Borderlands 2 level 72 legendary weapons save pc

Some folks just have no luck. 2. When I got my first legendary drop I was level 16 and it was a shield that slowed you down 50% and was only level 13. I know that in TVHM it is viable to save quest for What I Have: All are level 50 unless notedLooking for anything not on this listOrange1) Purging infinity2) Severe shredifier (slag)3) Restructuring CC4) Hefty Baby maker5) Alkaline the bee6 For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 34 save games. Microsoft. [PS3] Borderlands 2 Save game. View all the achievements here Here's what players on PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 can expect that day: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Digistruct Peak Challenge. and people can modify existing weapons into something new and creative. - If you are going to post your guns, make sure they DO NOT lag, have any bugs and Works! Borderlands 2 Level 61 Gunzerker Game Save Xpgamesaves mediafire links free download, download Level 50 Wilhelm Game save!, Level 60 Nisha Game Save!, Level 50 Nisha Game Save - borderlands 2 level 61 gunzerker game save xpgamesaves mediafire files. 228. The ‘Borderlands 2 Save File Editor‘ by Gibbed lets you create new save files or modify existing save data in Borderlands 2. Extract the files. . Skip to main content. 11 Mar Includes: All quests Level 50 Unlimited Ammo Maxed Skill Trees Legendary Weapons Modded Back Pack Space. - All missions completed at level 80 (72 + 8) including The Raid On Digistruct Peak and Creature Slaughter Dome. All changes are made at your own risk, Gearbox Software, 2K Games, The Community Devs, or Me(ntalMars) are not responsible if you break your game. Start the game Golden Keys are special keys in Borderlands 2 that unlock a golden chest which gives you very powerful and rare items. they do say if you want something Borderlands 2 Cheats and Cheat Codes, Xbox One. This is 100% working save editors for the PC XBOX 360 and PS3, it supports dlc items also. Drop the extracted file into your savegame folder under C:Users[Your User Name]DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 2WillowGameSaveData[Some Numbers]. Before you go and apply the Borderlands 2 unofficial community patch I would like to point out these few things: Don’t have Borderlands 2 running on your system when you apply these changes. i don't get the issue though compiling a list of weapon Borderlands 2 save editor legitimate weapon code list 1. Borderlands 2 All Level 72 OP8 Gamesave + Modded Saves and More!!! [PC] Related videos Legendary items are rare weapons featuring unique red text effects, with a yellow, orange or dark orange coloration on their item cards in Borderlands, and an orange coloration in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. In the DLC, you have to fight Pyro Pete in Pyro Pete’s Bar. Borderlands 2 Easy XP – How To Level Up Fast. 3. It can read, edit, and convert savegame files from PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 versions of the Borderlands game. 04. Borderlands 2 is a hybrid First-Person Shooter, RPG game focused on over-the-top co-op play, and set in the open-world game environment of the planet Pandora. Corrected issues where some items didn’t display their correct name (such as “Hoplite”). Stopping Lascaux: (Blue rare drop) BL2(hwAAAABGQABB6ANBBCGTcWIxwQKNRQGLChYGLBRY/v8vY+nBYo3l) Stopping Emperor: (Blue rare drop) BL2 Actually you need to be in playthrough 2. 55487 and supports STEAM. Legendary items, in fact, are much rarer in Borderlands 2 than in the original game. Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Save Data. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Borderlands 2 for PlayStation 4 (PS4). To use pastecode or extract: This is how to extract This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Borderlands 2 for PC. Description This contains all Borderlands 2 Lvl 72 character game saves Installation 1. Because of this, you’re going to have to either just get lucky, or farm for what you want. Borderlands save PC PC game auto save save game for PC unlocker Where is the Save game? Level 50 Legendary Weapons Borderlands 2 General. Making our own game items, for giggles and fun. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Borderlands 2 Save Editor Weapon Codes I will be compiling a list of weapon codes here in the paste code format. 1. Create a new save by pressing triangle and making a new character now with that character load the story by pressing "new game" and as soon as you skip the cut scene and see a white lite press pause then save and quit. So Much Blood! is an achievement in Borderlands 2. Sign in to YouTube BORDERLANDS 2 | *Hellfire* Legendary Weapons Guide by YOTESLAYA. Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 4 cheats we have available for Borderlands 2. Download. i dont understand everything of the gibbed save editor but i found some dlc missons at your saves and as well the fast travel points of them but when i use the saves and play i can only travel to the starting areas of the dlc's and when i go there the intro is shown and im at the first mission of the dlc For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Any good, trustable lvl 72 weapon saves out there?". WillowTree# is a save editor for Borderlands written in C#. Save. Mods add a new way to play this game, and your mod tool lets people from all across the world create new things from godly shields to mega weapons. Description: Borderlands 2 on PlayStation 3 is a tasty mixture of shooter first person role-playing cel shading. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers. Installation 1. This sounds like it might cause trouble in deciding on Borderlands’ Best Weapons, but since all elements and weapon types are represented equally, it’s not an issue. Xbox Please update this save editor. Because of all the what if and dependencies involved in DoT, it’s left out of the equation as a hard number. 3 Knowing this, when you trade or drop weapons and your friend picks them up, if you exit out of the game right away, it won’t have a chance to save. The gameplay revolves around the completion of missions and the collection of randomly generated loot (such as weapons, shields, skins, and other items) with various rarities, statistics, and elemental effects. getting legendary, or especially Eridian weapons is almost nil till you're nearing max level if you're not in a New downloadable content for Borderlands 2 arrives on September 3, 2013 with the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Digistruct Peak Challenge packing a new level cap, new area and more! Here's what players on PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 can expect that day: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade This is 100% working save editors for the PC XBOX 360 and PS3, it supports dlc items also. Unlike unique items, legendary items can spawn at any time, can Unique & Legendary Weapons Main article: Special Weapon Effects Borderlands 2. Legendary Weapons are generally very hard to find and also deal massive amounts of damage. Weapon Slots | IGN Boards - IGN EntertainmentI'm playing splitscreen co-op with my girlfriend (have been from the start), . Xbox Find out different ways you can level up faster in Borderlands 2. Borderlands 2: Save Game (Zer0, 72 lvl, OP8) Borderlands 2: Save Game (Zero, 72 lvl + 4 legendary class of different levels) Borderlands 2: Save Game (The best start of the game for Zero) Borderlands 2: Save Game (Profile with 56280 gold keys and tokens) Savegame for Borderlands 2; Borderlands 2: Cheats; Borderlands 2: 16 Saves (PS3, NORTH AMERICA) Borderlands 2 All Characters Level 72 Game Saves & Gibbed Save Editor Codes For Digistruct Peak! BORDERLANDS 2: RANKING ALL the Best New LEGENDARY Weapons from Commander Borderlands 2 UVHM The gamesaves pack include - All characters have completed UVHM. Golden keys can be obtained by pre-ordering Borderlands 2, registering for a SHiFT account in Borderlands 2, redeeming SHiFT codes (which are released randomly), or ordering the GOTY edition from Steam. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage DLC 2. Grip and Manufacturer combo boxes are now linked for convenience—changing one will change the other to match. The damage is based on your Level and the Level of Out for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC (Soon) Virtual Reality Weapons and items are constantly autosaved as you play Borderlands 2. Don't farm until your level is maxed out; unlike Borderlands 1, damage follows an exponential scale in Borderlands 2. 2019 {MrAntiFun} Borderlands 2: Save Game (Zer0, 72 lvl, OP8) Borderlands 2: Save Game (Zero, 72 lvl + 4 legendary class of different levels) Borderlands 2: Save Game (The best start of the game for Zero) Borderlands 2: Save Game (Profile with 56280 gold keys and tokens) Borderlands 2: 12 Saves (100%, Level 72) Unique Quest Weapons & Other stuff, these codes are not mine but i want someone to confirm if they work or not. Now go to matchmaking and choose ‘Quick Match’. 0, Borderlands 2 save. Save and quit the game. Each character has modded stats including, skills, ammo, and drop-able Eridium Stacks, Seraph crystals, and Torgue Tokens. Gibbed's Save Editor Weapon/Item Codes Level differences can also keep DoT from triggering reliably. Drop rates for orange rarity items are low, but after you have killed the bosses enough times they will eventually drop legendary loot. Xbox Borderlands 2 Cheats for Xbox 360 this works for pc and ps3)To get all unlimited shields,guns,and class mods drop or trade the things you want to have unlimited(I **LEVEL CAP:** Pursue the new level cap of 80 (up from 72) and challenge yourself to achieve the two new Overpowered Levels, accessible via Digistruct Peak. My next one was at level 32 and it was a level 6 grenade. Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary is the fifth campaign DLC for Borderlands 2. 12/2/2013 Edit: Considering that heavily modded weapons are inaccessible on console versions of Borderlands 2, this thread is dedicated to modifications done to any weapon present in the game as well as items that bypass sanity checks. Gibbed R33 You will need the following items for modding your saves on console: Many things work the same way in this editor as they Plus, it's only PT1, so if you did get a legendary weapon it would only be level 30. Borderlands 2: Trainer +14 v06. Credits to those Borderlands 2 file save over 700 LEGENDARY weapons/grenade mods/sheilds this save file contains over 700 LEGENDARY weapons with loads of grenade mods and plenty of variations of each weapon fire/slag/acidic/shock the save is also playthrough 2. The Best Blogs for Borderlands 2, Video Games, Gaming, Gearbox software, Related: How to make those last-gen Borderlands save files more moves and new weapon types offer a startlingly Borderlands 2 is an action role-playing game played from a first-person perspective. Let's say I wanna play OP3, I'm level 72, enemies are all around 75. g. How to level from 1-72 in under 2 hours in Borderlands 2 by Admiral How do I set my level, unlocked weapon equip slots and playthrough mode? With Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Game editor, Borderlands 2 after level 30. Dont try for a 100% run of this game since VERY long if you want all the achievements, Legendary items, and full level 72 Classes. With it you can edit the skills, add weapons, currency and stuff you cannot have in your inventory like Eridum (actually in the inventory not in the Eridum section) 4 May Description This contains all Borderlands 2 Lvl 72 character game saves. Drop the. This means almost immediately after playthrough 1, orange level 30 guns are total crap compared to green level 35 guns. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, easter eggs, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Borderlands 2 for PC. Can even dupe a few good legendary weapons. There really are a ton of legendary (orange) weapons and mods in Borderlands 2, though they have a very low chance to drop from any of the given enemies or bosses. Lately i've been having trouble even having mods to my console, i did the tutorial perfectly. They are: But other than that the game is fantastic and you can be playing this for days, weeks or even months with how deep the gameplay can get by making certain class builds or legendary farming. Below you can find the new features added with the new Borderlands 2 Commander Lilith & the Battle for Sanctuary DLC. 4. The official website for information on the award-winning Borderlands series of shooter-looter games, add-on content, and related products. com. With Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Editor you will also be able to customize your character, add money, seraph crystals, eridium and torgue tokens, add new weapons and other items. I'm playing splitscreen co-op with my girlfriend (have been from the start), and yet I have 3 gun slots open and she still has two? . Whether you're a newcomer to Borderlands 2, playing the assassin character, Zero, for the first time, or just looking for some better builds to get the most out of combat, this article will help. Pandora Overlords - Borderland's Elite Modding Community. . Publisher : 2K Games Developper : Type : FPS / Jeu de Rôle. Borderlands Xbox One/PS4: Here's How To Transfer Your Saves Gearbox publishes set of instructions for how to carry your existing Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel saves forward to The Handsome Collection. (Aquamarine) Set-430 Weapons: Save Game File Save contains All Level 61 Class Mods/Relics Borderlands 2 All Legendary Weapons Lvl 61 Save mediafire links free download, download Borderlands 2 All Lvl 72 OP8 Game saves PS3 ONLY, Borderlands 2 All Heads & Skins and Vehicle Skins, Borderlands 2 All version Trainer - borderlands 2 all legendary weapons lvl 61 save mediafire files. This mod contains Borderlands 2 saved games that include all the gear in the game at OP10 level 80. Shop with confidence. Also enables all purple class mods to have a small chance of spawning as a Legendary version, if it is level 50 or higher. Download the file. Tweet Check PC cheats for this game Check Xbox 360 cheats for this game Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game Check PS Vita cheats for this game Check Xbox One cheats for this game Pick up your Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition PC copy from Green Man Gaming today and remember to sign in for our best price. All types of gear are supported (guns, shields, grenade mods, class mods, and relics. 5 (e. Okay stick with me, this requires several prerequisites… 1. Unique weapons are always of blue or purple rarity and are typically assigned as special rewards for quests or given for defeating named enemies. VIDEO : borderlands 2 | *conference call* legendary weapons guide - finally!!! in this series i will be showing you how to find all legendary weapons infinally!!! in this series i will be showing you how to find all legendary weapons inbo Pearlescent Weapons; Trusty Legendary's; Shields; Find more codes at se7ensins; Trusty Legendary's. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Borderlands 2 - PC at Amazon. How To Get Legendary Loot []. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2019. 0. Load up Borderlands 2 . Back on Pandora, a player must explore new lands and seek their fortune, while fighting against the tyranny of treacherous Beau Jack. The list is not done by me. Get a level 61 or 72 friend to invite you to play with a Maya is one of the most fun Borderlands 2 characters to play. Borderlands2 skill calculator Vanilla UCP Borderlands2 skill calculator Vanilla UCP hi cyber can u make me a save fro borderlands 2 at op8 with some good guns or all of the good guns if u can for PS3 but not including any ammo or fire rate mods like add the weapons and levels but no mods otherwise it would help alot as no ps3 saves seem to work for me because they only have the . Gear data files have been updated (sniper rifles, semi-auto sniper rifles, combat rifles, and MGs are now supported). Without mods I believe that borderlands 2 might have faded into obscurity a while ago. Characters gain a skill point with every level, for a total of 11 more skill points. These weapons are variants of standard gun models with special effects and bonuses added. A question about trading: I'm currently level 41, and I was avoiding side quests for my second playthrough anyway, but as some of you may know it makes sense to leave most side quests to 2. " I don't mean that in a bad thing but if you dislike the first Borderlands, Borderlands 2 maybe a turn off after the first half of the game. "Borderlands 2 is a really fun game to play with friends but isn't as different from Borderlands 1. Comment #42 by AdroitxAssassin. 2 This is a list of weapon codes here in the paste code format. For more details check the description. If you drop a weapon, and quickly exit the game you’ll still have the weapon in your inventory when you reload. Infinity Pistols (DAMAGE) Fire - UPDATE: 4/26/10. I'm on the 360, and I have this purple gunzerker class mod that I would like to trade for a rare siren class mod of some kind or another. A runaway Siren from a powerful monastery on her homeworld (the monks were using her to control her own people), her character is comfortable with her powers but still growing into and enjoying her freedom. The best way to get orange (Legendary) items is to farm the bosses at the locations listed below. Hey if you want some level 50 legendary weapons to help you out just let me know add me to FL on xbox. Our Borderlands 2 +41 trainer is now available for version 1. 5K likes. 5 has variations of the sham/the bee and many more i hope you guys can enjoy the great arsenal that i This is a guide for all legendary weapons, shields and relics for Borderlands 2 This guide is for anyone who needs to find out if the gun they are going to farm for is worth it, where it is, and what version of the gun is best for them, including parts Commando Modded level 50 with even more Orange Legendary Weapons, Shield,etc Salvador Main_save. With it you can edit the skills, add weapons, currency and stuff you cannot have in your inventory like Eridum (actually in the inventory not in the Eridum section) Level 72 Zero and a level 56 Maya, 550+ hours played, every single one solo. Borderlands 2 Save Editor Legitimate Weapon Code List 1. Borderlands 2 Gibbed Save Editor Weapon Tutorial I've been using the BL2 Gibbed Save Editor for a month or two now for increasing character levels, buffing weapon levels to match my level, etc. 9005 Gunzerker Modded level 50 this is my personal save playthrough 1 completed and just into playthrough 2, this is the perfect save for anyone wanting to do playthrough 2 with Salvador as he has a Backpack full of the best gear and a vault full Find great deals on eBay for borderlands 2 weapons. It has a storage locker that can be used to transfer items between characters. For example, you can level up your Vault Hunter, add more money, skip missions, and add awesome weapons to your backpack. sav in them thanks man love ur content hope u can do it Gibbed Borderlands 2 Save Editor Black Weapon Codes I've been using the BL2 Gibbed Save Editor for a month or two now for also get the gibbed codes for specific items from this list: Borderlands 2 Gibbed Codes! made an illegal weapon (it will show up in game with a black rarity) and it will. Borderlands 2 is an action/shooter WRPG and a shoot and loot type game. Raises level cap by 11, for a new level cap of 72 when combined with the first Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack. If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please Borderlands Series; Borderlands 2; Lvl 61 gunzerker save with 700 legendary weapons all platforms THREAD: Lvl 61 gunzerker save with 700 legendary weapons all platforms New Borderlands 2 DLC released today will raise the game’s level cap to 72 while introducing a fresh area and mission, Raid on Digistruct Peak, which is pictured above. The second game in the game series, Borderlands 2 raises the 'loot and shoot' action of the original game with an even larger and more detailed world to explore, an updated gun system, a new cast of characters and character classes, and This Borderlands 2 mod modifies a large number of class mods to be more balanced, fitting, specialized, or otherwise interesting. - All weapons and items are at level 80 (72 + 8). - If the page says that "This page exceeds 200,000 characters," then use This Template to make a new Hall of Fame Page. The Legendary tag can be applied to all weapon types, including: Legendary Sniper Rifles; Legendary This is a guide for all legendary weapons, shields and relics for Borderlands 2 This guide is for anyone who needs to find out if the gun they are going to farm for is worth it, where it is, and what version of the gun is best for them, including parts Save borderlands 2 legendary to get e-mail alerts and updates Borderlands 2 Level 72 Character+Perfect Weapons Badass Rank Modding XONE ONLY Brand New · PC 2) 61 => 72, and 8 over power levels, levels in which you fight enemies 1 to 8 levels higher than you, but for each of the OP levels, you can get that level gear. I've listed my four favorite builds for Zero, each focused on a particular skill. LOOT TIER: Legendary weapons are lovely and all, but now there’s an even rarer and more powerful tier in town: Effervescent. This tier features high stats, special effects, and some entrancing rainbow textures. Your might get one on the warrior fight at level 50, but if you. During the five complete games played to prepare this document, I found only four Legendary weapons and three Legendary Grenade Mods despite intensive looting. Borderlands 2: Best Siren Class Build. These Borderlands 2 cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. So I just started playing borderlands 2 after a two year long break and I was wondering. Borderlands 2 Third Weapon Slot Quest. 5 in order to maximize rewards, which suits me great, but I joined a Borderlands 2 Free Download Full Version PC Crack - play the sequel to Borderland! Now you can select even more characters and get in a fighting whirl! Borderlands 2 has 69 achievements worth 1625 points. 5. Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Editor is a small and easy to use application that can help you edit your Borderlands 2 saved game files. Description This contains all Borderlands 2 Lvl 72 character game saves Installation 1. Announced in July Build and view stats for any gear found in Borderlands 2 using the all-new Gear Calculator V2. complete playthrough 2) to get the best items possible. Now go to where your games are located(on ps3) and go to "saved data utility" and open it . Mr. Updates to game info (“Pre-sequel”) for the new Borderlands 2 content. You also can't level up those extra 8 levels (you don't get another 8 skill points). borderlands 2 level 72 legendary weapons save pc