8L V6 C5 automatic transmission, CFI fuel injection. . R—Engine running self test code. did you say the tps was new or what cause i didnt understand that part. Ford refers to its PCM as an EEC, or electronic engine control. Every since I've had it I've felt it wasn't running right, you can smell gas when it is running and it seems like it idles too high most of the time. 2 inchesItem model 1991 Ford Mustang Eec Iv Obd1 Test Port - 143084717 Manually Eec-iv. large, six pin female connector with molded housing 2. com. NOTE: Not all engines give a "GOOSE" code. Every computer has a main sticker on the 60-pin connector that identifies the computer and holds the most information about the computer. Oxygen sensor not switching - system was rich Left or Front HO2S. Replaced new DPFE with old one. How to read the flashes the first set of flashes is the first digit then there is a pause and another set of flashes then and In the case of SD (not illustrated here), the load is based on Ford’s volumetric efficiency (VE) values for the 302, which are contained in the EEC tables. Turn the ignition on. The following is a list of codes for the Ford EEC IV diagnostic test for the 89-97 Thunderbird & Cougar. SECTION 6A: EEC-IV Pinpoint Test. When possible we give the more descriptive name of the component and the more commonly known OBD II component name. The EEC-IV emits pulses to represent these numeric codes; for example, two pulses, a short pause, then four more pulses would signal a code 24. Can't find anything on Ford Truck Enthusiasts either. Test Eec-iv Obd1 Trouble Codes Fox-body Mustang - Hot Rod Network. 9L TBI, 2. TD1 KEY ON ENGINE OFF DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) 67/634, 522 AND 654: CHECK MANUAL LEVER POSITION (MLP) SENSOR ALIGNMENT DTCs 67 and 634 indicate the MLP sensor is out of Self-Test range when the gear selector is in PARK. The EEC Power Relay is easy to recognize because it's usually a brown color. It has limited capabilities for on-the-fly tuning. 6 ounces Product Dimensions: 10 x 2. This information combined with proper testing procedures, specifications, and tools like a digital multimeter can help you fix the vehicle right the first time. Car details. If code is still present refer to instrument cluster diagnosis manual. One is taped over the J3 port on top of the EEC. i checked the 2. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Ford EEC IV" is the property of its rightful owner. EEC-IV. This chip is modified only for EEC and is soldiered into the computer board. In addition to alerting the vehicle operator, the “Check Engine “light can be used to retrieve EEC IV fault codes. What is more interesting – this tool supports OBD I and is able to scan some older models like Toyota/Lexus (1991-1995), Ford/Lincoln (1983-1995 with EEC-IV system), Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth (1984-1995) and Jeep (1993-1995). They do not make them anymore and our local Ford Co can not even find one. The fox Mustang’s EEC IV computer has two connectors for self-testing and located on the driver-side firewall. 99: All: TC10 — TG90: Codes Not Listed: All: QA1: QA1: QA1: 111: All: Pass: Pass: Pass: 112: All: DA20 — DA90: 113: All: DA10 — DA90: 114: All: DA1: DA1 I've checked Fordfuelinjection. The EEC-IV has two different test modes, the first mode is called Key On Engine Off, or KOEO. For example code 58. Ford EEC-V computer has a 104-pin connector. This is the ultimate Brake-Out-Box, in a class called data-loggers! You don’t need a voltmeter, and all your friends will be jealous. 9L 12 Valve and also possibly the very early 2. What does Ford EEC-IV fault code 15 mean. I can't find a reference to this anywhere to tell me Manual or Auto. This can be caused by a faulty TFI and the biggest culprits are heat. READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. INNOVA 3145 Ford OBD1 Features The Ford EEC-V runs a chip that is somewhat similar to an 8096 from an instruction perspective that includes substantial analog and time base circuits to support ECU duties. Check all engine vacuum hoses for: - Leaks (cracks) or pinched hoses. 3L ECU (computer) Moates. Re: EEC-IV "FMEM" aka code 998 disables what, exactly? Post by fordmandan87 » Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:57 am sounds like a flat spot in the tps. The hardware processes the signals, and the software displays and logs the signals in a variety of user friendly ways. This section explains the EEC-IV engine A computer controlled engine is basically computer control system, the types of the same as earlier types. You can get them for around 20 bucks or so. You guys know if any other tech. Refer to these EEC-IV DTC Charts for direction to diagnose the Continuous DTC received during Key On Engine Off Self-Test. Also retrieves codes from Ford Air Suspension systems 1988 and up (except EVO / Air Suspension combination systems). One is a Toyota 22 Pin connector, one is a 16 OBD OBDII pin connected. SnEEC-IV This is probably the coolest way to test and diagnosis problems on your Ford EEC-IV EFI vehicle. 71 (M) 1. 8 Engine. 3 liter Diesel you will have to hold the throttle to the floor until after the codes are sent. EEC uses a custom Intel 8061 chip for its processing functions. Fords built from 1984 to 1995 use the fourth version of Electronic Engine Control, or EEC-IV for short. Three digit codes will be displayed in the same manner with an extra 2 second pause then the third digit. No code until I revved the engine up to 4000, then CEL light and surging like it did before. Parts are just part of what we do. zip: Technical notes on EEC IV MCU (80 pages PDF document) eec-info. The code came up 172 which comes up as: Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was lean - Single, Right or Rear HO2S - Fuel control. 3 low Cylinder balance test 12 Cylinder No. Binary Editor is a tool which allows editing of calibrations or tunes for most Ford high performance engines. what i need to know if there are crank and cam position sensor,and which is more likely to be defective. The post in the center of the MAF helps to reduce the effect of standing waves in the inlet tract on actual MAF measurement. The Vehicles computer uses code 10 to signal the Code Reader operator to perform a WOT (Wide Open Throttle) test. ). zip: EECSucka - a ROM dumper for the EEC-IV (schematics, DOS executable) The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Ford EEC IV" is the property of its rightful owner. Ford Check Engine Light Codes. Below you will find the most complete list of Lincoln trouble codes available. Simply connect, turn on ignition and read codes. The light turns off when the car is turned off and whether the light comes back on the next day or not is a crap shoot. The ECT sensor tells the computer if the engine is essentially cold, warm or hot. A test light is needed; Located OBD1 Data connector; Turn key on without starting engine; Count the number of flashes (2 sets) Record and combine digits such as 3 flashed and 4 flashes = 34; Lookup code definition for repair; Let's Get Started Re: EEC IV 94 Ranger 4. These codes are not to be used for any other type of computer. - True realtime emulation allows instant changes to any calibration parameter while engine is running. Test conditions: O = Key on Engine Off (KOEO) R = Key on Engine Running (KOER) C = Continuous Memory I have a 1997 ford f250 super duty 5. It's probably going to be less pain in the long run to find a junkyard EEC-IV (or EEC-V) with complete harness (try to get all the sensors too), and then adjust the ECU tables to suit your combo. As with his acclaimed Bosch fuel injection book, author Charles Probst worked with Ford engineers, trainers and technicians to bring you inside information on the operation of Ford engine control. If you are looking for an EEC in a junkyard or swap meets this is for you too. It is still an sensors and how the computer controls internal combustion engine with pistons, fuel delivery, idle speed, spark timing spark plugs, valves and cams. The code definitions are a good starting point when determining the cause of the service engine light but where do you go from there? Ford went from two digit to three digit EEC IV Self-Test codes in 1991 to service the increasing number of service codes required to support various government On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) regulations. For a MEMORY code, it WAS out of range at one time (possible intermittent wire etc. EEC's with the same memory locations have the same catch-code. Quickly press and release the accelerator pedal" Ford EEC-IV A9P has the following Ford Part # F3ZF-12A650-BA Now, the A9L has the following Ford Part # F3ZF-12A650-AA Now, the A9P is NOT the same as the A9L, However, the A9P has the same Stratugy of the A9L. The 4-digit catch code, in this case ZMR3, denotes the application and version of the computer. 10 Codes Handbase 1 0. A "GOOSE" code (also called a dynamic response test) is output during an engine running test. This can be done without the use of a scan tool and is a convenient way to perform Ford ‘s “Key-on, engine off “(KOEO), and “Key-on, engine running “(KOER)tests. Each number will be shown in blinks of the light or sweeps of the needle. Background Information an Previous Misconceptions. Do you have PowerPoint slides to share? If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with PowerShow. The TwEECer is an adapter which connects to the J3 service port of the 1984-2004 Ford EEC PCM, giving you the ability to modify parameters in the calibration data with parameters that match the modifications which you have made to your engine combo. As an example, I'm using the EEC-V out of a 96 Mustang (that was running a 4. The vehicle is idleing very high and throttle sticks and does not want to come out of first gear. When the Service Codes begin to be displayed, deactivate Self-Test (work quickly) and disconnect the jumper wire from the Self-Test connector. EEC-IV is a system unique to Ford, and retrieving the flash codes is 2. I have an OBD II scan tool but unfortunatley this truck only has EEC-IV. 10 lb. The 1986-1993 Ford Mustang’s EEC-IV has the capability to manually test for codes. The PCM then determines the proper spark timing and advance, and returns a reference signal to tell the TFI module to switch the coil, thereby by creating a spark. ScannerDanner 127,806 views The EEC-IV emits pulses to represent these numeric codes; for example, two pulses, a short pause, then four more pulses would signal a code 24. 3. EEC Program Codes Every computer has a main sticker on the 60-pin connector that identifies the computer and holds the most information about the computer. Not just that, but you can also check the Continuous Memory codes that are stored in the system. Backprobe the PIP wire at the ignition control module (ICM). 1. There hasn't been too much support for it until lately. The internals of EEC are complex; Intel and Ford had a joint venture building EEC. EEC-IV Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Charts . These codes are not immediately cleared when data communication is restored. The EEC Tuner alters the software used to operate your EEC -IV(V) processor. The DCL Codes (529 for EEC-IV and 533 for EIC) can occur separately or together. Another culprit can be a wire grounding out. possible senarios. 00. 9L MFI - PCM re-initialized. EEC IV Code Help Okay, I have a 1986 Mustang convertible, 3. Memory feature stores codes, even when the reader is unplugged. Second digit is Ford/Tickford: D = Standard Ford, T = Tickford Third digit is the model: A = 6cyl manual, B = 6 cyl auto, D = Fairmont or Fairlane, E = Gas of some sorts, J = EL Fairmont Ghia, L = South African Export, N = Police Fouth digit is the ECU revision. These codes may then be read from the ECU/EEC using one of three different methods. SnEEC-IV is the first affordable instrumentation quality real-time plug-in passive DataLogging system for the EEC-IV. NET - They have hardware for reading, burning and tuning while driving for the EEC-IV which works with the 2. 1 low Cylinder balance test 11 Cylinder No. Does the Ford EEC-VI system log its DTCs? Another redditor states that two Ford dealerships he's taken his '14 CMax Energi to have said that they need the orange wrench light on before they can diagnose the reason why the light is on, and they do not see any codes stored. It was a California computer in the car, but I replaced it with a non California computer and that swap seems to be ok. Just like the BOB you mount the SnEEC between the 60-pin connector and the computer. Having a code 29 logged in The PCM then determines the proper spark timing and advance, and returns a reference signal to tell the TFI module to switch the coil, thereby by creating a spark. I've checked Fordfuelinjection. 2. 6 ouncesProduct Dimensions10 x 2. Monitor the PIP signal with a labscope. It has had these modifications for at least a year and has run fantastic. I have the new FORD DPFE ready to be picked up tomorrow. I replaced the relay fuel pump relay (that was suppose to have been in under the drivers seat, but was in the engine compartment. Tests Ford EEC-IV / MCU systems. CODE FORMATS. My EEC-IV catch code (label on the computer) reads 8QJ. Welcome to the Lincoln Check Engine Light codes page. With The first codes you will get are going to be your KOEO codes. E. Consult your vehicle's service manual for detailed meaning related to your vehicle. The older EEC-IV computers used a 60-pin connector. Some more common 1986 Mustang EEC calibration codes are: VJ1 VM1 VP1 VR1 The 1987-88 Mustang EEC calibration code DA1 seems to be a popular swap. Procedures. While looking at removal of PCM found another BAD ground, of all the grounds I've cleaned the two adjacent to the vac tank near the PCM&brake booster. Here are some valuable pieces of information which helped me to learn a lot about my Ford vehicle electronic brain. Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) circuit indicates system lean (rear HO2S). EEC Codes – Figure Out What Your Fox Body Codes Are. Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Refer to these EEC-IV DTC Charts for direction to diagnose the Continuous DTC received EEC IV 3 DIGIT CODES. Each processor type uses a different strategy and calibration combination which makes each one of them unique. Disconnect the car battery for at least 5 minutes. Ford EEC-IV OBD I Cable Kit - Actron CP9128 A 1994 Ford Ranger is OBD I / EEC IV and has an EEC TEST connection in the engine compartment by the power distribution box In 1996 , the Ford Ranger changed from OBD I / EEC IV to OBD II / EEC V Does the Ford EEC-VI system log its DTCs? Another redditor states that two Ford dealerships he's taken his '14 CMax Energi to have said that they need the orange wrench light on before they can diagnose the reason why the light is on, and they do not see any codes stored. The EEC uses the 6 MPH value threshold to activate idle dashpot strategy and prevent engine stalls coming to a stop and tip in when shifting. 8 liter and I am desperately trying to retrieve any type of codes from the EEC-IV located on the drivers sides right above the wheel well. 5:1 pistons, RV cam) and it currently has an edelbrock performer intake and a holly carb. Eec Iv Diagnostic Trouble Codes 2018 Ford F150 - You're seeking articles on our blog within the headline Eec Iv Diagnostic Trouble Codes 2018 Ford F150 of choices of articles that we got. Although this system is not as versatile as OBD2, it does allow the reporting of fault codes from the PCM, these fault codes refer to various sensors and variables concerned with the engine. The phase-in from two digit to three digit codes started in the 1991 model year and is largely complete except for some medium/heavy trucks that will retain two digit codes through the 1994 model year. Fault Codes for EEC IV CODE MEANING ACTION 1 - 8 Cylinder No (as code) low power Cylinder balance test 9 Pass Cylinder balance test 10 Cylinder No. Also get KOER code 23 The engine runs ok, but doesn't have the WOT power that it should. Easy-to-view digital display shows numeric trouble codes and eliminates the need to count flashesWorks on most Ford, Lincoln and Mercury domestic cars and trucks from 1982 to 1995Compatible with MCU and the EEC-IV computer control systemsMemory feature stores codes even when the reader is unpluggedIncludes instructions for OBD1 operation and all Ford self-testsProduct informationStyle:For FordTechnical DetailsBrandInnovaItem Weight8. METHOD #2 1. Ford OBD1 Code Gathering . The codes are defined as to what system is affected. A 96DT is something made by tickford. The connector may have a removable cover. Any shop burning a custom chip will ask for this catch code before producing a custom program. I have got fault code on my car. The speed density systems on the trucks are "batch-fired", what this means is that all 4 injectors on each bank are fired together, and then the other bank is fired. Ford EEC-V Programmable Powertrain Control Module (PCM) for model years 1994 and above. EEC IV Diagnostic Codes for 89 - 97 Thunderbird/Cougar. For use with CP9145 super autoscanner. Easy-to-view digital display shows numeric trouble codes and eliminates the need to count flashesWorks on most Ford, Lincoln and Mercury domestic cars and trucks from 1982 to 1995Compatible with MCU and the EEC-IV computer control systemsMemory feature stores codes even when the reader is unpluggedIncludes instructions for OBD1 operation and all Ford self-testsProduct The QuarterHorse plugs into the J3 port, like a chip module, on EEC-IV and EEC-V through 2004 Ford vehicles. Starting with the 1988 California specification, and 1989 50-state versions, the Mustang has been equipped with a mass air, sequential EFI system. 9 liter you have to hold the clutch pedal in (If Manual Trans) until after the codes are sent. Comments on "EEC-IV Truck Codes" Did you find this article useful? Do you have a question or comment about this article? Leave a rating or a comment below, and get instant reply notification via email If you have a long question, or a question not directly related to this article, please start a new topic in the Discussion Forums Can't find anything on Ford Truck Enthusiasts either. These codes will help in the diagnosis of any problems you may have with your car. Problematic TFI's can give off codes 14 (PIP) The Ford EEC-IV/V uses a Hitachi manufactured MAF sensor with a heated wire element. A faulty ECT can throw code 21 which means reading temps less than 50 or more than 250 (engine off) and less than 180 or more than 250 (engine running). This is the authoritative, hands-on book for Ford EEC-IV Engine control Systems used on Ford cars and trucks. Ford EEC-IV code retreival and diagnosis of Check Engine Light GOOSE CODE. The 1994 Ford cars and trucks were built before the standardization of On Board Diagnostics (OBD) , so an OBD-II scanner will not be able to read your '94's trouble codes. Welcome to the Ford Check Engine Light codes page. resources for the 5. Before running the KOER test or attempting to get new codes after servicing your vehicle, perform these procedures first. C—Continuous memory code. by Gilbert (BeirutsFinest) The following is a list of codes for the Ford EEC IV diagnostic test ONLY (1989-1997 Thunderbird & Cougar). It was to the right of the gas pedal, under the engine cover just above the fan shroud. Codes are output as a series of pulses. A. Ford 2. This easy-to-read code reader can help you determine what wrong with your car. If you want to retain the Ford EEC computer, built for your vehicle, backed by extensive Ford research and development, and want to make yo u own modifications with no additional charges, the EEC Tuner is for you! Q. I ran the codes last night and i got back 11 11/11 11 Dont know what else to do. If a fault occurs in data communication a continuous Memory Code is set in the EEC-IV. Shop for Innova OBDl, OBDll scan tool with ABS 3140 with confidence at AutoZone. Also the article from Ford Engineer David Sill has a method of determining which type of TFI is required. Playing with the ECU (Brains) The Engine Control Unit (ECU) is a EEC-IV version or OBD-I. O—Key On, engine Off self test code. com, and while he has a lot of helpful stuff, it's not what I need. 0 EEC-no codes. The PCM used on these vehicles is referred to by Ford as the Electronic Engine Control-IV (EEC-IV) module. so i've added a few more and done some tidying up if anyone knows of anymore just copy and paste and add it into the list. To ensure the sensor is getting the proper voltage from the EEC make sure the signal wire is getting 5 volts. 2 inches Ford Trucks - -----hi. Ok, I finally found the connector. 86 EEC-iv F-150 Straight 6 carb. Had to get off the wallet and buy a fuel pressure gauge, it revealed that the pressure was not holding and running below normal (20psi). Can I use TunerPro to scan the EEC IV fault codes from my 95 ford explorer? If so is it compatiable with windows XP? My laptop only has USB ports so I would need a cable that goes from the car diagnostic plug (offset "D" shaped connector) to the USB port. During basic operation, the EEC-IV determines the ignition timing required by the engine and a DIS module determines which ignition coil to fire. Engine idle control. It has to be this code number exactly, F4TF-12A650-SB, which is located, Once the computer is out, on the connector, it is the center set of numbers. - Box reading for EEC-IV/V. I also needed the MAF sensor pigtail, I was able to find one at the local dealership, part # 3U2Z-14S411-CA. C. TD: Introduction. SnEEC consists of a data acquisition computer that plugs between the Ford EEC-IV ECU and the main engine harness and a software application that runs on any Windows compatible PC. EGR/EVP Codes 31/32/33/34/35 Troubleshooting EEC_IV Troubleshooting Procedures The EEC uses the 6 MPH value threshold to activate idle dashpot strategy and SCT's single program and 5 program, four bank custom chips are specifically tuned for your 1987-2004 Ford car or truck by one of SCT's Custom Tuning dealers world wide!Eliminator Switch Chip Product Features Single or Multi-Program Chip Easily switch between tune files Installs in minutes Vehicle Anti-theft mode built- Ford (in the interest of protecting there investment in EEC) decided to constantly change the memory locations to make it hard for people to modify the tune of their cars. • To test Jeep vehicles with the US Domestic software: – 1990 and later—select Chrysler from the manufacturer selection menu. pdf), Text File (. ECU Catch codes! - Ford Modifications Website. Self Test Eec Iv Diagnostic Code Help Ford F150 Forum - Self test eec-iv diagnostic code - ford f150 forum, Sorry bout that, was just getting a little frustrated thats all, here's the info i have on the truck, went to the garage for safety, didn't have cat conv on dual exh. Started out at $154. No Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) switching detected rear HO2S). EEC Controls Functions controlled by the EEC are: air/fuel ratio in closed loop, EGR position, (gasoline) canister purge, thermactor system, adaptive control system, fuel injectors, transient fuel, spark, VE tables, rev limits, and much more. I have extensively modified it. Instructions on OBD I operation and all Ford self tests. By connecting to the EEC-IV test wiring harness and the Self-Test Input connector, you can extract codes using either The full part number also makes up the catch codes 9 6D A-12A650-JB is the same as 6DJB. 6) to run a 393 Windsor. try to see if the voltage drops off at any point during the sweep of the tps The EEC-IV monitors the Data Communication Link for faults. 3L Ford. • Many 1983 and later Chrysler imports, except Maserati TC, are tested with the Asian Import software. i realized that there isnt a dedicated thread (and possible sticky ) on how to pull codes. Ran codes and got 332 and 327, but only in engine on mode. KOEO code is 23 before and after replacing the TPS. How to Pull Codes From Your Mustang 2. so the took off driver's side exh and y piped to single with one o2 sensor which was no good too begin with, second they welded the entire exhaust system from the y pipe to the tailpipe so that makes it pretty tough to The connector shape is the same for all Ford OBD1 vehicles. Diagnostics . 2 inches California residents: Click here for Proposition 65 warning Item model number: 3145 Manufacturer Part Number: 3145 OEM Part Number: 3145 Folding: No Easy-to-view digital display shows numeric trouble codes and eliminates the need to count flashes Works on most Ford, Lincoln and Mercury domestic cars and trucks from 1982 to 1995 I test drove it and there is a hesitation at acceleration, ides at 500 and runs just fine at idle and deceleration, I pulled codes and got KoEo codes 173, and 178: Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was rich - Single, Right or Rear HO2S. try to see if the voltage drops off at any point during the sweep of the tps The PCM then determines the proper spark timing and advance, and returns a reference signal to tell the TFI module to switch the coil, thereby by creating a spark. EEC-IV uses the same 60-pin connector as III, but one of the indexing tabs on the outside is offset. Ford OBD1 Codes and Procedure - Free download as PDF File (. Extension Cable for Toyota OBD1 Code Reader. Go buy a cheap EEC_IV reader from the auto joint. INNOVA 3145 Ford Digital OBD1 Code Reader Product Details Shipping Weight: 1. You can generally ignore this code, since it has no effect on engine performance. Please answer! My car has 7000 original miles. Can anyone please Catch code should be EMW0, but it is a 2003 Ford upgrade for this 99 car. Either a 94, or 95 with over 200k I test drove it and there is a hesitation at acceleration, ides at 500 and runs just fine at idle and deceleration, I pulled codes and got KoEo codes 173, and 178: Oxygen sensor not switching - system is or was rich - Single, Right or Rear HO2S and Oxygen sensor not switching - system was rich Left or Front HO2S Here is my brainstorm. If the wire going to pin #4 on the EEC-IV computer comes directly from pin #4 of the TFI module, it is a CCD . The connector shape is the same for all Ford OBD1 vehicles. The full part number also makes up the catch codes 9 6D A-12A650-JB is the same as 6DJB. ) That didnt work. Some codes pertain to more than one system but there will be only one of the systems on the vehicle. EEC IV code 23 TPS out of range on 1990 F150 5. If you look at the catch code I used above, it is typically: 6 is the year of release D or T is Ford or Tickford J is the model --> In this case is for an EL Fairmont Ghia EEC IV load balance test "code 10" From my Ford EEC code reader book: "Code 10 is not a fault code. I have a 95 Ford F-150 with a 211 trouble code (PIP circuit fault) I have a repair manuel but it doesent get into the specifics of the actuall circuit. This auto scan toolis able to diagnose ABS/SRS codes (generic and manufacturer specific) quickly and The EEC-IV monitors the Data Communication Link for faults. 1 x 6. This is a single pulse to signal you to quickly move the throttle approximately 1/2 way down and release. Can anyone tell me how to adjust the TPS on a 1990 F150 with 5. Can I use low impedance injectors with the EEC Tuner. Duplicate OEM numbers with different calibration numbers for the same Ford application. Ford ECC-V Calibration Codes Explained. The small pigtail is the self test input (STI). Cleared the codes and ran it again. Code 96 is the Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Fault/High Speed Fuel Pump Relay open. 5L TBI - ITS signal was grounded when throttle should have been opening ITS ISC motor problem or Idle Tracking Switch (ITS) signal wire shorted to ground (M) 1. For example: 2 quick flashes, two second pause, 3 quick flashes indicate code 23. If you look at the catch code I used above, it is typically: 6 is the year of release D or T is Ford or Tickford J is the model --> In this case is for an EL Fairmont Ghia Ford Bronco EEC IV Codes. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. The Ford Mustang is arguably the most popular vehicle for the do-it-yourself tuner. 8 catch codes? The 1994 Ford cars and trucks were built before the standardization of On Board Diagnostics (OBD) , so an OBD-II scanner will not be able to read your '94's trouble codes. These are the catch codes that are on a sticker on the actual EEC. The Ford Electronic Engine Control also known as ECM, PCM, EEC4, EEC5 and PPC are the primary name Ford Uses. Note: These applications use flash technology to update calibration numbers. It seems not many of these trucks were ordered this way and it seems impossible to find this computer (EEC-IV). ” FORD 1994 PCED OBDI-A. 1992 E150 302 EFI V8 . EEC-IV Wiring Information: Pin No Wire Colour Purpose Voltage; 1 : Not Used : 2 : Not used : 3 : Not Used : 4 : Not Used : 5 : Not Used : 6 : Not Used : 7 : Engine The Probe/Telstar uses two very different types of engine management. A vehicle with a VAT sensor will not have an Idle Tracking Switch. 2-3 Ford. TD: Manual Lever Position (MLP) Sensor. The second is taped on the outside of the 60pin connector upon the EEC. 3 and the 5. A 96Dx is something from a standard falcon. Here is an example of where the code is located on the EEC and what it would look like. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. FAULT CODE DEFINITIONS FOR FORD EEC-IV SYSTEMS* *Note that this information is for car EEC-IV systems. Until now (SCT Advantage) no-one has invested the time and money to define the catch-codes for our Australian Ford OBD I Diagnostic Trouble Codes. The EEC-IV monitors the Data Communication Link for faults. Here is my brainstorm. CODE TYPES AND FORMATS . The computer codes should be gone. Around the water coolers and in shops across the country many owners lamented how the “average Joe” could no longer hope to work on his car. The Catch Codes must MATCH!! Or the Replacement EEC most support for his motor/trans/dis system. The V-6 uses Ford's EEC-IV(Electronic Engine Control) system, which is much more complex than the MECS system. For Ford vehicles with EEC-IV system with MIL, ABS (including Teves 32 pin and Teves IV 55 pin). It has to do with weight. Reconnect. showing how to get codes with out a scanner on a ford EEC-IV system. You should also swap the upper intake and heads to 1987 style. Allows you to use OBDII OBDII diagnostic tools to work with your Toyota car with a 22 Pin interface. EEC-IV is a system unique to Ford, and retrieving the flash codes is simple. VSS input is also an engine load determiner along with other inputs (TPS, MAF, etc). You can easily grab your trouble codes, Or enter the PCM's Calibration Code to locate: Catch Code: See below for information on the location of the EEC/PCM in various vehicle models, the catch code (Yellow Circle) and hardware code (Black Oval) location. 1991 Ford Ranger, problems, repair solutions, diagrams, tips, pictures and repair information. More than 16 million cars and trucks are covered by this book. Ford EEC-IV/TFI-IV Electronic Engine Control Troubleshooting. Here are the key capabilities: - Datalogging of all sensors and values to the PC. Replaced the fuel pressure regulator with a junk yard special- engine now normal. The large connector contains the self test output (STO) and ground (SIG RTN). Your Ranger/Bronco II is stalling/dieing or sputtering when hot but runs when it cools off. If you are trying to find Eec Iv Diagnostic Trouble Codes 2018 Ford F150 article fails to dwell right here, you can see from several of the articles that may suit your research. 8 catch codes? Service any other EEC codes, erase memory and retest. At the same time, monitor the duty cycle of the PIP signal. For most Ford, Lincoln, Mercury from 1982 to 1995 domestic cars & trucks. It has a vortech supercharger, afr heads, trick flow intake, 45lb injectors, msd 6al2 ignition, msd boost timing retard. Shipping Weight 0. The phase-in from two-digit to three-digit codes started in the 1991 model year and is largely complete except for some medium/heavy trucks that will retain two digit codes through the 1994 model year. or of any mistakes pleace correct them. Ford Bronco EEC IV . This code may prevent you from running the Key On Engine On tests. You will get a series of two or three digit codes depending on your vehicle. Connect scan tool to the 16-pin data link connector (DLC) located underneath the steering column. It seems that original catch code was UBBA with the hardware I ha expected, but another time, no way to understand why so many references were available for the same car, with probably the same options. I do have the TI performance tuning controller which can load as emulator in TP5, but not sure how much control it has? Ford went from two-digit to three-digit EEC IV Self-Test codes in 1991 to service the increasing number of service codes required to support various government On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) regulations. The EEC Power Relay not only supplies battery voltage to the fuel injection computer (also known as the E. so i'm gonna give it a try, and everyone please help/correct/add to this. 0 EEC-no codes Ordered elect/vacuum trouble shooting Ford repair manual. The Vehicles computer uses code 10 to signal the Code Reader EEC Program Codes. NOTE: Some people have problems distinguishing the different codes. Re: EEC-IV code 511 I replaced the eec iv and that solved the problem. Possible neutral safety switch or wiring problem. 2 low Cylinder balance test 12 Cylinder No. The codes are 172,327 and 328. Thanks everyone for the help and info. Lincoln Check Engine Light Codes. 8 liter engine. INNOVA 3145 Ford OBD1 code reader used for most of the cars and trucks in Ford, Lincoln and Mercury domestic cars from 1982 to 1995. 1 pounds Brand: Innova Item Weight: 8. The code definitions are a good starting point when determining the cause of the service engine light but where do you go from there? Code 67 - clutch not depressed (5 speed) or car not in neutral or park (auto) or A/C in On position when codes where dumped. EEC IV Diagnostic Codes for Thunderbird & Cougar 1989-1997. Page 51. Download32 is source for 10 codes handbase 1 0 shareware, freeware download - CPD Traffic Code for HanDBase , Ford SRS codes database for HanDBase , Ford Air Suspension codes database for HanDBase , Ford ABS codes database for HanDBase , ACM Converter ActiveX (OCX), etc. Electronic Control Assembly), but also supplies power to the fuel injectors, the fuel pump relay, and a few other emissions related solenoids. 4 low Cylinder balance test 111 All systems OK 112 Low voltage air Posts: 10,560. Ford Bronco EEC IV Codes. 3L Tech. Record all codes and identify them as KOEO codes. The Catch code of the PCM is 4DAF which uses strategy N4MG90, but the tune used on it was 4TAC which is strategy N4MG80. Safely accesses on-board computer to read engine codes and perform self test functions. Researching the Dana 35 drive shafts and possible mod to passenger side; I have a 95 Ford F-150 with a 211 trouble code (PIP circuit A worn distributor shaft bushing or a magnetized shaft can also cause erratic signals. Re: Self Test EEC-IV Diagnostic Code Help Post by thecyscokid » Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:45 pm Sorry it was a pcm test, I also cannot find the spout connector, all I have is a small female port where the connector should be, I think, about 4" down from the PCM in the wiring harness Re: EEC-IV or EEC-V Tuning by j_ds_au » Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:51 am Well, if it's Ford's version of OBD1, then I don't believe it can be logged, it just spits out Trouble codes. 3L TBI, 2. For the EEC-IV Computer System (most vehicles built after 1984) connect the Code Reader to. The cable can be used to switch the connector from Toyota 22 Pin to OBD OBDII 16 Pin. -"If in doubt about which TFI module belongs on a particular vehicle, consult the ignition system wiring diagram for the vehicle. Bud. BOTH. Molded tool matches OEM diagnostics connector. zip: Miscellaneous EEC IV info (diagnostic codes, wiring, etc) eecsk111. Get yours online today and pick up in store. and. Ford still used EEC-IV until they switched to the V-10. Replaced ICM, Hall (PIP) sensor, Pigtail to connector, and have checked and rechecked wires in every direction. The catch code on the one I got was WAY1, VEX1 will also work. Forums Modded Mustangs - Eec Easily retrieve and read on-board computer I and II trouble codes and read live vehicle data for a faster diagnosis with this cable kit. 0 tech sections and didnt find any. EEC Calibration Catch Codes . If you have an EEC in your hands and wonder what it came out of this list is for you. 178 (M) Oxygen sensor was slow in switching Left or Front HO2S 179 (M) Fuel system was rich at part throttle Single, Right or Rear HO2S 181 (M) Fuel system was lean at part throttle Single, Right or Rear HO2S 182 (M) Fuel system was rich at idle Single, Right or Rear HO2S 183 ScannerDanner gets his butt kicked by an '88 F-150 (EEC-IV Ignition) - Duration: 32:01. When retrieving Ford check engine light codes with an OBD II scan tool, proceed as follows: 1. 5 TDi utilise the EEC IV PCM, this does allow for diagnostics via the Star Code system, sometimes referred to as On Board Diagnostics 1 (OBD1). The code 96 came from the 92 mustang GT. EEC-IV 3 Digit Test Codes EEC-IV 3 Digit Test Codes Differences in test mode noted as: (O) = Key On Engine Off test (R) = Key On Engine Running test (M) = Memory code 3-Digit Codes 111 System checks OK 112 (O,M) Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor is/was low or grounded - IAT 113 (O,M) IAT sensor is/was high or open - IAT Easy-to-view digital display shows numeric trouble codes and eliminates the need to count flashesWorks on most Ford, Lincoln and Mercury domestic cars and trucks from 1982 to 1995Compatible with MCU and the EEC-IV computer control systemsMemory feature stores codes even when the reader is unpluggedIncludes instructions for OBD1 operation and all Ford self-test Product informationStyle:For FordTechnical DetailsBrandInnovaItem Weight8. 91 Ford Ranger - Service Tricks, Tips, Diagrams and Other Information HOW TO CLEAR EEC-IV CONTINUOUS MEMORY CODES From my Ford EEC code reader book: "Code 10 is not a fault code. It tested the efficiency of Ford EEC-IV / MCU systems. TYPES OF CODES. small, single pin female connector For the MCU System (most vehicles built between 1981-1983) connect the Code Reader to the six pin female connector only. Catch Codes: XF: JA - XF Leaded, Auto JM - XF Leaded, Manual On EEC IV, I first think white cards are analog converters, but I will check on EEC IV reference. On the 4. 0L V-6 use the MECS-I(Mazda Engine Control System) system from Mazda. This design provides a temperature-compensated mass flow measurement directly to the processor. Coil has power, but will not collapse and fire. eectch98. The 2. There will be two stickers on a stock EEC. Big weight was exempt from OBD-II until later. Truck codes may differ. In 1983, Ford Motor Company introduced the EEC-IV system for controlling ignition signals. All Telstars/Probes except the 3. It's an EEC connector, OBD 1. Easy-to-view digital display shows numeric trouble codes and eliminates the need to count flashesWorks on most Ford, Lincoln and Mercury domestic cars and trucks from 1982 to 1995Compatible with MCU and the EEC-IV computer control systemsMemory feature stores codes even when the reader is unpluggedIncludes instructions for OBD1 operation and all Ford self-test Product EEC-IV uses the same 60-pin connector as III, but one of the indexing tabs on the outside is offset. How forgiving is the Ford EEC IV injection system (carb to EFI swap) I have a mildly built 78' 460 in my truck (9. NOTE: When you see "is/was" listed for a code: For a HARD fault code the sensor IS out of range right now. But no chance, their codes seem not corresponding with binary registers. JDA1312 PT 78-0002. 00, got him down to $108. txt) or read online for free. On the 7. Many said things like “you will have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. The continuous service codes will be erased from the processor's memory. If you have an EEC in your hands and wonder what it came out of this is for you. – 1989 and earlier—select Jeep from the manufacturer selection menu. Below you will find the most complete list of Ford trouble codes available. EA-EL Ford Falcon EEC-V and EEC-IV ECUs may predate the use of OBD2 diagnostic code readers, but they still have advanced diagnostic modes that can be useful to identify sensor and wiring problems. Ford EEC-IV A9P has the following Ford Part # F3ZF-12A650-BA Now, the A9L has the following Ford Part # F3ZF-12A650-AA Now, the A9P is NOT the same as the A9L, However, the A9P has the same Stratugy of the A9L. This guide outlines how to read stored codes to help with tracing problems, and how to get into timing mode to set the base timing. ford eec iv catch codes
tc, q6, pc, so, i8, vc, 4j, io, oo, t6, gh, 7i, 94, b8, iq, us, so, vi, zo, mz, ik, 7c, pd, 68, rj, b1, f4, t0, tl, 2v, aw,