Top electrical engineering project ideas to be implemented by electrical engineering students. Physics HELP! Physics Photo project ideas? Hi, everyone! I have to do a physics photo project for my physics class and i can't come up with an idea that is not too simple and not too complicated. Enter content about Science Project Room here. Phone: 301-209-3311. There are fingers that are on fire in the corner caused by holding the flammable hand Jun 6, 2019 Simple physics activities for kids features quick physics experiments You will love these neat physics project ideas we have to share with you. Hours: 8:30am-5: 00pm Explore Shannon Kennedy's board "Physics Photo Project", followed by 105 people on Pinterest. . Check out all of the spectacular designs or make your own! Easy Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract I have the topic "transportation" , and need to make a project and working model . WOW! You recently found out that science fair projects are going to be exhibited at the school fair and you must participate. by a machine, and I was like, somebody took a photo of a world that doesn't exist. The materials in the collection were created at Harvard University under the leadership of Rutherford, Gerald Holton, and Fletcher W. Your Physics Photo Album is an optional project, where you will demonstrate your knowledge of the physics behind everyday phenomena. Affordable and search from millions of royalty free images, photos and vectors. Basically, i have to take a picture that highlights a physics principle, law, or phenomenon. If you can get him excited about it, he'll invest more time and energy into creating an impressive project. Thermodynamics, Mechanics, Optics, Materials Science, Radiation Physics, Photography. Educational experiments resources for teachers and classrooms on ScienceProject. The following are links to videos that students in Physics 374 (Classical Mechanics, Professor Amy Kolan) submitted as their final project for fall semester 2014. Whether you’re looking for science fair project ideas for your child’s upcoming science fair or your little one simply loves conducting physical science experiments, Education. Find physics science fair project ideas about magnetism, electricity, energy and solar power, and more. Mar 19, 2017 Impossibly Posed Fashion Photography Defies the Laws of Physics "The project centers around the idea of impossible balance, that moment Jun 20, 2019 Here are some photographs from the Carleton College Physics and A Contemporary final project - double spherical acoustic resonator. This means you're free to copy, share and adapt any parts (or all) of the text in the article, as long as you give appropriate credit and provide a link/reference to this page. Science Fair Project information and support for students, teachers and schools. James Rutherford is curator of the Project Physics Collection. They can point you in the right direction for research, and give you other project ideas. He won the Nobel Prize for providing, by means of the photo-electric effect, that bears his name and which helped establish the ideas of quantum mechanics. There's a whole lot of interesting physics at the human scale, too. Project Ideas. Find new and innovative topics for software engineering projects. 20)Photo-electrochemical Cell 21) Seebeck Effect. Preface - The Project Physics Course is based on the ideas and research of a national curriculum development project that worked in three phases. The Photo Gallery features a collection of photos from our Flickr Group that illustrate concepts of physics. Electronics. Create and capture pigment clouds alongside Professor Green Chen from the Beijing Film Academy and the creative team from Columbia College Chicago Photography. History documents how ideas develop and change over time. Project Triton is this idea that you should precompute the wave physics, instead of It's a unique and entertaining idea for a book. The teacher will be able to approve the difficulty level and give you some tips. 643 695 Mathematics, Formula, Physics, School. Taking inspiration from natural science, Crossville's Physics Porcelain Stone® opens designers to a universe of porcelain in a look that captures the relationship recent activities and achievements of the final year Physics students in the School of Physical Semester 1. . All of the forces are balanced, and the affected objects are not moving. Our list of electronics project ideas is for helping students choose the best electronics projects topics to suit their needs. Physics class final. The winners of environment project competition. photography. Physics Projects : Physics Projects| Physics Project Report Topics, Physics Project Ideas, Physics Project experiments, Projects on Physics, Class IX, X, XI & XII Physics Project Reports, Physics Investigatory project reports, Physics Project Report Samples. 2. This photo shows blue flames caused by flammable hand sanitizer. If your kid is participating in the egg drop project for school, here are some awesome ideas to get them started. Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to content Open Menu Close Menu Search. 993 Free Brain, Mind, Psychology, Idea, Drawing. The text in this article is licensed under the Creative Commons-License Attribution 4. Physics HELP! Physics Photo project ideas? Hi, everyone! I have to do a physics photo project for my physics class and i can't come up with an idea that is not too simple and not too complicated. -" Many people are interested in utilizing this solar energy in real life also. Search. Matter exists as a state of energy, while waves of probability spread throughout the universe. the results of my experiment since that would spoil the fun, but I'll show you pictures of the basic set up I used. The other is the Newton The flow of the tides is driven by the rotation of the earth. I'm doing a project in physics that require to capture a wave phenomenon in photo. moved to DEMO SITES. Do It Yourself . The AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest is an international competition for high school students. Secretary of Education) Dr. Download Physics background stock photos. Sep 25, 2015 Photo: Duncan Carlsmith and Josh Cherek “I wanted a place for project- oriented learning, for off-the-wall ideas that are not part of the usual Sep 29, 2015 In this demo, a block on a stick climbs up the stick when the stick is hit with a hammer. Hosted by Patti Bartelstein, visual artist and founder of The Project Room gallery, this hands-on Lab will explore the art process from the concept of an idea to the realization of a final piece of work. but ultimately impractical invention earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in . For tips on how to turn these ideas into the best possible projects without wasting time, visit our winning projects section. Huge List of Physics Projects,2015 Science Fair Projects for Physics Models, Astronomy Project Ideas, Experiments, Exhibition Topics Free Download, cbse high school college expo topics, physical science projects for Kids and also for Middle school, Elementary School for class 5th Grade,6th,7th,8th,9th 10th,11th, 12th Grade and High School , MSC and College Students. 0) The start of the school year offers an ideal time to introduce students to project-based learning. 10th grade science fair projects for students and teachers. It allows children showcase their engineering skills by building the car and also enhances their knowledge by presenting an opportunity to apply laws of classical Physics. Our eagerness spurs a good deal of effort to relate the applicability of physics principles and laws to everyday occurrences. com has assembled a vast collection of science fair project ideas written by science teachers, professional scientists, and educational consultants on popular science fair topics ranging from physics and chemistry to biology and even sociology. Rod Paige is the first school superintendent ever to serve as Secretary of Education. These were selected for do-ability, scientific value, and for how interesting each could be. This investigatory project usually caries 3Marks, so try to keep it short and simple. Apr 16, 2018 Welcome to the Department of Physics, where we are Stimulating the Minds of Today to become the Innovators of Tomorrow”. Any ideas? I really have to do well on this Physics Unit Project: Force and Motion - Selfies (and more…) The Physics Unit project demonstrates your understanding of the effects of force on the movement of objects. 0 International (CC BY 4. Ideas for balls include marbles and ball bearings of different sizes. This friction is slowing the rotation down. The photo resistors are connected in a particular manner to receive the laser beam from a simple laser. Ideas for a physics project? I'm in college level calculus-based physics and am doing an end of the year project, I can do it on whatever i want to. Super Science Fair Projects is your complete guide for science fair projects kits, project ideas and experiments for kids K-college. Laser Maze Powered by Arduino: Laser maze circuit is a security application, designed by using Arduino. High School Physics Photo Contest Posters. In Unit 2 of the Physics Classroom Tutorial, we learned how Newton's laws help to explain the motion (and specifically, the changes in the state of motion) of objects that are either at rest or moving in 1-dimension. Most of these . Electro caving, rock-climbing and photography, which take me to. Instead of looking at a physics project as an extra chore to your class, think of it as a fun opportunity; with so many options there is no reason why it shouldn't be. com. Find and save ideas about Physics projects on Pinterest. Physics & Engineering Projects With these Physical Science & Engineering Projects, you’ll be able to discover laws of force and motion, build and construct models and machines, and more! Experience the force of magnetism, the thrust of pressurized gas, or the power of the sun in hands-on activities like building a balloon rocket car. On Activities > Engineering Project Ideas > Photo credit: 21innovate via flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2. Your project must meet the following requirements: Physics Project Topics and Models. Little Shop of Physics: Colorado State University’s science outreach program offers a few experiment ideas here. The photos are organized according to the topics in our Tutorial. These projects are mainly You can easily see that both the block and the stick move down during the hits (this plot shows two hits). Earthquake prediction Investigate and find out if anyone has a consistent successful way to predict earthquakes. The problem of direct colour photography has been facing us since the turn of the last century. Skip navigation WEBBING ART SCHOOL PROJECT SENI ANYAMAN TABLE DECORATION - Duration: 5:14. Project Physics. 1. Education. See more ideas about Photo projects, Physical Science and I have to do a physics photo project for my physics class and i can't come up with an idea that is not too simple and not too complicated. Physics is a broad subject which can cover a lot of physics essay topics; it also involves extensive research work so that one can justify the needs of the physics essay. Example QEP Ideas Critical Thinking through First-Year Seminars - Christopher-Newport University Gateways to Excellence in Math and Science (GEMS): A Quality Enhancement Plan for UT Dallas Making Critical Connections, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Enhancing Student Academic Engagement Here are some video project ideas, divided into ideas for any classroom and ideas for specific subject areas: physics and more in these videos! what about 20 Download 23,002 Physics Stock Photos for FREE or amazingly low rates! New users enjoy 60% OFF. We physics teachers are so eager to make our course come alive. on Amazon. Browse options via experiments using household items, on the computer, or with a shockwave plugin. By starting with engaging projects, you'll grab their interest while establishing a solid foundation of important skills, such as knowing how to Huge List of Working Model for Physics Project Experiments, Physics Projects, Science Fair Projects for Physics, Working Models, Astronomy Project Ideas,Physics Experiments, Exhibition Topics Free Download, Expo Ideas, CBSE Class 12 Projects, physical science projects X11 for Kids and also for Middle school, Elementary School for class 5th Grade,6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Grade and So, I love physics and math. Quantum. If this is not intuitive enough for you, try the following . A special thank of mine goes to my best friend who helped me in completing the project & he exchanged his interesting ideas, thoughts & made this project easy and accurate. Photography is the art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light or A hole in the cave wall will act as a pinhole camera and project a laterally . Lot of Material and help for these projects can be found here. Search for customizable Funny Physics posters & photo prints from Zazzle. Conceptual photography turns a concept or idea into a photograph. His vast experience as a practitioner—from the blackboard to the boardroom—paid off during the long hours of work needed to pass President Bush's No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCL Unbalanced Balanced and Unbalanced Energy The energy you get from accessing stored potential energy in an object. Project Report on Semiconductor Explore School Projects | High School Projects | School Project Ideas,Science Projects Fair Ideas Experiments, Kids Project Experiment Ideas, science experiment projects, simple, cool, fun and easy science fair experiments, topics for science experiments, and also for Middle school, Elementary School for class 5th Grade, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th 10th, 11th, 12th Grade and High School, MSC and The Physics Classroom Photo Gallery. Fermilab Seven "I've been taking pictures since I was about 8 years old," says Hahn. A teacher wanting some extra visual material to illustrate a concept of kinematic or Newton's laws or wave mechanics can quickly find it at The Photo Gallery. com’s physical science section is a fantastic free resource. The best project ideas match an interesting topic to the student’s grade level, whether it’s in elementary, middle or high school. A New Perspective with a Digital Pinhole . Interesting physics project ideas for students. Hours: 8:30am-5: 00pm 2019 American Association of Physics Teachers 1 Physics Ellipse 5th Floor AAPT College Park, MD 20740-3845. If not, why were they not successful. Educational Learning Toy . Can you swirl a circular toy called a hula hoop around your waist or arm? Is it hard? What knowledge can you apply to find ways that make hula-hooping easier? Physics! Yes, physics will help you determine what makes one hula hoop a winner and another a flop. Physics includes the study of material and energy as related to motions, heat, light, and force. One of the most philosophically disturbing ideas to come from quantum physics is the fact that the theory is non-local. Any ideas? I really have to do well on this May 26, 2016- Explore zachkreinbring's board "Physics Photo Project" on Pinterest. Usually, teachers ask the students to decide the topic for physics on their own which of course make them confuse. Quora users have provided here lot of topics, but i suggest you to come out with your own topic. Use tape to join sections of you track, and to attach it to walls and other objects. I will not lay any further stress on the background of experiments and ideas We wet the plate and project it on to the screen again. Mar 20, 2019 Nikunj Raghuvanshi: Yeah, so my passion is physics. Implementing and providing latest Electronics project ideas is a part of our work. It is mostly used in jewel store to prevent theft and to catch intruders. Physics, formally called natural philosophy, is the science of energy and matter and the interactions between the two. Existence itself may exist as only the vibrations on microscopic, trans-dimensional strings. Science project ideas in this page may be used for science fair competitions or for class projects. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. I was wondering if any of you had some interesting ideas. Solid State. One is the Project Gutenberg , where you can find a copy of Newton's book, "Optics". Three Experiments That Show Quantum Physics Is Real. You can choose to do an arched bridge or a regular rectangular one. Here are a few egg drop project ideas that really work, even from extreme Home » Science Fair Project Ideas for Energy Savers Electricity usage monitors make it easy to measure the electricity consumed by any device that runs on 120 volts. So, here we are providing a list of solar energy projects which may be helpful for engineering students in completing their B. Project Report on Semiconductor Science fair is an opportunity for students of all ages to ask big questions, conduct meaningful research, and make exciting discoveries. Check out the widest variety of innovative electrical project ideas. Search AAPT High School Physics Photo Contest. Photo by Alexis Powers Latest and innovative software engineering project ideas for engineering students. These ideas, once the sole province of fiction writers, face real tests in a new One goal was to describe the science I'm interested in today: the physics Video - The size of our universe visualized using pictures from the Hubble Space Darwin's Dangerous Idea - Video - Daniel Dennett explains why Darwin's The Periodic Table of Videos - Video - An ambitious chemistry project out of the The physics of invisibility cloaks · The science of . Physics & Engineering Projects / Newton's Laws of Motion & Projects Photo courtesy of AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Physics Today Collection. Can't find your project? If you have a new science project idea that is not listed here, we can assign you a dedicated project advisor to help you on gathering information and designing experiments. Physics. That is, the Physics Demos & Science Exhibit Designs NEODYMIUM magnet demonstration ideas, spheres, OTHER PHYSICS DEMO SITES. Explore the huge range of fun science pictures, images, photos, sketches and diagrams available for free use here at science kids. Come up with your own idea for predicting earthquakes, and test it. F. Electromagnetism Activity Kit . See more ideas about Photo projects, Physical Science and Physics. In this project, you will create your own hula hoops, spin them, and draw conclusions. Huge List of Easy Simple Physics Projects, Physics Projects,2015 Science Fair Projects for Physics Models, Astronomy Project Ideas, Experiments, Exhibition Topics Free Download, cbse high school college expo topics, physical science projects for Kids and also for Middle school, Elementary School for class 5th Grade,6th,7th,8th,9th 10th,11th, 12th Grade and High School , MSC and College Students. I need to make my project on something specific , on which i can make a working model . Do you have any idea that can help me out? thanks The teacher will be able to approve the difficulty level and give you some tips. Putting my knowledge into work that my peers can judge, and maybe spark interest in Physics for someone else. work by learning Newton's three laws of motion with this overview and project ideas. Most of these are very half-baked, so you would need to figure out how to develop a testable hypothesis and perform experiments. 107,534,362 stock photos online. Investigatory Physics Project Reports for CBSE Students. I have no idea what to do as it is such a vast topic . Modern extensions of physics has expanded to include nuclear physics, particle physics, plasma physics, and cryogenics. Sep 7, 2016 Reidar Hahn, "the physics photographer". Across the Universe College Physics Project Ideas, Physics Photo Project, Photoresistor Physics Astronomy Project Topics, Physics Science Fair Projects, Pyhsical Science, Astrology, Planets Solar Experiments for Kids and also Organics Physics Science ideas for CBSE, ICSE, GCSE, Middleschool, Elementary School for 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and High School Students for the year 2016. Aristotle Find physics stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. From catapults to rockets and ramps to light and sound, you Science Fair Project Ideas. Each project title links to a photo of the students and the experiment, data, conclusions, and project summary. This image has dimension 2048x1536 Pixel and File Size 413 KB, you can click the image above to see the large or full size photo. In Unit 1 of the Physics Classroom Tutorial, we learned a variety of means to describe the 1-dimensional motion of objects. S. Toothpick Bridge is a great Science project to test your Physics and engineering skills. You should encourage your students to organize their approach to MY CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION & Dr. Maddie and her owner travel all over the country to meet new and interesting people while shooting their photos. In this experiment you basically show how helicopters fly. Science Fair Project Ideas About Catapults By June Kane ; Updated September 15, 2017 Catapults were large, prominent pieces of medieval weaponry that allowed soldiers to hurl rocks and flaming missiles over the high, barricaded walls of castles and cities. Best Physics Project A Dying Star . List of Product available to help you in class 12 physics project. They try to come up with ideas, and experimenters to figure out ways to test their theories. See more ideas about How to learn physics, Easy physics projects and Physics experiments. Huge List of Physics Projects, Science Fair Projects for Physics 2019, Working Models 2018, Astronomy Project Ideas,Physics Experiments, Exhibition Topics Free Download, Expo Ideas, CBSE Class 12 Projects, physical science projects X11 for Kids and also for Middle school, Elementary School for class 5th Grade,6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Grade and For students keen on science, a physics project can make for a challenging, fun and rewarding experience. Build a time to dust alarm. Experiment with some possible uses for the large devices. There are hundreds of quality images covering popular subjects such as animals, chemistry, space, technology, biology, nature, experiments, weather, disasters, illusions and the human body. We are located Related Images: physics math school science geometry. Physics subjects ripe for investigation include magnetism, light, heat, sound and motion. Thousands of new Apr 4, 2019 Physics student and faculty member pose for a photo after they completed a collaborative research project about the world—the physical world, the world of literature and philosophy, or, more broadly, the world of ideas. 2019 American Association of Physics Teachers 1 Physics Ellipse 5th Floor AAPT College Park, MD 20740-3845. What I did was get two blowdryer fans, connected them in series using tape, and wired them so that they could be powered by an external power source. Physics Science Projects (76 results) If physics interests you our wide collection of physics projects is sure to have an experiment Science Fair Project Idea. There are a lot of interesting ideas in physics, especially in modern physics. Here are some of the most interesting of these ideas, in modern physics. I know I'm being a little vague but this is all i have to explain what i need. This article gives many high school physics science fair project ideas and topics that students can take up and familiarize themselves with, before they step into the world of graduation. Physics Project Ideas – Miniature Homemade Hovercraft You can make a small hovercraft using everyday materials. For many years this contest has provided teachers and students an opportunity to learn about the physics behind natural and contrived situations by creating visual and written illustrations of various Physics is the study of matter — what is it made of? How does it behave? What laws or equations describe it? From subatomic particles, to the Big Bang, modern physicists study matter at a tremendous range of scales. Science Fair Project Ideas – Basic Helicopter Physics This is also more advanced among the project ideas, since it touches on aerodynamics. Make a list of permutations and combinations of your faculty's favorite physics laws and Download Physics background stock photos. This is a selection of high school science fair projects and a brief description of each. As a result, engineering students are showing lot of interest in doing projects on solar energy. Here's how it works. I have my first Science fair coming up, and I've dreamed about this day since I was five. of the DIT School of Physics who undertook a physics project. For my grade 11 physics class I need to take a picture of something and then explain the physics behind it all. The Unit Project will count as much as the Unit Test – do your creative best. Degree Project. In order to Fifth-grade students can base their science projects on one of the key disciplines: biology, chemistry, physics or earth science. From Nobel Lectures, Physics 1901-1921, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1967. What project could I do that is Quantum Physics or really any non How to Make a Balloon Car A balloon car is an innovative science fair idea. When frankie forgot soda water with a spoon at his porch and that night freezing temperature made an Ice cream (named as the first ice cream popsicle). However, it’s not so easy to see that the block moves down compared to the motion of What would be a good idea for a physics project? I'm in grade 11 and I need help finding a topic to do research on or build something involving physics. Can physics be playful? Absolutely, and we will show you AMAZING physics experiments for kids that are easy to set up, budget-friendly, and of course playful! Hands on is the way to go with our young scientists, explorers, and engineers. Donate. Physics Cross-Curricular and Interdisciplinary Connections. These activities can be adapted to all grade and ability levels and are included in my 21 Time-Saving Strategies, Activities, and Ideas All Math Teachers Should Know. 0). Physics (Space Sciences combined with Physics) Make your own electrets (capacitors with permanent charge) using a mixture of waxes baked in an oven. Watson. USA Photo Contest. This is also a good idea. See more ideas about Photo projects, Physical science and Physics. Electrical Project Ideas. Rod Paige (7th U. School Project . You can buy an inexpensive toy helicopter and use it to illustrate the basic principles of flight of a helicopter. Physics Projects : Physics Projects| Physics Project Report Topics, Physics Project Ideas, Physics Project experiments, Projects on Physics, Class IX, X, XI & XII Physics Project Reports, Physics Investigatory project reports, Physics Project Report Samples . Physics egg drop project designs is one images from 17 decorative egg container project of Dessains photos gallery. Browse hundreds of science fair project ideas to find the ideal project according to grade level. You can also make a roller coaster from large diameter vinyl tubing. For my senior high school physics project I made one. Creative project decorating ideas for school. The way you design it is important because your bridge should have a proper balance while at the same time being sufficiently strong. Please give some ideas or websites where i can refer DONT TELL ME TO GOOGLE -. Top 10 Science fair Electronics projects for School students Gallery of Electronic Circuits and projects, providing lot of DIY circuit diagrams, Robotics & Microcontroller Projects, Electronic development tools Following are some weird, strange, cool, uncool, fun, funny, bizarre, unusual, or just slightly different ideas for science fair projects. Shep Doeleman is director of the Event Horizon Telescope Project investigate the variables to optimise a catapult/trebuchet (see photo below) - measure idea suggested by our colleague Michael Liebl, Physics teacher at Mount A project on soft springs and the slinky: Physics Education V45(2), p 180. Apr 12, 2019 But even as the image confirms current ideas about gravity, it also raises . Your original photos will be relevant to the course content from PHYS 095. I like working with energy, momentum, and kinematics. Working Model . You need small ones for the vinyl tubing. Introduction to the Project Report : Comparing the mass of the electron with the mass of ionised hydrogen atom (proton) we see that it is lighter by a factor of 1836. Solar Light Assisted nanoZnO Photo Catalytic Mineralization for the Explore The Physics of Car Looking for ideas on environmental projects? Here they are. USA Physics Bowl. The following list of math project ideas are perfect for keeping your students engaged during the final weeks of the school year (or at any other time as well). Enjoy :) The Corporate And School Partnership (CASP) programme seeks shared ownership Find hundreds of FREE science projects and activities for kids of all ages! Some of our most popular projects include building a simple motor with a magnet, dissecting an owl pellet, and making a solar oven. Sign In Join. be an interesting musicological research project to enquire whether he lived near a physics teacher. Do you have any idea that can help me out? thanks Hi, everyone! I have to do a physics photo project for my physics class and i can't come up with an idea that is not too simple and not too complicated. Physics Project Report : Investigatory Project title : “Photoelectric Effect” Project Report on Photoelectric Effect. Tech successfully. A small ball will roll in the hollow part without falling out. Python Project Ideas Computer Science And Engineering(CSE) Mini Projects Official Ranking 2019: Top 100 Engineering College of India 40 Important PLC Projects for Engineering Students 30 Important Name Reactions Organic Chemistry for IIT JEE Mechatronics Projects Ideas Servo Motor : types and working principle explained. Physics Project Kit – NOR & NAND Gate using diodes. Science Project Room. These microcontroller based project topics are to help students who run out of ideas for final implementation. I wish to thank my parents for their undivided support and interest who inspired me and encouraged me to go my own way, without whom I would be unable to complete my project. The yearbook is intended to give an idea of the work that research physicists do and . Start talking to your child early about narrowing down the types of science fair projects that interest him the most. This Arduino based project works depending on the photo resistors. Event Description: Teams of two or three people will design and build a Rube Goldberg-style machine that uses different types of energy to accomplish a single task, and document the operation of their machine with digital video. Help is available for your ScienceProject. ". physics photo project ideas