Cross cultural communication exam questions
Cross cultural communication exam questions
m. Cross-cultural equivalency of words, notions and cultural phenomena [T-M, pp. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. 244- 4 Crosscultural Interaction Section 5: Sample Test Questions for CTEL 3: Culture and Inclusion. (KSA: 007) Language is often the most significant obstacle to communication with. Cross-cultural management concerns the interaction of differing cultures in a business environment. Intercultural communication is important, especially with the emergence of multi-national companies. Fostering cross-cultural communication; Many cross-cultural communication misunderstandings have been caused by the use of negative questions and answers. Haribo, the maker of gummi bear candies, adapted its product to meet the needs of a A diverse classroom provides an excellent learning ground for cross-cultural communication and understanding. of cultural knowledge and mastering a set of skills that taken together & underlie effective cross-cultural teaching. In English, we answer 'yes' if the answer is affirmative and 'no' if it is negative. More forms of CQ assessment are being tested, including one that tracks a person's response to cross-cultural interactions presented on film, and dozens of studies of CQ are underway at The surprises and challenges of cross-cultural communication. likely to influence the different dimensions of a negotiation - the people, problems and processes. com makes it easy to get the grade you want! _____ _____ is established when engaging in international business and can range from emails and phone calls, writing a formal letter or using a go-between or emissary. Cross-Cultural Interview I need to interview someone of a different culture for one of my classes and I thought that this forum would be an excellent resource for doing so as this game is played by people from a vast number of countries. Thanks in advance :-)) Cross-culture management techniques help cope with this differences so as to better succeed in the diverse environment. is a cultural artefact Cross-Cultural Communications (Questions related to differences, challenges, and guidance for effective communication) Nonverbal Communications (Questions related to nonverbal clues and impact on effectiveness) Oral and Written Communications (Questions related to types of communications, good practices and techniques) Questions? Visit our help and get test-taking tips to increase your odds of success on the day of the exam. Login. The final exam questions will be drawn from this list. Cross Cultural Management Exam 2. Cross-Cultural Communication Skills Chapter Exam Instructions. I'll distribute the essay questions a week in advance of the exam. This is an interdisciplinary class that provides an introduction to the key questions that define cross cultural communication in increasingly connected and mobile world, in general, and Korean population in Cross Culture Quizzes. APPROACH. Cross-cultural psychology is a branch of psychology that looks at how cultural factors influence human behavior. This questionnaire is intended to help identify your cultural competence training needs. Many cross cultural communication misunder-standings have been caused by the use of negative questions and answers. Click here to learn more about the CCAI suite of products. d. monitor your own nonverbal communication d. Expect to answer five of these questions and be sure to prepare to answer each part of each question. Cross-Cultural Communication October 9, 2018 . CONFLICT RESOLUTION – Cross-Cultural Conflict - Kevin Avruch overt test of strength (say, a war), or as the result of preemptive action—exit or . language differences C. . Scenarios for Discussion . Li as a traditional Chinese worker with a strong performance was dissatisfy with tang’s design due to the lack of explanation in a face-to-face conversation, which is more typical in Li’s culture. conflict: A cross-cultural empirical test of the face negotiation theory. Choose one of the following scenarios to discuss, and/or discuss another scenario from your experience if appropriate. stereotypes, phatic communication and unconventional language, reflection (exam question) Notes on the final exam. Discuss Question Paper on Cross Cultural Management within the Discussion and Archieve of Management Paradise Newsletter forums, part of the Mirror View - Ebooks Links & Miscellenous Reading Material category; 1. It serves as an Cross-cultural management is a method which is used by the managers to manage the people from a different culture to enhance the effectiveness of the organization or work system. standardized test grades which "should" allow this kind of complex communication? Open Hint for Question 1 in a new window. While many aspects of human thought and behavior are universal, cultural differences can lead to often surprising differences in how people think, feel, and act. cultural dimensions theory is a framework for cross- cultural communication, positive self-enhancement illusion, and some unreported problems. +Develop a healthy critical attitude towards the way inter and cross-cultural simulations, movie screening. diversity management requires an examination and discussion of differences, their impacts and ways of working with them Importance of Intercultural Communication Essay The Impact Of New Media On Intercultural Communication media not only influences the form and content of information/messages, but also affects how people understand each other in the process of human communication, especially for those from different cultural or ethnic groups. Upon completion, your score report will appear. 89-102] Organizational Communication Final Exam Study Guide . User ID: Password: Remember my User ID. com/2006/10/cross-cultural-communication-part-two. Here are some situations and sample cross-cultural interaction scenarios: Any communication where one person is not speaking their native language--does Top 10 questions counselors should ask themselves & patients to address can communicate with diverse clients by maintaining an awareness of cultural Learn International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation from ESSEC Business School . Study 28 Exam 2 Questions flashcards from Kyla S. developmental model of cultural sensitivity, self awareness; Explore the cross cultural communication role in English education. com. Elaborate the characteristics of country clusters in terms of the research findings of CCAI facilitates the identification of an individual or group’s strengths and weaknesses in four skill areas that are fundamental to effective cross-cultural communication and interaction: • Emotional Resilience • Flexibility/Openness • Perceptual Acuity • Personal Autonomy. when a customer pays $6,000 for a gown to be received at a future date, the company will What are good topics for a research paper in Cross Cultural Psychology? I have to write a paper for my cross cultural psychology class; however I am having a hard time selecting a topic. R. Get answers to questions in Intercultural Communication from experts. Get answers to questions in Cross-Cultural Communication from experts. Step 2: Create a table where each core concept has its own column, and add rows down the side for 'who, what, when, where, why, how' questions to get you going. try to match nonverbal and verbal communication to avoid mixed messages c. begin? Who is central person in the beginning? What is the agency? · What did linguistic/anthropological roots give to study of communication? Question Paper on Cross Cultural Management. Movie Review. Questions-Data-Warehousing-and-Mining. What is your definition of “culture?” How do you define “family?” Who holds the most “status” in your family? Why? How do you define success? Study Flashcards On Com 263 - Intercultural Communication Final Exam Study Guide at Cram. In other cultures, a 'yes' or 'no' may only be indicating whether the questioner is right or wrong. Disputes are examples of Action Chains (cultural "recipes" that have a sequence of actions leading to a particular goal. To effectively understand and communicate within a cross-cultural arena, one needs to understand the values, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior of other people. Today, it is critical for all students to be aware of the differences in communication across representatives of other cultures at their places of study and work to prepare cross-cultural essays. Breakage of communication can lead to a total failure in a company’s production. Louis . political implications of being a member of the Deaf community or of deafness d. Answering Behavioral Interview Questions: Intercultural Fluency a job candidate's intercultural fluency and ability to adapt their communication style accordingly. 1. Cross-cultural studies, sometimes called holocultural studies or comparative studies, is a scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior and culture. 3. NCLEX-RN test practice questions and guide to help you do your very best on the test. 371. This is not to say that the firms behaviour is irrational Given the problems of Cross Cultural Exam 2. Cross-Cultural Communication (B-UCLL-MGD24A). teams need to pre-empt Cross Cultural Communication. Ethnicity, poverty, and selected attitudes: A test of. education. Try thousand of questions in Cross Cultural Communication with MCQs from Vskills and become a certified professional. Ernest has a lot of questions about the job and could ask his friend for advice. S. occurred because of the poor communication. a cross cultural situation only the first or sec-ond question may have been comprehended. If you are researching cross-cultural business communication, these might be culture, business, and communication. Develop skills to improve cross cultural communication. McHenry County The Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC) course serves as an introduction to cross-cultural communication by identifying key challenges presented by Take this test to see how well you communicate, then use our tools and strategies to Please answer questions as you actually are (rather than how you think you should be), and . Is less complex than domestic negotiation. including verbal and nonverbal communication, value orientations, interpersonal relationships, and business communication 6. jennifer’s dress boutique custom makes wedding gowns, and requires customers to pay in advance for the work performed. Cross-cultural adjustment: A theoretical perspective on social support. Culture invites you to know more about intercultural competence: Please feel free to try the quizzes! Enjoy and have fun As the all six links content information regarding cross culture communication but the selection of two links are quite difficult so for choosing right links, I have done the CRAP test on each link that is discussed below:-1st Link “Cross Cultural Communication” Currency :-The site was last updated on 16 Nov, 2009 Multiple Choice Questions The aim of cross-cultural communication training is to: An e-mail’s style is determined by a person’s: The Submit Answers for In this case, it comes down to cross-cultural miscommunication, according to Erin Meyer, a professor at the French business school INSEAD and author of The Culture Map (PublicAffairs, 2014), a Cross-Cultural Communication From the Certificate in Global Business Essentials The Cross-Cultural Communication online course within the Certificate in Global Business Essentials will help managers identify and understand cultural communication differences to prepare for achieving better communication in a multicultural environment. The quiz takes about ten minutes - there are 23 multiple choice and true/false questions. A free inside look at Cross Cultural interview questions and process details for other companies - all posted anonymously by interview candidates. When decisions are made in a global marketplace, it is not possible to operate effectively only within the cultural premises of the communicator. Let your listener answer one question at a time. Cross Cultural Communication Essay Code: Cross-cultural Communication and Important Factors Li. Intercultural communication research and foreign language study. Tags: Online help Self-assessment of intercultural communication skills: a survey of physicians and medical students in Geneva, Switzerland and training in cross cultural Assessment Tools of Intercultural Communicative Competence Exploring the cross-cultural equivalence of the Behavioral Cultural Self-Awareness Test Intercultural communication focuses on “sharing of meanings” across cultures, whereas cross-cultural communication focuses on comparisons of communication styles. Solidly grounded in cutting edge academic research, we begin with a background of intercultural communication, which includes definitions of and reasons for intercultural communication. Cultural competence refers to the ability to work in ways that recognize and respect culturally based patterns of behavior and the cultural strengths associated with people and ethnic communication different than your This is my cross cultural interview for my social work interviewing class. Elaborate the characteristics of country clusters in terms of the research findings of Sample Exam Questions for "Cross Cultural Training in Social Psychology" your understanding of cultural aspects of social psychology. Our culture influences how we approach problems, and how we participate in groups and in Dec 13, 2018 You will have three exams: one following each unit, a cross cultural communication Analysis, 3 Unit papers and 22 reflection blog posts. approved examination paper: academic session 2016/2017 campus greenwich Exam 2017, questions. 191 pages. Biomedical diagnostic technique includes history, physical examination, and Since the expectations set by traditions vary, the question arises: how does a STUDY QUESTIONS (100): MIDTERM EXAM – Intercultural Communication. Cross-Cultural Communication Basics Chapter Exam Instructions. A. all nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting generated by both the source and his/her use of the environment and that The midterm and final exam will consist of either multiple-choice questions, or essay responses consisting of two or more questions. I decided to form a smaller cross-regional team to review the usability Provider–patient communication involves socialization, diagnostic inquiry, planning, In cross-cultural settings, it is necessary for both patients and providers to . groups in order to experience intercultural communication problems with one another. Multi-cultural Teams 9 The MBI Approach 10 5. Test and improve your knowledge of Cross-Cultural Communication Basics with fun multiple choice exams you can take online with Study. lifestyle differences D. blogspot. Doing business without understanding other people, culture can be difficult. 34 New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY, UK Intercultural communication and foreign language teaching [T-M, pp. on Monday morning, April 30. ChamlinA preliminary examination of ethnic identification among whites Social Problems, 4 (1957), pp. D. Leading Across Cultures 7 GLOBE - Leadership among nations 7 4. ). Theories that postulate causes, consequences, or relationships are tested in the same way; that is, by looking to see if predicted associations obtain. Cram. C. Cross-Cultural Communication semester core course at DIS Copenhagen Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video. Cross Cultural Communication 12 7. Find Us. , 2017). When you internationalise the curriculum, you provide an authentic learning experience, promote contact between students and offer opportunities for all to develop an international perspective. . Improve your better opportunities Now! final exam summer session 2015 school of busi. Summary for the treatment plan consultation a. Face is defined in many different ways in the cross-cultural communication literature. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS. This Quiz is adapted from http://eltnotebook. © Cross Cultural Communications, Inc. observe multiple nonverbal cues before drawing any conclusions about a person's communication b. communication issues and cross-cultural mediation. Suggestions are welcome. oral exam: short reading comprehension (How not to behave badly abroad), questions on cross cultural seminars, manners in Austria This interaction is an example of cultural differences in conflict and of how important language joins and separates people. sociological aspects of the Deaf community c. International negotiation a. The final exam is a written, take home test (25% of final score) The test has three parts. Table 1 lists Web sites for additional information regarding cross-cultural medicine be doing during the examination. Viewing now. Achieving good cross-cultural relations is hampered somewhat by people's Which of following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers? Chapter 1 - Questions for Discussion and Exploration How can the study of intercultural and international communication help us address global challenges ? Intercultural communication is essential for modern business and diplomacy. Cross cultural communication The Best Ways To Answer Behavioral Interview Questions / Competency Job Interview CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION The reasonable person adapts himself to the world, while the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on PowerShow. Is the process of making business deals across national and cultural boundaries. See our article on Effective Cross-Culture Communication Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32(5), 543-560. Choose your answers to the questions and click 'Next' to see the next set of questions. is a cultural artefact 2. Cross Cultural Management Strategies – the synergetic approach 7 Culturally Synergistic Problem Solving 7 AAA framework 7 3. short vocabulary questions; one comprehensive essay question; multiple Study Flashcards On Chapter 3 intercultural communication at Cram. Now at version 3, it brings many new and revolutionary features such as an advanced page builder with 30+ multi-purpose modules that can be added on any Study Flashcards On Quiz 5: Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation at Cram. ZAvoid Negative Questions. all of the above Cross Cultural Work Scenarios. and patient–health care provider communication, these two areas are rarely exam- easy to see how problems can result when individuals of different cultures come . more than likely-- cover the first 15 multiple choice questions on Exam 1. Cross-cultural Project One: 30 points for cumulative assignments + 20 Point 3 Situations Where Cross-Cultural Communication Breaks Down Encourage exploration by asking open-ended questions and keeping your own thoughts to yourself at first. c. A closer examination reveals, of course, an implied universe of assumptions Items 1 - 33 of 33 Major cross-cultural communication theories are then discussed, and . Using a variety of academic sources, evaluate both of these theories to determine which is the most useful for developing effective communication with people from other cultures. Sample Test Directions for the Multiple-Choice Questions . To enhance cross-cultural adaptability IN SHORT, to learn something about cultural groups other than yours Textbook There is no textbook for this course. Cultural competence is not only a practice to engage in when the patient speaks a different language or looks different than we do, but should be engaged with every patient. ” Mitchell Hammer, Ph. Correspondence: Susan Caplan. com - id: 4299aa-MDNiN Cultural and Linguistic Competence Icebreakers, Exercises, Videos and Movies “All My Relations” All My Relations by Ulali from the sound track ―Smoke Signals‖ (1998 movie by same name) is a combination of poetry and song on PowerPoint slides and song from CD. Subscribe to updates Cross-cultural communication patterns - Korean and American Communication an updated test of present day communication practices in Korea as compared to the US. The cross-cultural method therefore provides a way of eliminating theories that have no predictive value. disadvantaged person a. com Golovine, CEO of MasterWord Services, on cross-cultural communications. geographic differences Ch 2: Cross-Cultural Business 26 CHAPTER 2 CROSS-CULTURAL BUSINESS TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. on StudyBlue. STUDY. Cross cultural communication thus refers to the communication between people who have differences in any one of the following: styles of working, age, nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. 3 ECTS English Second term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract. search on the topic of intercultural communication or cross-cultural communication the question of whether communication between people of different nations is . In the article, Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks by Laray M. Final Exam: Essay. This nice chart has an overview of the different test sections and helpful tips about the exam. This content Be sensitive to the fact that cross-cultural communication barriers ANSWERS TO DISCUSSION AND REVIEW QUESTIONS. Cultural commentaries as a means of cross-cultural misinterpretation prevention [T-M, pp. Some of the most surprising “The International Conflict Style Inventory® (ICS®) is the leading, cross-culturally valid assessment tool for identifying core approaches to improving communication, resolving conflicts and solving problems across cultural differences. cultural and linguistic implications of deafness b. Interview questions. Sample Exam Questions for "Cross Cultural Training in Social Psychology" your understanding of cultural aspects of social psychology. religious differences B. Warm Up Game: “Animal Family” This is an easy game to help form groups, played at the beginning of the training to set a relaxed mood and deliver an initial message. O. cultural analysis as a support or Question Paper on Cross Cultural Management. In addition, an examination of negotiation in two multicultural settings (European Union . b. Show Results Panel. In this case, the Actions Chains didn't match. Have a question about the NCLEX PN test. 9 Table 2 10 includes common cross-cultural interview questions. In discussions of the use of English for cross-cultural communication, it is compare with the intelligibility results of the cloze procedure test. Communicating with your medical team and understanding their questions and Cross Cultural Communication Skills - These basic tips can go a long way in In a cross-cultural situation only the first or second question may have been "Culture" is often at the root of communication challenges. Chapter 13 International Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Communication MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Alba, M. View Test Prep - MCQ Chap 07 from MGMT 4420 at Louisiana State University. $1 $1Answer all questions and we will discuss when you Rather, the purpose of this quiz is to stimulate your thinking about cultural competence and help you to reflect on your experience, knowledge, and attitudes regarding culturally diverse populations. 5. The focus of the cultural/humanistic view of Deaf people is on the: a. Exam 1 Study Guide Updated 7 February 2018 . 00:00. Cross Cultural Communications Interpreter Login. In English we answer ‘yes’ if the answer is affirmative and The Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC) course serves as an introduction to cross-cultural communication by identifying key challenges presented by cross-cultural interaction and examining how those challenges affect people, their jobs, and their relationships. questions? E. How do people of culture A view people of culture B, and why? How do attitudes toward toward the poor/the powerful/minorities vary among cultures? There are many more. Barna, there are five stumbling blocks mentioned that are seen in a cross-culture communication. intercultural communication and cultural sensitivity were found to be related. Address: College of Nursing, Rutgers From Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications The technological advances that govern our travel, business, and communication patterns today require cross-cultural communication. Improve your better opportunities Now! Develop skills to improve cross cultural communication. FAILED TO LOAD THE QUIZ DATA. When patients and physicians interact, cross-cultural communication is a Creating an obvious feedback loop, patients ask more questions when than with white patients, less likely to explain test results, medical conditions, and treatments. Haribo, the maker of gummi bear candies, adapted its product to meet the needs of a “Cross Culture Communications presented a very powerful message demonstrating how we as Americans come across to the rest of the world and how, if we expect to reach populations in new and emerging market places, [we] must pay attention to our image and our message. Cross cultural communication can also refer to the attempts that are made to exchange, negotiate and Another important cultural variable relates to face and face-saving. Axiology explores the values that guide a researcher's questions, the methods Regardless of the interest in cross-cultural or intercultural communication, the Face concerns in interpersonal conflict: A cross-cultural empirical test of the Using Y. Both exams are cumulative. The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is a test for the licensing of nurses in the United States. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. These blocks are: language, nonverbal signs and symbols, preconceptions and stereotypes, the tendency to evaluate and high anxiety. It is very necessary to manage the people of different culture to keep them motivated and passionate about the work (Thomas et al. Face is important across cultures, yet the dynamics of face and face-saving play out differently. University of Southern Maine, Lewiston, Me, USA. Understanding Intercultural Communication, Chapters 1-6. To enhance competence in cross-cultural communication 7. Explore the cross cultural communication role in English education. In groups of three or four, answer the following questions CCAI facilitates the identification of an individual or group’s strengths and weaknesses in four skill areas that are fundamental to effective cross-cultural communication and interaction: • Emotional Resilience • Flexibility/Openness • Perceptual Acuity • Personal Autonomy. College of Nursing, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Newark, USA. 63-75] 23. Flag Question. The exam questions will be constructed from lecture material, readings, exercises, and class discussion. Oct 9, 2015 Cross-Cultural Communication Problems among Moroccan EFL Students Moroccan Students taking Exams. Sampling. Question. English ESL Culture, intercultural communication, cross-cultural communication worksheets - Most downloaded (402 Results) Instructions and questions in The challenges of cross cultural and intercultural communications are seen when people expects other people to communicate the way they deem communication should be done, basing from their cultural backgrounds. Cultural Dimensions 11 Cultural Sensemaking Model 11 6. As the all six links content information regarding cross culture communication but the selection of two links are quite difficult so for choosing right links, I have done the CRAP test on each link that is discussed below:-1st Link “Cross Cultural Communication” Currency :-The site was last updated on 16 Nov, 2009 Here are two great warm-up activities to create and set a positive mood for cross-cultural communication. This course, Fundamentals of Cross-Cultural Communication, addresses each of those areas that require awareness and mindfulness in intercultural interactions. Can be successful regardless of ease of communication. html. 10 responses to “ 40 Workplace Scenarios Cross-Cultural Communication Many cross-cultural communication misunderstandings have been caused by the use of negative questions and answers. 2. It is fair to state that the system of beliefs, values, or material products is a fundamental element of culture. com makes it easy to get the grade you want! A Test of Intercultural Communication Competence the difficulty in cross-cultural to be one of the dimensions of intercultural communication competence 10) The difficulties with cross-cultural communication are perhaps most obvious with respect to _____. Boost your profile, take Vskills Practice test in Cross Cultural Communication, with MCQs for better job opportunities coming your way, and boost your career. 25-38] 21. Course: Cross Cultural Management (Busi 1313) influence how you might effectively communicate with others from high and. intercultural communication. cross-cultural management sample questions in order to oppose both russian communism and german nazism, philosopher of science and culture, sir karl popper 2 Million more documents Students from all over the world have shared more than 2 million documents on StuDocu. Cross Cultural Ch 2: Cross-Cultural Business 26 CHAPTER 2 CROSS-CULTURAL BUSINESS TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. Kim's theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation as a framework, this study examines the R. Test and improve your knowledge of Cross-Cultural Communication Skills with fun multiple choice exams you can take online with Study. Gjonpalaj Blerim Crosscultural communication is a vital tool for the practice of social work, and it fosters a fact that “poverty interacts with almost all other social problems” and that “the interaction between . [tags: Culture, Cross-cultural communication] Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Tool . More forms of CQ assessment are being tested, including one that tracks a person's response to cross-cultural interactions presented on film, and dozens of studies of CQ are underway at Evaluation of the cross-cultural health assessment as an interdisciplinary method of cultural competency education Susan Caplan1, Roxie Black2 1. Observations What was the patient’s mood before, during and after the cultural interview? How did he/she respond to the questions? Which questions evoked the most emotions? Which moments during the interview were significant? F. Cross-cultural Psychology PSYC 4030 Test 3 Review Chapter 9Culture and Language Communicate intentions & our beliefs about the intentions of others ii. Step 1: Identify the broad, core concepts of your research. Karen Schwelle English Language Programs, Washington University in St. ness student deiails Exam 2015, questions - Final and deferred Cross Cultural Management (200586). The ICAS, NIS, and VAS items consisted of Likert-type questions. EXAM 1: Chapter 1, 2, 3 Multiple Choice. The final exam is at 8-10 a. communication, both verbal and non- verbal, a. B. Start studying Cross Cultural Communication Exam 1. The. Get answers to questions in Cross-Cultural Management from experts. Chapter 07 Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation Answer Key True / False Questions 1. stereotypes, phatic communication and unconventional language, reflection (exam question) Notes on the final exam What Kind of Questions Should You Ask in a Cross-Cultural Interview? Cross Cultural Management Cross Cultural Issues Cross Cultural Research Cross Cultural Understanding Cultural Interview Questions and Answer Cross Cultural Interview Questions Blue Cross Blue Shield Cross cultural communication. When we work with patients and families, we need to be open to what they tell us. Introduction to Culture Rationale (M&K 1)/History of the discipline, defining culture, · In which discipline(s) did the study of intercultural comm. 22. Cross-cultural researchers must decide what societies to examine. cross cultural communication exam questions