back. scalar waves can transport wireless electricity 3. Based on quantum physics and scalar waves – discovered by physicist Nikola Tesla – this relatively unknown form of medicine is the future of healing. by Bahman Zohuri Energy Medicine Technologies: Ozone Healing, Microcrystals, Frequency Therapy, and the Future of Health. The motion of the vortex field in the direction of the magnetic field results in a longitudinal wave forming a so-called magnetic scalar wave (Fig. Anyone who purchases or owns a Scalar Wave Laser system can participate. Thus, it has no energy propagated in the EM wave form. The scalar wave theory proposed by Prof. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. The art of healing has long been at the center of my concerns. The ScalarWave Laser Is FDA CLEARED With FDA Over-The-Counter (OTC) Clearance, ScalarWave Lasers are made for personal use for pain relief, inflammation, circulation, arthritis, and relaxation of tissue. The Scalar Wave Laser is a "quantum cold laser rejuvenation technology" which "combines the most advanced low level laser technology with state of the art quantum scalar waves. Visualizza altre idee su Physical Science, Physics e Science. To his surprise and joy he got results never before achieved. Another device is the scalar generating watch used to block unhealthy manmade EMFs. The Scalar Wave Laser is the first cold laser to introduce violet laser technology at an affordable price. Into levels before the manifestation of anything concrete or physical and thus has the capacity to keep reverting back to an agenda-less pure energy configuration. K Meyl each electromagnetic wave can be curled into an electric photon vortex or a magnetic photon vortex potential forming a scalar wave. After 40 years of groundbreaking research and development, Quantum Sound Therapy has created a new Paradigm Science that synergizes Sound Therapy (Cloud Sound Therapy) and Scalar Energy Instruments (iQubes) to uplift your mind, mood and environment. net/de A Thank you for your interest in the article Water Therapy Heals Where Medicine Fails. In this paper we explain that this type of waves are longitudinal waves of potentials. These wave forms are often found at power spots and pristine environments deep in the forest, and at the great, silent depths within oceans. The Scalar Wave Laser is a remarkable anti-aging, pain management, and healing laser that works at the cellular level to donate photonic energy, or ATP (Light energy) while promoting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The present invention is about a functional shoe having a releasing member as a chip shape using a tesla coil manufactured to have a flexible printed circuit board form, provided is a functional shoe comprising: a tesla coil layer, of which the winding number printed on a flexible printed circuit board is the same and The QiFi Purifier represents a revolution in crystal tuning and scalar technology designed to create well-being through the fine-tuning of the quantumfield. Their mission is to help all mankind unwind from stress, tension and dis-ease and to provide a new reference for Quantum Wellness. In other words, once the charge is implanted, you can keep it there by regularly replenishing the charge. In both animals and humans, this type of laser therapy has been successfully used for pain management, inflammation relief and rebuilding the physical body from the inside out on a cellular level. The group includes specialists in medicine, microbiology, genetics and quantum physics. With an FDA Over The Counter (OTC) clearance, Quantum Wave Lasers have a product that is quite literally making waves in the Quantum Community! The Scalar Wave Laser is the first truly Quantum Laser System made possible by a unique and patent pending scalar wave technology. Scalar energy also helps to induce subtle energy unwinding, clearing contraction, and supports one to quickly ease into a meditative state, which supports healing and rejuvenation. How is the Quantum Wave Laser different from other lasers? The Quantum Wave Laser is the first truly quantum laser rejuvenation system. Disclaimer: Use of caffeine and other stimulants can delay effectiveness of the Holographic Disc. QuWave Harmonizer provides protection from EMF fields, blocks & reduces stress with Energy Medicine Scalar Wave Schumann Generator. For those of you who love working with coils, you can hook the audio output of your PC to an amp and run the scalar waves through coils, sweep through a range of QuWave Harmonizer provides protection from EMF fields, blocks & reduces stress with Energy Medicine Scalar Wave Schumann Generator. Health Alternative Medicine. Thank you. Because of the general inability of conventional medicine to cure the body of inherent ailments, Michael Mallon decided to devote the rest of his life to studying this most seminal of phenomena, scalar energy and how it affects all nature and cosmic events and how it can also heal the body. " The device is a small handheld unit with a wand end that shines light on the patient's skin. The actual content concerning scalar energy begins at about the 15 min mark. : Reproduction of the Scalar Wave Effects of Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, Intern. The quantum capabilities and extensive applications from pain relief and neurological applications to the balancing of organs, glands and chakras. Energy Medicine Technologies: Ozone Healing Esplora la bacheca "Scalar Energy and Scalar Waves (Energia Scalare e Onde Scalari" di Stefano Bagaglio, seguita da 348 persone su Pinterest. Find event and ticket information. In summation, I believe the new, scalar energy treatment has disassembled all of the different types of herpes virus thus opening the door for the cure for herpes infection. On May 2nd and 3rd, 2014, at the beautiful Chateau de Nontchat in Lyon, France, a handful of the world’s leading experts in true scalar wave technology met by invitation for a series of intellectual exchanges and discussions placing emphasis on applications for innovative and integrative medicine. scalar waves do not decay in the distance, you can send them through the earth to the other side Oschman’s "scalar waves" cannot propagate with superluminal velocity. Engineers didnt study scalar energy in school because it was not presented. A scalar wave has no time varying G B field (In some cases, it also has no G E field). What are Scalar Waves? Welcome. Eventbrite - Tony Mark-Seymour presents Scalar Wave - the Medicine of the Future - Thursday, 25 April 2019 at Junction Hotel, Camden Park, SA. The history of medicine is about to hit a right angle turn. These Imprinting Plates are especially useful in generating Scalar Waves and Scalar Wave research. Thus scalar fields function in a self-referral and self-generating manner. Physical results revealed in 1990 form the basis of the essential component of a potential vortex scalar wave. -3Wave equation By using the Laplace operator the well-known wave equation, according to the rules of vector analysis, can be taken apart in two parts: in the vectorial part (rot rot E), which results from the Maxwell equations and in a scalar part (grad div E), according to which the divergence of a field pointer is a scalar. Please help me introduce the cure for herpes to mankind. 1). It gently and effective scalar wave transmission by themselves. Considered as a natural divine solution, scalar energy is neither radioactive nor electromagnetic. 877-429-8622 Scalar Wave. g. 34–36. TargetedEnergyWeapons ) submitted 2 years ago * by microwavedindividual that the nerves transport scalar waves, och nerverna transporterar skalärvågor, that the nodes Ranvier detected indicate a standing, longitudinal wave = scalar wave and that bio resonance medicine and homeopathy use scalar waves. The best way I believe to understand the Scalar Waves Technology is to experience it for yourself. By beginning with Faradays law of induction as an axiom, Meyl derived relevant properties of the new concept of electric vortices. Scalar Wave Laser- Main Unit SWL. You can push the tuning light and you can see the tuning light coming on, indicating energy flow between Scalar waves are neutral waves of energy that exist in nature. Scalar waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages. The scalar healing sessions are done remotely using your photograph to connect with you. Einstein proposed the theory and proved mathematically that time and space are relative. Scalar Waves, when you search for them on the web, are defined as being: Faster than Light, Involve Zero-point Energy, Penetrate Everything and most importantly Can't be detected. We make 4 differen The present invention relates to a functional shoe releasing a scalar wave. It is also the medicine of tomorrow. Latest medical technologies combined with the knowledge of 3000 years of traditional Chinese medicine support the preservation and attainment of your health. as plasma wave, as photon- or neutrino radiation. Konstantin Meyl Introduction Scalar waves, which remain usually unconsidered or are neglected, are particularly interesting as consequence of their special characteristics for a information-technical and energy-technical use. Self-healing refers to the process of recovery, motivated by and directed by the patient, guided by intelligence gained from examining, experimenting, letting go, exploring one's life from childhood forward and eliminating the trauma and emotional damage done by conditions beyond our control at the time. But because it is a scalar field, the aether adds to the strength of the field. What are Scalar Waves? A Scalar Wave is a non-linear, non-Hertzian, standing wave capable of supporting significant effects including carrying information and inducing higher levels of cellular energy, which greatly enhances the performance and effectiveness of the body and immune system. See more ideas about Wave, Waves and Acupressure. Q1 = w + ai + bj + ck whereas w is the scalar, gravitational component. It took me months to get through it, and to suffer the fact that the cure for cancer and AIDS was right there, in this new scalar electromagnetics technology, and that it has been kept back from the people for so many decades now. Scalar Wave Lasers can be used with or without the Pulsar Probes, however the probes are excellent for treating acupuncture points quickly and effectively. The vortex potential is an essential component of the scalar waves, as was discovered in 1990. 1-2, S. Settings for all the chakras, meridians, and more alchemical explorations are included: • 16 diode cold laser with advanced Pulsar probe technology • Revolutionary Scalar Wave Technology • Wavestar digital processing technology The Scalar waveform is the most powerful healing tool I have ever seen in 18 years of holistic health care. You can use speakers or headphones with the software. This is unheard of with any other laser. ”Scalar Wave laser quackery” DEBUNKED! Regarding a Scalar Wave Laser Review On May 23, 2011 Mr. Meyl indicates that the torsion field is the nature of scalar wave. Abstract Therapy with electromagnetic fields has a very old tradition in medicine. This revolutionary cold laser has taken healing to another level. The Perpetual Fission-Fusion Scalar Wave The Scalar Interferometer Brain The human brain is a scalar energy generator that repetitively creates patterns of scalar waves via the activity of thought. I have used the Scalar Wave Machine for some 20 months and I am amazed at my overall health and energy improvement. When you put it all together it becomes clear - Scalar Waves don't exist. This work attempts to detect the torsion field nature of scalar wave generated by the Scalar Wave Laser, Like No Other. In fact, the right scalar frequencies have a whole range of profound beneficial effects on the human body. Scalar waves do not have polarity, and therefore do not travel in a linear fashion from past to present. Traditional Chinese medicine has become popular in North America and Europe during recent decades, largely due to the growing popularity of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) and the New Age preoccupation with other Eastern woo such as feng shui, Chinese astrology, Reiki and Zen Buddhism. Author : Meyl Konstantin Title : Documentation Volume 2 On scalar wave medicine About the practical use of scalar wave devices from the 1st TZ of scalar wave technology The Scalar Wave Laser combines the most advanced cold laser technology with state of the art quantum scalar wave technology. Brett asked to use one of my Quantum Wave Lasers [aka the Scalar Wave Laser] to treat a few patients. And so this is what we were looking at a big western medicine boost as Florazella was to be on a feeding tube and she needed to learn how to suck from the teat. This is a flaw of the field theory, since scalar waves exist for all particle waves, like e. Energy Enhancement System – A New Era of Well Being. The vortex model of the magnetic scalar wave not only covers many observed structures within the nucleus from perfect, but also introduces the hyperboloid channels in the matrix, if two cells communicate with each other. Note that Spooky2 Scalar inhibited the growth of cancer cells in all the tests: Scalar Wave Laser . 2. Apgaylard posted a blog post review about the Scalar Wave Laser, which is in dire need of correction due to his misinformation. The result is not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave. scalar wave medicine
o3, mm, j2, ii, ej, z5, 2j, gq, 5o, kv, pk, pt, 6j, kd, gr, m4, oc, f5, jg, lt, nx, zv, h9, zq, z1, yu, fu, fl, c7, 86, lr,
o3, mm, j2, ii, ej, z5, 2j, gq, 5o, kv, pk, pt, 6j, kd, gr, m4, oc, f5, jg, lt, nx, zv, h9, zq, z1, yu, fu, fl, c7, 86, lr,