Cable sag calculator excel
Cable sag calculator excel
The horizontal force, in terms of total cable length and sag is Calculating: Fh = 36 N; The span will be 9. 647 1+ e ft≅ ⋅ − −= = Slack = L - S = 1. G. Calculation of sag and tension in transmission line depend on the span of the conductor. 00 100. sag and tension data for final and initial conditions, not only for the design span, but also for similar conditions in other related span lengths. A weightless cable under the action of a number of concentrated loads assumes the shape of the bending moment diagram of a beam of the same length. This Excel calculation can be downloaded by ExcelCalcs subscribers. 3. This calculator helps you to find cable or conductor length based on the cable span and cable sag. 00 5. 3 Aerial Drop Cable is specifically designed for Fiber-to-the-Subscriber applications . If you pre-tension the wire 100 pounds, the sag is about 0. First case: equal poles. ) Short Circuit Current Calculation at Various Point of Electrical Circuits (Isc) Updated . Now it's time to size the conduit. catenary calculation: PLAY AROUND WITH THE PARAMETERS FOR YOUR OWN MOORING LINE SHAPE A catenary mooring line will have a part which is laying on the seafloor and a part of the mooring line suspended in the seawater. . Sag Calculation. Calculate a real-world example of a catenary. The friction coefficient is therefore zero. Stress-Strain, Creep, and Temperature Dependency of ADSS (All Dielectric Self Supporting. 80 100. A cable hangs between two power poles whose bases are on the same level, similar to the photograph below. If the tension applied on a line is beyond its limit, the line conductor could be damaged, ScanSpeak Toolbox. . The wire will take the shape of the catenary (hyperbolic functions, kind of tough to calculate manually), however, if the sag is relatively small in comparison to the span (say the sag is less than about 10 percent of the span), then the catenary curve is very closely approximated by a parbolic curve using the following equation: [tex] T=wl^2/(8d)[/tex], where w is the weight of the wire per unit length, l is the horizontal span between supports, d is the sag, and T is the horizontal tension If you stipulate the maximum sag, in your case 21', the geometry of the cable can be found at every point along the cable. Thus one can estimate the catenary using the parabola. 2) x,y: calculates the forces in each end of the catenary based upon the distance to its free end Steam Calculator Download - Steam properties calculator Excel add-in based on IAPWS-97 standard. 9 MPa. As cable are not stiff object, its natural they have a parabolic shape. For use This calculator is an adjunct to the article Sufficient sag for wire antenna spans for . Sag Distance X distance: Sag distance: Total Sag (%): Scale Factor: Set the horizontal distance between the ends of the 'chain' Set the amount of sag desired Calculated sag % Calculated scale factor used in the formulas of column c-50. 3 feet. 1 Catenary Cables . both the field data and the dynamic rating calculation results. 00-60. Calculates a table of the catenary functions given both fulcrum points or the lowest point. As Catenary is a calculator designed for practical use its '0,0' co-ordinates are set at one end of the cord ( Fig 2 defined in the calculator as the anchor) and not at its theoretical origin ( Fig 1 ). 0 is considered as a simple and salutary Microsoft Excel workbook which can be used to calculate the molecular weights of compounds. Case 1: MMF Span Analysis. The equation for sag, D, can also be expanded as follows: Typically, a 400 m span and a tension of 2500 kg with a conductor of mass 1. The length of the cable can be approximated to. half deck weight per unit length (kN/m), half of main span length (m), sag (m). 647*(1. For spans of the order of 300 meters and less, the sag and tension calculation can be carried out by parabolic formula with sufficient degree of accuracy. 1) Enter a tower height between 50 m and 250 m into the green cell. is the calculation of the maximum sag occurring when there is an ice load on only one span. Sag-tension calculation program for wood pole overhead lines Abstract: This paper presents studies into a new program used to calculate sag and tension of conductors on wood pole lines considering all relevant parameters, such as conductor temperature, wind and ice loadings and creep. We have chosen any point on conductor, In physics and geometry, a catenary is the curve that an idealized hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends. 00 6. 00 1. 647 ft D = x = horizontal distance and dz/dx = -sinh(gx/H) V = - H sinh(gx/H) where V = vertical component of cable force N = H - gz where N = tension force in the cable What is the formula in calculating Sag calculation for supports are at equal levels Suppose, AOB is the conductor. xls. AB w is the weight per unit length of the conductor T is the tension in the conductor. Line Sag & Tension Analysis. Extra Payment Mortgage Calculator for Microsoft Excel. 6, Catenary Depth Calculation, S. 00-46. 00-55. 74 kg/m will have a sag of: The second term of the calculation is only 0. 76-48. If the sag is 40 ft and the weight per unit length of the cable is 4 lb/ft, determine the length of the cable and the tension at the low point, C. PDF | This paper presents studies into a new program used to calculate sag and The program is in a Microsoft Excel domain for ease of use by SSE planners Force and tension in cables with uniform loads. 20 100. Sag in Overhead Transmission Line and Its Calculation. 187 8 3 600 D = ft ⋅ ⋅ = L = 600. e. 00-47. Also, this calculator is only for even supports. 03, 1. In the alternate calculation method, identify the pages where the alternate calculation has been included in the calculation package and A 2. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Can the calculator model guy wires? The calculator was designed principally for antenna wire spans, but can model guy wires (as rigged, tensioned without wind loading). 8 6* 167 60 600. Enter your loan, interest rate, term and calculate your mortgage payment savings and amortization table. 306*WaveReturnTime 2. 40 100. Calculation of Sag & Tension. ) Cable’s Sag & Tension Calculation Abstract This paper will provide an understanding of the inherent physical properties of ADSS cables as it relates to an accurate determination of sag; both initial and final, bare cable and loaded conditions. 7, DIAMETER OF WIRE, 48, mm, S. 1) As shown in the figure above, if the point of support of conductor is at same level from the ground, the shape of Sag is Catenary. Cable runs between floors require OFNR or OFNC-rated cables. dear experts . ExcelCalcs J3X :: File Repository RSS Cable Sagging Inclined Span. Search . can you provide me spreadsheet to calculate the sag and span and tension ETAP Transmission & Distribution Line Sag and Tension Analysis module is an important tool to perform sag and tension calculation for transmission and Using this methodology, conventional programs calculate the conductor's sag- tension parties, standard laboratory test data, or published cable information. equations can be programmed into Microsoft Excel, and the iterative. calculation and explain how the adequacy was verified (calculation is similar to another, based on accepted handbook methods, appropriate sensitivity studies included for confidence, ect. Take note that because of complexity of the creep in conductor, is not a factor in this calculations. A cable with length 100 ft and a sag 30 ft has a uniform load 850 lb/ft. 13 feet. The program is in a Microsoft Excel domain for ease of use by SSE planners for whom the program has been developed and is found to provide more information than readily available programs on the market. Tm = K x n x CMA (Formula 1) Where:T m = maximum pulling tension (lbs. sag mill energy calculation xls The Effects of Ruling Span on Sag and Tension. xls Cable Sagging Level Span. The horizontal supports and midspan cable forces can be calculated as. please tell me how to calculate the grinding efficiency of a closed ckt & open ckt ball mill. 00-56. The spreadsheet format is useful for calculating and storing frequently used molecular. sag and tension table for f drop wire heavy ice loading areas span sag under expected tension length stringing stringing sag heavy loading under heavy load (feet) tension(lbs. distance from a catenary or overhead ground wire. ice load). SpanMaster software takes users through a logical step-by-step process of information entry and produces sag and tension results for any cable span. Calculation of Sag & Tension Calculation of sag and tension in transmission line Nov 24, 2008 CTC Global (formerly CTC Cable Corporation) was founded in 2002 to develop unique . These additions are implemented in a minimal way, but enough to design systems fairly in agreement with reality. The procedure outlined is applicable to any cable or wire whose modulus of elasticity and coefficient of expansion are uniform throughout the cross section, such as is the case with copper, copper-coatedsteel, or steel cables. g. Suppose the three curves in Figure P4 represent cables strung (at different heights) between poles that are 100 meters apart. Calculating ACCC® Conductor Sag & Tension. Use our online calculator to generate your results. 997 meters; The tension is 37. The model is fully-customizable and accommodates loans with up to 500 payment periods. Project 1: Length of a Curve. The object of this thesis is to determine a praotical method for calculating the maximum sag of a transmission line. T. The Menai Straits Bridge is quite flat with a cable sag (d) of only 43 feet for a span (L) of you will be able to calculate the breaking stress (in lbf / sq. It is a round, all dielectric cable ideally suited for self-supporting drop-type installations as well as in lashed or conduit builds . The main cable shape is approximated by a parabola, though the actual shape is a hyperbola. The distance that a cable will sag depends on the length of the conductor span, the weight of the conductor, its init ial tension, and its material properties. Overhead Cable Sag Calculator Download Locations: Apponic DownloaderThe program will be downloaded via Apponic DownloaderMaking the download process more fasterShowing a progress bar and ensuring the program is virus-freeIncluding offers that are carefully screened as part of the download process. Head loss and head loss coefficient equation and calculator of a fluid in across a screen (circular metal wire mesh) inside a pipe. is used to calculate sags and tensions for level spans when the sag is less than about 10% of the span. Voltage Drop Calculator Helps determine the proper wire size for an electrical circuit based on the voltage drop and current carrying capacity of an electrical circuit. Calculation of Sag in Overhead transmission lines: In an overhead line , the sag should be so adjusted that tension in the conductors is within safe limits. Overhead lines and underground cables are generally pretty straight, and we usually model them as straight lines. These spreadsheets below will make your job much more easier, alowing you to shorten the time used for endless calculations of cables, voltage drop, various selections of circuit breakers, capacitors, cable size and so on. This equation describes a bouncing spring instead of a hanging cable. 00-58. Calculations. 6. please information Electrical pole, span, sag, calculation in excel sheet the sag tension calculation is carried for conductor and ground wire using . Can you provide any information that will make the help file better … Information Center – General Cable® Information Center. Steam Calculator Download - Steam properties calculator Excel add-in based on IAPWS-97 standard. In addition, the permanent mechanical forces (everyday stress) elongate Sag tension calcs-ohl-tutorial. 03. Theta is the deviation angle, and mu is the friction coefficient. In general position the cable function has equation y(x) = 1 2a (x− x0)2 +y0, where the vertex of the parabola is at (x0,y0). Aug 1, 2018 Also, this calculator is only for even supports. The tension is governed by conductor weight, effects of the wind, ice loading and temperature variations. S = (100 ft) + 8 (30 ft) 2 / (3 (100 ft)) = 124 ft. 470 ft ( )1. This process produces data tables, much like an MS Excel spread sheet. Once the nominal tensions and sags are selected, the algorithm is the same as described above. 29 6. Regards -----irevans Southwire SAG10 sag and tension software for transmission line design assists engineers calculate sag and… Southwire – ACSR Used as bare overhead transmission conductor and as primary and secondary distribution conductor and… overhead lines with special regard to t he sag calculation of span sections. You could cut and paste it into Excel to calculate points along the catenary, Cable Sizing Dears if there Excel spreadsheet to calculate reactors size . Refer to Appendix A. Values outside that range will not be used. 29. Overhead Cable Sag Calculator. WIRE, 5. 470L 600. The curve has a U-like shape, superficially similar in appearance to a parabola, but it is not a parabola; it is a (scaled, rotated) graph of the hyperbolic cosine. Beam Deflection Calculators - Solid Rectangular Beams, Hollow Rectangular Beams, Solid Round Beams &#; calculation of ball mill grinding efficiency. 2, Highline Angle & Tension Calculations, Span, Adjacent = Droop or "Sag" 25, use Sine to calculate tension, sin x 2 = 1. A cable with length 30 m and a sag 10 m has a uniform load of 4 kN/m. The calculation of conductor at an equal level shown below. Now we consider a case where the point of support of conductor are at same level but the Sag is very less when compared with the span of conductor. But of course, overhead lines sag between 2, PB Botany. The catenary calculator includes two calculation options: 1) Fx,Fy: calculates the distance between each end of the catenary based upon the force applied to its free end. The calculations serve as an aid to the designers who determine the mechanical stress that the cable must be capable of withstanding or to evaluate such problems as expansion loop cracks and center conductor pullouts. SpanMaster software takes the user through a logical step-by-step process of information entry and produces sag and tension results for any cable span. which is often of each load will be recorded with the help of a video camera and Excel. 1. SAG AND TENSION CALCULATIONS OF TRANSMISSION LINE. Ropes and Cables. D =difference in elevation of cable supports SAG AND TENSION CALCULATIONS OF TRANSMISSION LINE. 470 18. L depends on:-Conductor weight. Determine the shape of the cable supporting a suspension bridge. Shown below are formulas to calculate the maximum allowable tension at a bend and the actual sidewall pressure. Electrical tools (MS Excel Spreadsheets) This section is dedicated to tools every electrical engineer can use in daily work. Lashing a fiber optic cable to a steel messenger A steel messenger is first installed between the poles. A and B are points of supports. 15. 00137) 601. This will give a better correspondence in the calculating. 5. /ft. To help you work most efficiently, we've created a number of calculating tools to aid in your wire and cable installations. The sag of a transmission cable is impacted by several phenomena – including changes in heating, changes in loading, and long-term creep. PURPOSE: Analysis of cable sag with supports at different vertical levels. We have chosen any point on conductor, Application of Aerial Bundle Cable : Aerial Bundle Cable are used for electric power tranmission, extensively AACSR Conductor,Aluminum Alloy JYTOP Cable,Aluminum Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced Manufacturers and Suppliers,provide AACSR Conductor who Equations suitable for such calculations, as presented in the precedingsection, can be applied to the following example: It is desired to calculate the sag and slack for a 600-ft level span of 795 kcmil-26=7 ACSR ‘‘Drake’’conductor. The catenary is the shape that a free hanging flexible cable or wire assumes. 217, Calculate Actual Length of Cable (Accounting for sag, Dead Load Only):. Mar 5, 2013 This calculator shows the low point of the rolling sphere between the two structures. Find the maximum amount of sag in each of the three cables, and compare that maximum sag with the length of the cable in each case. flexible chain supported at its ends and sagging under the force of gravity. ETAP Transmission & Distribution Line Sag and Tension Analysis module is an important tool to perform sag and tension calculation for transmission and distribution lines to ensure adequate operating condition for the lines. Cable Length Calculator from Sag, Span. The sag of a transmission line will increase by increasing conductor temperature caused by the electrical load and spec ific environmental conditions or additional rope forces (e. Overhead Cable Sag Calculator is a Business software developed by Moose O'Malley's Software Valley. The O-Calc® Pro “Sag to Tension” mode for each individual cable affectively works the same as the “Tension to Sag” mode, but the user first picks the nominal value for Sag and the program calculates the nominal tensions. a steel cable of a minimum diameter of 12 mm slackened to a minimum angle of 1 vertical to 12 horizontal, or 5° from horizontal; a maximum distance of 12 m between the end anchors; end anchors with a breaking strength of at least 90 kN; not to be used by more than 2 workers at a time; designed and installed in accordance Two Point Anchor Calculators Richard Delaney January 7, 2015 Free content , Reference Items 7 Comments These are three simple on-line calculators that can be used to determine the theoretical anchor loads in high-lines, span-lines, two point anchors, and deviations. In physics and geometry, a catenary (US: /ˈkætənɛri/, UK: /kəˈtiːnəri/) is the curve that an idealized hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends. If you pre-tension the wire 10 pounds, the sag is about 1. Fiber calculators and tools Powered Fiber Power/Distance Calculator Calculate minimum input voltage requirements and the maximum hybrid cable length between the power source and the PoE extender. 647 ft D = Sag and Tension Calculation Software. Remember though that copper will elongate under tension. Cable length in any transmission line between two point will always be larger than the original length between the two points as there will be certain sag involved. 60 in. Thus, it can Key words: inclined span, sag, parabola, overhead lines, vertex point. Thelatter approach allows greater insight into the calculation of sags and tensions Catenary Cable Approximate Analysis. 26, (sin x 2) x 60 = 61. ) 50 45 0 2 0 10 234 75 45 0 4 1 6 291 100 45 0 8 2 4 341 125 60 0 9 3 1 397 150 80 0 10 3 11 452 Sag of Transmission Lines يلعتلا ةطقن ىوتسم نع ةطقنلا هذه ضاخنا رادقم وه Sag of T. 32. 0 Publisher's description. A new version of Southwire's SAG10 software for calculating sag and tension in overhead conductors is now available with featured enhancements: In ACSR/AW conductors, the steel core is protected from corrosion by an aluminum coating. This equation describes the shape of a parabola. A set of data is obtained experimentally at the Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) 1. Aug 16, 2011 tension into an average sag-section perpendicular wind speed. Sag calculation for supports are at equal levels Suppose, AOB is the conductor. SAG10. 2 lb/ft. possibility to calculate the conductor length in an arbitrary part of the span. 7 Oct 18, 2011 The distance that a cable will sag depends on the length . Span having equal level supports is called level span, whereas when the level of the supports is not at an equal level is known as unequal level span. Generally, the tension of a cable immediately as it leaves a bend must not be greater than 300 times the bend radius (in feet), and the maximum sidewall pressure must not exceed 300 lbs. The aluminum-clad core shows more thermal elongation than conventional cores, In physics and geometry, a catenary is the curve that an idealized hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends. If you want to start a new project, press the new project button, if you press the back button to achieve this, your excel results of your last run will NOT be saved. Please login or . Maximum pulling tension on a cable (Back to top) For cable equipped with pulling eye or pulling bolt, the formula shown below is used to calculate the maximum allowable pulling tension on the cable for the entire routing. This paper is limited to the case where the supports of the Calculates a table of the catenary functions given both fulcrum points or the lowest point. Find the length of the cable in terms of the quotient , where is the lowest point of the catenary on the y-axis. With these requirements in hand, check with the cable manufacturer and you'll find the MV cable you need has an outer diameter (d) of 1. This feature is not available right now. Sag-tension calculation program for wood pole overhead lines. The example assumes inclusion of two patch panels in the path, two mechanical splices, with the system operating over 2 km of graded index 50/125- m multimode fiber-optic cable. Simplified Sag-Tension Calcs 1/14/13 IEEE Sag-Ten Tutorial w=0. 1, Max Cable Tension, Tension at Bridge Midspan, weight per unit length of deck . Cable sag (h) is value of cable form equation for point l/2 (formula 12), where l is the straightline distance between the position transducer and the application (Figure 1). Electro magnetic field (EMF) Calculation of Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) is one of the factor which must be considered during the design process especially for high voltage transmission lines. 00-57. Head coefficient and head loss across angled louvers inside a pipe equation and calculator. 15% of the first term and, therefore, to a first approximation it is usual to ignore it. ) (feet) - (inches) (feet) - (inches) (lbs. is the calculation of the maximum sag occurring when there is to determine a praotical method for calculating the. 00 The Loan Calculator for Excel is the best way to see how a loan's terms will effect the borrower's payment obligations. R 1x = R 2x = (4000 N/m) (30 m) 2 / (8 (10 m)) = 45000 N = 45 kN Cable Sagging Inclined Span. Determine sag of a surface based on radius of curvature and diameter. 149. ). Calculating cable pulling tensions. A cable guide and cable lasher are used to wrap around both the messenger and the fiber cable to secure the fiber cable to the messenger. lines, horizontal formation. Adjacent = Droop or "Sag" T = (W x L)/(4 x D) this assumes the weight is centered on the span when the weight is not centered on the span Adjacent (Droop) Opposite (S/2) Hypotenuse (L/2) D = Droop or "Sag" C = Angle at Load (Kootenay Carriage) B = 90 Degrees Determining Tension on the Track Line A1 = Angle of rope from horizontal A1 Sine (sin Using excel or pocket calculator or manual trial and error: H 2 = 13292 Newtons (23% of RTS) b. Molecular Weight Calculator 1. Now, calculate the slack, using the exact formula, and compare to the approximate Feb 6, 2013 14 Sag and Tension of Conductor 14. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, Access, Excel and Notepad are Associated with the Sag-Tension-Temperature Calculator is a Stringing Table . We also supply knowledge. C 400 ft More specifically, this computer program calculates the sag of overhead conductors and earthwires for Transmission and distribution lines, enabling you to use a variety of methods to calculate the sag, and also generate a report and save the data for virtually any number of spans and cables within any number of projects. in. electrical engineering formulas list online. Let, L = length of the span, i. The catenary . Feature-rich for improved sag and tension… Sag and Tension Calculation with Creep . Where S is sag (metres), W is weight force per metre length (newtons per metre), L is span length (metres) and T is horizontal tension (newtons). Edit By BS Editor: This program calculates the sag of overhead electricity or other cables using Sag tension calcs-ohl-tutorial. The catenary curve has a U-like shape, superficially similar in appearance to a parabolic arch, but it is not a parabola. Calculate final sag (note that there is no change in conductor weight) Solving the horizontal distance: Final conductor Sag: Since there is no wind, these values are the final conductor sag at this loading. Simply adjust or specify the presented parameter values to get your results. Here's a Calculator to Help You. The bare conductor weight per unit length, wb , is 1. This tool provides a fast and easy way for choosing power cables by radio power requirements, power trunk and power jumper conductor size, or trunk cable length. 03N, for a stress of 10. BPM Calculator for Mac; Overhead Cable Sag Calculator; BitCake MathPad; UnitConvertor-D; GNSA; Smart2DCutting; Alternate Calculator; More; Feet and Inches Calculator; BPM Calculator for Mac; BitCake MathPad; Alternate Calculator; M-Calc; Age Date Diff Calculator; Byte Converter; Free Jetico Scientific Calculator; Brochure Printing; Mortgage The vertical distance of the conductor to the line connecting both attachment points A and B is called the conductor sag f. -Tension in the conductor. Forward Power vs Return Loss Calculator. Fluids. used to calculate sag and tension of conductors on wood pole Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD) lines considering all relevant parameters, such as conductor require a user friendly, reliable program which calculates sags temperature, wind and ice loadings and creep. 647 ft L-S = Slack = 0. Calculator. Cable runs in air-handling plenums require OFNP or OFCP-rated cables. 5-foot sag for 150-foot span is a common practice. ExcelCalcs J3X. The horizontal supports and midspan Electrical MS Excel Spreadsheets (Calculations of cables, voltage drop etc. Microsoft Excel). Short Description: Submitted By: mpaul_hansen Submitted On: 04 Nov 2008 Downloads: 249 Rating: Warning. The following are links to discussion of sag and tension calculations To reproduce the equations used in the deviation anchor force calculator, we set exp(-mu*theta) equal to 1 for 100% efficiency. ) GUIDELINES FOR UTILITY INSTALLATIONS Part 1 - Wire Lines and Communications Cables General Requirements This section applies to all public and private utilities, including electric power, telephone, fiber optics, telegraph, cable television, and other communication and data transmission facilities, both overhead and underground. 73, size the feeder at 500kcmil. The sag in the middle of the cable is and the towers are 100 ft. Wind loads on all the towers are calculated separately by developing excel Inductance • Inductance of a Two-Wire Single-Phase Line • The calculation of the three basic transmission line parameters is presented in the following Cable type EXCEL 3x10/10 12 and 24 kV with the conductor size 10 mm² has of course a . Horizontal cable runs require OFN or OFC-rated cables. As promised, you can download for free my sag-tension spreadsheet calculator. Whilst a true catenary curve will occur naturally in a cable with zero bending stiffness and paste into your preferred spreadsheet program (e. -Temperature. It is common that based on those calculation, designer or planner may determine Right of Row (ROW) of the power line. -Span length. Find the actual length of each of the cables in Figure P4. OK, I used the online calculator for you using your numbers. Point O is the lowest point and the midpoint. suspended on suspension insulators, with the aforementioned loading conditions. 7453 lbs/ft Bare H=2780 lbs (20% RBS) S=600 ft ( )( )12. SAG Calculator. Indoor cables must comply with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and local electrical codes. Assume that the length of the cable is 120m and the two poles have equal height of 50m. General Cable's strategy is to supply more than just quality products and legendary customer service to our customers. Calculates displacement cable sag based on the equation of a catenary curve. 1. underground cables, overhead lines, power transformers, and substation equipment such as line. Commonly used for lenses and mirrors. 00-49. Since the shortest span will have the highest tension, to insure that the design tensions do not exceed the NESC maximums, we have to run the sag/tension computer program on the shortest span length (50′) limit-ing the initial tension at 120°F to 1102 lb. The minimum receiver sensitivity is –30 dBm, and the maximum receiver sensitivity is –3 dBm at 1310 nm. This approximation depends on a parabolic approximation and so is only valid for low sag and relatively equal end heights. The tables below is calculated so that the sag at 0°C with the cables own weight at 70 m . Cable Length from Sag, Span formula. The calculation procedure can be reversed, if it is desired to base the calculations on other conditions such as final, cable only at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. com's Beam Deflection Calculators. NEC compliance. With the given data, we can model the problem using two equations. You simply pick up the other end and position it relative to the anchor by adjusting the x, y co-ordinates CommScope's SpanMaster software is a tool designed for use in the calculation of sag and tension of single or multiple cable combinations under various environmental loading conditions. Calculator can be used to provide simple mechanical parameters that simplify specification of optical components. The spreadsheet includes a simple model of the baffle step and a way of applying a passive crossover, first or second order, to visualize the effect of the crossover onto the response of the complete system. WATER For manual testing and adjustment of a motorcycle's suspension sag, this method is the most accurate. apart. The LV cable, attached to the pole 2m below the HV, is strung at 5% CBL. 094 lb=ft. We also assume that each pole is located at distance x from the midpoint which is assumed to be the y-axis (see Figure 1). 60 100. If a catenary is stretched tight, the cable is nearly horizontal, so the loading is nearly uniform, and so the cable is nearly a parabola. BPM Calculator for Mac; Overhead Cable Sag Calculator; BitCake MathPad; UnitConvertor-D; GNSA; Smart2DCutting; Alternate Calculator; More; Feet and Inches Calculator; BPM Calculator for Mac; BitCake MathPad; Alternate Calculator; M-Calc; Age Date Diff Calculator; Byte Converter; Free Jetico Scientific Calculator; Brochure Printing; Mortgage To simplify the calculation, ignoring the self-weight of the clamp and suspender, neglecting the main cable and saddle modification, the calculation is just based on the theoretical vertex of the main cable, assuming that the left anchorage of main cable is as the coordinate origin, as shown in Figure 9. Please try again later. Sag Calculator's help file is not perfect or complete. An excel spreadsheet with the equations for the equal support height case The paper proposes a new method for calculating the sag and horizontal tension at calculate the horizontal tension at the lowest point of the conductor. Sag-tension Calculations A Tutorial Developed for the IEEE TP&C Line Design Subcommittee Sag may be approximated as Sag=0. please expalin in a n excel sheet to calcualte the same. If you tick this box, the anchor line is allowed to sag. Safe working tension is about 300 pounds. Example - Uniform Cable Load, SI units. The tools use Excel 2014 and are provided for various applications typically Provides calculation methods for estimating required conductor/cable ampacity the initial torque and voltage sag performance of RVSS and actiVAR + RVSS in Jun 8, 2011 11KV lines without earth wire L. The following are links to discussion of sag and tension calculations After referring to NEC Table 310. A cable is supported at two points 400 ft apart and at the same elevation. Then a cable reel trailer and truck are used to pull the cable along the messenger. 52 120. For Overhead Cable Sag Calculator 3. Free excel spreadsheet that calculates the sag and tension relationship of transmission and Worksheets can also be printed using normal Excel printing procedures. 7 feet. 4, TOW WIRE CATENARY CALCULATIONS. Calculate the function for an elastic catenary as y = yo/(1 + et) where yo is the initial mass per unit length, e is the spring constant and t is time. If you stipulate the maximum sag, in your case 21', the geometry of the cable can be found at every point along the cable. -Weather conditions (wind , ice). For cable length, we will use the formula for the length of the catenary curve (formula 13). 7 Cables: Catenaries Example 2, page 1 of 4 A B 40 ft 2. in literatures it is written that the grinding efficiency of ball mill is very less [less than%]. If you pre-tension the wire 1 pound, the sag is about 15. and a weight of 2. ENGINEERING. To evaluate your project, press the calculate button. You can use this spreadsheet to verify results in my sample computation in the previous post. cable sag calculator excel