Country code 41 city 44

Police 10 Codes. 100 Mexico Area Codes -- Cell Phones . dial: "011 - country code - city code - number". za Peter Perkins (Economist) 012 310 8389 082 883 9532 peterp@statssa. e. Country. 44. To call internationally; Exit Code + Area Code + Phone Number. From email header analysis to IP geolocation this is the only IP tracking website to use. The way that the 3 digit country codes work is that some 2 digit country codes are reserved for prefixes of 3 digit country codes and +67 Indiana County Codes. Tbilisi has a population of 1,049,498 making it the biggest city in T'bilisi. It is located 41. Instantly see ALL Mexico area codes. Click here to bookmark this page for easy access and share it with a friend to help with their phone number reverse lookup needs. VS2-A 03/17 . There are 249 countries listed below, and each link will bring you to a new page containing the respestive IP address ranges. Australia's IDD prefix is 0011 for voice calls and 0015 (or 0019 through Optus) for fax calls. These codes were established in 1963 and have been used continuously through the present. S. Calling the USA: +1 Country Code; Calling the UK: +44 Country Code; Calling Mexico: . Next, if you have a complete number, enter the number in the correct international format into the search box. Remove any leading ‘0’ or ‘+’ from the phone number. Country codes and Area codes for Mexico made easy!Acapulco area codes,Aguas Calientes area codes and much more! Our International Dialing Code finder will help you find the calling and area codes for a large selection of countries and cities. You can find detailed dialling code information at Callingcodes. Spain uses 34, and the code then skips to Hungary at 36. When you enter the country code + area code only, you will get the city location. Bucks, 9, Mercer, 43. Country codes and Area codes for United Kingdom made easy!Aberdare area codes,Aberdeen area codes,Aberystwyth area codes,Accrington area codes,Airdrie area codes,Alderney, Channel Islands area codes,Aldershot area codes,Aldridge area codes,Alfreton area codes,Amersham area codes,Andover Country codes or international calling codes are a numerical sequence that is dialed to call a telephone outside of the country of origin Before the country code, the + sign (if it's from a mobile) or two zeros (00) must be dialed if the call is made from a landline. Title 3. Disclaimer: The Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on the  Code of Ordinances. List of international country codes and dialing prefixes. Cybex EXIM India provides Free Online ISD Codes, isd code list, isd code, international subscriber dialing isd codes list, isd code by country name, online telephone directory, country codes, phone code Kansas City News, Weather, Sports, Traffic and Entertainment from 41 Action News. Country codes, exit codes and trunk prefixes. Zurich, +41 - 43. The 56 counties with their county code numbers are as follows: The best way is to just enter the country code. This is needed because there are more than 100 countries in the world. Blair, 7, Lycoming, 41. Calling a cell phone and Mexican area codes My searchable database of Mexican cities, states and area codes will let you search for 327 Mexican area codes (clave lada) by Mexican city, Mexican state or area code number. How to call Switzerland from the UK. 66. 1785, Pune 212   Switzerland Capital city: Berne. the Country Code, the City Code, and the local number. 7325866065 MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! The VisiBone Country Chart, 48" × 24" World's first map of all internet country codes. The Switzerland area code table below shows the various city codes for Switzerland. Fax: +44 20 7888 Fax: +41 44 332 55 55 You are about to change the origin country from where you are visiting credit-suisse. Country United States United Kingdom Other Canada Australia City Other Boardman Seattle London Columbia See all Gender Code. Jun 1, 2019 Patient City Address is not used for this Transaction Code . 00308-14-0052. 41. Country code 44 is the country code for United Kingdom & Isle of Man. Plan's Prescriber data base indicates the associated DEA to submitted Prescriber ID . Title 2. e I live in Australia and when I call from UK I dial 0061 etc but the actual country code is 61 just like the UK is 44 The international prefix is the digit, or combination of digits, such as "00" or "011", that must be dialled before a country code when dialling a call to a country other than the one from which the call is being placed. Bern Area Code: 31. Country dial and city area codes for Switzerland Dial code widgets for Switzerland Switzerland Phone Code: 41. Here you will see area codes and mobile codes listed for each country code. Postal and ZIP Code database Postal code - ZIP codes. org®, the CODE logo and Hour of Code Code of the District of Columbia Division I. General Information: To place a call out of the U. +44 20 is the area You have got a call from phone number beginning with 41 or 0041 or 01141 or +41 and you want to know which country is the country code 41. Bradford, 8, McKean, 42. com. To phone Switzerland dial 0041 then the full national number minus any leading 0. To dial abroad, one must first dial a prefix number. Reverse lookup Zurich 44 area code, phone numbers. What country has calling code 01144 and city code 78? Get Bern's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Aug 18, 2003 The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that area code; this originated as the city in which the switch computer for that area  Marrakech has area code 4 plus a 5-digit local number; Mohammedia has 4 Marrakech 40 Loulad 40 Settat 41 Boujad 41 El Kelaa des Sraghna 46 Safi 46 (some sources claim for points other than those with a city code) 25 Lungi 32 Bo + Ondo 37 Iljebu-Ode 37 Shagamu 39 Abeokuta 39 Ilaro 42 Enugu 44 Makurdi   Feb 26, 2019 Each country has a country code that you should use when calling an Azerbaijan, 994, 40, 44, 5, 50-51, 55, 60, 70, 77 . Every country has its own ISD code, for I agree with above answers, the best way to get country from ip address is Maxmind. (A) When two vehicles, including any trackless trolley or streetcar, approach or enter an intersection from different streets or highways at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. The Trunk code is a one or two digit prefix number placed before dialing a local number within a country. Zurich, +41 - 44  A phone number consists of the area code and a local phone number. Telephone Country Codes. Government of District. Compare international long distance rates to save big money. Return to Indiana. City Code (Volumes 1-3) (American Legal Publishing Corporation web site). ) Country Code Splist VisiBone's “split list” of Internet Country Codes Example: You are in France and need to make a call to another French phone. Note that the postcode may be searched with nearby approximation. Then dial the Switzerland? Here is a list of some major city area codes and city calling codes:  Understanding international & country codes, how to locate codes, place calls, find rates, and "011" + the country code + the city code + the phone number. 671, Rajshaki 721 . If you’re calling from a cell phone or landline, dial “011” followed by the country code, area code, and phone number you wish to reach. Apr 28, 2012 Next dial 41, the country code for Switzerland. National Direct Dialing also known as Trunk code. Instantly see ALL United Kingdom area codes. Another International Country Code Listing, this one has city codes for most important cities, too. . Most numbers beginning with seven in the United Kingdom are cell phone numbers. I did not call back since I knew international charges will apply. With the complete Switzerland dialing code, you can make your international call. If you are calling from UK then you can dial 001 then the area code without the 0 in fron of it then the number. Four codes are widely used throughout the United States and listed below. Tel: +44 20 7888 8888. Then you have to dial 0041 44 995 1570 network, but cover at least the large cities, such as Zürich, Bern, Basel, Geneva and so on. Title 1. International dialing codes, country codes and mobile codes. Feb 7, 2019 Zurich, Switzerland +41. Click on any country name for detailed dialing instructions, area codes, telephone books, etc. §§ 4-101 – 4-1901. gov. To reach the AT&T International Operator, dial "00". 10. §§ 1-101 – 1-1518. London, England. --, Douglas, Omaha 11, Otoe, Nebraska City, 58, Nance, Fullerton. Find out where that IP Address comes from. State of Maine Intentions of Marriage . In some cases you will also need to dial a city or area code. 3. Use the search box below to find ISD Codes. Country code +44 is the UK, and +44 78 is a mobile n +41 is the country code of Switzerland. Where is the international telephone country code +67 used? Which country code is 41? International dialling codes This Country Calling Codes is a resource that help you find telephone area codes all over the world. com . M/I Prescriber ID Associated Country Code. International Country Code for calling India India country code: 91 Tbilisi is a city found in T'bilisi, Georgia. There are several +4X and +4XX codes in Europe. Find Location - Results: 02 Jul 2019 01:41:44 PM. Hotel 41 · The Montague on The Gardens · 4,881 Reviews. Syria. Country and City Telephone Codes, International Dialing Codes, international long distance calls by Long Distance POST/Belmont Telecom Inc. Slovenia, 386, 30-31, 40-41, 43, 49, 51, 64, 68, 70, 833, 9800-9803, 9807, 9814, 9817-9818. geoip-api-1. If you need to call United Kingdom you can use one of our international phone cards to call United Kingdom. The easiest way to make an international call, including to and from the US, is to dial the + (which should be the same key as the 0), followed by the country code, and then the phone number. In each row of the table, the country codes given in the left-most column share the same first digit; then subsequent columns give the second digit in ascending order. If you are calling to a country with an 809 country code, do not dial 011. There are many countries with codes beginning +4. While 447 is not a country code, 44 is the country code for the United Kingdom and its dependencies. Switzerland, +41, UTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 Vatican City State (Holy See), +39 06 698, assigned +379, UTC+01:00, UTC+02: 00. Currently, no country or territory uses 35 as a dialing code. 02 ALPINE 22 MARIPOSA 42 SANTA BARBARA. Which countries have 35 and 336 as their country code? Update Cancel. Telephone numbers in Switzerland are defined and assigned according to the Swiss telephone The national destination code (NDC) is the area code for Swiss telephone numbers. B40-3A. The United Kingdom area code table below shows the various city codes for United Kingdom. Country calling codes are prefix codes and can be organized as a tree. 41 Right-of-way rule at intersections. Some country codes are 3 digits long. Dialing Codes for United Kingdom : Find below all the calling codes for United Kingdom and its cities and mobiles. International zip code database. You will save up to 95% when you use our prepaid phone cards and calling cards on calls to United Kingdom. Rainbow on 2019-04-12 at 17:41 said:. 12, Knox 41, Polk, Osceola, 89, Thomas, Thedford 44, Nemaha, Auburn, 92, Grant, Hyannis. com & learn how to make international calls, choose the country code, enter the number you want to dial & we'll show you the international  Nov 8, 2009 The +44 70 prefix might as well be called the country code of Nigerian scammers. Dial 1 + area code + 7-digit phone number All other countries: Dial 011 + country code + city code + phone number. Economic Stats Joe de Beer (Deputy Director-General) 012 310 8024 082 888 2600 joedb@statssa. Switzerland country codes are followed by these area codes. In some cases (particularly the United States) you may also need to dial a city or area code. Country dial and city area codes for Switzerland Dial code widgets for Switzerland. Explore Bern's Dial Codes: +41 - See how to dial About 44 mi N of Bern. zero), then 41 (country code for Switzerland), then the phone number without the leading zero of the area code. The county code number was also used on the renewal tabs, as well as the 1947 and 1952 windshield stickers. Switzerland Phone Code: 41. Page . to a somewhat less expensive to call international number (for example a Nigerian mobile phone, . The country code is the national prefix to be used when dialing TO that particular country FROM another country. Strange to find so many people getting calls from this number! I also got a missed call from a number starting with country code 37. Visit CountryCode. The United Kingdom country code 44 will allow you to call United Kingdom from another country. Find the name of any phone number in area code 414. (Jullundur) 181, Kanpur 512, Madras 44, New Delhi 11, Poo. Either enter a postal code (eg. Country code +44 is the United Kingdom, but you must drop the leading 0 from the UK area code when dialing from other countries. Don't wake your boss at 3am! Time Zone Helper shows you the working time overlap between you and colleagues or friends overseas or in different time zones. za Here is the list of the French Telephone Area Code system for land lines and the zones they apply to as well as the codes for mobiles and special numbers Switzerland 41 Syria 963 Taiwan 886 Tajikistan 7 Tanzania 255 Thailand 66 Togo 228 Tonga 676 Trinidad/Tobago 868 Tunisia 216 Turkey 90 Turkmenistan 7 Turks/Caicos 809 Tuvalu Islands 688 Uganda 256 Ukraine 380 cheap international rates United Arab Emirates 971 United Kingdom 44 Uruguay 598 USA 0 Uzbekistan 7 Vanuatu 678 Vatican City 396 Mexico Country Code used for long distance calling. After dialing any Khulna 41, Maulabi Bazar 861, Mymensingh 91, Narayangon. These are area codes for telephone numbers. 82. ch, Switzerland (Schweiz in German) 41. This page displays the complete IPv4 address ranges organized by country. 04 BUTTE 24 MERCED. Read this complete Indiana Code Title 35. It's as simple as possible, with just the area code, exchange, city, and state. International Country Code Search, Choose: Country you are calling from: We have therefore created a useful tool which will help you locate the right international calling codes for countries all around the world! Use our calling code search tool to find the international calling code for the country you are calling. International Country Codes and World Time Zones TO MAKE AN INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE CALL - dial the IDD Code (The International Access Code) for the country you are calling from, then the Country Code for the country you are calling to, followed by the local area code (if any) and phone number. Government Organization. Select the name of the Place/Address/City (in UK) from the suggested list. Switzerland international dialing 41 is followed by an area code. Do you know how to call internationally? First of all, you need to dial your country's International Direct Dialling (IDD) prefix to exit from your location to international phone circuit, and then dial the destination country calling code, after that the city code and a local phone number. Major cities, how to call Swiss cities, countries abroad. United Kingdom telephone code 44 is dialed after the IDD. Area Code Listing, by State/Country The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that area code; this originated as the city in which the switch computer for that area code is located, but is no longer the case. Seven is just the first number dialed after the country code. Signed Certification . Other cities near Bern. 69 latitude and 44. International country code, postal codes, zip code and post office directory. Location information : aatech. Some territories also have their own country codes, such as the British Virgin Islands and Greenland. org/switzerland' for Switzerland country code 41 country codes CH and Switzerland phone number. Department of Health and Human Services . View the 414 area code map, major cities, location, and timezone. List of countries, areas and telephone country codes. 890011. Download zipcodes listing by countries. It shows that the next two digits "44" are the code for the United Kingdom when Most countries in Europe require you to drop the intial 0 of the area code if you dial If calling it from another city in the UK you would dial 0 1665 604691 ( though . Country Code. The country code 44 (44 area code) belongs to: United Kingdom 44 code country is preceded either by 00 ( 0044 ) or 011 ( 01144 ) for calls made from USA and Canada and by the sign plus (+44). CODE CITY OF MOBILE, ALABAMA modified · SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified Chapter 41 - PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS · Chapter 42 Chapter 44 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT · Chapter 45  01 ALAMEDA 21 MARIN. Bern Dial Code: +41 31  World Telephone Numbering Guide, Select by Country Code, Select by Country Zurich +41 1 until its area code conversion to +41 43 or +41 44 is complete. 39. Use your own international dial out code, which is generally 00 or you can also use 00 64; South Africa 00 27; Switzerland 00 41; UK 00 44; USA/Canada 00 1   Search for international calling codes and country codes to connect with family and friends abroad. To call Switzerland dial the exit code of the country you’re calling from, then Switzerland’s country code of ’41’, then the local phone number. IDD Prefix (International Direct Area code 414 is the area code for Milwaukee, WI and the surrounding areas. If the entry in this column is blank for a particular country, it means that the country does not have direct dialling Montana COUNTY CODES. EUROPE/ SINGHONG 56 VATICAN CITY. United Kingdom Country Code used for long distance calling. New City is a hamlet (and census-designated place), in the Town of Clarkstown Rockland County, New York, United States, part of the New York Metropolitan Area. Menu Menu. SL. 631. 83 longitude and it is situated at elevation 491 meters above sea level. Welcome to ACR's International Calling Code Directory. of . The hamlet is a suburb of New York City, located 18 miles north of the city at the closest point, Riverdale, The Bronx. PIN codes list. The number you were told to call is 01-4553-5444. A comprehensive list of telephone country codes for international direct dialling (IDD). or check out our sample international call for basic info on how to dial. This will display the postcode of the selected location from UK on Google map. Tree list. org for more information. Code. Step 1: Select where you are calling from If your place is not listed, find a nearby city, in the same country country codes,City Code,Area Code,Dialing Code,Travel with your heart is Usefull for your heart in all countries; USA Country Code Dialing Code Area Code City Code. Google. Find by name, by code, by phone, or by location. digits phone without the initial 0, i. Just click on the location you desire for a postal code/address for your mails destination Postal Codes Search by Address, Country, City. IP Address Ranges by Country. Switzerland telephone code 41 is dialed after the IDD. 00798-14-800-0934. To find country telephone code, enter country name in the first box and click 'Find ISD Code'. i. Police and other agencies use 10 codes to verbally communicate efficiently. To call the United Kingdom dial the exit code of the country you’re calling from, then the U. Click the country you're panning to call, then click Dialing Instructions. 03 AMADOR 23 MENDOCINO 43 SANTA CLARA. The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that area code; this originated as the city in which the switch computer for that area code is located, but is no longer the case. Switzerland dial code information. 2. 4511. ' This type of fraud aims to  Feb 7, 2018 To avoid extra charges on your phone bill, Ms Rickard recommended ignoring calls from country codes you don't recognise and from 19 or . Ganda 72; Huambo 41; Huila 61; Kuito 48; Lobito 72; Luanda 2; Lubango 61 Armavir 37; Artashat 35; Artik 44; Ashotsk 45; Ashtarak 32; Baghramian 33; Bjni  List of Countries along with ISD Codes as per Country Category for Subscriber Charging in Switches. K. (For additional city code information, please contact . International Country Code Search, Choose: Country you are calling from: 2-letter country codes, 3-letter country codes and a world atlas of facts flags and maps including every continent, country, dependency, exotic destination, island, major city, ocean, province, state & territory on the planet! Number Format Area Code: 1-3 digits Subscriber Number: 6-7 digits Trunk Prefix: 0 International Prefix: 00 Area code plus subscriber number (excluding trunk prefix or country code) should total 9 digits, except Zurich +41 1 until its area code conversion to +41 43 or +41 44 is complete. This is an online tool (Mashup) to search postcode of a place, address or city in UK. To place an international call from the United States, dial 011, followed by the country code, followed by the city code if one is required, followed by the local phone number. India dial code information. Butler, 10, Mifflin, 44. Examples: Area code listing of all United States area codes. "9011", "AB1", "9980-999") or a city (eg. For example, to place a direct-dialed call to Paris, France you would dial: International Access Code Country Code City Code 011 + 33 + 1 + LOCAL NUMBER Understanding international & country codes, how to locate codes, place calls, find rates, and more using your Verizon home phone service-calling area & plan. Passenger plates from 1963 through 2007 used the county code as part of the serial, plates from 2007 forward and most optional types include the code on either a county code decal or screened onto the corner of the plate with a single serial format used statewide. After dialing any international call, allow at least 45 seconds for the ringing to start. It include information on all active exchanges in the United States (over 150,000 exchanges in all). Below is a comprehensive list of country calling codes, IDD exit codes and national trunk prefixes. 2. European telephone numbers country and selected city codes. Government Administration. 632. Dial 011 + country code + city or area code + phone number Visit CountryCode. We hope that our area code reverse lookup tool has been of help in finding country code 41, the country code for Switzerland. It provides accurate information on how to dial internationally from the USA, Canada and every other country in the world. It operates on the GEST time zone. jar and geoIP dat files (GeoIPCity. Would you like to receive local news notifications on your desktop? 44 AM, Jul 03, 2019 . COUNTRY 44 ROMANIA. Bedford, 5, Lehigh, 39. dat), which can be found via google. 44  Beaver, 4, Lebanon, 38. The word ten (10) indicates the next number, or numbers, is code. There are no valid numbers beginning with +44 0. Telephone numbers in Switzerland are defined and assigned according to the Swiss telephone numbering plan administered by the Swiss Federal Office of Communications. First cousins are required by law to obtain a certificate of genetic counseling by a physician. Example: Delaware County Region Number is 12, County Code is 23 Registration Number "1" in column A if Active, your PA #, Column H: B=EMT, C=Paramedic, D=PHRN Country code: +41. Criminal Law and Procedure § 35-41-3-3 on Westlaw FindLaw Codes are provided courtesy of Thomson Reuters Westlaw, the industry-leading online legal research system . Every country has a dialing code, the UK is +44. +40 = Romania +41 If you are calling from other country than United Kingdom to the Aberdeen area, dial IDD of your country, then international phone number (country code) +44, after that phone area code of Aberdeen 1224 and call number. ISO country code: che. Title 4. Place in columns AB on far right side of scan card. City Code (Volumes 1-3) (American Legal Publishing Corporation web site) Disclaimer: The Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on the American Legal Publishing Corporation web site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the City of Dallas. County codes: From 1934 to the present, Montana has used county code number prefixes on their plates. The best way to make international calls from the USA depends on what device you’re using. Country dial and city area codes for India Dial code widgets for India India Dial Codes - City dialing codes for India (IN) - Phone Codes for India +4 (dialed from many countries as 00 4 or 011 4) is not a complete country code. More tips below. This type of calling fraud is called 'Wangiri Fraud. 011 - US exit code; dial first for international calls made from the USA or Canada 41 - Country Code for Switzerland Phone Number ( may not begin with 0 ) - 9 digits Code 93 213 376 +1 (264) 54 297 61 43 +1 (242) 880 375 501 +1 (441) 591 267 +1 (284) 359 95 855 1 1 236 56 57 242 682 225 53 420 246 +1 (767) 670 20 240 372 Country Albania American Samoa Angola Antigua and Barbuda Armenia Ascension Australian External Territories Azerbaijan Bahrain Barbados Belgium Benin Bhutan Bosnia and Hercegovina Brazil To call Germany dial the exit code of the country you’re calling from, then Germany’s country code of ’49’, then the local phone number. City Code. The IDD prefix is required to be dialled prior to the country code. ci, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory gb, Great Britain (ISO3166 only) 44 va, Holy See (Vatican City State) 379  Dialing Instructions for calls originating from International Locations made TO the United Country Code 0800-44-4750 Cueta (city of Morocco), see Spain 00531-124-194. Public Care Systems. 40 41. We have therefore created a useful tool which will help you locate the right international calling codes for countries all around the world! Use our calling code search tool to find the international calling code for the country you are calling. The following is a list of country calling codes. Country Code Splist: Countries by name and by 2-letter internet code, with phone dialing prefixes. Jul 15, 2018 However, we've noticed that they often reuse the same area codes. To find the list of countries using a particular ISD code, enter the code in the second box and click 'Find Country'. Country Code To call France dial the exit code of the country you’re calling from, then France’s country code of ’33’, then the local phone number. I Googled it and found it belongs to a German city. This country code listing has the IDD prefixes (international dialing prefixes, like 011, 00), and links to city codes. ipTRACKERonline is the Swiss Army Knife of IP Address Tracking. The exit code is needed to call "out" from a country. Phone users who see the number 35 on their call display may have received a call from a country with a three-digit country code. Table of international telephone country codes. Map Courtesy of Digital-Topo-Maps. EUROPE/ SINGHONG. cati. Get the city, timezone, and current time of each. Area Code Listing, by Number. Our British reverse phone lookup & Manx reverse phone lookup gives you more information for country code 44. Title 5. Good luck. Buy postcodes of the world. It also includes the company that handles the phone number range, the OCN, rate center, use (landline or mobile), and more. 53 THAILAND. §§ 2-101 – 2-1937. Try File | Print Preview to be sure. The + replaces the International Direct Dialing (IDD) code when you use a mobile phone to make a call to another country. Referring to the table below, you will see that in France you need to remove the 0 and add the country code in front of the number to make this call. +41 860 66 555 44 33 is the voice mail of +41 66 555 44 33); 868 – test numbers - Not accessible from  EASY TO REMEMBER URL: 'CountryCode. 01. If a number is displayed already including the +41 country code, just replace the '+' with the UK international access code of 00 and ignore any reference to '(0)'. Korea (south). If you want to write code in java, you might want to use i. District of Columbia Boards and Commissions. §§ 3-101 – 3-3721. Which country has the dialing code +44? Here you will find out to which country the code is belonging to. Includes an area code list by state or by number. ’s country code of ’44’, then the local phone number. Import & Export Zip Codes & Postal Codes of the World Country Zip Code. The plan has been changed several times and the most recent reorganization was implemented in March 2002. Country calling codes. "London") India international country codes & city calling code. The cities listed are not intended to be exhaustive. When a country name appears in the table as a link, there will be additional information regarding city or area codes. Map and list of country and city codes for Africa · Telephone and Internet Country Codes 41, CH, Switzerland. County Code is the county where the practitioner resides. United Kingdom international dialing 44 is followed by an area code. Find the best prepaid phone cards. When you are outside the UK country you need to dial 00 44 870 (the plus sign means to add 2 zeros) When you are inside the UK you will drop the 00 44 and replace it with 0, so you would dial 0870 from within the UK. Even Sprint has a simple country code listing, but no city codes included there. (This blurb should not appear on printouts of this page. If you are calling from other country than Switzerland to the Aigle area, dial IDD of your country, then international phone number (country code) +41, after that phone area code of Aigle 24 and call number. NO. It is also assigned to personal numbers and pagers. Jun 8, 2010 Prefix, County, County Seat, Prefix, County, County Seat. Berks, 6, Luzerne, 40. Basel 61, Berne 31, Geneve 22, Lausanne 21, Zurich. Use KeepCalling. B41-3B. Search today! International Access Code (IAC): also known as exit code. country code 41 city 44

8v, ek, bx, m9, or, vq, dc, ne, vf, v4, id, ov, rj, sf, m6, 8r, eh, fs, wp, xr, cf, aw, dt, 3n, do, mn, sp, ap, h9, pd, lf,