Canon fd 24mm f2 flickr
Canon fd 24mm f2 flickr
8 and its (in)famous Bubble Bokeh 3- Canon FD 28mm 2. 9 convert to EOS - Rodenstock Heligon 50 1. [/box] Canon FD 24mm F2, or the rare FD 24mm F1. of Diaphragm Blades: 8 Minimum Explore this photo album by Christophe Callais on Flickr! Sep 26, 2013 I have been searching around the web for a wide angle FD, and I have noticed that the 24mm's are significantly more expensive than the 28s. The 35mm f/2 is another amazing lens, so sharp the detail just calls to be printed large. 5 の方を先に落札してしまったので。どちらも f2. C. I'm on a bit of a wide-angle quest/binge right now, and am comparing this lens to my recently acquired Tokina 17mm f3. 8 FD Lens SN#16742. 8 :: Lenses :: Home :: Manual Focus Lenses. LivingVertical Outdoors 196,991 views Canon FD 24mm f2. Taken with a Canon EOS 6D and EF 24-105mm f/4 USM IS L lens. Canon EF 24mm f/2. excellent 1 of 7 Only 1 available Canon fd lens. 8. 0 which applies to all the lenses. 8 canon fd lens canon ae-1 program This item CANON LENS FD 24mm 1:2. The 28mm f/2 is alright but for some reason I don't use it that often, I usually go for either the 24mm f/2 or the 35mm f/2. I had this lens before but sold it on, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to pick up this copy of my friend for peanuts. 8 S. 8 s. canon fd 28mm canon fd 24mm canon fd 28mm f2. 8 Wide Angle Prime Lens from JAPAN 1776. The Full-size sample photos from Canon Lenses Canon 24mm f/2. 4 L head to head with a Leica 24mm f/1. 8, which Canon FD has covered. 8 to be posted here. com jeroenterlingen. com (From Canon lens literature) 24mm lenses are the entry into ultra-wide angle photography and this lens is the ideal starting point. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums. , FD 135mm 2. Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Below is a collection of images taken with the Canon FD 24mm f2. Sources: DF0_4178 by Zengame https://flickr. 2 - Distagon 35mm 2. I enjoyed owning the Pentax A 24mm f2. Koen Nhz wrote: Very nice samples! I have the SSC version and find it quite good, the contrast and colors are not as vivid as from my other FD lenses (55 asph and 35 TS) but they do look subtle and natural. If you really want to save some money, the "nFD 24mm f/2. 8 is very small and light and the FDn 20mm f/2. lens mounted on the Fujifilm XT1 or XT2 or the X-Pro1. com photozone. 4. 2 aspherical, help put Canon optics on the map back in the mid-1970s. + Need help with installing Canon FD 24mm f/2. s. Approve the Cookies This website uses cookies to improve your user experience. S. 4 L is contrasty, even at f/1. 8 In reply to Lightshow • Aug 17, 2014 So you say that 50mm at f2 will require the same exposure time as the 35mm at f2, at the same ISO, for the same scene? Based on this thread, I went out and bought an absolutely mint 20mm FDn for my A7R. 8 SSC. 4 ML - Canon FD 50 1. Wide open, I find it can sometimes noticeably lose some contrast, but it's sharp, has great colours, and legend has it that it bests the f/2. 4 L. 8 Super Wide II reviews and specifications. I have the 24mm f/2. This review is about this version. Get a good deal on an FD SC 28mm f 2. Recent Photos; Trending Canon FTbN. With a new 10-element, 8-group construction, the FD 35mm f/2 is approximately 25 percent shorter and 29 percent lighter than the earlier FD design. Canon fd lens. 8 AIS lens -- it is a bit cool in colour rendering (Nikkor typical, in my experience) and I miss the half-stop increments the FDn lenses offer, but it is still a solid performer and available at a decent price. Links to videos featured: Citibank Malaysia - Rumah small review on the Canon FD 28mm f2. Re: Canon FD 24mm f/2. It just seems to cover whatever the situation may call for in most cases. 1 discussion in Canon FD 24mm f2. [url=http://www. You’re not going to get a better 20mm MF lens for the price. It always gives a brilliant image. Fred 3. Canon FDn 24mm f/2. The camera is a 10. 4 lens back in 1975, when it was first introduced, and was amazed by it's quality. All in all the lens performs in line with the findings of others in this thread: Not finding what you're looking for? Save canon fd 24mm f2. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "Canon FD 24mm" Flickr tag. Canon EF 24mm f/1. If you are looking for something a little wider for your shooting, then a great option is the Canon FD 24mm F/2. ”. with case . excellent 2 2 of 7 Canon fd lens. com/zengame/11708365635 Attribution License: https:/ Canon 5D II-Sony nex 6 Canon L 80-200 f 2. The FD Sigma 24mm Super Wide II F2. 初オールドレンズは canon fd マウントにしました。canon fd 28mm f2. 5 zoom gets more use than any other lens I own. 5 Sigma 24mm F/1. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone. 8 FDn, 35mm f/2. Both FDn 20mm f/2. Although f/2. 4 Summilux on my GXR A review of the Canon FD 35mm f2 for full frame, APS-C and super 16 sensor video as well as photography. 5 AT-X Pro, the amazing Zeiss ZE 21mm f2. 24mm f2. c. Showcase Canon 24mm f/2. , and a multi coated S. I actually think about changing from Minolta SR to Canon FD. 8 and 24mm f/2. 8 Olympus Zukio. 8 17-35mm Camera FD Lens . 8 as it is a bit wider (eq 30mm FF). Canon FD 24mm F/2. 0; New FD 24mm f/1. Minolta MC 50/ Canon new FD 24mm f2. I owned that lens and sold it for the 24mm f2 AI. . 0 Both are excellent lenses. 1mp EOS XS (1000D). This Canon 24mm f/2. 4L II USM in Lens Sample Photo Archive. Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. The FDn 24mm f/2. 8 (nonAI). 5 convert to EOS - Yashica 50 1. 0; New FD 35mm f/2. Canon FD lenses, cameras, canonet, rangefinder reviews. The Canon FD 24mm 1:2. FD BL has stops f2. When edited, I try to keep it to just cropping and straightening. com New FD 24mm f/2. 8 in the late 60s, and got this lens when I shifted from Nikon to Canon in the late 70s and early 80s. 8-f32. 4, but they remain contrasty for a punchy image. Shop with confidence. 8 Canon 20mm F/2. KEH will have a Bargain grade once in a while for $160-200. Canon FD glass performs in many cases very well on the Fuji-X-mount. 8 T AEJ - Minolta MC 24mm f 2. 8 L II at 24mm or the 24/1. 8 are great wide angle values for the A7R. 4 canon fd 24mm f2. C – $100-$150 On eBay or KEH. There are 92 cameras and 446 lenses with a total of 537 reviews. All pictures captured using old school manual focus Canon FD L lenses. 8 and for the Canon FD 24mm f2. 4 in the corners. です。同じ 28mm なんですが、f3. CANON FD24mm FD 24mm F2. 4 Canon 28mm F/2. 5 on my AE-1P, so I converted one a while ago to EF mount (actually 2, but the first was a dud). Just buy a Samyang 12 mm f/2. 6. If you look very closely at the finest details, it is a bit softer in the corners at f/1. 8 Canon 24mm F/1. Only photos taken with the Canon FD 24mm f2. de the-digital-picture. However i've sold them all because they are all rather heavy. 0; I don't recommend buying old fisheye lenses. IMHO the 24 is a better lens optically then the 28. 8 - Canon LTM 85 1. 9 - Color Skopar 50 2. 8 ssc to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. と canon fd 28mm f3. Multiple lighting sources. 8 on A7ii In reply to lisarj123 • Feb 12, 2017 The Ninon 180/2. Mar 26, 2012 FD 24mm vs 24mm rokkor · Fred. com/photos/ nicprins/5220376567/][ATTACH=full]164979[/ATTACH][/url] I just started shooting with a Canon fd 50mm f1. , PROFESSIONAL MIRRORLESS MICRO FOUR THIRDS, POWER OPTICAL I. 8 Agitation at f. 8 SSC, the 28mm f/2. 4 by pointnshoot, via Flickr Antique Cameras,. 8 MD, or my 24mm f2. 2L with PEN E-P1 – Photo by Haribote on Flickr slower version, ie. Sitting with FD 135mm f/2. Dec 2, 2009 Full-size sample photos from Canon 20mm F/2. 5MM, F1. Is there much difference in sharpness between the latest version and the earlier 初オールドレンズは canon fd マウントにしました。canon fd 28mm f2. 8 but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Canon Classics. 8 Natural History Museum: Central Hall by cybertect, on Flickr Canon FDn 135mm f/2. You can also take a look at these similar lenses: Canon 24mm F/3. 5 S. Canon FD 28mm F2; Canon FD 35mm F2 The Canon FD 24mm f/1. 5 usually is sold for just "a few" bucks. 8, my OM 21 f2 which is out for adjustment, the Nikon 18-35 G zoom, and course a whole bunch of 24mm (Nikon AiS Thus, Canon introduced the 24mm f2. 5 and NewFD 24mm f/2. You already bought the 135mm, but a 100mm macro would also be a nice choice. 8 & MAte Box & filters 4X4 Canon FDn 24mm f/2 on Sony A7 22 Jan, 2014 A7 - ILCE-7 , Canon , FD Mount Primes , Ultra Wide Angle , Wide Angle Does this much more expensive 24mm f/2 perform better than its f/2. 0 Waterhouse Stops by cybertect, on Flickr Natural History Museum: South Elevation by cybertect, on Flickr: Apr 22, 2014 at 10:34 PM Hopefully you already have some knowledge of the use of FD lenses and made your way to this page in an effort to diversify your FD portfolio. The lens can be used on all SLRs or DSLRs. I first used the 24/1. 8", and the "nFD 35mm f FD or FDn, in either case the 24mm F/2. Most of the primes also have a standard S. 5 を 3,000円で落札しました。 This lens is my personal FD favorite. I've wanted to upgrade my 50mm to 1. 8, mounted on my Canon EF body. 8 on A7R You shall expect the same,very good results,doesn't matter SSC or nFD. When compared with its former FD counterpart, this lens is approximately 20 percent shorter in length and 28 percent lighter as a result of incorporating a new lens composition than the earlier versions. Thus if you want to save a little more money, the options are there. 8 Crucifix Lane; London Scooters by cybertect, on Flickr Crucifix Curve by cybertect, on Flickr Whites Grounds Skate Park by cybertect, on Flickr FDn 50mm f/1. 4L - worthy companion to FDn 24mm f/2? galaga69 · 4 Jan 31, 2015 I would like to a 100mm F2 and/or 135mm F2. Related: canon fd 50mm canon fd 35mm f2. The Canon FD 24mm f/1. 5 s. To use the lens on an EOS requires a FD - EF adapter (Not included). 8 came in a number of variations over the course of its production, but only one iteration is appreciably different from the rest. I'll check that out, thanks much. 8 and the Distagon 2,8/21. 8 and currently have the 24mm f2. 8 FD Discussion in ' Adapted Lens Sample Image Showcase ' started by Luckypenguin , Dec 8, 2010 . 4 since my f2 is in bad condition, but I've been struggling with whether I should get the FD version or the nFD. 9- Canon LTM 85mm 1. was introduced in 1973, it is very well build and a bit hefty at 330g. When shooting with vintage lenses I try to keep most of the images unedited and straight out of camera. 8 sibling? Of course the FD 24mm F1. 8 Canon 24mm F/3. Canon FD 24mm F2 12 items; Canon FD 24mm F2 vs Sony Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS 2 items; Sony A7II 997 Marketed: December 1979 Original Price: 180000 yen Lens Construction (group) : 8 Lens Construction (element): 10 No. variant. I noted the absence of this lovely lens. the Canon FD 24mm F2 SSC is also available in F2. 00. 4 mounted. Related: canon fd 24mm f2. . Trioplan 100mm F2. 8 is not fast considering the 24's fixed focal length (many zoom lens apertures open this wide), the 24 f/2. l9magen wrote: +1 for the Canon nFD 20mm f2. For this test, I'm comparing the three primes and, as a benchmark, I'm comparing them to my 18-55mm IS kit lens. Since I was wondering, which of the nFD versions is optically the best I ran an extensive comparison and compared them in the most relevant categories. 8 ? I enjoy my Canon FD 28mm F2. It's THAT good. Does anyone know if the Canon nFD 24mm f2 front ring should be removed by unscrewing it, or if the correct way is to lever the ring off? According to this guide for the f2. 1 #5 · Canon FDn 20mm f/2. Has great sharpness for a small price$ Great back ground blur and with a Fotodiox lens adaptor can be used with any Eos camera ! Any questions feel Out there in the web, there is little information about the performance of the different Canon FD 35mm lenses and that is of varying quality. I found that MF Nikkor wides in general do not perform that well at infinity. 8, although bigger weighs only 300g. Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F2. canon fd 17mm canon fd 100mm f2 canon fd l lens nikkor 24mm f2 ai-s canon fd 28mm Canon FD 24mm f2. Personally i've tried out FD 55mm 1. 8 on A7R In another thread I sort of promised to do a comparison of my recent purchase of a FDn 20mm f2. Search this forum only Search this forum only > Display results as threads Sample photos from Nikon Df with AF Nikkor 24mm f/2. 4 London Bridge Street by cybertect, on Flickr: Jan 16, 2014 at 09:56 AM I spent less than $50 on the Canon FD 28mm F2. 8 2x agitation every Neopan SS Expiry Date 2005 Canon A-1 - Canon FD 24mm f2. It is just as good on my 5D as it was on film, although I am much more of a prime user now than I was in my younger years, so I don't use the 35-105 much. Oak Cemetery by Henrik Fessler, auf Flickr. is Canon’s classic ‘Goldilocks’ wide-angle lens. This photo is in 3 albums. I'm impressed by the extreme corner resolution at small apertures and low distortion. I did do a search for FD 24mm in the photos but only saw a few. It never just gets soft. 8ED AI-S (the last version with the golden ring on the front of the lens) is an excellent lens with a low level of CA (lower than the later AF-D version) . The FD 135/2. 8 canon fd 35mm f2 canon fd 28mm f2 canon fd 20mm canon fd 55mm f1. 8 on EOS (self. 8 PANASONIC LUMIX G LEICA DG NOCTICRON LENS, 42. I've owned and used it for 25+ years. Which FD 24mm ? . 8 IS USM is a small, lightweight image-stabilized wide-angle lens. FDn 24mm f2. It is extremely sharp and offers superior correction of linear Antoine wrote: Excellent photos. 8 in nFD mount as well as the FD (breach ring) mount both were/are good lenses but I rarely used the lenght. 0 (url) Playing with my new Canon FD 24/2. Glad you made it, here is a list of every Canon FD lens ever made… So I have been using my Sony A7 with a couple old Canon FD lenses: nFD 50mm f2 and FD 24mm f2. At f/2 it's contrasty all over, but softer in the last few millimeters. They shine if your subject is 10-15' away. 8", the "nFD 28mm f/2. 2 S. Canon FD 24mm f/1. Still, that doesn’t stop people from nitpicking, so get ready for a handful of paragraphs that address those nits and the reasons they’re (foolishly) picked. New FD 35mm f/2. Sigma 24mm F2. 8 (which although not the quickest, seems very Canon FD lenses, cameras, canonet, rangefinder reviews. I used both on the Sony A7r, great glass, and as others have said too, it's pretty good right into the corners which is not usual for ultra-wides on the A7 series cameras. From Japan. This is a Sigma Legacy Prime lens. Using it with a good Novoflex adapter. Find great deals on eBay for canon fd 50mm macro. C and FD 20mm 2. 8, the front ring should be removed by unscrewing it counter clockwise: Canon fd lens. 8 Lens The best seller among Canon's 24mm group of lenses. excellent 3 3 of 7 Canon fd lens. 5 を 3,000円で落札しました。 The 24mm f/2 is a wonderful lens, so sharp even in 11x14" prints. 8 - Canon L 135 f2 - Canon FD 135/2. 8 lens. 2009 - 2019 - Jeroen ter Lingen jeroenterlingen. Best 35mm FD lens for Canon Discussion in '35mm flickr (really out of date) I also have the 24mm f2 and 35mm f2. 8 Reviews This lens has been reviewed at: bobatkins. Ilford XP2 400 135 . And the dominant mount is the Canon FD, many NEX owners rave about the Canon FD But the color palette and the ever wonderful b&w pictures in my flickr contacts are what Nikkor 24mm f2. Canon 5D II-Sony nex 6 Canon L 80-200 f 2. FD or FDn, in either case the 24mm F/2. 8 PRO Lens, for Micro Four Thirds Cameras Sony A7 + Canon FD 24mm f/2. This website is dedicated to classic Canon cameras and lenses. 8 which is a nice sharp walkabout lens. I recall having used a FD 135mm f2. 8 is reasonably sharp wide open with increased sharpness showing when stopped down to f/5. Registered members may log in to forums and access all the features: full search, image upload, follow forums, own gear list and ratings, likes, more forums, private messaging, thread follow, notifications, own gallery, all settings, view hosted photos, own reviews, see more and do more and all is free. 2 ASPH. They are both quite compact for 200mm f2. flickr. I Re: Canon FD 35mm f2 vs Canon FD 35mm f2. 8 for Nikon F mount, and adapt that to FD or Canon EOS or M4/3 or Sony E mount or whatever. 4 #5 · Canon FDn 20mm f/2. http://www. Open window, soft box and 430 EXII. The canon fd 28mm f2. 8 を 4,980円、f3. photography) submitted 3 years ago by OutworldDevourer I own a 50D, I already have EF mount 50mm f/2. 8 shootout: 20 vs 24 vs 28 vs 35mm lenses? Last year I compared the Canon FD 24mm f/1. Either way, this is the least expensive MF lens I have bought to date. 8 SSC, a Nikkor AIs 24mm f/2. You are looking at a Canon FD 24mm f/2. 8 FDn, and 50mm f/1. Canon FD 28mm F2; Canon FD 35mm F2 Canon FDn 24mm f/2. 8, and a Tamron 24mm f/2. For a complete list of lenses visit the Canon Camera Museum FD Lenses and New FD Lenses. com The 24mm F/2. 8 A-mount lens owner reviews. Zeiss, for example, is well-known for making extremely well Hi, I intend to buy a Canon FD 35mm f2 for my NEX-7 but I am not sure which one to buy. 8-f22 FDn IF has stops f2. 4 aspherical lens is a classic. Having both and tested out a few before,I found out that only a bad sample can influence IQ. I began using the Nikkor 24mm 2. Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. 4 L lens. In both price and performance, it’s firmly planted between the rather cheap and less extreme 28mm, and the more expensive and quite extreme 20mm. Pre-Owned. Although it seemed that it was sharper to just crop the fujinon 35mm f1. Canon EOS 60D Gripped * Canon EOS XSi * Flickr EF 70-200mm f/2. The focus action is rather lighter than I prefer and too easily moved from where set, the aperture ring (plastic) is the exact opposite, being too tight for ease. 4 canon fd 28mm f2 canon fd 35mm f2 ssc canon fd 24mm f2 canon fd 35mm f2 s. 8 which compared to today’s standards is a crazy low price for a wide angle lens. On full frame this is wide enough for me, reasonably sharp wide open and pretty nice bokeh. Thanks Phillip for the fast response and the link 🙂 Since that post was’nt recent I didn’t expect to get an answer so soon!! Digging a bit more on the subject I found a nice photo illustrated post on dpreview for the repair of the Canon nFD 24mm f2. 8 Average Clicking on images will take you to the flickr page for given photo where you can check the However, since the A7, I suspect Canon FD lenses will be more in demand again because they work perfectly well with an adapter and Canon FD lenses have a reputation for optical quality. Canon FD 24mm f/2. 4 Canon A1 with FD 50mm f/1. 8 on NEX 7 In reply to SimonOL • Jan 10, 2013 I have a Nikkor 24mm f2. Looking back, the macro lens makes the most financial sense as a native macro is many times more expensive. Adapter for Sony E mount - FD 24mm, motionless party (deleted), 0, motionless party (deleted), 7 months ago. Looking forward to trying 2005 expired Neopan SS Canon 7 Canon RF 50mm f1. A7 Canon FDn f/2. ニコンF2のライバル機種と言えるキヤノンF-1の後期モデルの簡便 Such a solid camera paired with the superfast Canon FD 24mm 1:1. $90. Excellent Canon New FD NFD 35mm f/2. Its optics are fantastic, easily equal to my superb 24-70/2. But both will give great prints up to 16X20 if your other technic is up 5th Canon FD. 2 canon fd 24mm f1. 4 L; New FD 28mm f/2. $5 a week adds up. 20mm F/1. 4 L II — and it adds Image Stabilization (IS) absent in those other lenses, all for a fraction of the price. Hi. com/photos/alexanderkurz/. It quickly became a part of many a Canon professional's camera bag. Canon FD 24mm f2. 0 Waterhouse Stops by cybertect, a7 with the FD 24L @f/2. 8 STM - essentially, an APS-C equivalent of the 40mm. 8 [B]3) Can you use . I have had the 28mm f2. 1 #5 · p. 8 & MAte Box & filters 4X4 The FE 24-70 f/4 OSS has enormous distortion at 24mm but very little CA. What are the best lenses for the Fuji X-T2 (or any Fuji X camera)? | Samples and recommendations - Duration: 18:53. This is some long-expired Kodak SO-077 film. The Canon (new) FD 24mm 1:2. 8 lenses but Canon seems to have pulled out all the re-design stops to make the FDn IF lens just that little bit sweeter. The updated version of the MF superwide was introduced in 1986, and with time more parts (aperture . 4 SSC and I have to admit the 24mm and the 50mm get more use than the others, but to be totally honest, the 35-105 f/3. I had not seen that link for Flickr. Canon AE-1 Program with FD 50mm f/1. Home; Canon FD, Zuiko and Nikkor were probably the best, and my belief is that this is as sharp as any New FD 24mm f/2. New FD 50mm F1. 0 wideangle Lens The fastest Canon lens in the 35mm focal length before the debut of the EF 35mm f1. 8 (a third party brand, not a Canon) in a X-E1 and the bokeh one can get is fabulous. 4 #5 · p. Explore. p. I was disappointed with Nikon's MF 24mm lenses as well, they did not perform as well in the corners or sides as my Minolta 24mm f2. Extra for locations like Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Saipan, etc. Also this one has very slight image shift with focus reverse, despite being a mint, little used copy. 5 を 3,000円で落札しました。 The tiny and inexpensive Canon EF 24mm f/2. Quote the secret life of jam by kevin dixey, on Flickr. I also have the 135mm f2. Manual focus should be ok with landscape when you can punch in with the EVF. Now a photographer could work in a tight space, take a wide angle picture, yet not have to worry about the extremes of perspective and "distortion" presented by say, a 20 or 17mm lens. Have you considered the Canon FD 24mm F2. To test the Canon FD 24mm, it requires that I use an FD-EOS adapter. This lens, along with the FL 300mm F2. 5. Re: Canon FD 200mm f2. Canon's release of a 40mm pancake lens for full-frame sensor camera bodies perhaps prompted the release of the Canon EF-S 24mm ƒ/2. 8 L IS II, EF 24mm Things improve considerably by f/2. Images - both seem high performing lenses and capable. It does have a little vignetting and purple fringing wide open but it's really not that bad. 8 IS USM in Lens Sample Photo Archive. Canon New FD 24mm f/2 If you are looking vor an 35mm equivalent for a Fuji X camera, go for the f/2 canon. Yes, I loved the FD 35-105/3. 8 which happen to share the same mechanical system as the nFD 35mm f2, and therefore the same issue with the bearings. It has seen thousands of miles of travel all over the world and thousands of images. If you do the same handwringing about barrel distortion that I do, you won't be happy with less than the new FD 24 f2. 8 Lens is actually a good performer. Otherwise I take the 20mm f 2. i have had both the 24mm f2. 8 wide angle, the first 24mm wide angle in the industry. 8D lens. Just like the 50mm F/1. See more. 8, and then save up for a 24mm f2. , H-NS043 (USA BLACK) Olympus M. 8 Fluorite and the FD 85mm F1. 4 above, the image quality and colors are great, and for the price, you will not find a better 24mm lens on the market. 8 introduced in 1979 has the new mounting system and it isn’t built as solid but at 240g it is notably lighter. When travelling I take this lens (with A 6000) as it is affordable. 8 Canon 24mm F/ 2. 8 on my A73 and was thinking to pickup the 24mm version for $120 dollars since I already have the FD-FE adapter. They are a Canon FD 24mm f/2. Set aside a little personal slush fund. 8 canon fd 50mm 1. Latest FD lens has been a 24mm/f2. 8 version of Canon's 24mm lens in all respects. It looks like a fantastic lens and one I’d like to experiment with although I know it would be better at home in a Canon FD camera. Read it . canon fd 24mm f2 flickr
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