9. It is sometimes called “META refresh” redirect. These function also allow to change delay time. You can run it onclick or while some page is loaded. 11. 6. setTimeout is a native JavaScript function (although it can be used with a library such as jQuery, as we’ll see later on), which calls a function or executes a code snippet after a specified Hi, I want to do a redirect count so that the user can see the count going down. , so I know a lot of things but not a lot about one thing. com: example, in the following example the browser will redirect to example. What are the Different Ways to Redirect Page in JavaScript? Using onLoad method: Use these scripts in body tag to redirect to another page after ‘5’ seconds. redirect("test. Examples to page redirection using jQuery are provided. NET Forums / General ASP. I want to wait for 10 seconds before doing a response. There are situations when you want to redirect the user to a certain page after certain amount of time interval in other words delayed redirection your asp. 4. How to Auto Refresh Current or Set Timer Page the page using Javascript, JavaScript Confirm box using to conform after Refresh Page. </ p > < p > If you see this message for more than 5 seconds, please click on the link above! </ p > Hi. This code can be called automatically upon an Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has shown the technique how to automatically hide an ASP. – funwhilelost Jun 17 '14 at 1:25 This is bad for the UX. So the JavaScript example above could be rewritten using this tag as: auto refresh a page in jquery, auto refresh html page every 10 seconds, automatic refresh page using jquery, jquery auto refresh page content, page refresh in jquery after some time, auto refresh web page php code, auto refresh a page in php, auto refresh after page loads, auto refresh page browser JavaScript Redirect: Redirect the Page After an Event or User Action Sometimes, you may want to send the user to another page after a certain event or action takes place, such as a button click, an option selection, a layout change, a form submission, a file upload, an image drag, a countdown timer expiration or things like that. I do not have the knowledge to do this. So how should I do it? But, there is a way in PHP where you can refresh or redirect to a page after a few seconds of time. If you want to redirect after 2 seconds or 10 seconds, then Apr 22, 2016 Redirect page after 5 seconds using JavaScript – Learn how to redirect page after some specified time using JavaScript. How To Redirect If JavaScript Is Disabled In A Browser . 10. location method after remaining time cross 0. htaccess, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and more. In previous articles I explained JavaScript redirect to another page after 5 seconds, JQuery display Current Time on WebPage, Disable right click on image and many articles relating to JQuery and JavaScript. . ASP. How do I do this? I want to load another HTML page after a specific amount of time [duplicate After they change their password successfully though, I want to show my custom "Password successfully changed" message on the change password page; I currently do this. Master Pages. How to automatically redirect the browser to another page. This page will then redirect back the first page after five seconds. This basically instructs the browse to wait 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds) and call the function redirect_to which will update the current location in the browser. Here are given different redirection methods and their purpose to redirect from one page to another page in JavaScript, you may use any one of them according to your circumstance. Note that headers like this can be completely ignored by the client. Probably an easy question here. yoursite. For example, if the user login is valid, then a greeting label will be visibled in the same page. Redirect to a page after a few seconds. For example, there may be important text on the redirect page you wish the visitor to get a chance to read, or a banner ad to see. So additionally to the JavaScript code you will want to display some kind of message (possibly with a link to the new URL in case the redirection doesn’t work). In this article, I'm going to show you,. "The solutions and answers provided on Experts Exchange have been extremely helpful to me over the last few years. JavaScript Page Refresh - Learn Javascript in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Javascript Syntax Objects Embedding with HTML Validations Cookies Regular Expressions Literals Variables Loops Conditions. "; on the page, and every time I try to save the Javascript, it disappears. net web application. I want to redirect a page automatically after 5 seconds to another page. substr(func. Let’s see snippet to get it better. Page history last edited by Robert Auger 8 years, 5 months ago The following examples uses JavaScript to redirect the browser to example. I want the redirect to be as transparent as possible. Pingback: Javascript – HTML Redirect | Eureka! The redirects to the provided URL in 5 seconds. ready()" is invoked when document is loaded at DOM, not at web browser. Net, JavaScript Meta refresh is a method of instructing a web browser to automatically refresh the current web page or frame after a given time interval, using an HTML meta element with the http-equiv parameter set to " refresh " and a content parameter giving the time interval in seconds. In previous articles I explained JavaScript redirect to another page after 5 seconds, JQuery display Current Time on WebPage, Disable right click on image and . How can I make the browser wait 5 seconds and then redirect to another page in either VBScript or JScript Javascript Version: such as 1. Laravel is a server side framework which has nothing to do with timer. The following code will redirect to our homepage after 5 seconds, but you Nov 5, 2010 <script type = "text/javascript" >. Btw,If you are learning jQuery then I also suggest you to keep a copy of Head First jQuery, I have and always look back on this book whenever I stuck. Redirect page after 5 seconds using JavaScript – Learn how to redirect page after some specified time using JavaScript. Download a file and redirect the browser with one click. the submit and the redirect to a couple of seconds so that the submit Dec 25, 2017 Redirecting a web page using JavaScript and JQuery is a client side redirection. Eg:when the user clicks the logout button he will be redirected to logout page and after 5 seconds I want to redirect him to loginpage again. Redirect to another page after delay 5 seconds (some seconds) using JavaScript and jQuery. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to redirect to another page (HTML page) after delay of some time (say 5 seconds or 10 seconds) using JavaScript and jQuery. htaccess file, and you can redirect all files in a directory to their equivalents in a "to go to" directory by leaving the filenames off. 14. LIVE DEMO [ countdown timer from 5 ] If you are not redirected click here I note that I cannot force this to reproduce; it happened, and now if I reload the tab or close and open a new tab and navigate back I don't get the 5 seconds countdown. How can I able to do this using c#. However , Javascript Redirects are not reliable as some browsers may We teach various technologies like React(JS), Angular, NodeJS… Here is a basic tutorial of how to do a basic redirect using NodeJS and ExpressJS. Rich Text Editor Case 2 : Redirect a page to an URL after waiting for X seconds in PHP. How To Redirect a Web Page After 5 Seconds (Just One Line of Code!) 2015 - Click Here For FREE, Instant Access To My 'Quick Online Cash' Step-by-Step Video E Here is my problem in detail: I use your script is used in my thank-you page and the auto-redirect URL points to an affiliate sales page by setup the corresponding URL in your script. In the above "PHY 386" example, in The HTML redirect allows to introduce a delay before the redirection is performed. May 3, 2019 A URL Redirect Action allows you to send your survey respondents to a website. //sharepoint 2010 redirect page 5 seconds. After I display my custom message on my change password page, I want to wait a few seconds and then redirect them to the home page. com after 5 seconds:. 8. An advanced online tool to create well supported URL redirect scripts. [View All Snippets] Display a message for "x" seconds only. At first, we’ll Hi. There isn't really a great reason to show a page for 5 seconds. The two key methods to use with JavaScript are: setTimeout(function, milliseconds) Executes a function, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds. NET / Getting Started / How to Redirect a page after x seconds How to Redirect a page after x seconds [Answered] RSS 5 replies In this JavaScript and jQuery tutorial, we will learn a new JQuery tip to redirect a page. Just grab the code you need and use it in good health I just want to ask a little help on how to redirect the user to the previous page after 5 seconds? Thank you! redirect to previous page after 5 seconds? I just want to ask a little help on how to redirect the user to the previous page after 5 seconds? Thank you! redirect to previous page after 5 seconds? In this tutorial, we will see how to redirect a page after 5 seconds using PHP, JavaScript and Meta tags. Let us take the same example in the above scenario but let’s say that this time you wish to show a message saying logged in successfully, then wait for 5 seconds and redirect to index page. The user should be Edit the page where you would like to include the redirect script; Add a Content Editor Web Part on the page; Edit the Content Editor Web Part properties, remove chrome, rename the web part to something more meaningful than 'Content Editor' (such as, Redirect), and make any other changes as applicable to your own situation I need help on how to redirect a page after a few seconds if certain condition is true. net using c#. (After I post this I'll exit Chrome entirely and retry and come back and report here) redirect user to home page after few seconds wait?? write the following javascript, which will redirect the page after 5 seconds. The content of the page WILL display before the refresh takes place. The longer answer may be to look at a meta tag for redirect as it also works with non-JavaScript enabled browsers. com after 5 seconds of clicking the button. JavaScript. setTimeout() which you want to execute after 5000 milliseconds, like this: $(document). You might only want it to kick in after <html> <head> <title>Redirect after time</title> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var seconds =5; var url="http://www. aspx, and I want to have a kind of variable that checks if user is logged or not, if it is, it disconnects him, and redirects him to the main page of the website after 5 secs. Redirect user to the destination using JavaScript window. function redirect() {. before proceeding. Redirect as link or button click or auto-redirect to another page with jQuery or Javascript. It will show a success message for 5 seconds, then redirect: If you would like to perform a jQuery or JavaScript action after a form is submitted, there are three How to return back to previous page in 5 seconds. Feb 14, 2010 after seconds. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;URL='<?php echo Jul 10, 2017 Redirect URL with PHP; Redirect URL with JavaScript; Redirect URL with HTML Here we are redirecting to example. I have a upload page, when user key in everything and press the button submit, the page will goto another I am trying to redirect the first page to another page with ads. The following HTML Markup consists of an HTML Button and an HTML DIV There may be times when you want a JavaScript timed redirect, but you don't want it to redirect as soon as the page loads. var count Jan 31, 2018 I have added JavaScript in my web page. In this post we will show you jQuery redirect on page load, hear for how to redirect page after some time in jQuery we will give you demo and example for implement. That would be something you would need to achieve using JavaScript or via redirect after 5 seconds to the same page but without the message passing How do I get a page to redirect to another after a set time period? I've seen JavaScript code that will redirect to a given URL after 5 seconds bu am unsure how to embed this into an ASP. jQuery Redirect Page After 5 Seconds Example Redirecting Page using jQuery will help you to redirect to a page and this can be done with help of just 1 line of code. Hi every one . Jun 26, 2017 This article is a Snippet about how to redirect from one page to another page in PHP after a few seconds. setInterval(function, milliseconds) Same as setTimeout(), but repeats the execution of the function continuously. There are two ways to redirect using PHP. . com website to a . Often I will use both methods together. Use JavaScript setInterval() method to redirect page after some specified time. w3docs. Here are some basic concept to redirect a page after some time. 5. The download link calls the JavaScript function of the previous step. In this short JavaScript video tutorial, we'll show how to redirect page Page Redirect using CEWP JavaScript in SharePoint November 05, 2010 Administration , Content Editor Web Part , Javascript , SharePoint , SharePoint 2007 , SharePoint 2010 , Tips and Tricks There are some situations, where we need to place re-directs in SharePoint pages. com/ after 5 seconds:. 3. net after 5 seconds. (The purpose of below script is to perform a local redirect using Javascript) Hi, I created a redirect page in my Sharepoint website. js. Due to the cross-browser solution, no-script support and SEO friendly code, this tool became popular among webmasters around the world. This is very useful, when you can not use server side redirection techniques. The JavaScript setInterval function will be used to redirect to another page after delay of some time using jQuery. Silverlight. Jun 28, 2018 return HttpResponseRedirect('/thanks/') #Redirect after POST 5. The JavaScript setInterval function will be used to redirect to another page after delay of some time using JavaScript and jQuery. Thanks all!!! how to make a page aut redirect after 5 seconds. But the JavaScript part is perfect (that’s what all you need). html(); func = func. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to redirect to another page (HTML page) after delay of some time (say 5 seconds or 10 seconds) using jQuery. The form is a sign up form and it can take several seconds for everything to load and the Sep 26, 2012 Explaination of the different types of HTTP redirects and redirection methods that more than 5 seconds) is treated as a 302 or 307 temporary redirect. Each redirect technique is briefly explained and includes ready-to-go, copy-&-paste examples. PHP. location and setTimeoout to redirect to particular page. Home » Javascript » Page Redirect after X seconds wait using JavaScript Page Redirect after X seconds wait using JavaScript Posted by: admin January 9, 2018 Leave a comment Hi. JavaScript Page Redirection - Learn Javascript in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Javascript Syntax Objects Embedding with HTML Validations Cookies Regular Expressions Literals Variables Loops Conditions. I also like to put some text on the page that tells people that they will be redirected in 5 seconds and to put a plain text link on the page that they can click if all other methods fail. Now I will explain how to redirect to another page after 5 seconds or some time delay in JavaScript. header('Refresh: 5;url=yourpage. 1 Target Browser: such as MSIE 4. April 8, 2014 at 5:44 AM; Anonymous said. We want the delayer() function to be used after 5 seconds or 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds), so we pass the setTimeout() two arguments. Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, Bootstrap, Java and XML. <META http- equiv=”refresh” content=”5;URL=http://sp2hari. Done =) Reference: Auto Redirect after 5 Seconds. gohhs. au (which is the main page). We all know by using header() function we can redirect a page in PHP, but we don’t know that the same header can be used to delay some amount of time before redirect. Redirect to http://example. The objective of this technique is to enable redirects on the client side without the value of the content attribute set to "0" (meaning zero seconds), followed by the Criterion 2. Net 4. Alternatively, you can use the false keyword to reload the page from the cache. How to make an HTML page redirect after 5 seconds sirlutz Aug 11, 2009 5:21 PM I am looking to make a simple HTML page redirect to another HTML page after 6 seconds. After pressing submit button and form sent, it will display a label under the submit form to say "you are registered successfully". BUT I need furthermore that the tracking ID suffix from current Page URL of the thank-you page needs to be added as a suffix in the auto-redirect URL dynamically too. Let’s see how this can be done! In this tutorial you will learn how to redirect user after some time delay in asp. 12. I want the code to be as small a Auto Refresh page every 5 seconds using JavaScript, javascript – How to reload page every 5 second?, javascript – How can I reload page at every 15 seconds, JavaScript Page Refresh, Refresh content automatically after some period time, Automatically Refresh HTML page or div after specific time interval, javascript auto refresh page with php javascript - Redirect 10 second Countdown timer wordpress (5) I have a page which redirects a user after 10 seconds with the following code. 1. Here 5 means redirecting In JavaScript, you refresh the page using document. but i need a way of showing the user a count down timer till next redirect. Than i have used window. You can add also a timer to the script that will allow the page to redirect and the visitors will not need to click a link or type in the new URL. Hi [smile] Hopefully the title is quite self explanatory. //refresh the page after 5 seconds. 'delayer()' - The function we want setTimeout() to execute after the specified delay. 2. i know i can just put one on the screen but i would like it to be linked into the redirect timer so its not off Hi there i want to redirect my users using Javascript. The above function will redirect the page 3 seconds after it fully loads. You can add the true keyword to force the reloaded page to come from the server (instead of cache). If you want to redirect after 2 seconds or 10 seconds, then simply replace the number 5. (shown here as 5) is in seconds. Google's engine is sophisticated enough to realize you're changing the URL. Net Label control after some seconds (say 5 seconds) using JavaScript. In this tutorial, learn how to redirect to another page using jQuery and Javascript. 13. If you don't want to wait until the end of the count, just click on the counter to redirect with no time. net webpage, Disable right click on image and many articles relating to JQuery and JavaScript. How to display label, wait 10 seconds and redirect to aspx page? Hi I have a registration page which takes user input data. <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; url=https://www. Read on How to use JavaScript to redirect a webpage after 5 seconds - To redirect a webpage after 5 seconds use the setInterval method to set the time interval Add the webpage in window location href object You can try to run the following code to learn how to redirect a webpage after 5 seconds ExampleLive De In previous articles I explained JQuery display Current Time on WebPage, JavaScript display current time on asp. com"; PsychicTide, Ive implemented the JS and its working!. Does someone know a place where I could find Issues and Exceptions. JavaScript Redirect to a page after few seconds on Button Click We can use pure JavaScript function window. You will be redirected in 5 seconds. Redirect to another page after delay 5 seconds using jQuery. Create an HTML page with no JavaScript that will redirect the user after a few seconds 14 Jul, 2016 in HowTos tagged delay / html / no javascript / redirect by Tux The following sample page will redirect the user to bytefreaks. The meta tag with the http-equiv parameter set to Refresh is used to redirect a web page in Let's consider an example set with 7 seconds redirect time set. setTimeout( "location. PHP has a sleep I have made a simple demo that prompts for X number of seconds and redirects to set url. NET page. Redirect using PHP. a search engine into believing the content is there then JavaScript won't help. 5 ways to redirect URL with Javascript January 21st, 2008 Ntt. URL in Seconds”. 1, 2. It has got some good examples, which you can always refer back. You don’t redirect after few seconds in Laravel, you do it in JavaScript. NET will run client-side JavaScript unmodified. Do not use this feature to spam the search engine, if such you may band from search engine. (redirect after a few seconds) But it is not waiting for 5 seconds. <div>Time left = <span id="timer"></span></div>. Well, HTTP . Normally people use redirection process after showing some message to their users, for example a message can be "Thank you for visiting our website" or after getting feedback from user you can display a message "Thank you for providing us your valuable feedback" and then redirect user to another page. When user will click the button, the function Delayer() will be get call and in this function I am calling Redirection() function after every 5 seconds. Add certain delay to your redirection and perform a smoother redirect after button click. After some seconds ( you determine the amount of time), the browser is redirected automatically to another page. Redirect Webpage After Delay Using JavaScript In this tutorial we will show you how to redirect webpage to innerHTML = "Redirect In "+count+" Seconds. com after 5 seconds. <html>. location. html" after 5 seconds. August 30, 2014, 3:52am #1. <?php. Jun 10, 2019 var count = 5; innerHTML = "This page will redirect in "+count+" seconds. Let us understand how we can redirect after 1 minutes on button click. The above mentioned code will redirect user to the google. LIVE DEMO ONLOAD. I want to load another page "form2. Is that possible using javascript. If your intention is to have a URL actually redirect to correct content then you'll want to use wp_redirect() as below. And after 5 or 10 seconds, the user will be redirected to a new page. A case where more than one Redirect command may be necessary is when a web page may be accessed via more than one URL. The issue is that we have to wait 5 seconds to the redirection and it's too long for the person's looking for Redirect after 5 seconds This post shows the demonstration on how to redirect to another page after some seconds in Asp. Jan 23, 2018 protection, what happens, it waits for 5 seconds, then redirects to the correc… Update: After some investigation, I have learnt the redirect is 1){ var func = $(' script[type="text/javascript"]'). html page redirect to new page countdown timer hi i use the following to rdirect my page to a new page after 10 secs. There are two types of code is use. You will be redirect to this blog after 5 seconds. Aug 20, 2013 jQuery Redirect to URL after specified time, jQuery Redirect to Another Page After 5 seconds or Some Time Delay, jQuery - Page Redirect after X The below jQuery code uses JavaScript setInterval which executes a function Feb 20, 2014 We all know by using header() function we can redirect a page in PHP, but we 5. Do you have any idea? Thanks In this blog we will learn how to redirect a page to another page after 5 seconds delay when a button is clicked using JavaScript. codemiles. I want to be able to do something like this: The most important part of getting the delay to work is being sure to use the JavaScript function setTimeout. com. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to automatically redirect to another page after some delay of say 5 or 10 seconds in ASP. net application. I wear a lot of hats - Developer, Database Administrator, Help Desk, etc. =P PHP You can also make it in PHP. location to do redirects in JavaScript from one url to a different url. Description: In previous articles I explained How to use window. Do you think it would be best SEO practice to just set up a auto redirect or do you think I should set up a landing page that opens up the site and a message appears saying 'you will be redirected after 5 seconds, click here if you are not redirected'? 2. JQuery Code to redirect a page or URL. Eg:when the user clicks the logout button he will be redirected to logout page and after 5 seconds I want to redirect h Hi. Use the button for redirection to another page. In this post, we will learn about jQuery redirect after 5 seconds with countdown with an example. I guess yes. the advanced tab of the Form block settings, just add a javascript redirect . aspx") to another aspx page. I'd like to reload a page after x seconds. href='https://www. This article looks into ways to simulate delay, sleep, pause, and wait in JavaScript/jQuery. In our example script, we’ll display a button and clicking on this button the message would be shown with a countdown (redirect timer) and the page would be redirected after 5 seconds. Than I searched the issue in google than come to know that "document. The previous code had redirect() which would have run the redirect function as soon as the timeout was set, instead of simply assigning redirect to the timeout. You actually need to pass a function inside the window. I want to redirect a . 4, and 3. The script i want to redirect to another page after 5 seconds. 5 due to using meta refresh to reload the page. cc How to do a Redirect to an HTTP POST Request with Javascript?I summarized 5 ways to redirect URL. And then, it will stay for 10 seconds and redirect to another aspx page. <body>. Oct 14, 2012 Here I will explain how to redirect to another page after 5 seconds or some time delay in JavaScript. The JS/Redirector Trojan aims to redirect you to web pages with random domain names and . I notice when I go into the text editor, after changing it, the HTML looks the The FormStack/SalesForce session seems to close after a form is open for two We use the following javascript to make the form page timeout and redirect after I just set the timer at 5 seconds to test it, but it will only start once your form has Maximize HTML Editor; Minimize HTML Editor; Fold All; Unfold All. ready() called. Here’s the code to do it : Meta refresh is a method of instructing a web browser to automatically refresh the current web page or frame after a given time interval, using an HTML meta element with the http-equiv parameter set to "refresh" and a content parameter giving the time interval in seconds. I don't know how to do this because I don't have much knowledg Want to redirect a URL from one location to another? This simple guide shows you how to do it with Apache/. LIVE DEMO ONLOAD I have made simple demo that propts for X num of seconds and redirect to set url. Simple counter that will count down while pulsing time in the midle of the page. 7. 5. ready(function { // Handler for . 2. after dis hw can i redirect this page to another site?please someone finish my Oct 4, 2014 <script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout('ourRedirect()', 5000) function redirect to http://www. load() function of jQuery but still i am not getting what i want. Set to 0 for an immediate redirect . com/ in 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds). delayRedirect() function would be called on button click. Thank you! code below. and it works. Which method will be suitable Inside the content property, we declare that we want to redirect to the URL above after 5 seconds. Today, We want to share with you Page Redirect after X seconds wait using jQuery. com" /> Learn more about how to redirect web pages with JavaScript, PHP, Apache and Node. Well, I would like to know, first, imagine that someone accesses from the address the page Logoff. May 15, 2015 Redirect to another page after delay 5 seconds using JavaScript. for example, I want them to be able to see the following. Cross-browser client side URL redirection generator tool. Simple caunter that will count down while pulsing time in the midle of the page. Note: The delay option is not compatible with JavaScript embeds. php'); ?> Print Alphabets A to Z & a to z using pure JavaScript! After a visitior has sent a message through a form how can I redirect them to a . reload(). Browsers will display the page during the specified time and then move forward to the page pointed to by the redirection. If you dont want to wait until the end of count just click on the counter to redirect with no time. and that was a failure. 01 You may have seen this feature used by sites with full page ads, or to redirect visitors to the site's new domain name. Please hep. html or javascript redirects . The following script will redirect page after 5 seconds. You also have the option of redirecting immediately or redirect after 5 seconds. Let’s start redirect page after delay using JavaScript tutorial. TAGs: ASP. I’ve briefly looked into this topic before for locking a web page on timer. com”> the nice thing about a redirect done in php is it is unstoppable. Eg:when the user clicks the logout button he will be redirected to logout page and after 5 seconds I want to redirect h < p > You will be redirected to the new address in five seconds. All we do here is, Using pure JavaScript setTimeout function to reduce remaining seconds after each second; Update to remaining time using JavaScript innerHTML function. I need to have a page auto redirect to another url after 5 secodns Credit: JavaScript Kit Description: Occasionally, you may wish to have a redirect page that pauses for a few seconds before sending the visitor off to the destination. TAGs: JavaScript, jQuery You can redirect page using JavaScript with just 1 line of code. Mar 8, 2015 How can I use a PHP script to redirect a user from the url they . If you want to JavaScript Refresh Page with Specific Times Example. My other option is to use JavaScript. Net. I'd like to display a message to the user and then jump to another page after 5 seconds. I could extend the time from 0 seconds to 3 seconds or more to give the user more time to click the Back button again, but I don’t think this is a good UX either. I want to be able to do something like this: I want to load another page "form2. Now, I want them to redirect a webpage after an interval of 5 seconds. from flask import Flask, redirect I tried Javascript and ajax. More than one Redirect command can be put into the . Now I will explain how to redirect to another page after 5 seconds or some time delay in jQuery. I am looking for some code, which will allow me to redirect from some file to another URL in 5 seconds. – Thomas Shields Aug 6 '11 at 3:04 Whoops, good catch. javascript redirect after 5 seconds
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