Capricorn stellium 1990

Capricorn stellium 1990

This is a lifetime that needs to be about true responsibility for you, which is why I call you the responsible soul. Uranus in Taurus meets Saturn in Capricorn. Depending on the sign and other planets in the group, the mission can focus on structure, discipline, and a desire for quality and accomplishment. . Mercury will be joining them in Capricorn tomorrow. Liam Hemsworth was born on January 13, 1990, in Melbourne, Australia, and is the younger brother of actors Chris Hemsworth and Luke Hemsworth. Conclusion. Capricorn stellium generation 1988 – 1991: Saturn-Uranus-Neptune January 24, 2019 Erica Jones Leave a comment This article is inspired by the results of a 2017 Saturn return survey of the Capricorn stellium generation—those born with a Saturn, Uranus and Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. That is Saturn and Pluto are in the sign Capricorn (goals and ambition. Oct 15, 2018 Steven Forrest has posted a lovely video discussing the travel of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn through Capricorn in the 1980s and 1990s and  Oct 11, 2005 You're an anomaly, born with SIX planets in Capricorn (early 1990's). Catastrophobia: What Causes it and How to Heal it. In 2020 the Capricorn stellium sets off some serious aspects in the NYSE chart. Mars love a good fight and is ambitious to get to its desired target. 2. Every single child born on the planet in 1989 and in five months of 1988 had an extraordinary conjunction of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune standing within 8-10° of one another in Capricorn. In February 2020 transiting Saturn is in exact square to natal Saturn and very close to the square to natal Neptune. IP: Logged. Is this not the most amazingly vibrant presence on Earth? She’s my idol. com. Because of this, I'm going to talk to you like an adult – because I know  Jul 20, 2017 There was large stellium in Capricorn between 1990-93. This is part of a general overview of the Capricorn stellium of 1988 – 1991. Keep in mind that the sun and moon are considered planets in astrology. And with Saturn at home there too, it feels heavy, a little scary. We’re two weeks into 2o18 and the biggest stellium in decades is upon us. A stellium is defined as a group of several planets in a single sign of the zodiac or a single house. Stellium in Capricorn means this sign has 6 planets. Note the Capricorn nature of the dramatic change in the world order that occurred now. I definitely want the emotional security and sometimes I feel like I go back and forth between both signs, or have all of their traits together. Some were born with as many as seven planets in Capricorn, all concentrated into one or two houses. Sagittarius and Capricorn. Prone to worrying and stress, Capricorns can feel gloomy with a very black and white outlook. Horoscopes with Jupiter in Capricorn. experiences of those with the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune stellium in Capricorn,  Astrology birth chart for Grant Gustin, born at January 14, 1990. So instead of doing that, I focused on his stellium in Capricorn (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) opposing the natal Jupiter in Cancer. It makes sense that Saturn is the ruler of ambitious Capricorn, the high-achieving, hardest working kid in the zodiac. It's one hour ahead of Greenwich. Jan 10, 2018 With so many planets in Capricorn – the sun, Venus, Pluto soon to be joined there by Mercury and Saturn – Olivia Pepper warns that we may  in Capricorn, i. Gwyneth Kate Paltrow (/ˈɡwɪnɨθ ˈpæltroʊ/; born September 27, 1972 (source pour son heure de naissance : Astrodatabank)) is an American actress, singer, and food writer. Saturn and Pluto are the heavyweight champions of astrology. Since the age of nineteen I am socially isolated. 200112 Saturn-Pluto Stellium. ) There was a huge spike in the birth rate in 1989, with more children born in the U. The Charts Speak! First, A moment of due worship. Capricorn is an Earth sign ruled by Saturn the lord of responsibility. Capricorns sans the outer planet stellium: What's your relationship like with those born in the years 1989-1990? If good, is there something unsettling about their outer planets affecting your personal planets? If no, same question? Also: Any thoughts about this stellium at all whether in relation to you, a Capricorn, or others, also Capricorns? Capricorn Stellium – An Introduction (c)August 1, 2012 by Donna Cunningham, MSW I recently made the startling discovery that every single child born on the planet in 1989 had a triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn in Capricorn. There is a sense with that stellium of a kind of self-sacrifice that is, at the same time, resisted. In 2020 there will be a build up of a grand stellium including Jupiter and Ceres also. Saturn jupiter mars conjunction in capricorn. Having a stellium in your birth chart means you have three or more planets in a particular sign. Having the North Node in Capricorn in your chart means that you are supposed to evolve throughout life by getting your act together. Saturn is time, as you know. The Mega Capricorns Born In 1990, 1991, And 1993. ). Capricornus next to the eastward from Sagittarius, is our Capricorn, the French Capricorne, the Italian Capricorno, and the, German Steinbock, — Stone-buck, or Ibex, — the Anglo-Saxon Bucca and Buccan Horn…Very frequent mention was made of this constellation in early days, for the Platonists held that the souls of men, when released from Hadley Fitzgerald talks about her summit lecture “Seeing the Capricorn Stellium Through the Eyes of the Heart” at the 2020 Cycles of Change and Renewal Summit. A stellium, known in older forms of astrology as a satellitium, is simply a cluster of three (or, if the moon or sun are involved, four) or more planets in a single sign or house. Hi :) I am wondering if there are many people here from the Capricorn stellium generation of 1988 - 1991. Author Posts December 16, 2017 at 3:34 am #40878 WebmasterKeymaster Our forum on the Capricorn Stellium is open to ask your questions. At the time the Capricorn Stellium is most exact, Mars and Jupiter are still within 2° of each other at 18-19° Scorpio, placing their conjunction at sextile aspect with the Stellium. Capricorn Stellium – An Introduction. UP the Mountain Saturn in Capricorn: Part One – Megan On the fourteenth of May in 1990, Megan took her first breath. Consequently there are people out there with their Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all in Capricorn. This generation is called the “mega” Capricorns because there was a large stellium in Capricorn between 1990-93- stellium, meaning a conjunction of several planets. Mercury in 11° Capricorn Neptune in 12° Capricorn Uranus in 6° Capricorn Saturn in  I too have a double stellium (1990s kid) the stronger one is in Capricorn and the other one is in Sagittarius -_- this is the only valid post I managed to find on the  https://www. Recently, I had an exchange about them with a reader who is part of a FaceBook group for people born with a big stellium in Aquarius in the 1960s. It’s drawn from my reference work, The Stellium Handbook, an ebook available at moonmavenpublications. with stellium in both Capricorn and Sagittarius (7th December) and I totally relate to this post. . Yesterday was Makua o'o's solar return, it's the start her 5th year. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were all transiting the sign. Originally posted by dazzlingkai (26th March 1990, Seoul) Key Points of Minseok’s natal chart: Chart type: Bucket/Funnel which tunnels on Jupiter Singleton and gifts him with “I can do anything” attitude, positivity and also with extreme happiness just there, out of nowhere, to help him to deal with any struggles he might face. John Edwards’ Rise and Fall–a Stellium Meltdown. S. Eris is in Aries to all born after 1922, targeting most specifically people born from 1945 – 1990, with Eris between 6° -20° Aries, (and those born now, will carry this radical signature, Eris/Uranus). Never worked, stuck at the university, no friend, social and scholar retard. Double Stellium. com/eclipse/solar/1990-january-26 Sun at 24° Cancer , Moon at 24° Capricorn, NN at 24° Cancer. This is an incredibly powerful time over the next twenty-four-hours. Having a stellium Stelliums involving several personal planets will be more significant than, say, a personal planet conjunction with two outer planets. And, bless her, she went ahead and did just that! Read more of this post 1989 Aquas are also heavy capricorn. I recently made the startling discovery that every single child born on the planet in 1989 had a triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn in Capricorn. This is undoubtedly the most authoritative decan of Capricorn. The stellium in Capricorn, points to the importance of setting boundaries and loving some formalities and traditions too (after all, Saturn is the highest planet in her chart too). In 1998 he hung himself in a Shoreditch garage in London after being accused of a sexual assault in the US. Only people born in this year specifically have this three-way conjunction because even though Saturn remained in Capricorn through 1990, it was too far away from Uranus during that year to be conjunct. (Cosmic fact: Saturn is cycling through its  The last time we had a Capricorn stellium of outer planets was in the late . Doesn't seem to be very ambitious or corporate at all. Capricorn Decan 2 ~ General Meaning. Every 27 to 29 years, Saturn returns to the sign it was in when you were born, a cycle called The Saturn Return. R. The Venus-Uranus conjunction in Capricorn suggests a free spirit in matters of love. Your Capricorn stellium in the Tenth House and Saturn Return are both about remodelling success and status – slowly. , etc. You came to the right place! I have a double stellium as well. Capricorn this MP3 is for 2019. A Survey for the Capricorn Stellium Generation Donna Cunningham  04–11–1989–30–07–1990 09–09–1998–04–06–1999 Your Black Moon Lilith is in Capricorn if you were born between these dates: 21–05–1929–13–02–  Jan 10, 2019 The New Moon on Saturday January 5, 2019 at 15° Capricorn is a partial Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p. Let me pull myself together. Obviously, that was a time where a lot of structures broke down (the toppling of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War that lead to the Liberation of Kuwait, the end of the U. In 1990 he 'came out' as the first 'out' gay player in football. ( Capricorn stelliums continued for several years of the 1990s without the triple  Jun 28, 2015 Yes, this stellium is a part of my chart, with Saturn and Neptune Hi, I am born on 11 April 1990 and I have Saturn-Uranus-Neptun in my 3rd  He's a 1990 Capricorn stellium having his first Saturn Return. The most tenacious sign of the Zodiac Capricorn will always reach the top of the mountain. In the example to the right the native has a stellium of four planets in Leo, consisting of Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn. 3 faint semi-sextiles if those count as ''positive''. months of 1988 through 1990—into proximity of their Saturn return. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2019 Astro-Seek. Mar 25, 2018 Generation Capricorn people, born 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, . Posts: 325 From: Mercury Registered: Nov 2013 Well, you’re a part of a very special generation: one that has Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all conjunct in Capricorn. 4 planets come together only a couple of times a year while 4 babies get born every second. From the Capricorn stellium comprising of the super-conjunction of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (1988 to 1989) to the exact Uranus Saturn conjunction of 1993, many astrologers speculated that those born under this planetary configuration would be the leaders of tomorrow, the generation who change the way we view the world and steer us into the future. I know one 1990 aqua born on feb 8th. In The survey data will be used to help raise astrological community awareness of some of the needs and common experiences of those with the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune stellium in Capricorn, so that astrologers can be better prepared to support this generation through the important life passage which corresponds to Saturn returning to its natal THIRD HOUSE STELLIUM IN CAPRICORN: I have a third house Stellium in Capricorn with Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune. She made her acting debut on stage in 1990 and started appearing in films in 1991. Capricorns are ambitious: They work hard to gain the respect of their colleagues. That is worth knowing if you fall in those groups. N they all direct ! Let us pray Astrology Charts for People with a Stellium. The Capricorn stellium peaked in the winter of 1989, with six planets (including Sun and Moon) in Capricorn in December 1989 and seven planets in January 1990 when Venus joined the party. This is the solar return chart for this blog. He is of Dutch (from his immigrant maternal Scorpio this MP3 is for 2019. PLUS, bonus information on the most important astrology in 2020. Or also, of course, personal experience and understanding that you can share. Jen Gouvea, MSW of Engaged Heart will be offering a support group for those born between 1988-1990 who possess a rare astrological signature— a stellium or triple conjunction of powerful planets in Capricorn that includes Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Outer-Planet Stellium 26 In March 2020, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto conjoin at 22-29 degrees Capricorn. Cardinal signs are action oriented, while Earth signs like to be pragmatic, thus Capricorn doesn’t just ike to do to keep busy, but rather does to accomplish a tangible, and often socially-oriented goal. Which means that whatever House your Stellium falls in will be a huge focus in your life. com Capricorn this MP3 is for 2019. Here is an important takeaway from that article: These periods can be very difficult, but for Saturn/Capricorn people they have the potential to be life changing in highly beneficial ways. I have noticed heavy Cappy ppl of this generation are very loner ish. No positive aspects whatsoever. With a Leo stellium, you’re super creative, and this can be a great asset for you. Fated? How Angelina Stole Brad. Powerful, strong and forceful Capricorns are capable of great success. In 1990 Jupiter opposes the group, and Venus and Mercury add their weight to Pluto's transit through Scorpio, in sextile to the Capricorn stellium of planets,  Since these two conjunctions occurred in Capricorn, the sign of politics, the political . Steven makes a point in his video that the children born during this period are seeds for a new world. As January 8 th moves into the 9 th (CST), a rare stellium (conjunction of multiple celestial bodies) reaches exaction in Capricorn. Capricorn is both the final Cardinal sign and Earth sign of the Zodiac. And from there, how would that look? It may not work so clearly if you have no astrological fluency, but it’s great for astrologers who are also creative writers. If the Scorpio Scorpio match can focus on their strengths and realize they share the same weaknesses, they can find that common ground that will help them out of any situation. e. The stellium falls almost exactly on the seventh house cusp. Eris is here too in Aries and activating all Agents of change with the Pluto Uranus squares. Gen Cap are in their twenties, born 1988 to 1996 and Gen Aqua are in their teens, born 1998 to 2003. Explore the astrological birth charts of famous people and celebrities with an advanced search of planets, aspects, and patterns to deepen your study of astrology. There are few in features in my birth chart I love more than my Capricorn stellium — the fact that the sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune were all arranged in Capricorn the moment I was born. Peace Babes Here's yesterday's live boradcast from my Hello My Name Is Angela daily LIVES from IG & Periscope. Because you are building towards 2020 in 2019. Wherever this stellium is situated, this is an area where the spotlight can find you, whether you want it or not. With that dynamic, one really should check the Nodal axis, because the sense of self with Capricorn in the 1st will come slowly, over time. As I type the Moon is just pulling into station with the Sun. What to Tell Astrology Clients about Pluto in Capricorn. The Stellium. 1990 Capricorn stellium (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, North Node) here as well. Venus, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto, all aligned in the sign of Capricorn. I expressed a wish that someone would form a group like that for the Capricorn stellium group. Pluto is within a degree of the square to natal Jupiter as it too applies to the square to natal Saturn and Neptune. He is the son of Leonie (van Os), a teacher of English, and Craig Hemsworth, a social-services counselor. ) This is a game changer. I'm a Cap stellium girl ('89) with my moon in Capricorn as well. because even though Saturn remained in Capricorn through 1990, it was too far  . I´ve scoured the internet, libraries and other resources and am looking for articles and links anyone else happens to know of. Mar 21, 2018 Mercury might be in retrograde right now, but Saturn will be in Capricorn for the next three years, which is major. Consequently, I never learned how to live in society like normal people. Coming soon, two heavyweights of the Zodiac will change places into earth signs from fire signs. pdf), Text File (. Note also that the world-shaking Arab Spring in 2011-2014 occurred just as transiting Pluto conjoined the same 3-10 Capricorn location. I was born in 1990. If we put the "star"or stellium of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces on the  May 29, 2017 This upcoming January 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn now till forever, I thought, is BOUND to be born in the 1990s or have key life events . Esteem, reputation, status and accomplishments are very important to her. Mine's in the 12th house. Saturn Dominant: if Saturn is part of the stellium, is the highest scoring or Lead Planet or the stellium is in Capricorn or the 10th house, then you’re a Saturnian type. txt) or read online for free. Recently I wrote about this crop of Saturn Return people who were born during the early 1990s when Uranus, Saturn and Neptune were all conjunct in Capricorn. The faster moving planets  Jan 24, 2019 Though the frequently shrewd Capricorn stellium would itself recognize the futility 1990 who bring a whopping six planets into a complicated  Mar 10, 2017 a student in my online class about the Capricorn Stellium generation. The end of your job in 2016 was Pluto in Capricorn, but also aspects – patterns – affecting all that you have in Virgo, which rules your daily workload. 17. OK. Jupiter's presence in Cancer (approximately 31 July 1989 till 19th August 1990) gave the millennial stellium more prominence and potential than the basic one has and PewDiePie's history is a perfect example of that. The sun and Venus and Pluto are aligned in Capricorn today, bringing down some tough love and reevaluation from the cosmos’ father figure. You’re likely someone who is an artist in some way, and you can thrive in the spotlight and want attention (unless in the 8th or 12th houses). Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were in Capricorn, and the faster moving planets joined the slower planets, meaning that some Capricorns have up to seven planets in Capricorn. Anyone born in the sign of Capricorn during these years has a higher chance of having a Stellium involving Uranus and Neptune. Capricorn is the serious sign of the zodiac; they know how to have fun but their sense of humour is usually dry and sarcastic. Astrology The developing Capricorn stellium in 2019-2020 is very reminiscent of the last Capricorn stellium in 1989-1990. There was large stellium in Capricorn between 1990-93. darksoul18 Knowflake . I was born in early 1990. timeanddate. I will go through each of these conjunctions in separate posts, but we shall kick off with the one that will probably generate the most fear. And from there, how would that look? It may not work so clearly if you have no astrological fluency,  If transiting Saturn is making a hard aspect with a stellium of planets, then we will be . the big Capricorn stellium and corporations and governments transform  Capricorn as well—forming powerful stelliums of as many as seven planets. Sometimes it takes some times to unravel, especially if the Stellium is in Capricorn or 10th house, it could take time for you to realize the energies in play, you could feel at loss but be assured that your Stellium will eventually knock on your door. It's in the 4th house, so I've always felt I have the traits of both Cap and the opposite Cancer. The Sun patrols through the constellations of the Archer, the Harp, the Octans, the Peacock and the Eagle from Dec 31 –Jan 9. Saturn jupiter mars conjunction in capricorn The Moon - Frank Clifford - Free download as PDF File (. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, the Scorpio woman Scorpio man compatibility gets a FOUR Hearts rating. Pluto is currently transiting the Stellium, now conjuncting Mars, and it’s so far, not exactly been a walk in the park. I find I do very well for a while and then self-destruct when a rough transit hits. In other words, 2020 is happening now. (Capricorn stelliums continued for several years of the 1990s without the triple conjunction. Capricornus next to the eastward from Sagittarius, is our Capricorn, the French Capricorne, the Italian Capricorno, and the, German Steinbock, — Stone-buck, or Ibex, — the Anglo-Saxon Bucca and Buccan Horn…Very frequent mention was made of this constellation in early days, for the Platonists held that the souls of men, when released from Recently I wrote about this crop of Saturn Return people who were born during the early 1990s when Uranus, Saturn and Neptune were all conjunct in Capricorn. This is an indicator that decisive actions could bring life-transforming (and likely positive) emotional growth and expansion to our lives. To learn more about your personal relationship with this major influence, book an astrological consultation! I am pleased to extend a sliding scale of $90 – $180 to individuals born February through June 1988, and December 1988 through December 1990. than Capricorn Stellium Group has 1,901 members. Capricorn Stellium: Wise Woman in the Heart of the Sun This phenomenal woman is one of my favorite writers. This topic contains 93 replies, has 54 voices, and was last updated by Webmaster 1 year ago. Saturn in Capricorn is a particularly hard-working, solitary energy and we may need to watch that we don’t overlook some of our needs for comfort, family, and nurture during this cycle. Capricorn decan 2 is ruled by Mars in the Chaldean system and Venus (Taurus Triplicity ruler). Personally, it does cause some issues because one stellium alone is such a strong imbalance, but when you know about your stellium and how to handle it, life gets a lot easier. To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever written a book about stelliums, and , 1990s with stelliums of anywhere from three to seven planets in Capricorn. In fact, Generation Capricorn and Generation Aquarius could not be more different. The faster moving planets joined them at various times. Tracking Table for 1990-2020; How Transits Trigger your Story Arc—or Bring about Chapter 13: An In-depth Portrait of the Capricorn and Aquarius Stelliums. What To Expect Astrologically Under Pluto In Capricorn July 14, 2008 by Isabelle Ghaneh READ TIME: 7 mins You always know when Pluto decides to stop by for a visit, since there is no mistaking his calling card; this applies whether he is considered by astronomers to be an official planet or a mere dwarf. Since I was a child I was anxious, shy and mature over my age – everything I do – I doubt myself and my success, I admire people with Moon/Mars in Aries and basically people whose Mars is not R (as mine is). Part of her path here was defined by how her parents came together in marriage. Finding your voice and your niche in your chart 1990 Capsolar, sidereal, Campanus for Washington, DC, national and international political influence, Capricorn stellium The Capsolar for 1990 Donath, Robert C LI, 13 December 1989, p26 Matrix Blue Star with New Hi-Res Print Wheels, Aspect and Synastry Grids, Bi-Wheel, Aspect Ring, and Local Space Map Computer Software, The New Blue Star Chartwheels That particular stellium has its own challenges (the Capricorn stellium, I mean). M in France. We’ve had Pluto transiting Capricorn since 2008 and Pluto will continue moving through the sign until 2024. Saturn conjunct Pluto will be exact at 22º Capricorn on January 12 2020. 4squares, 1 opposition. The chart is an interesting one and it can be seen immediately that a confluence of synodic cycles is involved because Saturn and Pluto are joined by Mercury, the Sun and Ceres to form a tight and impressive stellium in Capricorn. Determining the influence of the energy of a combination of planets is difficult than interpreting a single planet in a house. I am a twenty-eight years old male born 18 December 1990 at 5:45 A. And yes, I’m still upset that with her intensity, sexuality, brooding manner, and dark fetishes for bondage, cutting, blood and death that she is not a Capricorn Stellium The Benefits of Capricorn Season New Moon Bloom & My Love of Stelliums in Astrology When I think of a Sea Goat, I think of the true exemplification of the Star Sign Capricorn and the interesting blend of Fish and Goat (water and earth) that takes us on to explore various Secrets of The Ancients. Stellium. An example would be the Uranus and Neptune conjunction between 1989 and 1996. Why is the main character having a total breakdown? He’s a 1990 Capricorn stellium having his first Saturn Return. The developing Capricorn stellium in 2019-2020 is very reminiscent of the last Capricorn stellium in 1989-1990. It's the apex of 2 fixed t-squares, it's also chart ruler and positioned in 1st house, also he disposes both NN and SN, not to mention the capricorn stellium. Your soul lesson is learn to let go sometimes and let someone love you! Below you can find free daily, 4 Planet Conjunction - Four Planets in a house Four planets in one house do not come together as frequently. Understanding this cosmic rite of passage can help you advance into your next stage of adulthood. Capricorn 4th house stellium, help - Discussions, questions - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Facebook group for people with a Capricorn Stellium, who are interested in connecting with one another. saturn-pluto in capricorn: 1518 and 2020 I wrote about the next big alignment, the 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction, a few weeks ago, and I feel inclined to go at it again, but from a different angle. I see the Capricorn stellium in mutual reception to Saturn (in the 7th House) in Scorpio (in the 9th House) in a trine. Looking for information about stelliums, mine is specifically Capricorn but the overall principles of a stellium are what I´m also looking for. Saturn will enter Capricorn on December 19, 2017 for the first time since 1991, and on May 15, 2018, Uranus will enter Taurus for the first since 1942. , those born during various months of 1988 through 1990. Pluto Problems Got You Perplexed? Here’s What Helps! Transit Tracker: This one-page reference summarizes the transits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto from 1990-2020. Perhaps artists unknown in the 1990s are working whose greatness will later be . He has a skateboard, very loner type, likes the environment and is very quiet. The last time Saturn moved through Capricorn was from 1988-1990. The conjunction was also in range during seven months of 1988. Gen Cap are in their twenties, born 1988 to 1996 and Gen Aqua are in their teens, born 1998 to 2003 . During the winter months of both years, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, The sun and Venus and Pluto are aligned in Capricorn today, bringing down some tough love and reevaluation from the cosmos’ father figure. capricorn stellium 1990

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