High engine coolant temperature warning light blue
High engine coolant temperature warning light blue
hi, it's quite normal for the light to be on at startup, it is in effect your engine temperature "gauge". 09/15 CX-3 Sport Nav, Dynamic Blue Mica, 1. Until that temperature is reached, the engine is more susceptible to damage at high revs or under load. Just like your car’s water or coolant warning light, you might see an oil warning light flash up if oil temperature gets too high, the level is low or oil pressure too low. Now engine light on and temp gauge not working. If the low engine coolant temperature indicator light remains illuminated after the engine has been sufficiently warmed up, the temperature sensor could have a malfunction. This is a critical light! It means your engine is beginning to overheat. Heat Seal Connectors w/ Shrink Tubes ; 3/4" or 5/8" Warning Light Engine Coolant Temperature Warning Light 5 17 Tire Pressure Light 5 17 Engine from ISP 527 at University of North Carolina Illuminates when engine coolant temperature is high. In red, it indicates quite simply that the engine temperature is too high. ESUPPORT Car 2" 52mm Digital Water Temp Gauge Blue LED Fahrenheit F Warning Point(Red Light): 212℉ . When switch indication on obviously all the warnings come on and the coolant changes from red to blue. This light means that the temperature is too high. That's why in a cold start, the engine automatically shuts the coolant (using a thermostat) and revs higher than normal, until optimum temperature is reached, that is when the blue light turns out. was told to get a genuine toyota part instead 2 Answers. Have only had the car for a week and notice the blue light goes off after a mile or two of driving in temperatures in the teens to 30's. Avoid driving at high speeds and take your car to a certified Mazda service center as soon as possible. 5 Diesel, AWD, Automatic The coolant light would come on in blue, then go away after driving it for a bit. 1. . Also, the temperature gauge never gets above 2 bars. This BLUE illuminated light turns off when the engine is warmed up sufficiently. Blinking in RED indicates that the engine is close to overheating. NO temperature light means things are normal, 3. Now, you should figure out if the engine is actually overheating. Blue coolant light in the instrument cluster means that the engine coolant temperature is still not at the normal operating temperature (cold). to get your attention that the engine temperature is rising too high. So if it stays on for a minute or two, that's normal. If the engine coolant temperature increases over the specified range, the indicator light/warning light blinks in RED. On these cold mornings mine takes about 5mins to warm up fully. If the low engine coolant temperature indicator light remains illuminated after the engine has been suffi ciently warmed up, the temperature sensor could have a malfunction. If the Versa's low-temperature light (the blue one) comes on and *stays* on, it indicates that the thermostat has probably failed. What does it mean when my 2007 toyota camry warning lights for charging system and low engine and srs light come on? 2014 toyota avalon check engine light, pcs, master warning, and slip indicator. This is just a way of letting you know when your car isn’t warmed up yet. All the lights on the temperature and a beep could be due to the coolant level low sensor triggering. Easy to install using basic hand tools . Guide to VW dashboard lights and warnings One of the many frustrations of driving is when an unexpected light appears on your dashboard. Mazda did this to ensure that the operator would notice the temperature of their vehicles engine. Blue means the engine is cold. If you mean the warning light just to the left Engine coolant temperature warning light (blue) It illuminates when the temperature of the engine coolant is lower than normal. Function. Oil is what lubricates your engine, with the oil pump used to spray the fluid to all corners of your engine. Fortunately, mine came with a manual, so I looked it up and it simply means that your engine is cold. NEver actually overheats. The light has nothing to do with the coolant level at all. A mixture of 50% water and 50% antifreeze will freeze at around -37° C or -35° F. This was new to me, as I drove a chevy S10 for years before this. 3. Newer Asian cars and light duty trucks requiring a phosphate based OAT engine coolant VEHICLE MAKES Acura, Honda, Infiniti, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru, Suzuki, Mazda Overheating symptoms are as follows: • The high temperature indicator comes on or the engine suddenly loses power. 5 s intervals when the engine coolant temperature exceeds the set value, and illuminates if the temperature increases further. I've just realised that the light at the bottom of the coolant temperature sensor is Red/Orange all the time, but the book I got with the car says it shouldn't be on, and the picture in the book makes it look blue. Turn off the A/C and any other nonessential systems that are running, including the radio. In fact, there are many cases of heavy vehicles, which are too high, can Aug 16, 2010 the thermometer on the dash means heat,,,,check yur coolant level owner and he indicated it meant ' take it easy on the RPM until the engine Sometimes called the "check engine light," this warning is typically set off by an issue with Engine Coolant. My recollection is that my car's blue temp light turns off when the coolant temp reaches ~122F (~50C). It looks like a thermometer or shows the word 'temp' or 'engine overheating. 2004 Beetle 28,500 miles (very low mileage) The temperature gauge (or cold and hot indicator lights) typically measure the temperature of the engine coolant itself. If the coolant level ok , the problem is that u have a bad coolAnt level sensor which is located in the coolant reseivor After that, this indicator light/warning light changes to BLUE and maintains illumination in BLUE. Coolant/antifreeze prevents your engine overheating and also prevents it from Red antifreeze, blue antifreeze, pink antifreeze, yellow antifreeze, universal antifreeze. Low engine coolant temperature indicator light (blue) The low engine coolant temperature indicator light (blue) illuminates when the engine coolant temperature is low. You're driving your Nissan Versa and you spot an unfamiliar blue light with a You certainly shouldn't panic, but you also shouldn't ignore the warning light Sep 8, 2016 The car's computer constantly monitors the coolant temperature and On engine startup, the warning light will illuminate for a second or two to Mar 20, 2019 Find out what your car's engine temperature warning light means, blink when the engine temperature is too high; A messaging system This sensor monitors the temperature of the coolant circulating through your engine. Avoid running at high engine speeds, at full throttle and at severe engine loads. Charging System Warning Light: This light looks like a battery and indicates If this light is blue, your engine coolant temperature is low. which one should you use? If your temperature gauge is in the red or the coolant warning light is illuminated Jun 24, 2016 2- Turn on your defroster and your heat to HOT, fan on High. I did not realize it went so far back. If the engine coolant temperature in- creases over the specified range, the indicator light/warning light blinks in RED. VHT SP134 Ford Light Blue High Temp (500 degrees Fahrenheit) Engine Enamel has excellent durability and superior heat and chemical resistance. I've never let it just sit and idle long enough to extinguish the light. Kit includes all necessary hardware and component parts. Read range:Our gauge will precisely monitor the temp within your coolant The warn light will light up when temp is higher 212℉. Because of this, the blue coolant light will illuminate whenever you turn on your vehicle. The light is not a coolant light, it is a temperature light which comes on when the temperature of the coolant is above the limits. After driving for 2-3 minutes, 25-30 mph, the red flashing light goes out and a solid blue one comes on. that's what I was wondering as weather getting colder. the Service Engine Soon light will stay There are only two blue lights, and they each have their own meaning. If it’s low, this is almost certainly due to a leak. The flashing/illumination condition of the high engine coolant temperature warning light (red) is as shown in the figure. Engine temp ok = no light. Code is P0118 engine coolant temp sensor circuit high. Thanks for operating such a great forum! My wife just There is supposed to be a blue low coolant temperature light coming on when the ignition is on and while the engine is cold. Operators are more likely to notice a red light then a needle slowly ticking up, and are more likely to take it easy on their vehicle when The light illuminates continuously when the engine coolant temperature is low and turns off after the engine has reached normal operating temperature. 10,000 miles in light-duty use (easy highway driving) or 7,500 miles as slight variations in coolant temperature are often your first sign Sep 9, 2013 If there was an engine overheating warning light on dashboard, the attention that the coolant temperature gauge was showing abnormally high value. That's the only thing a blue light means. It means your engine is close to overheating and you should stop safely and manage the overheating. Kia Picanto engine coolant temperature warning light - this warning light will appear if the coolant fluid inside your engine cooling system is above 120. It will turn off when your engine gets to appropriate operating temperatures. Illumination, flashing, or turning off of the low engine coolant temperature indicator light (blue)/high engine coolant temperature warning light (red) is controlled by the instrument cluster microcomputer based on the engine coolant temperature signal from the PCM. What is the Blue Light on my Subaru Dashboard? This is just letting you know that your engine temperature is cool and the light will be on as long as it's warming up. My Bentley (print) manual says that for a blue warning light flashing, the probable cause is:-gauge (?-light?) malfunction-Engine Coolant Temperature sensor (ECT) or wiring The coolant light would come on in blue, then go away after driving it for a bit. The warning light red comes on for a few seconds when the ignition is switched on. If the engine coolant temperature increases further, the indicator light/warning light illuminates in RED continuously. Traditionally, cars have a warning light that illuminates if the engine gets too hot, or a temperature gauge. While this is an issue that will require service to permanently fix, there are a few things you can try to temporarily resolve the issue in order to drive safely home. Trouble code: P0217 Engine Over Temperature. If the light ever glows red, What does it mean when the blue temperature light comes on when i start my car and stays on for a few minutes then goes off. If you see this light, your vehicle should be stopped and the engine turned off as quickly as possible. a red light is for low coolant or overheating. temperature warning light – red If the temperature warning light comes on and is the color red, this means that your engine’s temperature is too high. The Versa is the first car I've owned with a low-temperature light. In addition to the check engine light, Mazda says that when the blue thermometer light goes out, it doesn't necessarily mean that the coolant is up to normal temperature, just that it's not cold If it lights up red, it's too hot. But cars with coolant temperature gauge also have additional flashing or solid red high coolant temperature warning light! Until that temperature is reached, the engine is more susceptible to damage at high revs or under load. FLASHING RED temperature light means that engine is above operating temperature and you should pull over soon, 4. It smooths out once things warm up and the light goes out. When the light goes red the engine is overheating. Runs fine. At this time, the engine may be overheating. If it keeps lighting on with the engine fully warmed, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible to service the vehicle. by steam or superheated engine coolant, but keep accessory power on so Keeping a close eye on your coolant temperature gauge or warning light is one of is to remove heat from your engine block by running coolant through cooling INSTRUMENT PANEL. In a highly tuned car, with tighter tolerances, this is even more important. Specifications and Special Features: Premium Wire - 14 Ga. . Wish the equally useless (to me) MPG bar graph could be reconfigured to a engine temp bar graph. Mazda 6 Owners Manual / When Driving / Instrument Cluster and Display / Warning/Indicator Lights / Low Engine Coolant Temperature Indicator Light (Blue) (Some models) The light illuminates continuously when the engine coolant temperature is low and turns off after the engine is warm. Engine Temperature Warning Light Blue - I realize that you're seeking articles on our blog within the headline Engine Temperature Warning Li I do, however, have a question about the coolant temperature low/high indicator light; why does it stay on until the engine is warmed up? The owner's manual says it will stay on (illuminated blue) until the engine is warmed up sufficiently. Turn off all accessories and turn on the hazard warning lights. There is supposed to be a blue low coolant temperature light coming on when the ignition is on and while the engine is cold. This Coolant Temperature Low Indicator Light or Coolant Temperature High Warning Light has the following three functions: 1. Just because the light is flashing, the engine may not actually be too hot. Basically, there are 4 temperature indications. continuously when the engine coolant temperature is low and turns off after the engine is warm. The coolant light on the dash will stay blue untill the temp reaches a set temp by ECM, then goes out. When your engine is cold, the oil viscosity isn’t suited for high revving and high engine loads. No steam or spray present: Kia Picanto engine coolant temperature warning light - this warning light will appear if the coolant fluid inside your engine cooling system is above 120. Do not continue to drive, pullover to prevent any damage to your engine and wait for assistance from your recovery contractor. When the car is first started, the engine is cold, and oil will need time to heat up and achieve good flow for lubrication. Engine cold = Blue. 5 Diesel, AWD, Automatic The warning light Blue lights up until the engine reaches operating temperature3). Guidance is to drive relatively gently until the low temp light goes out. When the light is blue, the coolant temperature is low. When the light goes out, the engine is warm and up to normal running temperature. This has been going onf or about 4 months now. Best Answer: the blue light in normal, its telling you the car is not fully warmed up. sensor. and yes its perfectly normal on the facelift Fabia to see the light when the engine is cold. How long the engine takes to reach that temp will depend on ambient temp, initial loads, etc. ● Illumination in BLUE indicates insufficient warming up of the engine ● Blinking in RED indicates that the engine is close to overheating ● Illumination in RED indicates overheating condition of the engine For a system check, ^ This is why Mazda's blue/red/flashing red system is better than a questionably accurate temp gauge that gets ignored by many drivers. car sat overnight) and you switch on the ignition you see this flight flash up, hear a relay clicking a few times and the light will go out after 1-2 seconds. A2a I would say if the warning light is lit, it is telling you there is What's the point of the blue low coolant temperature light on the Nissan Versa? . Allow the engine time to cool, then check the coolant level. It will happen basically every morning if you live somewhere not super warm. After that, this indicator light/warning light changes to BLUE and maintains illumina- tion in BLUE. It’s the latter two you want to avoid at all costs. As the name suggests, antifreeze prevents the coolant inside your engine from freezing under normal winter conditions. Red means the engine is overheating. ” Or, it may simply show a picture of a thermometer. Its just telling you the engine coolant isnt super warm yet. Re: Blue Coolant Light On for long peroid of time cheers, not a bad shout to be fair. The light illuminates continuously when the engine coolant temperature is low and turns off after the engine is warm. Nov 13, 2015 Your car temperature gauge seems straightforward: But what does it do, exactly? numbers, and others simply have a red light for “hot” and a blue light for “cold. When the blue light is on, my engine revs high and the CVT seems particularly bouncy. The high beam light is always blue in any car. But there is no Not all the Versas are equipped with the low temperature indicator blue warning light. Pay attention if this light comes on and/or the gauge is in the red zone. Overheating is the most common cause of an irreparably damaged engine, so you should always take a temperature warning light seriously. It is specially formulated to withstand corrosion, rust, salt spray, chemicals and additives of today's gasoline blends and degreasers. Since the Beetles do not have a temp gauge you dont know what the actual temperature is. which then goes off when the engine is up to running temp. In case you’re asking ‘what temperature does antifreeze freeze, water freezes at 0° C, or 32° F. Malfunction indicator lamp (check engine light) High temperature. Engine Temperature Warning Light Blue. The high engine coolant temperature warning light (red) notifies the driver that the engine coolant temperature is high and that there is the danger of overheating. When the light blinks red, the coolant temperature is high. e. JEGS Warning Light Kits include everything you need to add a warning light that alerts you of a potential problem. all on at the same time? Nissan micra blue temperature warning lights Blue low engine coolant temperture indicator light is on. This is why it lights up blue when you start your vehicle. SOLID RED LIGHT means that you are overheated, and to pull over immediately. Engine coolant warning light blue for nissane. Engine overheating = red. changed the gas cap with an after market cap and engine light stays on did smoke test and it indicates vacuum switching valve and charcoal canister with vent solenoid suggestion was to enlace Re: Blue Coolant Light On for long peroid of time cheers, not a bad shout to be fair. Supposedly if it begins to overheat the same light will light up just in red, hopefully I never see it :P User #325826 15472 posts Having problems with engine light on and code is P0118. If you have been stuck wondering what your Volkswagen dashboard warning lights mean, check out this guide to VW dashboard lights and warnings. If the engine temp starts to rise abnormally, I would like to see it coming before the red warning light comes on. There are no warning beeps, or messages on the display. The cooling systems are such that even in hot weather, in heavy traffic, or other arduous conditions, the temperature of the coolant stays bang in the middle of where it needs to be. The reason is this : the blue coloured 'safe zone' has 6 segments, but Apr 10, 2012 The red flashing on startup means the car is slightly low on coolant, the heat of the engine is expanding the coolant and the level goes over the Jan 15, 2018 Green (sometimes blue) dashboard lights usually indicate a system is on or is The engine coolant temperature warning light is serious and Jan 25, 2018 When going to start the car yesterday, a "low coolant, stop engine" in temperature, and also because the coolant sensor is really high in the . One of the original idiot lights, at least in red, this is the Temperature Warning lights or symbols. Whenever ambient temperature are below ~4°C and the engine is completely cold (i. I don't know how much outside temp affects it. After1-2 minutes, the blue light goes out. Check this post for the right stuff to put in the cooling system Citroen C3 Coolants Let us know how you get on. replaced after market gas cap on echo 2000 and the engine light is still on. If you have an automatic it will not shift into fourth gear until the coolant warms up at which time the light should go off. Immediately park the vehicle in a safe place. all on at the same time? Nissan micra blue temperature warning lights If your engine coolant temperature is cool with the ignition switch on, the low engine coolant temperature indicator light (blue) comes on. Somebody in the "brains department" came up with this idea. This is either a faulty reading from the engine coolant temperature sensor or the thermostat is sticking open causing the coolant to continuously flow and never get to proper temperature. Steve_vvti. Certain automatic transmissions may also struggle to shift gears correctly until the coolant warms. No light means floor it to your hearts content. I suggest you check and top up the coolant level if necessary. Recently I've noticed that when start the car up a blue coolant level light comes on and this stays on for 5-10 minutes. There is a seperate red light indicating the engine is overheating. If your engine coolant temperature is cool with the ignition switch on, the low engine coolant temperature indicator light (blue) comes on. Just had cylinder 3 misfire fixed, replaced cylinders, gaskets, shaved heads, replaced water pump, timing belt and drained and refilled antifreeze. temperature warning light – blue If the temperature warning light comes on and is the colour blue, this means that your engine’s coolant temperature is too low to function properly. At this time, the engine is close to overheating. Luis, I don't think you will be needing the coolant heaters now where you live. I think you were correct in the first place when you suspected the engine coolant temp. engine is cold, oil viscosity is not ideal for high rpms and high engine loads. The red flashing on startup means the car is slightly low on coolant, the heat of the engine is expanding the coolant and the level goes over the minimum in the coolant bottle and turns the flashing red light off. First thing to check. BLUE temperature light means that your engine is below normal operating temperature, 2. Temperature warning . should go out within a few miles. What to do? Outside Temperature Display Tachometer* Indicators and warning lights * If equipped High Engine Coolant Temperature Warning [Red]1 Master Warning1 Charging system warning1 Brake System Warning1,2 ABS Warning1 Malfunction/Check Engine indicator1 Indicator symbols Power Steering Malfunction Indicator1 Air Bag/Front Seat Belt Pretensioner System I've just realised that the light at the bottom of the coolant temperature sensor is Red/Orange all the time, but the book I got with the car says it shouldn't be on, and the picture in the book makes it look blue. There is the red hot engine coolant light that goes off right after the car is started. Blue light means be nice to the engine. Posted on Mar 27, 2012 THe blue light would only come back on when driving if the thermostat was stuck open, meaning the engine is too cold. That means is low in coolant. Instead, there is a light (a thermometer and an H) to indicate that the temperature is too high and the car is overheating (meaning you should pull over before you damage the engine), and another light (a thermometer and a C) to indicate that the temperature is apparently too low. I've had a half-dozen thermostat failures, all but one in GM cars where the failure mode is "closed" and I had to shut the engine down to keep it from overheating. Coolant temperature low indicator light (if equipped)/Coolant temperature high warning Illumination in BLUE indicates insufficient warming up of the engine Jun 13, 2018 It's necessary to take the coolant temperature warning light seriously. When the indicator light/warning light blinks in RED or illuminates in RED, safely stop the vehicle as soon as possible, and refer to the emergency steps for the engine overheating. What the coolant temperature warning light means On engine startup, the warning light will illuminate for a second or two to check the bulb and should then go out. Then the blue light comes on to indicate the vehicle is cold and the light goes back off to indicate it's to full temp. So the blue light indicates that you have not reached the optimum working temperature, meaning in the wean time you have to drive smoothly, with neither excessive load nor sudden revving up. 2. Just a temp light mate. If this code is discovered, it means the engine coolant temperature is excessively high under normal engine speed. reduce the coolant's temperature but a worn fan clutch or broken fan motor can't Jul 7, 2016 The easiest way to tell the seriousness of the warning light is to look at the color of it. Temperature gauges are no longer needed on cars. Typically, a blue or green dashboard indicator lights are Feb 28, 2011 The alloy parts of an engine don't fit together in quite the same way until high- heat protection—they counterintuitively place engines under higher stress in cold starts. The light illuminates. The blue light stays on until the engine warms up. VW went 1 step further than the idiot lights of old and gave us this light which blue wneh the engine is cold, it goes out when the ehgine reaches operating temperature the n it will go red and beep if your engine ever overheats. I do, however, have a question about the coolant temperature low/high indicator light; why does it stay on until the engine is warmed up? The owner's manual says it will stay on (illuminated blue) until the engine is warmed up sufficiently. I replace thermostats on these all the time for this problem on these cars. It'll be one thing in the summer, and another in the winter. I also find the blue cold engine icon a bit useless but at 52, I grew up with engine temp gauges. But there is no such light coming on at all. The high engine coolant temperature warning light flashes at 0. If you have started the engine that is warmed up and still the light is on then stop driving and call the road service to be towed away to the garage. Although if the temperature light is located on the radiator, a major hose failure could result in a low temp condition, but the huge amounts of steam, and trail of water behind you would be a good sign. If there’s a big leak, you'll have to call for Nov 15, 2012 Referred to as the "Coolant Temperature Low Indicator Light or the not using the accelerator much, and not revving the engine very high. Just letting you know the engine is cold. Flashing red light with a warning gong means coolant level is low in the coolant bottle. Terrible initial ride. Coolant temperature low indicator light/Coolant temperature high warning light. If the engine temperature warning system, either by gauge, light, or message, signals that the engine is overheating, turn the cabin heater to the maximum heat range and set the blower motor to high. Volkswagen Beetle: The red temperature warning light flashes. Dec 25, 2011 Hi all, I'm new here. Does anyone know what this means and if its a problem as when I've researched it only says its a problem if the light turns red. Blue temp light. You will need to bring your vehicle into the dealership for the issue to be diagnosed and resolved. If the warning light is illuminated even after startup, it indicates that the car’s computer has detected an issue within the system. The coolant temperature light can also be blue when your coolant is cold. The temperature warning light is on the dashboard gauge cluster and usually contains the words “temp” or “engine overheating. Mazda says that when the blue thermometer light goes out, it doesn't necessarily mean that the coolant is up to normal temperature, just that it's not cold If it lights up red, it's too hot. The coolant temperature is too high or the coolant level too low if the warning light That's the coolant temp gauge of the engine, when it's blue it means the engine is cold, if it turns red the engine is overheating, if it stays off after the blue goes out the temperature is normal. Ok, when the blue coolant light stays on, this means that the coolant temperature is not reaching normal operating temperature according to the computer. So treat it as a gentle warning. Stop as soon as it’s safe to do so, switch off the engine and open the bonnet. First thing to do. Wrench Indicator Light (Some models) When the ignition is switched ON, the wrench indicator light turns on and then turns off after a few seconds. If you are wanting to turn the heat on in your car, the blue light tells you that its just going to blow cold air, as soon as the light goes off, your fans will blow warm or hot air. Illumination in BLUE indicates insufficient warming up of the engine. Raeman. Stop the vehicle as soon as possible, switch off engine and let cool. • Steam or spray comes out of the engine compartment. Vehicle Warning The coolant temperature warning light comes on when there’s a problem with the fluid level or the temperature. What The Coolant Temperature Warning Light Means When the engine is started, the coolant warning light will illuminate for a few seconds to check the light bulb. The low engine coolant temperature indicator light (blue) illuminates when the engine coolant temperature is low. Red light means bad. The light should turn off as the engine warms. On the Mk1's the coolant temp light is blue when first started to let you know the engine is cold and obviously hard throttle use is to be avoided. May 18, 2017 It's the warning light you never, ever want to see on a hot summer day: the sweet odor of engine coolant at any time – or if the temperature General Fit Talk - Coolant Indicator Light Issue - What is the the Fit doesn't have a temp gauge, so we have a light to let us know With my scan gauge ll , I saw that the blue coolant lite is on at coolant engine temp of less The engine will idle higher when it's cold, I think it's just around 1500rpm here. Does anybody know what that actually means? I would define "normal operating temperature" as the temperature at which the thermostat starts to open and therefore the coolant temperature stops If the engine temperature warning system, either by gauge, light, or message, signals that the engine is overheating, turn the cabin heater to the maximum heat range and set the blower motor to high. Low Engine Coolant Temperature If the warning light illuminates blue, If the warning light illuminates red, it indicates that the coolant temperature is high. Illumination in RED indicates overheating condition of the engine. Blinks when the engine coolant temperature goes up, and stays on if. inaccurate install display thermometer wiring engine sensor temperature Aug 21, 2017 High Level Stop Lamp . In other words you engine is overheating. The text symbol Hot Coolant Temperature spells it out plainly. The engine coolant is overheating if it's around 240 to 250 degrees. high engine coolant temperature warning light blue