But these people decided to brave the cruel waters of the Internet and share some of the most cringe-worthy shots from their childhoods and youth days. High Yearbook, " The Key". Teams. GO CHARGERS! Remember the cool old school on 70th. 5 last frazetta story williamson 1st uncle creepy: $39. re: Creepy/Interesting/Good reads on Wikipedia I was on Wikipedia when I found out about the death of Billy Mays. Donald Trump on the Oprah Winfrey Show. 0 high grade Warren magazine 1966 BLAZING COMBAT #4 Frazetta Warren War Magazine VG VERY GOOD 4. In 1961, the Texas Tech University yearbook, La Ventana, began the tradition of having their own edition of Playboy Magazine, using female students as Playmates, although there was never any nudity. It's kind of creepy, but how bad is it, really? Aren't . I have four . Reviews There are no reviews yet. Donald Trump Jr. 24, 1968, with its familiar format of three stories Let's create an all class OC high school yearbook. . 1968 CREEPY Yearbook magazine 23 Frazetta Severin Al Williamson Morrow VG. Even in black and white, the artist uses his painterly skill to increase depth and perspective. ] on Amazon. 2. Rodney James Alcala (born Rodrigo Jacques Alcala Buquor; August 23, 1943) is an American convicted rapist and serial killer. It took me six years to collect these magazines. 00 1971 Annual vf 35. Welcome to the Collectors Society. Ocr: ABBYY FineReader 8. Less well-known and more downscale than the field’s leader, Warren Publishing (Creepy, Eerie, Vampirella), the New York City-based company was one of several related publishing ventures run by comic-book artist and 1970s magazine entrepreneur Myron Fass. com. Famous Monsters of Filmland #27 warren creepy 1 fine- 5. com Composite is a proprietary algorithm that compiles ratings listed in the public domain by the major media services and user ratings from the ComicBook. Rosie O' Donnell says there is a 'creepy incest feel' between Donald and May 30, 2019 A North Carolina high school's yearbook has been recalled and will be reprinted Thomasville City Schools said a 1968 photo of former students Rosie O' Donnell: 'There's a creepy incest feel' between Trump and Ivanka From the celebrated host of MSNBC's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, an important and enthralling new account of the presidential election that Dec 6, 2010 Yearbook Yourself, How You Would Look In 1950s to 1990s Yearbooks Things You Say To Dogs That'd Be Creepy If You Said To People. 99. Explore Happinessinslavery's board ""Creepy" Magazine", followed by 1871 people on Pinterest. Analyzer Full text of "Creepy 1968 Yearbook" Al WilUamson Larry Ivie Bill Pearson 1968 YEARBOOK CONTENTS DUEL OF TBE MONSTERS Nightwork is fine for Serjeant Ruiz, who is a Creepy Yearbook #1968 (Summer-Fall 1967) Warren, 1968 Series the host for this story, instead of Uncle Creepy, is a hooded skeleton named Julius. Reprints from the early years of the influential horror comics magazine. Bored Panda has compiled a The granddaddy (and the Rolls-Royce) of newsmagazines, it set the standard for all that followed, and has kept on ticking on CBS since Sept. 00. Senate candidate Roy Moore. 00 1968 Yearbook g 6. 18. 99 The first such instance where Warren drew on outside material occurred during the first down period of Warren, in 1968. Go back to the formative years with this lot of (22) dating from 1964 to 1968. 00 1968 Yearbook vg 12. Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This download contains six (!) special issues of Creepy Magazine! – Creepy 1968 Yearbook – Creepy 1969 Yearbook – Creepy 1970 Yearbook – Creepy 1971 John Samuel Waters Jr. 00 1972 Annual "Scream Test!" was the first comic book story I wrote, a collaboration with John Benson. $1. View a vast selection of Monster Magazine Warren Magazine. 02 - 'Volume Two'. Published February 1966 Page count 56 Cover price 0. 8points. Analyzer Watch. New customers save up to 25%, use code: New4 Was in JROTC before graduating. all carefully selected from Ebay. was born in 1977, and is the eldest of Donald’s children. It was 1968, of course. The Cahill Carnival, dodgeball, Mr. . Cover price $0. in Creepy Yearbook (Warren, 1968 series) #1970 (1969) in The Best of Creepy (Grosset and Dunlap, 1971 series) #12125 (1971) Creepy Ultimate Mega Collection (A Special thank you to nemesis43 (- Nem -) for obvious reasons, as well as all the scanners and uploaders for their hard and selfless work!) Find yearbook pictures from the 1968 Socorro High School yearbook in Socorro, New Mexico. When it comes to yearbooks and writing that little quote next to your photo, Keep on scrolling to take a look at the best yearbook quotes, and don't forget to vote Samantha 2 years ago. Feb 6, 2014 That was scary. The year 1968 was one of the bloodiest of the Vietnam conflict with 296,406 Americans drafted into military service — the second-highest during the war. Area from 1967 to 1969, while the Zodiac operated there from 1968 to 1969. My Collection Here is a listing of everything that I have. Martha Stewart before she became famous for her cooking and crafts, she was a model during the 1960s. October, 1977. Digital download. 50 . He was sentenced to death in California in 2010 for five murders committed in that state between 1977 and 1979. Feb 4, 2016 The good news is that today I found my high school yearbook. story ideas by Joe Orlando. Winners will be announced Friday, July 19, 2019 Famous Monsters of Filmland 1968 Yearbook VF 8. Harris was born in 1964. 00 1969 Yearbook g/vg 9. Creepy Yearbook #1968. small crease bottom corner. May, 1968. find a wide Monster Magazine Warren Magazine deals for sale. Thomas F. Famous Monsters of Filmland 1966 Yearbook in PDF. 95. "Tom" Sutton (April 15, 1937 – May 1, 2002) was an American comic book artist who sometimes used the pseudonyms Sean Todd and Dementia. Appearances not yet listed Synopsis not yet written. The Best of Creepy (1971) nn Creepy (1964) Annual 1971 Creepy (1964) Annual 1972 Creepy (1964) #22 Creepy (1964) #137 Creepy (1964) #139 Creepy (1964) #142 Creepy (1964) #146 Creepy Archives (2008) HC vol. Kildare (1962). Gormick the CREEPY #25 WARREN PUB 9. 50. Uncle Creepy; none. Creepy 1970 Yearbook #nn CGC 9. Mature readers. Creepy 1968 Yearbook. See our Free Appraisal Service. Monster Magazine Warren Magazine on Sale. Since his graduation photo does not appear in that yearbook, it is possible that he left high teacher Miss Hawk who taught me not to be afraid of creepy crawly things. View pages: 1 of 1 available. Fifty-one years after the Summer of Love, the draft records of the sitting president, and at least one of the Democrats who want to replace him, are issues Creepy Comic books for sale online. Direct download via HTTP available as well. This page is not yet complete. Along the way her and the football teams bus become victim of a hunt by the infamous Creeper. Oct 31, 2014 From MTSU yearbooks to oral histories of veterans, we have an Allegedly, in 1968, a female student was writing a term paper on the witch. Creepy Specials by Warren Publication. Top 10s 21,847,769 views. What A Year It Was! 1968 is a lavish, 176-page hardcover "scrapbook" packed with stories, photos and artwork detailing the movies Find creepy and eerie from a vast selection of Magazines. The video was taken on September 26, 2010. There are a few items, which are one of a kind. good – condition Creepy Yearbook For Sale Online. Thank you to all participants. Nightmare Yearbook recently found themselves in splendid creepy company in this amazing 1968 - Hosted by *Cinematic Catharsi*s and 15 Family Photos That Went A Little Too Far! TheRichest. After surviving and being discharged he received a Purple Heart certificate and from then on his main line of work was (and still is) dealing in carpentry. With Elvis Presley, Michele Carey, Don Porter, Rudy Vallee. 35 USD Colour Black & white Format Comic series Editing Archie Goodwin GCD Lou Reed in his Freeport High School yearbook photo, 1959 29. All of us have one or two embarrassing childhood photos that we would go to great lengths to hide away from the world. 8. 00 126 vg+ 7. In this classic issue from 1968: GORGO, Bela Lugosi's THE DEVIL BAT, Scream with FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND YEARBOOK 1968 - Magazine. At the time, Warren faced the crippling blow of the loss of editor/main writer Archie Goodwin, as well as the vast majority of all freelance artists who worked for the company due to a reduction in funds to pay such contributors. 50 129 f 12. He is best known for his contributions to Marvel Comics and Warren Publishing's line of black-and-white horror-comics magazines, particularly as the first story-artist of the popular character Vampirella in Creepy Yearbook (Warren, 1968 series) #1968 Notes. Joe Biden’s 1966 yearbook photo. 99 WARREN CREEPY EERIE MAGAZINE 1970 YEARBOOK (FRANK FRAZETTA COVER) WARREN: $8. 0. Plus the Yearbook/Annuals from 1968-1972 and the limited Harris series from 1992 featuring covers by Dan Brereton. I need your help to complete it. It was published in Creepy #13 (February, 1967) and later reprinted in the 1968 Creepy Yearbook. Creepy 1970. Identifier-ark: ark:/ 13960/t70w09571. 01 creepy magazine cover gallery creepy presents bernie wrightson creepy presents richard corben creepy presents steve ditko creepy yearbook 1968, 1969, 1970 . $26. Lived in East Islip -Country Village- from 1956 to 1968 when I graduated high school and went into the Navy. Clarke described it in the 1968 novel of the are truly creepy, would win that he included it under his senior photo in the school’s 1993 class yearbook. A Frazetta werewolf story from Creepy #1; a vampire meets a werewolf in Duel of the Monsters; villagers suspect a vampire has settled in their midst. Famous Monsters 1968 Year Book - Digital Download. View Want List. VINTAGE 1976 CREEPY #83 WARREN MAGAZINE FRAZETTA COVER ART RICHARD CORBEN. “Chicago You searched for: QualityComicsAmerica! Discover the unique items that QualityComicsAmerica creates. Scroll down to read the story. Find Creepy Stories for less on our site or store. B Harris seems to be a bit of an enigma as I have not found anything regarding his biographical information. Year of this volume. Sep 24, 2018 Brett Kavanaugh's page in his high school yearbook offers a glimpse of the teenage years of the man who is now President Trump's Supreme I grabbed a stack of yearbooks from the 60s from the archives and started looking through them. Creepy 1968 Yearbook [Al Williamson, Reed Crandall, Archie Goodwin, et al Frank Frazetta] on Amazon. 00 Vintage Warren Magazine Comic Book Lot of 2 CREEPY 8 91 Coffin of Dracula Horror. The Classes of 1968 and 1969 are proud to award two $600 scholarships from the The NPHS Reunion Interview with Howard Polskin, Class of 1969 The creepy bridge There’s a 1963 Berkeley High School yearbook to prove it. The Worst of Classic Album Cover Art: A Collection of 30 Creepy Bad Album Covers! Dec 6, 2010 Yearbook Yourself, How You Would Look In 1950s to 1990s Yearbooks Things You Say To Dogs That'd Be Creepy If You Said To People. Creepy Magazine, 1970 Yearbook, Warren Publ. reply. "Werewolf" was later reprinted in >Creepy Yearbook 1968, "H2O World" in >Eerie v3 #22 and "The Success Story"in >Eerie v3 #13. Creepy Yearbook Year: 1968 Year. Warren United States. He says that Jake had a pretty scary face to wake up to at night! A gross Muskies of the American Basketball Association in 1967 and 1968. Creepy 1969 Yearbook Nn Cgc 8. 1968 yearbook. Creepy Classics - Famous Monsters of Filmland. Reprinted, in Creepy (Warren, 1964 series) #48; in Creepy Yearbook (Warren, 1968 series) #1964 US in Creepy Yearbook (Warren, 1968 series) #1968 (Summer-Fall 1967); US in The Best of Creepy (Grosset and Dunlap, 1971 series) #12125 (1971) [cover, Results 1 - 48 of 76 Creepy Yearbooks from 1968 through 1972. $10. "mystery" creepy and eerie cover artist Warren cover artist H. May 12, 2019 Lynette Fromme's High School Yearbook Photo In 1968, the Manson Family found their home at the Spahn Movie Ranch outside Los Angeles. We are a leading Monster Magazine Warren Magazine discounter. 1968 EERIE Warren: $45. Download Warren Comics Megapack (! Series) ported {BillyGatez} torrent or any other torrent from Comics category. 1969, Mondo Trasho . His artistic contributions to Warren Publications are limited to only two covers, the CREEPY 1969 YEARBOOK and EERIE #20. Heh-Heh, Welcome (Creepy) Comic story, 1 page. I went to boot camp in San Diego in march of 1968 my plt # was 257 boot camp was tough but I have never Oct 18, 2014 Just looking at these scary, abandoned locations will give you the chills. 1969 4 Sales FMV Pending Creepy Yearbook #1970. Creepy_1968_Yearbook Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t70w09571 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8. 5 Vf+ Magazine Cream - Off White Pages . How can I find a 1960 Yearbook? Misplaced . Photographer Greg Nolan moonlights in two full-time jobs to pay the rent, but has trouble finding time to do them both without his bosses finding out. Creepy #7 . 1985. Bargain prices on Creepy Stories now! CREEPY Magazine #23 CGC 9. Creepy Yearbook 1968 1969 Cgc 0098276039 9. Identifier: Creepy_1968_Yearbook. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of sellers. 4 Warren 1968 Frank Frazetta New girl Natalie Jenkins was sent with her new schools football team against another team for the championship as a photographer for the schools newspaper and yearbook club. We provide our customers with vintage comics of the highest quality. $125. 0 WARREN PUBLISHING - CLASSIC FRANK FRAZETTA COVER. 1968 10 Sales FMV Pending Creepy Yearbook #1969. 1 (1974) #1 39 CENT CV (Chick Publications) CRUSADERS VOL. View more comments. Notes, story ideas by Joe Orlando. Selling, Buying and Trading Comic Books and More Nostalgia Zone has been a leading buyer and seller of comic books in Minnesota for almost 40 years and online for over 12 years. and complete. 1968 FIRST MAGAZINE OF HORROR. in Creepy Yearbook (Warren, 1968 series) #1970 (1969) in The Best of Creepy (Grosset and Dunlap, 1971 series) #12125 (1971) My Collection Here is a listing of everything that I have. Yearbooks were issued in late Spring, and she managed to get one and have it signed by Moore before it even went to print. Our global marketplace of sellers can help you find extraordinary items at any price range. The video is only the 1st and 2nd floor of the old school. slight spine rolled ( see pic ) pages are lightly tanned . small chipped / tear on both. As one of the oldest traditions at Texas Tech University, La Ventana (Spanish for “the window CREEPY YEARBOOK (MAG) #1968 (Warren Publishing Company) CREEPY YEARBOOK (MAG) #1969 (Warren Publishing Company) CREEPY YEARBOOK (MAG) #1970 (Warren Publishing Company) CREEPY YEARBOOK (MAG) #1971 (Warren Publishing Company) CRUSADERS VOL. ComicBook. He once signed a yearbook with a similar symbol and wrote a Nov 17, 2016 During the summer of 1968, Robert and Pamela DiBenedetto spent four weeks at . Yeah, you may not realize how nice this was. If anyone out there has any additional scanned yearbooks or Hazeltine Class pictures, or any San Fernando Valley School pictures please let us know. The villain never utters a word, adding to his creepy outsider . The second year I looked at was 1968 and I Feb 7, 2019 He edited the yearbook at the Virginia Military Academy in 1968, which then' ( man in blackface with a group of friends in the 1968 yearbook) . WHY IT WON’T MAKE THE LIST: As the first, and very nearly the only, movie to mix hardcore XXX action with dream logic, Nightdreams is a unique beast. 2019 CGC Registry Awards. x 11 in. Through consistent buying, selling and trading of comic collections we have become the #1 comic-book dealer in the world with over 100,000 golden age and silver age comics. I have the yearbook from my platoon I finished in but the dress blue pictures were taken earlier. A searchable resource indexing comics from multiple publishers, including DC, Marvel, Archie, Charlton, Dell, Gold Key and Harvey. 8 1/2 in. March, 1977. Their days were filled with lots of friends they truly enjoyed. As a curiosity piece it’s something to add to your bucket list, but once the novelty of surrealist porn wears off, Nightdreams is not really a great movie—and it’s worse erotica. Bored Panda has compiled a We provide our customers with vintage comics of the highest quality. #227 1 day ago During his stay, he was subjected to terrifying experiences that were standard . Below, is listed all the magazines and stuff that I know of Warren having had produced. By supporting QualityComicsAmerica, you’re supporting a small business, and, in turn, Etsy! Received an email from us, or wondering if something changed at Smashwords? Check our 'Site Updates' for the latest news. 1968 Yearbook. Creepy Yearbook (1967) #1968. But with a book this cool, who am I to question Busch’s Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ/AFP/Getty Images by JOHN NOLTE 8 Dec 2017 Beverly Young Nelson has finally admitted that she forged a portion of the infamous high school yearbook that she and attorney Gloria Allred used as proof of her accusations against U. Visit us and save. New Listing CREEPY 1969 YEARBOOK higher grade DISTRIBUTOR COLLECTION, Neal Adams Annual. The average grade is a fine. People who shared their values and sense of humor. 76 pages, B&W. Creepy Yearbook (1967) 1968. I suppose there are people who thought of high school as their best years ever. warren. Via. none of this issue. 0 high grade Warren magazine. I've posted my freestyle BMX pic a million times, but here it is again (this was actually in the yearbook). Issue #87 - Good. Other artists in this Mike's Amazing World of Comics. Warren Publication was a publisher of black-and-white horror anthology comics magazines. 01 Creepy Presents Alex Toth (2015) HC Creepy Yearbook (1967) #1968 Creepy Yearbook (1967) #1970 Creepy: The Classic Years (1991) TPB Eerie Kind Of Nice Of Him To Sign Her Yearbook. Tags: Creepy Annuals Yearbooks. RareComicsPlus. See more Cover for Creepy Yearbook (Warren, 1968 series). Issue X. Then, check out some creepy quotes from Charles Manson himself. 1 (1974) #1 49 CENT CV (Chick Publications) The granddaddy (and the Rolls-Royce) of newsmagazines, it set the standard for all that followed, and has kept on ticking on CBS since Sept. Elementary School. As author Arthur C. (born April 22, 1946) is an American film director, screenwriter, author, . comment. Browse old high school photos of friends, family, class pictures, even celebrities! The Unknown History of MISANDRY: Mary Bell, 11-Year-Old Serial Killer, England - 1968 More information Find this Pin and more on disturbing by Pat MacFarland . I have no idea, I sometimes mess around on Wiki and came across that. 25 Famous Monsters of Filmland 1968 Yearbook VF 8. Creepy Yearbook » Creepy Yearbook #1968 - 1968 Yearbook released by Warren on January 1, 1968. Creepy 1968 Yearbook #1 - Creepy 1968 Yearbook! CONTENT - This is a wonderful collection of some of the very finest stories from the year 1967! Artist: Frank Frazetta, Reed Crandall, Grey Morrow, Joe Orlando and many more! creepy. none. In this classic issue from 1968: GORGO, Bela Lugosi's THE DEVIL BAT, Scream with TARANTULA, Dens of Demons, HORROR You’ve searched for Vintage Books! Etsy has thousands of unique options to choose from, like handmade goods, vintage finds, and one-of-a-kind gifts. tortured and killed by a mental hospital doctor from 1922 to 1968. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Issue #1968. 0 Pages. Get great deals on eBay! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Creepy 1970 Yearbook Vintage Warren Magazine/Frank Frazetta/Neal Adams at the best online prices at eBay! Creepy (Warren Publishing vf- 13. Issue #92 – Good. The yearbook listed him as a graduate of the "U. ^ Towsontown Jr. 4 NM Magazine Off white to white pages He also scanned the complete yearbook from Taft high School from 1973 as well as quite a few class pictures from Hazeltine Ave. 1968 What A Year It Was: 50th Birthday or Anniversary Hardcover Coffee Table Book [Flickback Media, Inc. com community, creating the -creepy-gadgets-philosophy Is there any way I can still get a copy of my basic training yearbook/pictures? Granted it's not a physical yearbook, but there Brett Kavanaugh’s page in his high school yearbook offers a glimpse of the teenage years of the man who is now President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee: lots of football, plenty of drinking Frank Frazetta is a favorite creator of 45 users Creepy Yearbook (1967) Creepy: The Classic Years (1991) (1968) EC Covers Artist's Edition Portfolio (2013) Cahill Elementary School, Edina MN has 476 members. While Harris indeed was a part of busing in 1968 when it began in Berkeley, California she wasn’t the second class to do so. Pages: 77 Creepy Yearbook (1967) 1968 Tags: Creepy Annuals Yearbooks A Frazetta werewolf story from Creepy #1; a vampire meets a werewolf in Duel of the Mature readers. $6. Featured is a near run of (19) different of the first twenty-three issues published, including the #1 inaugural issue, along with the first yearbook from 1968 and (2) duplicates. Delete. Apr 5, 2017 Still from Indecent Desires (1968) . Aug 19, 2013 Creepy 1968 Yearbook. Don't be shy - you know you loved those acid wash jeans and big hair. Each panel is painstakingly detailed, sparing no effort or enthusiasm (see interior page below). 1ST CREEPY 1968 & EERIE 1970 YEARBOOKS from FAMOUS MONSTERS, FRAZETTA, DITKO ART FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND #133 (Warren 1977) VF Famous Monsters of Filmland #236 Famous Monsters of Filmland #49 Dracula Famous Monsters of Filmland #82 Feb 1971 Warren Magazine PDC Bronze Age Rare Famous Monsters Of Filmland #100 Shop Scary Halloween Props Now! Unbelievable prices on creepy horror!Find a selection catalog of Creepy Horror for sale now on the internet. Here you’ll find a variety of resources to help you learn more about collecting comics, communicate with other collectors, get access to professional grading services and much more. Creepy Yearbook For Sale Online. $30. 77. S. 812,000 DC Marvel & other comic books for sale. Summary. Oct 13, 2016 Here, he poses for his 1966 yearbook photo as a freshman at also active on his school's debate team as a junior in 1968, pictured here. On nearly every page of the yearbook, both black and white students can be seen together. 1968, Eat Your Makeup, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Short film. 6 NM+ CONDITION FEB. 1973 Eerie Issue #47 Warren Magazine art by Luis Dominguez - NM. Determine the value of your collection based on desirability, scarcity and historical significance. top & bottom binding. ;). Each Etsy seller helps contribute to a global marketplace of creative goods. Creepy. Published Letters, typeset. Locations. $7. The world's WORST yearbook photos range from strange to scary to just plain hilarious for the biopic about the Wizard Of Oz actress during her 1968 concert Bill Clinton and a creepy mural Directed by Norman Taurog. 0 19 Warren Magazine Lot CREEPY & EERIE Very Nice Condition Early Issues Must See Famous Monsters of Filmland 1974 Convention book Warren magazine + schedule CREEPY #7 FEB 1966 FVF 7. Here is a young Donald Trump as a proud father, holding his son. 1. 366 Weird Movies 2018 Yearbook. Analyzer Here is a listing of all Warren Publishing products. creepy (warren) 01-146 creepy (harris) 01-04 creepy (dark horse) 01-24 creepy 1993 fearbook creepy annual 1971 creepy annual 1972 creepy archives - tpb 01-21 creepy comics - tpb vol. Didn’t get drafted for war (Vietnam) until the following year when he was randomly chosen from a lottery. Flash forward 16 years later where Donald Trump appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, teasing a run for President of the United States. Army Physical Education Schools. Replies On a brighter note, WDW is SO much straighter than that bald, creepy John What's-His-Face could ever hope to be. $12. S. Issue #20 – Good, slight insect damage. Loading Unsubscribe from TheRichest? 10 Photos With CREEPY Backstories - Duration: 9:18. plus-circle Add Review. Creepy Yearbook (1967) · # 1970 · Delta (1980) Dossier Negro (1968) · #25 · Dr. ISBN 1429944579 . Trying to complete your collection? Creepy Magazine: Designed for your Windows/Mac PC. Creepy Archives (2008) · HC vol. January 1, 1968. creepy. With little . 1968 CREEPY Warren Magazine #20 LOT of 4 FVFVF- Reed Crandall. When I was a kid I had a Creepy or Eerie issue Second, if you insist on setting your zombie yearbook in the mid-60s, why not 1968, the year Night of the Living Dead was released?…. creepy 1968 yearbook