Group and Private Instrument instruction. With other instruments you may have to worry about bothering other people when you practice. Log In. If students want to use the instrument for more hours please contact directly the vendor. The guqin is nearly always used a solo instrument, as its quietness of tone means that it cannot compete with the sounds of most other instruments or an ensemble. The novel was awarded the Golden Tripod Award for Creative Literature Publication by the Government Information Office under the Executive Yuan in 1996. Guqin has a unique system of notation all its own. North American Guqin Association. Each qin is given a unique name, which is engraved on the back side of the instrument, along with poems and the owner’s (or owners’) seals. guqin (Noun) A plucked, seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family, favoured by scholars and the literati in ancient times. It is the most ancient Chinese stringed instrument, with a history of over 3000 years. They categorized it as one of their " four arts ", collected it as an art object , praised its beautiful music , and built around it a complex ideology Qin 琴 is the musical instrument of the literati, the guqin. 古琴是一种美丽的中国传统乐器表现是由白无瑕. Browse Gallery of Chinese age axes pictures, images, photos, GIFs, and videos on imgED. Right Hand Finger Technique . will do instruction when they visit to USA. The playing techniques of the guqin, sometimes called fingerings, are more numerous than those of any other Chinese or Western musical instrument. The guqin is a seven-stringed zither that owes its invention to the Chinese society of some 3,000 years ago. English. In general, silk strings can tune to as high as metal strings. Short Description; Specifications. Guqin music sheets and handwritten music sheets were read in by text detection method [5], and cropped out to an adjusted region and saved as black and white 256*256 images. Could someone suggest me music like these guqin instrument. Sounds are produced by plucking open strings, stopped strings, and harmonics. Contemporary guqin players: This is a list of contemporary players of the guqin of the 20th and 21st centuries. Historically, guqin was rendered as "Qin" in most ancient texts. Download Image. They are also complex and full of symbolism. If with silk strings, it can start with B-flat from 1st string and lower the rest of strings accordingly. Body Position . Including fingering and how to read guqin music. The guqin ([kùtɕʰǐn] (); Chinese: 古琴) is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family. The rental is only for usage on GuQin instrument. In the course of mastering the instrument, you acquire peripheral skills like staying calm and focused under pressure, be persistent in the face of challenges, working whether one feels like doing something or not, instilling self-confidence and poise, and providing an outlet for creativity. The guqin is usually about four feet in length, with a head, neck, shoulders, and waist, The guqin is a seven-stringed zither without removable bridges. nonstop study of the guqin in this three-week period, with a Confucian scholar (in the old sense of the word), has given me a proper setting to achieve brief understanding of the instrument and the place that it held in ancient society. 00 57 Wood Lacquerware Magpie Plum Blossom Harp Lyre Plucked Musical Instrument Piano learning is a perfect way to keep your mind sharp. com/video/WRInLAqgA14F/ “Thank you for the tremendous environment and instruction. The guqin, or qin, is a seven-stringed classical musical instrument that is a relative of the zither family and has a history in China of about 5,000 years. In Chinese, "gu" means old and qin means "musical instrument". Dizi is always performed in occasions, such as Chinese traditi An Ancient Chinese Instrument Is Making a Comeback. General Introduction . The guqin is a very quiet instrument, with a range of about four octaves, and its open strings are tuned in the bass register. com The oldest known zither was a Chinese guqin, found in a royal tomb in 1977, with the instruction "to put them into the strangest chord configurations he could possibly think of", The basic tuning is C D F G A C D (open string from 1st to 7th string). Our team has searched all over a very comprehensive catalog of items ready for shipping at awesome asking prices. Toning Drum Djembe Instruction Hand Book. Furthermore, the guqin was one of the four arts – along with calligraphy, painting and an ancient form of chess – that Chinese scholars were expected to master. guqin (Noun) (place) Guqin Tai u300Au53E4u7434u81FAu300B (Guqin Terrace or Heptachord Terrace, etc), the name of a place in Wuhan, China. Shin-Yi currently provides instructions at the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association Jan 4, 2012 The open-access online resource John Thompson on the guqin silk and song; notation and sound files; playing instructions; analyses of The playing techniques of the guqin, sometimes called fingerings, are more ( such as tiao) are difficult to get right without proper instruction from a teacher. [Chuen-Fung Wong] Showcasing our broad collection of 1982 commemorative stringed on sale online. Galleries for Guqin Sona. Another notable great master is Ji Kong (223–262) The guqin is a very quiet instrument, with a range of about four octaves, and its open strings are tuned in the bass register. Its history can be dated back to Tang Dynasty over 1,000 years ago. The guqin, a seven-stringed zither, is China's oldest stringed instrument. It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favoured by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement, as highlighted by the quote "a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason," as well as being associated with the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius. Lo never depended on playing or teaching music for his livelihood, She has been playing and studying the Guqin since 2000, and is most influenced by Master He has also written several software programs for teaching music. Scale length is typically 43" to 44. . Rear view of a qin . In accordance with the written record, it has more than 4, 000 years of history. There is a large number of techniques employed in playing the qin, but unlike other instruments, these are rather complex and full of symbolism. The guqin is often referred to as the instrument of sages for the purpose of enriching the heart and elevating human spirit. This book provides a holistic curriculum for students without prior knowledge of the Chinese language or culture, covering history, construction, technique, and critique of the musical tradition. Add Meaning 1. A plucked, seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family, favoured by scholars and the literati in ancient times. There are a lot of literatures around guqin, and the information about the guqin is plenty. Definitions for guqin guqin. Add Meaning Pronounced "chin" ("stringed instrument") or "goo chin" ("old stringed instrument"), the qin / guqin throughout its long history has been the musical instrument most prized by China's literati. Sign Up Abilities Strategy Biography Quotes Development History Skins Trivia List of champions Canceled Champions Ao Shin Avasha Averdrian CeeCee Cyborg Cowboy Eagle Rider Gavid Iron Engineer Ivan Omen Rob Blackblade Seth Tabu Tiki Urf Well Sona Statistics Edit Health 482. tiao) are difficult to get right without proper instruction from a teacher. The Guqin is a typical heritage instrument in China. The project will also serve as an introduction to the guqin to the Bay Area community for whom a focus on Chinese culture is profound and historically timely. In simplistic terms, the guqin is an acoustic instrument consisting of a sound chamber formed by two long planks of wood glued together. It can, however, be played together with a xiao (end-blown bamboo flute), with other qin, or played while singing. if they are publicly known and/or have made a significant contributi relationships. 5". 5. . The qin, along with calligraphy, chess, and painting, were considered the four must-have skills for literati, intellectuals, and cultured people in ancient China to cultivate their inner selves. 36 +77 Attack damage 49 +3 Download Guqin Music Collection 100 for PC - free download Guqin Music Collection 100 for PC/Mac/Windows 7,8,10, Nokia, Blackberry, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo… - free download Guqin Music Collection 100 Android app, install Android apk app for PC, download free android apk files at choilieng. For instance, Confucius (551 – 479 BC) was a great master of this instrument. All in all, these two instruments require syncronisation on both hands when you play a particular song. If you are looking for Guqin lessons in Toronto, please see >>> the curriculum page<<<. Noun} A Chinese seven stringed musical instrument of the zither family. String Instructions: To take the quiz, click on the answer. So Guqin is not a popular musical instrument in current China and faces with the risk of lost. Erhu (Chinese two-stringed fiddle ) 二胡. “Prabhūtaratna,” meaning bounty treasure in Sanskrit. Shop our comprehensive catalog of chinese style available for purchase right now on the internet. The organology of the qin fits that of a zither, but in the past, it has been incorrectly referred to as a lute or harp. In the past, the guqin was referred to only as the qin, but it has the prefix gu-to distinguish it from other instruments which are also called qin. Guqin as an old and mysterious musical instrument shares roughly a long time with Chinese history. Please contact directly the vendor for this service. The guqin (Chinese: 古琴) is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family. Guqin is an instrument hard to learn, easy to forget, and hard to understand the connotation of Guqin melody. Of course, societies do not have to have a strict structure to adhere to; it could mostly be on a leisurely basis. Strings are supported by a nut and bridge. Jul 19, 2016 This also applies to guzheng and guqin, which are locally known as zheng and qin; gu is a prefix meaning ancient. will do instruction when Related to this, teaching is exclusively done using silk strings (though students with metal The guqin has a reputation as an instrument difficult to learn. 1. Stringing The Instrument . Teachers Abroad 教師資訊 Articles 論文 Teaching Tutorial 古箏教程 Tutorial Videos 古箏教程視頻 Set Up a Guzheng 古箏安裝調音 Here is a list of guzheng Professional Guzheng and Guqin player in Greater Boston area. In general, the older the wood the better the sound. has professional instruments for sale and rent. “Standards of the Guqin is the first original textbook in English for the Chinese seven-stringed zither, traditionally favoured by scholars and clergy past and present. Dec 29, 2016 A Contemporary Look into the Art and Science of the Guqin . On the underside of the instrument are sound holes. Guqin - seven-stringed zither without bridges, the most classical Chinese instrument with over 3000 years of history. They categorized it as one of their " four arts ", collected it as an art object , praised its beautiful music , and built around it a complex ideology The guqin is considered as an indispensable part of Chinese elite culture, and in the ancient times, it was a matter of course that a decent noblemen and scholars would be able to play it. It attempts to list most notable players (i. Mar 18, 2019 For listening to Guqin music or calligraphy intervention, FZ δ, FZ θ, and . Many Guqin music pieces are reflections of Confucianism, teaching people to be sincere, kind and sympathetic. Erhu can be used as a solo performance as well as in small musical groups and large orchestras. The consultants of North American Guqin ASSN. bass guitar, & Chinese String strings (古琴 guqin, 古筝 guzheng, 琵琶 pipa, 二胡 erhu, 高胡 gaohu Nov 26, 2013 my chair when I discovered the ancient Chinese instrument – the guqin. (please note, the guqin instrument is not included. I like to play the guqin because it has a nice and mellow tone upon strumming onto the strings. In terms of techniques, guqin concentrates the techniques more on the left hand as opposed to guzheng which focuses heavily on the right hand. Origin: From 古琴 (gǔqín), made up of 古 ‘ancient’ and 琴 ‘stringed instrument’. also provide Guzheng, Xiao, Erhu, Pipa and Dan Bau lessons. Scholars and sages considered the qin as the singular instrument that captures the essence of traditional Chinese culture. The guqin (a seven-stringed plucked zither) is a quntessential Chinese old from different periods of Chinese history and different schools of guqin instruction . Also Mar 13, 2019 Performed by Bai Wuxia. For playing guqin, the finger technique is of the highest importance. Qin Forms . If students want to learn how to use a GuQin, the vendor will be charged an additional rate (S$55 per hour). With more than 1,000 different finger techniques, the guqin is one of the most complicated instruments in the world to learn, and requires great dedication to master it. The guqin is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family. This book provides a holistic curriculum for students without prior knowledge of the Chinese language or culture, covering history, construction, technique, and critique of the The College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD) is a community of creators and collaborators, entrepreneurs and practitioners, and a catalyst for research, inspiration, and discovery. Guzheng In The Rain 928,839 views Guqin is an instrument hard to learn, easy to forget, and hard to understand the connotation of Guqin melody. Guqin (China) Yu Yeti is a graduate student from Central Conservatory of Music. Its lowest pitch is about two octaves below middle C, or the lowest note on the cello. ) Size of the table is: 38" Width x 17" Depth x 27" Height Size of the stool is: 19 1/2" Width 8 3/4" Depth 17 3/4" Height. Sign Up Add Your Listing. Many Chinese families also use the guqin as a decoration on the wall to show as a symbol of scholar class. Toning Drum Djembe & Dundun Instruction and Rhythm hand book. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition Guzheng, Guqin, Erhu, Pipa, Ruan, Dizi, Xiao, 古筝,古琴,二胡,琵琶,阮,笛子, Guqin”, the first and only (to-date) English instruction book on the instrument, Nov 14, 2016 Jiaoyue Lyu and Stephen Dydo Play Duo Guqin Selection in . The playing techniques of the guqin, the Chinese zither, is sometimes called fingerings. This is a list of musical instrument know around the world. A to Z of Musical Instrument. She began to study guqin at the age of 12 and studied with Zhang Zisheng, Secretary General of Guqin Society in China. Proper playing of the guqin is a metaphor for good governance — “if the large strings are too tight, the small strings will break” — and emperors were often portrayed holding a guqin. It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favoured by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement, as highlighted by the quote « a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason, » as well as being Add Your Listing. The playing techniques of the guqin, sometimes called fingerings, are more numerous than . “ Ikea” because the process is based on easy-to-follow instructions Nov 1, 2013 1 Han Chinese Clothing Scholar; 2 Guqin Player and Teacher 2006, and has been dedicated to the teaching and linking of the guqin and its 8) What type of musical instrument is the guqin? Percussion. There is a Workshop where all kinds of Chinese instruments are made. Basic Tuning FINGER TECHNIQUE AND NOTATION 彈奏指法說明 . Basic Tune 正調 Open String 空弦 Give students a deeper appreciation for and understanding of Chinese music with this lesson plan. Perhaps unsurprisingly, guqin collecting has reached fever pitch in recent years. It's a zither similar to GuZheng, but since GuQin does not have bridges, it is far more versatile in terms of tones and Check your email for the instructions. TD-BKDJ_1. The guqin is a seven-stringed zither without removable bridges. UW’s School of Oceanography has been ranked number one by the Global Ranking of Academic Subjects list. Guzheng, Guqin, Erhu, Pipa, Ruan, Dizi, Xiao, 古筝,古琴,二胡,琵琶,阮,笛子, 萧. PDF | In this study we report on the result of an experiment in which a guqin music performance was recorded and individual listeners were asked to move their arm along with the music that they heard. The qin/ guqin follows this same overarching construction recipe, though with twisted silk for strings. 35, Jln 2/38G Taman sri sinar, 51200 Kepong, Malaysia This is a set of high quality guqin table and stool set made of paulownia wood. It's music is often associated with scholar culture. Mix - 【古琴Guqin】《不染》Chinese musical instrument full of faint sadness YouTube 大鱼 Đại Ngư - Guzheng - Duration: 5:50. Any Westerner who sat Basic Guqin Tutorial DVD by Li Xiangting 古琴演奏入门. Locate Chinese Style in stock and ready for shipping right now on the internet. Here you will find all you need on Asian zither instruments including the Guzheng, the Guqin, the Koto, the Kayagum, and the Dan Tranh. The instrument even defines the essence of aestheticism and philosophy in China. I tried to access – instructions, guides, blog posts, pictures, videos, etc – even Jun 30, 2013 guqin, autoethnography, self-study, education, learning, teaching, narrative, silk strings, 丝弦古琴, lived experiences, phenomenology. With silk string guqin you can just go into your home or studio, close the door and not worry about others. The Guqin: The Instrument of the Sages. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I'd love to listen to music that is soothing. Flute (Chinese pinyin: Dizi) is a kind of ancient Chinese musical instrument and is the most representative musical instrument with with strong ethnic characteristics. e. promote Guqin music;introduce Guqin music; exchange Guqin information, make Qin friends; offer Guqin lessons; listen guqin music online; buy guqin online;produce Guqin CD; arrange and give Guqin performance and so on. Unlike other classical Chinese instruments that were adapted from foreign cultures, the guqin is uniquely Chinese. The guqin ( [kùtɕʰǐn] ( ) ; Chinese: 古琴 ) is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family. The circle next to the answer The guqin [5] (old zither) has a long history in China. While the cultural and aesthetical value makes it especially. a sentence's worth of instructions in classical Chi- the first instruction above is relatively simple, we. been a Guqin student of Jung-ping Yuan, he also had guzheng instruction from Mar 29, 2019 Zhilu, and Wang Xiqian, three qin artists from the Longren Guqin Culture Village in Fujian, China. Pronounced "chin" ("stringed instrument") or "goo chin" ("old stringed instrument"), the qin / guqin throughout its long history has been the musical instrument most prized by China's literati. This is a particularly rare instrument selected by a professional guqin player and instructor. We specialized in Asian musical instruments. Erhu (are-hoo) Of the traditional Chinese instruments, the erhu is the most common, and by extension, the most overlooked; as the busker’s choice on street corners or pedestrian overpasses, its ubiquitous presence has almost reduced it to white noise. The guqin (help · info) (Chinese: 古琴; pinyin: gǔqín; Wade–Giles: ku-ch'in; literally "ancient stringed-instrument") is the modern name for a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family. To model the process of plucking a GuQin string to create a synthesized “virtual GuQin”, the simplest algorithm to use is the Karplus-Strong Pronunciation of Guqin found 3 audio voices and 1 Meaning for Guqin. In the Confucian context, the scholar also used guqin to help cultivate himself into a virtuous Confucian gentleman that would act morally in government and society. Instrument description. Construction of the Qin. In year 2011-2013, I finally could make an entire guqin by myself under the instruction of Master Shan ZheYuan at National Tainan University of the Arts, Taiwan, at the Chinese Music Department. GENERAL INTRODUCTION OF GUQIN 古琴介紹 . Courtesy of Chinese Classical Music Association Guqin - seven-stringed zither without bridges, the most classical Chinese instrument with over 3000 years of history. It has existed in Chinese culture for 3000 years, and was the favorite instrument of the literary class. On Friday, March 1st at 8pm in Brooks Hall, Guqin and Guzheng performer and Tea Besides performing and teaching music at schools and community culture May 24, 2016 Actually, for the sake of guqin teaching and promotion, referencing the experience of other musical traditions is indeed a question worth Jun 11, 2019 It is uncommonly spelt as Gu Qin' (and sometimes GuQin or Gu-qin) in . We will over time be adding sound files plus a short history of each instrument The Association will put forth a multi-faceted project that will include a concert, master class, guqin exhibition, roundtable discussion, and documentary album. Guqin is one of the oldest music instruments as it has history of more than 3000 years! It is also known as the zither and has 7 strings. Welcome to Sound of Asia! We are a musical instrument company based in Los Angeles, California, USA. Chinese Zithers. bitchute. The Erhu (or Chinese violin) is a kind of two-stringed bowed musical instrument. 1 in the world . Throughout its long history the qin or guqin (pronounced [chin] "stringed instrument" or [goo chin] "old stringed instrument"), has been the musical instrument Sep 13, 2012 Gaywood, Harriet Rosemary Ann (1996) Guqin and Guzheng: the a system of writing down playing instructions in full script, unlike the later Feb 26, 2001 The guqin was Confucius' instrument, used by scholars and nobles for . will teach personally one to one. Courtesy of Chinese Classical Music Association The personal nature of guqin studies is underlined by the quietness of the qin, especially a qin with the traditional silk strings. It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favoured by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement, as highlighted by the quote “a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason”, as well as being modeling techniques that simulate a real instrument, the sound of virtual instrument can be more realistic and controllable, because the sound created is based on real-world information and parameters. The wooden frame of the stringed instrument, in order to provide the necessary resonance, or accoustics, of a stringed instrument, needed to be hollow to one degree or another. This instrument was often perceived by popular media and common understanding that it is a dying tradition with few who understand the subtleties of the music, let alone the inner workings of the instrument. University of Washington. The instructor is Professor Li Xiangting of assisted instruction (CAI). Wang Fei, the director of North American Guqin ASSN. The main purpose of qin societies is to promote and play qin music. Guzheng, Guqin, Erhu, Pipa, Ruan, Dizi, Xiao, 古筝,古琴,二胡,琵琶,阮,笛子,萧 北美最專業國樂琴行! Sign in or Create an Account The Guqin is a Chinese musical instrument, also called a seven-stringed zither. Guqin Sona. Woodwind. This DVD contains the basic instruction for guqin instrument. Qin Construction . Standards of the Guqin is the first original textbook in English for the Chinese seven-stringed zither, traditionally favoured by scholars and clergy past and present. Description In this DVD series, 7th generation Dai Family XinYi lineage holder Master Zhongxian Wu explores WuXing Quan, one of the foundational practices of the legendary DaiShi XinYi Quan 戴氏心意拳 – Dai Family XinYi Internal Alchemy and Martial Arts system. We also carry other Asian instruments such as erhu, pipa and dan 大吕琴院 Dalv guqin music School (malaysia), Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Guqin societies. The guqin is usually about four feet in length, with a head, neck, shoulders, and waist, The consultants of North American Guqin ASSN. INTRODUCTION. Also, certain techniques vary from How to play the ancient Chinese guqin. Guqin Sona Skin Refinement Skin For SALE! 38 Best Sona Cosplay From LoL(Dj, Arcade,Guqin, Silent League Of Legends Guqin Sona (2014 Rework) Skin Spotlight League Of Legends League Of Legends By Tropic02 On DeviantArt League Of Legends Wiki Surrender At 20: 7/18 PBE Update: Guqin And Arcade Sona League Of Legends Guqin Sona TheSweetAmy Free Mp3 Guqin Amp Xiao Zen Tea Download , Lyric Guqin Amp Xiao Zen Tea Chord Guitar , Free Ringtone Guqin Amp Xiao Zen Tea Download , and Get Guqin Amp Xiao Zen Tea Hiqh Qualtiy audio from Amazon , Spotify , Deezer , Itunes , Google Play , Youtube , Soundcloud and More Get this from a library! Becoming Chinese music : guqin and music scholarship in modern China. But tuning a half tone lower will lengthen the life of the strings. Although it exclusively meant this instrument in ancient times, it has now come to mean all musical instruments, but essentially it refers to guqin only considering the context. In 2003, the guqin was designated a masterpiece of UNESCO’s Oral and Intangible Heritage. 30 Plantain-leaf Style 64 Chinese Zither Gu Zheng Wooden Silkwood W Paulownia 077 64 China Palace Instrument Wood Lacquerware Foo Dogs Kylin Qin Gu Zheng Qin 57 Wood Lacquerware - $1,500. Assembling The Tuning System . This essay will enlighten the reader on why the guqin is the most fascinating instrument that society has seen. Even the most commonly used (such as tiao) are difficult to get right without proper instruction from a teacher. 48 Top Quality Guqin Chinese 7-stringed Zither Instrument - Plantain-leaf 2836 Plantain-leaf Style - $4,137. North American Guqin Assn. Guzheng, Guqin, Erhu, Pipa, Ruan, Dizi, Xiao, 古筝,古琴,二胡,琵琶,阮,笛子,萧 北美最專業國樂琴行! Sign in or Create an Account The Guqin: The Instrument of the Sages. Rankings UW Oceanography ranked No. The oldest Qin score, ‘Orchid in Seclusion in Jie Shi Diao’, is 1400 years old and is said to have been composed by Confucius. The guqin is not to be confused with the guzheng (「古 箏/古筝」 "ancient . Pronunciation of Guqin found 3 audio voices and 1 Meaning for Guqin. It can be referred to as qin after guqin is used in the first instance. 2K likes. The Oldest Chinese Stringed Zither, and the First of the Four Ancient Chinese Arts. If students want to purchase a GuQin, they can directly purchase from us at a discounted rate prepayment basis. Through playing guqin pieces related to Daoist ideas, the scholar sought to cultivate his relationship to the nature and the universe. used (such as tiao) are difficult to get right without proper instruction from a teacher. Guqin playing developed as an elite art form, practised by noblemen and scholars in intimate settings, and was therefore never intended for public performance. One or both planks are carved inside to form a hollow chamber. Guqin has been frequently referred to as the preferred instrument of the sages and literati. Ebay Feedback on our guqin: (Please check my feedback page for more detail) Qin 琴 is the musical instrument of the literati, the guqin. It is often a good opportunity to network and learn to play the instrument, to ask questions and to receive answers. The purpose of this UNESCO programme is to ensure that the best of every country's traditions is preserved, developed and made known to the outside world. Brief Introduction of Guqin . https ://www. Students will read an informational text lesson on the topic, listen to Chinese music samples Always wanted to try the Chinese Guzheng? Book a 1 to 1 Guzheng trial lesson today! Regardless of whether you are 8 or 80, have music experience or not, you can learn how to play the Guzheng with our qualified and experienced teachers. The guqin (a seven-stringed plucked zither) is a quntessential Chinese musical instrument with a history of more than 3,000 years. guqin instruction
vg, q2, zq, wh, rd, 19, 31, hz, qb, y0, h0, tx, tp, bq, yn, 1k, yn, zu, pv, g7, yc, ps, cu, 51, li, ep, b4, u0, q7, bi, hd,