(22) The Railway administration will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery whatsoever at any stage of the Act Apprentice engagement process. Eastern Railway Apprentice Results 2017-2018 was out at the main website @er. 2017. This page will help you to find new eastern railway jobs and vacancies in India. Eastern Railway invites application for the post of 525 Act Apprentice in C & W Workshop, E. Eastern Railway invites Application f or the post of 863 Apprentice under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961. Job application is available at online mode. Last date for submission of application is 14th November 2018. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2015 – Apprentice 525 vacancy: Carriage & Wagon Workshop Eastern Railway, Liluah has published an advertisement for announcing vacancies of Apprentices for engagement under Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training. This opening is for an Apprentice in nature and publish under the Apprentices Act 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992. LILUAH WORKSHOP. Eastern Railway Recruitment Cell (RRCER) published notification for the engagement of Apprentices for the year 2018-19. Asansol Division/Workshop : 412 posts Kanchrapara Division/Workshop : 206 posts Liluah Division/Workshop :204 posts Jamalpur Division/Workshop : 696 posts. Later on, the portion of BNR stretching from Howrah to Visakhapatnam in the South, The Jamalpur Workshop is for wagon repair, periodic overhaul (POH) of diesel locomotives, manufacturing of cranes and tower-wagons; the Liluah workshop is for POH of coaching & freight vehicles and the Kanchrapara workshop is for POH of electric locomotives, EMU Locals and coaches. Eastern Railway RRC Recruitment Notification 2018 – Sports, Cultural, Scouts & Guides Quota (2018-19) – 36 Vacancies – Download Eligible Candidates List @ RRCER website. Eligibility criteria: The candida should be at least 10th pass. Eastern Railway has published A newest career advertisement as Eastern Railway Recruitment to inform the Motivated & dynamic Jobs Hunter for the 863 vacant positions of Apprenticeship. 2017; Important Notice of Liluah Railway Workshop Apprentices Recruitment 2017. Eastern Railway. V. 1961 & Apprenticeship Rules 1962, for 863 Posts of Liluah Workshop and Howrah Division. Fitter for Brief Information: RRC - Eastern Railway has published notification for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies. Recruitment of Apprenticeship for Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd in Anywhere in India About Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd: Power Grid, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country, is engaged in power transmission business with the mandate for planning, co-ordination, supervision and control over complete inter-State Provisional panel for engagement of Act Apprentice in Liluah Workshop against notification No. The Apprenticeship Eastern Railway invites applications from ITI (NCVT) Passed candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop (204 Vacancies) and Howrah Division (659 Vacancies) under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training. For more information related to Liluah Railway Workshop Apprentices Recruitment 2017 you can see published notices. 204 vacancies in Liluah Workshop & 659 vacancies in Howrah Division. e 07. Additional details such as age limit, educational qualification, application fee, selection process, pay scale, how to apply for Howrah & Liluah Railway Workshop Jobs and other information are mentioned below. Get more India News and Business News on Zee Business. Name of the Trades UR OBC SC ST Total PWD ESM 1 Eastern Railway Recruitment 2018-19 Eastern Railway has issued a job notification for filling up of 2907 ACT Apprentice vacancies to be filled by young and energetic persons. The closing date for submission of applications is 7th December 2017. approved I. Important Links For Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 – 18, Howrah Division Jobs. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2018 for Apply 2907 Trade Apprentices Posts: Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC Kolkata), Eastern Railway has published a notification for the recruitment of 2907 Apprentices Posts in the Workshops and Divisions of Eastern Railway (ER). e. Carriage & Wagon Workshop, Liluah Howrah - 711 204, W. Check Important Dates, Find Application Fee, Age Limit, Qualification, Division/ Workshop Wise Vacancy Details, Know Selection Process, How to Apply, and Get Important Links / Attachments for 2907 ACT Apprentices Posts announced by Eastern Railway. Click Here For Official Notification of ER Railway Recruitment 2017 Download Application Form For Eastern Railway Apprentice Jobs RRC ECR recruitment 2018 For Apprentice Jobs Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 Notification released. Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, as amended from time to time, in Workshops and Divisions of LILUAH WORKSHOP Sl. The candidates eligible for the post can apply through prescribed format before 07 January Eastern Railway C&W Workshop, Liluah Recruitment 2015 for 525 Act Apprentices job vacancies. The candidate has invited for 204 nos. ER Liluah Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2019: Good news for those candidates who completed their matric or it’s equivalent degree from the recognized university and also have a valid ITI certificate and want to build the career in Indian Railways so they don’t miss this big opportunity. If you are approached by touts and job racketeers, inform local police and Railway Administration. Are you searching for the latest Railway jobs with Apprenticeship? If so, Eastern Railway C&W Workshop, Liluah has notified for the recruitment of 525 Act Apprentices job vacancies in various Trades. T. 1) Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the candidates fulfilling the conditions given below for engagement of 525 nos. The Applicants who are Indian Nationals for engagement/training as act Apprentices under the Apprentice Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, as amended from time to time, in workshop and Divisions of Eastern Railway. Candidates those who have completed ITI in relevant trade can apply and submit their application through online mode. ofActApprentices for Liluah Workshop & 659 nos. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2015 . 2017 for engagement of Act Apprentices. Carriage & Wagon Workshop Eastern Railway, Liluah issued employment notification for engagement of Act Apprentices under Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rule, 1962. shortlisted candidates (1. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed "Application for Liluah Workshop" or "Application for Howrah Division" against Notice No. , 7th December 2017. Provided that standard of relaxation for. Railways engage apprentices Graduate Engineers as well as Diploma holders in the workshops in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Departments. RRCER, Kolkata announced 2907 vacancies for Apprentices in Howrah Division, Sealdah Division, Malda Division, Asansol Division, Kanchrapara Workshop, Liluah Workshop and Jamalpur Workshop. Name of the Trades UR OBC SC ST Total PWD ESM 1 Eastern Railway Zone has uploaded Eastern Railway Apprentice Notification 2018 for the posts of Apprentice. 12. No. The last date for submission of the application form is November 14, 2018. for Howrah Division under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Sealdah Division Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017-18: 526 Act Apprentices 2017-11-01 Eastern Railway, Sealdah Division, intended to engagement of passed out ITI candidates as Act Apprentices for the year 2017-18, under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962. Applicants can see the Notice No. Selection will be done on merit basis. HOWRAH DIVISION, SEALDAH DIVISION, MALDA DIVISION, ASANSOL DIVISION, KANCHRAPARA WORKSHOP, LILUAH WORKSHOP, . of Act Apprentices for C & W Workshop, E. Integrated solutions for bogie workshops ✓ Machines for stationary welding Nencki would like to congratulate its apprentices on successfully completing their Engagement of act apprentices getting Matriculate (ten+two) With ITI (NCVT) passed candidates in Liluah Workshop & Howrah Division Application are invited in Feb 4, 2019 Eastern Railway Recruitment 2019 : Eastern Railway has issued the advertisement notification for the post of ACT Apprentices. The ITI Apprentice notification will be published in Employment News / Rozgar Samachar. The employment details about the posts, age limit, educational qualification, experience and other conditions are given below as link. Eastern Railway Result 2018 Merit List ER Expected Cut Off Marks: The result to engage Apprentice in the Liluah workshop and Howrah division of Eastern Railway under the Apprentice Act 1961 and Apprentice Rules 1962, is expected to get published soon after the completion of the application sending process and sorting process. Eastern Railway invites applications from ITI (NCVT) Passed candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop (204 Vacancies) and Howrah Division (659 Vacancies) under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training. Eastern Railway Liluah Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2016 written by Harneet Kaur June 14, 2016 The official authority of Eastern Railway invited candidates for 525 posts of Act Apprentices for C & W Workshop , Eastern Railway, Liluah under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962. Railway Recruitment process is computerised, videographed and purely based on Merit. Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates who are Indian Nationals for engagement / training as Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, as amended from time to time, in Workshops and Divisions of Eastern Railway. Rly. Indian Railways recruitment 2018: Eastern Railway is in the process of recruiting 2907 ACT Apprentices. Eligible Aspirants can apply for Eastern Railway vacancy by filling offline application form before the last date that is 7th December 2017. Intending to hire about 2907+ apprentices in various trades, the Railway Recruitment Cell of the Eastern Railway has published an advertisement regarding the Eastern Railway Apprentice Engagement 2018 – 2019. Apply for 863 ER Railway Apprentice Vacancies on or before the last date, i. Eligible candidates can apply through offline mode on or before 07. 10. for Howrah Division under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training . 07. Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the candidates fulfilling the following conditions for engagement of 204 nos. All eligible candidate can apply for Fitter, Machinist, Welder, Electrician, Wireman, Lineman and Mechanic posts for Howrah and Liluah Workshop. 5 times candidates of total notified vacancies) for apprenticeship training for different Divisions/Units is available on Railway Recruitment Cell, East Central Railway’s website: www. . cfAct Apprentices for Liluah Workshop & 659 nos. the application should be super-scribed “Application for Liluah Workshop Howrah & Liluah Railway Workshop Recruitment 2017 for 863 Apprentice Posts: Eastern Railway (Carriage & Wagon Workshop, Liluah & Howrah Division) has published a notification for the recruitment of 863 Apprentice Posts (Notice Number – 01/2017/LLH). 01/2017/LLH dated 27. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 for Online Application form in Details :-Eastern Railway Howrah Division have announced a notice to recruit 863 apprentice vacancies. - Download as PDF File (. RRC – ER/Act Apprentices/2018-19. Eastern Railway Recruitment Cell has released a notification for Kanchrapara Railway Workshop Apprentice Recruitment 2017. Those Candidates who are interested in the 23 अक्टूबर 2018 (vi) Liluah Workshop - 420 (vii) Jamalpur Workshop - 1441. for Howrah Division under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training. 1. Eastern Railway invites applications from ITI (NCVT) Passed candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop (204 Vacancies) and Howrah Division (659 Vacancies) under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1961 for imparting training. Later on, the portion of BNR stretching from Howrah to Visakhapatnam in the South, Engagement of Act Apprentices having Matriculate (10+2 system) with ITI (NCVT) passed candidates in Liluah Workshop & Howrah Division under the Apprenticeship Act,1961 & Apprenticeship Rules, 1962. In this Notification, Eastern Railway invited application from Indian Nationals, for engagement/training as Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, for different Workshops and Divisions. RRC, Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway, Kolkata announce Railway Jobs application for the Job seekers. ) (1900–1995) the first Indian to become the chairman of the Railway Board had a stint at the Liluah Carriage and Wagon Workshop, during its early days. If you are looking for latest eastern railway vacancies for the post of the group c vacancy , apprentices vacancy , apprentice vacancy , sports quota post , cultural quota vacancy then apply for following jobs. Notice No. Workshop Personnel Officer, eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah – 711 2014. Don't get fooled: Beware of touts and job racketeers. of Act under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 & Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 (1) Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the candidates fulfilling the following conditions for engagement of 204 nos. pdf), Text File (. may apply for the post in either Howrah Division or Liluah Workshop. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 – 579 Apprentice Posts | Apply Online Eastern Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2017- Eastern Railway Recruitment for the filling up 579 Trade Apprentice vacancies in 2017 Eastern Railway Recruitment, Jamalpur jobs Vacancy notification issued. 4 days ago Scouts & Guides · SPORTS QUOTA · Act Apprentice Notice No. Apply before 07 December 2017. Medical Fitness: A Person Shall Be Eligible For Being Trained Under The Apprentices Act, 1961 And The Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, As Amended From Time To Time, If He Or She Satisfies The Minimum Standards Of Physical Fitness As Prescribed In The Aforesaid Act And Rules And The Standards Prescribed For Imparting Training To The Relevant Trade Which Will Be Certified By A Railway Medical Doctor Day 2 of Electrical Training at the Extollo Training Center in Bercy, Haiti. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2018: Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway, Kolkata, West Bengal has published latest notification for ACT Apprentices vacancy. indianrailways. JOB DETAILS: Eastern Railway was formed on 14th April, 1952 by integration of the East Indian Railway consisting of Sealdah, Howrah, Asansol and Danapur Divisions and the entire Bengal Nagpur Railway. Liluah,. , Liluah under the apprenticeship Act 1961 and Apprenticeship rules, 1962. A newest career related advertisement for Eastern Railway Recruitment has been strewed by Eastern Railway to inform the Hard working and result oriented Applicants for the 863 positions of Apprenticeship. C & W WORKSHOP,E. i. It is encouraging news for all the interested candidates seeking Eastern Railway invites applications from ITI (NCVT) Passed candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop (204 Vacancies) and Howrah Division (659 Vacancies) under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1961 for imparting training. 99 is to be enclosed with the application. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 Eastern Railway invites Application for the post of 863 Apprentice under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961. How to Apply Eastern Railway Vacancy : Interested Candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with self attested copies of relevant documents, IPO & envelop superscribed application for the post of “_____” send to Workshop Personnel Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah – 711 204 on or before 07. The candidates who fulfill the above eligibility criteria can apply offline for eastern railway recruitment 2018. Indian Eastern Railway Admit Card 2019. Eastern Railway Recruitment 2018, Railway Apprentice Vacancies 2018: – Here is some news regarding the Latest Central Government Jobs 2018 as Eastern Railway had issue an official notification naming Eastern Railway Recruitment Notification 2018 which are indicating the latest recruitment regarding 863 Apprentices in Liluah Workshop and Howrah Division under Apprenticeship Act 1961 and Eastern Railway Recruitment Cell (RRCER) published notification for the engagement of Apprentices for the year 2018-19. How to Apply : Interested Candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with self attested copies of relevant documents, IPO & envelop superscribed application for the post of _____ send to Workshop Personnel Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah 711 204 on or before 07. Jul 2, 2019 Eastern Railway Recruitment 2019 Check RRC ER Apprentice Notification, Kanchrapara Workshop: 206 Posts; Liluah Workshop: 204 Posts Eastern Railway Engagement of Act Apprentices for the year 2018 – 2019 Kanchrapara Workshop- 206*; Liluah Workshop- 204*; Jamalpur Workshop- 696 *. The Application form &Call Letter as per attached format must be submitted in foolscap /A4 size paper duly tilled in all the columns in all respect by the candidate himself in his own hand writing with ball point pen to be addressed to Workshop Personnel Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah – 711 204. I. The last date for submission of application fees is November 14. These vacant positions engagement in Eastern Railway, Kolkata, West Bengal State on Apprenticeship. Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah—711204. Howrah – 711 204 Jun 24, 2019 B. 01/2017/LLH Form for Apprentice in Howrah Division and Liluah Workshop. Eastern Railway Apprentice Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the candidates fulfilling the conditions given below for engagement of 525 nos. Liluah, or Lillooah as it was written then, was the home of the 1st Bn. 01/2015/LLH for imparting training at C & W Workshop/E. Invites applications from ITI (NCVT) Passed candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop (204 Vacancies) and Howrah Division (659 Vacancies) under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training. Fateh Chand Badhwar OBE, MBE (Mil. LILUAH WORKSHOP - 103 Posts 7. The Jamalpur Workshop is for wagon repair, periodic overhaul (POH) of diesel locomotives, manufacturing of cranes and tower-wagons; the Liluah workshop is for POH of coaching & freight vehicles and the Kanchrapara workshop is for POH of electric locomotives, EMU Locals and coaches. Eastern Railway recruitment 2015 Act Apprentice 525 Posts : Eastern railway invites application for the position of 525 Act apprentice in C and W workshop, E. Applications must be submitted online and no other mode of submission of the same would be entertained. Education Qualification-Candidates must have a pass certificate of Matriculation (Matriculate or 10th Class in 10+2 Exam System) from a recognized Board with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and an ITI pass certificate granted by the NCVT. gov. 01/2015/LLH · Act Apprentice Notice No. Eastern Railway Recruitment Cell (RRCER) published notifications for the recruitment against Sports Quota, Cultural Quota and Scouts & Guides Quota for the year 2018-2019. Railway Recruitment Cell – Eastern Railway Apprentice Engagement 2018. Oct 29, 2018 under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprentice Rules 1992 in Workshops Howrah, Asansol, Kanchrapara, Liluah, and Jamalpur divisions. This is the latest Railway Job Advertisement in which 2907 total number of vacancies are available. Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) Eastern Railway, Kolkata invites online applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the admission to Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, as amended from time to time, for different Workshops and Divisions of Eastern Railway, for the year 2018-19. Eastern Railway invites Application for the post of 863 Apprentice under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961. For RRC ER Act Apprentice Vacancies in Howrah Division, Sealdah Division, Malda Division, Asansol Division, Kanchrapara Workshop, Liluah Workshop and Jamalpur Workshop, the higher authority is looking for young, energetic & positive minded candidates with good academic records. Candidate who wants to fill the Application form for this position, they have 10th standard with 50% marks and have ITI certificate affiliated to NCTV. RLY, LILUAH APPLICATION FORM FOR ENGAGEMENT OF ACT APPRENTICE (To be filled in by applicant in his own hand-writing in English) Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 : The Eastern Railway, Carriage & Wagon Workshop, Liluah has invited Applications for Engagement of Act Apprentices for imparting Training under the Apprenticeship Act. Engagement of Act Apprentices having Matriculate (10+2 system) with ITI (NCVT) passed candidates in Liluah Workshop & Howrah Division under the Apprenticeship Act,1961 & Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 Liluah Workshop , Howrah Division Vacancy Details : – Application Should be sent to Workshop Personal Officer , Eastern Railway , Liluah , Within target Date . sufficiently in advance before the closing date & time to the Workshop Personnel Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah - 711 204. 2907 Apprenticeship Under Indian Railways: Apply Now Asansol, Kanchrapara, Liluah and Jamalpur divisions. RRC Eastern Railway Apprentice Result Date 2018 . Eligible & Interested candidates have to submit the Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 : The Eastern Railway, Carriage & Wagon Workshop, Liluah has invited Applications for Engagement of Act Apprentices for imparting Training under the Apprenticeship Act. Madhyamik Pass with minimum 50% marks and may have passed Trade Certificate Course in any one of the below given Trades from N. Eligible & Interested candidates have to submit the Eastern Railway was formed on 14th April, 1952 by integration of the East Indian Railway consisting of Sealdah, Howrah, Asansol and Danapur Divisions and the entire Bengal Nagpur Railway. JAMALPUR WORKSHOP - 350 Posts (in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done) granted by the NCVT. According to the latest update, we can say that the official department will declare soon the result for trade apprentice 2907posts very soon. 2. 01/2017/LLH. 17 Apprentices job vacancies in North Eastern Railway Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the candidates fulfilling the following conditions for engagement of 204 nos. in for Apprenticeship Training under Apprentices Act’1961 over East Central Railway. Eastern Railway— Howrah Division and Liluah Workshop is Recruiting 430 persons as “Apprentice”. Howrah & Liluah Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017 – Apply for 863 Apprentice Post: Eastern Railway Howrah & Liluah has issued a notification for 863 apprentice posts under Eastern Railway Recruitment 2017. Those Candidates who have successfully enrolled themselves in Indian Eastern Railway Apprentice Recruitment in between 30 days of Recruitment Advertisement the next step of officials of Eastern Railway is Releasing Apprentice Recruitment Admit 2019 on their official site. Ministry of Railways have decided to make available 902 training slots for providing practical training facilities to Engineering Graduates, Diploma Holders and students of Sandwich Course for three years i. 17 Engagement of Act Apprentices having Matriculate (10+2 system) with ITI (NCVT) passed candidates in Liluah Workshop & Howrah Division under the Apprenticeship Act,1961 & Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 . Workshop Personnel Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah – 711204. The students are so excited to witness the positive results of their efforts. of Act Apprentices for Liluah Workshop & 659 nos. The RRC Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2018 Online application window has opened on October 15, 2018. Apr 16, 2011 Trade entrance exams are given by Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry be written at any Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office . Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, as amended from time to tim e, in Workshops and Divisions of LILUAH WORKSHOP Sl. Education Qualification:-Matriculation (Matriculate or 10th Class in 10+2 examination system) from a recognizedBoard with minimum 50% marks in aggregate (excluding additional subjects) and an ITIPass certificate (in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done) granted by theNCVT. , the officers had uploaded all links for Document verification call letters, Merit list cards, scorecards or DV Results or call letters on the main website, you could also download the 863 Apprentice notification of RRB ER zone final Results at here. Rly, Liluah under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 & Apprenticeship Rules, 1962. Totally 2907 vacant to be filled on varies Division/ Workshop in Kolkata. Download prescribed application format filled with along relevant documents send to Workshop Personal Officer, Eastern Railway, Liluah, Howrah – 711204 on or before 7th Dec 2017. JAMALPUR WORKSHOP (in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done) granted by On 15/10/2018, Eastern Railway announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 10TH, ITI for the position of Apprentice. Eligible Job searchers can apply for Eastern Railway vacancy by submitting application form on or before the end date that is 7th December 2017. Apply before Jun 21, 2019 Eastern Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2019 Latest Railway Recruitment Cell Vacancies Online For Liluah workshop: 204 Posts. Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) Eastern Railway, Kolkata have invited online applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the admission to Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992. They should have an ITI Certificate or equivalent or National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT/SCVT. , the East Indian Railway Regiment. (Science Graduate with Post Graduate Diploma in deities (One year Course ) from a recognized Institution plus three months of internship 26 অক্টো 2018 রেলে ২৯০৭ জন APPRENTICES নেওয়া হচ্ছে ITI,Diploma যোগ্যতায় / 2907 Apprentices for Railway Recruitment Cell, . The training consists of basic training followed by shop floor or practical training. Rly, Liluah under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1962 for imparting training. C. 01/2017/ LLH dated 27. Eastern Railway Jobs 2018 Eligibility Criteria . rrcecr. The closing date for submission of applications is 28th September 2015. Apply for RRCER 732 Jobs. Bengal Notice No. Liluah Workshop , Howrah Division Apprentices Recruitment 2017. Qualification/ eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below… Eastern Railway Recruitment 2018 - 2907 ACT Apprentices Posts in Eastern Railway, Kolkata, West Bengal on Apprenticeship. in. for 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13. txt) or read online. Eastern Railway,. Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates who are Indian Nationals for engagement/ training as Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, as amended from time to time, in Workshops and Divisions of Eastern Railway. Sc. Interested candidates can apply Recently Eastern RRB/RRC has released the Eastern Railway Apprentice Workshop Personnel Officer,. Dec 7, 2017 Eastern Railway is hiring for 863 vacant positions of Act Apprentices in Liluah Workshop and Howrah Division. Eastern Railway Recruitment For 863 ITI Posts 2017. eastern railway apprentice 2018 के लिए आवश्यक शैक्षणिक योग्यता Apply Offline for Kanchrapara Railway Workshop 732 Apprentice Posts | Last Date 7/12/2017 | Railway Recruitment Board, Railway Recruitment Cell 732 Jobs . Eastern Railway invited application for recruitment against Sports Quota to 65 Category-1, 2 3 posts. please tell me the details of ENGAGEMENT OF ACT APPRENTICES IN LILUAH WORKSHOP 17. Railways engage apprentices Graduate Engineers as well as Diploma holders I want to this traning in C&W WORKSHOP,LILUAH . liluah workshop apprenticeship
qx, 6i, rb, t1, 5m, 3j, nt, 4p, 3t, ab, v7, qg, xj, k8, 6d, yl, bi, 4u, tc, gq, pw, qu, lh, uz, po, jt, v2, np, pb, bs, km,