Best equipment for gaige bl2
Best equipment for gaige bl2
The Legendary tag can be applied to all weapon types, including: Legendary Sniper Rifles; Legendary Borderlands 2 Save Editor Weapon Codes I will be compiling a list of weapon codes here in the paste code format. The official Borderlands 3 reveal trailer just dropped! Here's a complete breakdown and in depth look at the new stuff! If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to hit LIKE and leave a COMMENT down Ok, so I currently have Gaige at level 30. He isn't the original poster, you find him on like page 3. Gaige at full anarchy you just assume none of your shots will actually hit. This is the best elemental build for the best damage class. I have three weapons that i think will meld well with her but what do i know. This will be the Borderlands 2 one-shot I had offered on my poll. ) Yeah, Gaige is definitely the best player character in the game (sorry, Krieg). There are legit Skills & Ammo and Oct 19, 2012 Please include the type of weapon/gear and the colour rarity. How To Get Legendary Loot []. As far as the Vladof launcher, it was better than the one he had. I thought the Pre-Sequel was a bit less insufferable in this regard but you still had to deal with Handsome Jack constantly who is an awful character at the best of times. It's possible to beat him with a coordinated team, good equipment, proper skills and tactics (or a reasonable combination of the above), but there's a super cheap slightly helpful way to beat him even solo, too. Se flere ideer om Videogames, Borderlands 2 og Gaming. Shields, Class Mods & Grenade Mods. Build and view stats for any gear found in Borderlands 2 using the all-new Gear Calculator V2. There are legit Skills & Ammo and modded Skills & Ammo versions. . Thresher Thrashed is an achievement in Borderlands 2. 9 Fire Rate - 14. It is worth 30 points and can be received for: Defeated Terramorphous the Invincible Borderlands 2 DLC: Vault of the Consular written by than their current equipment. If found the same thing with Axton trying to do a turret build, is that eventually the turret would die before being able to even get a shot off. Borderlands 2 All Level 72 Character Game Saves; Borderlands 2 All Level 72 Character Game Saves. Comments The mouthpiece of the gaming generation, The Escapist aims to capture and celebrate the contemporary video gaming lifestyle and the diverse global video game culture by way of in-depth features, thought provoking articles and relevant columns authored by leading video game authorities, as well as cutting-edge video shorts, engaging forums and robust social media elements that incorporate the Product Description Borderlands 2 Game PS3. Best Maya Build - Maya the Siren is the best support class. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, easter eggs, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Borderlands 2 for PC. PC Games. bl2 best build 2018 bl2 best . Gunzerker is the best at crowd control, has a very high damage per second (dps), is capable of tanking (with a tank build), and is one of the most fun classes in Borderlands 2. Up to level 72 the damage isn’t too bad either. Borderlands 2 Terramorphous Co-op and Solo Builds Guide – How To Defeat. Best equipment for Gaige? User Info: NeverMore0. The best character for that game for solo players IMO is Psycho. UVHM is the best example, just cranking up enemy health and damage exponentially doesn't make it a particularly interesting challenge, just ends up feeling oppressive and limiting. Get to the 3rd tier Upshot Robot skill so you can lean on Deathtrap for longer and longer and at that point you should be pretty comfortable with how Gaige plays. Combining invention and evolution, Borderla Gaige's Dad never actually appears in the game, only in Gaige's ECHO logs (which were online, not even in the game itself as Gaige was a DLC character), but everyone agrees he's the coolest father ever for bringing Gaige cocoa while she works, supporting her plans to "take that bitch down" after her rival ripped off her invention, helping her I think the best thing to do if you got the Badaboom to drop early would be to leave and move on. 4 Reload Speed - 2. Some will, fine, meanwhile you just trust Close Enough and Nth degree to keep your shots hitting. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, easter eggs, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Borderlands 2 for Xbox 360. I haven’t been this angry since I lost several rounds of Melty Blood to an online scrub back in 2012. Here's a runthrough of her skill tree - well, I‘m a FPS games fun,well,at first time i see bother lands,it makes me fell happy,the gun,the character,i have to say,it"s one of the best FPS game i"ve ever play,i used play halo,cod,but this time,bother lands gives me great pleasure,thank you take two! you genius always give me surprise,waiting for your new bio shock! Examples include people suddenly acquiring powers that make their equipment run better because they have been killing lots of things, or finding equipment off random bandits in the arse end of nowhere that changes how super-powers possessed by 6 people in the universe work. Hello readers. Make sure to do side quests and make sure you have at least decent equipment on you. NeverMore0 2 years ago #1. It took me a while to get some of these so have fun everyone ! -EXT} Droppables in BL2! Anarchy is a tier 1 skill in Gaige's Ordered Chaos skill tree. A quick guide to all four Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel skill trees. Gaige just has so much flexibility after all. Borderlands 2 was awesome (played on Gaige, anarchy, max stack), the story was ok, humor was great (especially when gaige was at max stack anarchy), still didn't finish all dlc (got tiny tina's whatever, but have not started it, but none of the headhunter ones, the big game hunt kinda killed my drive). are these good guns for her or what else should i be This has been perhaps one of the most difficult builds to settle upon: The Best Solo Build for Mechromancer. Lately i've been having trouble even having mods to my console, i did the tutorial perfectly. Gaming Discussion This means that someone like Axton or Gaige, who have action skills that indiscriminately attack enemies, might not be good to use here. Tinder snowflake in the Marcus Dlc - Fair amount of purples along with e-techs. Perhaps the same goes if Mong drops a purple or really good blue rocket launcher. Game Saves So heres a save for the people who don't want or don't know how to use the editor. 1,809. All you have to do is drag it into horizon and change ids rehash and resign then save to device. Best Friends Forever Borderlands 2 Digistruct Peak OP+8 Challenge Solo w/ Gaige. As with all Borderlands 2 characters, having the right skill tree makes a huge difference in game play, and makes playing even the most difficult character a dream. Choosing a character in Borderlands 2 is not an easy task, but playing one is enjoyable depending on your presently available skill tree. For mobbing this is the best possible grenade to have if you want to reliably slag enemies and not worry about running out. 1. ) Great for getting second winds. Updates to game info (“Pre-sequel”) for the new Borderlands 2 content. Page Discussion Edit History. Download. Shields. Do you know how to pass a complex place in the game? A huge number of walkthrough games on video. Drop rates for orange rarity items are low, but after you have killed the bosses enough times they will eventually drop legendary loot. 7 Magazine Size - Hello everyone. The usual weakness of shotguns and shotgun-alikes - the trouble in hitting with multiple elements at long distances - stops applying, because as long as the gun is being pointed somewhere with a straight line to a target, Close Enough 5 will cause half of the fragments in each burst to hit, even around corners. what would you guys say are the best weapons for her are. What the effect of every piece of equipment has on your gear that has been modified in Reborn, such as Sights, Stocks, Accessories, etc Borderlands 2 - Greed Jump to a section: Home Releases Credits Characters List Overview Story Gameplay Classes Weapons / Equipment Challenges Locations Enemies Editions Media DLC Easter Eggs Walkthrough Achievements Cheats Hi, what's the best Borderlands 2 DLC? Do they all worth it or only few? I listen about Tiny Tina DLC is the best, but the others not so good. I'm sure that some of you may be wondering why I am pumping out this one-shot instead of starting a chapter for one of the other stories I should be working on. Here are my two favorite builds for Gaige. A year after it’s launch, four Borderlands 2 veteran vault hunters share their opinions on their favorite and least favorite aspects of the game, and what Gearbox can learn from the recent past to ensure that upcoming DLC and future games meet or exceed the standards they’ve established. Warning: if you're not into a high-risk, high-reward style of gameplay, you had might as well steer clear of this brawny brawler right off the bat. I have the Stalker, the Madhous! and the Triquetra. Borderlands 2 is the epic sequel to the ultimate four-player Role-Playing Shooter loot fest. Found an older version here on the Nexus, and wondered if there were any more updates since. 2. It is a good Phaselock build. Gaige (Borderlands) Summary Angel is sick of her neighbour's constant Rock music so after a particularly bad day she decides she won't have it anymore and does something about it, little did she know that her neighbour would be an attractive redhead. Elements: Available in anything but Non-Elemental and Explosive. The best way to get orange (Legendary) items is to farm the bosses at the locations listed below. A majority of the unique pieces of equipment can be gotten as drops from enemies or as rewards for finishing missions. The mouthpiece of the gaming generation, The Escapist aims to capture and celebrate the contemporary video gaming lifestyle and the diverse global video game culture by way of in-depth features Gaige (Borderlands) Summary Angel is sick of her neighbour's constant Rock music so after a particularly bad day she decides she won't have it anymore and does something about it, little did she know that her neighbour would be an attractive redhead. ALSO: To Professor Broman and others. During Light the Fuse you pull out a live bundle of dynamite and can move normally. Naturally, I had to try him out and see how melee combat had changed from the first game. Skill Calculator for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel characters. Even short of that, you could probably take apart his mod to see how it works, which would yield a similar effect. I thought I'd upload it since the license allowed me too under my circumstances. Choose one to get started! Dec 10, 2014 So, with Kalibur's permission I am reposting this and making it more available to edit along with a more active member of the BL2 forums. EX: Gaige the Mechromancer could gain XPGameSaves is the largest gaming and mod community for console gaming mods and PC. Every single Vault Hunter's skill trees, updated with Reborn's numbers and builds updated by our community. If you encounter any problems (crashes, etc), feel free to comment this post. The Bee: Overall the best shield in Borderlands 2 as recommended by many online players! The Bee although lacking in shield capacity more than makes up for it in amplify damage and recharge rate Borderlands 2 Hammerlocks DLC Unique and Seraph Weapons List; Borderlands 2: Hammerlocks DLC Unique and Seraph Weapons List. While you're learning her, I'd point you toward the Best Friends Forever tree. It's a tool that lets you edit the contents of a save game of your choosing. i don't get the issue though @eimyr To be completely honest, I'd respec to the point where all your skills are focused on buffing Gaige herself. Tags: File Formats, Hacking, Tools. More info very soon tho I've heard. Also I skipped a few quests here and there that give unique items that are They are as follows: Maya's Dark Focus, Gaige's None Blacker, Axton's Oct 17, 2012 You can also duplicate and delete items here. question the best he could. He's the one who added the echo stuff to BL2, so he may be willing to explain how they work. So, instead, this site focuses on presenting a great variety of Borderlands’ best weapons and items. I remember I had 400 Anarchy once, fired my shotgun at a trash pile right in front of me, missed and stillkilled some monster I wasn't even aware of behind me #? Aug 8, 2018 15:50 Profile; Post History The demo I played of Borderlands 2 was the first to feature its cybernetic ninja Zero. BL2 is my favorite entry. The following descriptions smooth things over, in order to depict Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the trophies for Borderlands 2: The Handsome Collection (PS4) in the most comprehensive trophy guide on the internet. Endorsements. You can use them in any level, just open your "Saves" in Gibbed and press the "Sync" button. The intent of Terramorphous is to be a raid boss, something you bring 4 players along to fight at once. don’t just expect yourself to barge in at level 50 without the best of the best equipment and kill this mighty Here is a list of legendary weapons codes. Your milage may vary. Borderlands2) submitted 4 years ago by tatsuke234 I'm a level 55 mechromancer and was wondering if there is any gear I should try and get now to help me though the game. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection bundles the second and third games in the series (but not the first) and all of their downloadable content (that's a LOT of DLC) in one $60 retail or In BL2 they showed up as a square icon in the middle of the screen on top of the XP bar and as you gained more they'd have an x<number> badge overlayed. i've used gaige many times before but this is the first time i've gotten into an anarchy build with her. The game features an all-new cast of characters, skills, environments, enemies, weapons, and equipment that come together in a carefully crafted and connected story. Why? Because the Mechromancer class just has so many great skills that you have to neglect points in a couple of spots in order to reach others. In BL2 its impossible to find any good Like Legendaries, all of them have the red flavor text in their descriptions, but unlike the former, they can be of any rarity color (except for white, of course). Gaige. I’m not complaining because the masculine and feminine body are piece of art themselves, nudity and sex will always grab the human mind’s attention, so I don’t see the point of keeping track of Shagbase when you can simply put a warning before anyone enters your As Gaige, I'd recommend not going into the Order Chaos tree right away. com] is Oct 9, 2012 Gaige the Mechromancer's base ability allows her to digistruct a bot named The Best Friends Forever upgrade tree is designed for casual Anarchy only has one skill point; with it, Gaige gains an Anarchy'stack When choosing gear players should prioritize weapons with high fire-rate, reload Oct 12, 2012 Recommended builds to play Mecromancer Gaige in Borderlands 2. These saves are 100% Complete on Missions. About to go to Hero's Pass, but I just wanna level up a bit first. With it, Gaige improves her damage but lowers her accuracy each time she kills an opponent, or completely empties and reloads a magazine with her weapon. Killer Cat (not the best class mod out there) +95% SMG damage -26% SMG Apr 23, 2019 However, that is not the best “Law” you could be getting, because it is lv40. Borderlands 2 was one of the best-selling games of 2012, and has become the best-selling game in the history of 2K Games, with 8. The other optional objective about killing the Sheriff with a pistol is easier than it sounds, as you are free to use whatever you want to whittle her health down before having to switch to a pistol for the killing blow. The cheesy writing and thin plot or whatever never bother me. About Legendary Items. (Captain Scarlett DLC) Fixed an issue that could cause Scarlett to not drop Scarlett's Greed in the fight with Roscoe. Combine these two to become an unstoppable overpowered bullet spraying machine. Not saying BL2 wasn't good, just that it had some very significant problems, for me at least, that I simply hope don't get repeated in BL3. Left click to view it's information. As Gaige, I'd recommend not going into the Order Chaos tree right away. Thanks If you want utter havoc, Anarchy/Close Enough Gaige with the Maggie. Equipment Older Consoles. Currently playing through uvhm as Gaige and him with Sal. The Walking Apocalypse. The build I'm posting is an amazing Gunzerker solo build (I think it's the Best Salvador Build ). “All crap. . by . All types of gear are supported (guns, shields, grenade mods, class mods, and relics. Krieg the Psycho may not be gracing Borderlands 2 until next week, but we've got the inside scoop on some of the best builds for the self-destructive maniac. -EXT} Droppables in BL2! The best tank Borderlands 2 Mechromancer Gaige Builds Guide – Best Friends Forever, Little Big Trouble, Ordered Chaos . Combining invention and evolution, Borderlands 2 features all-new characters, skills, environments, enemies, weapons and equipment, which come together in an ambitiously crafted story. A slowly spinning wind turbine was the only interesting thing the guard could see. Some enemies cannot be Phaselocked and instead instantly take damage. Light the Fuse Fight For Your Life is replaced with Light the Fuse. Unless you get Interspersed Outburst gaige does not have a way to slag its opponents. Grounded Hide of Terramorphous Highest Damage - BL2(B4EMIdhX0/ Best Sheriff's Badge Right click on an item to show it's BL2 Code. An unrivaled place for game reviews, RGH and Jtag content this link here is the first part of the story with Zer0/Gaige/Angel in it and WOO! shes not dead and now she is getting a second chance at life. It took them two days to dig through Hyperion’s data bases to find out where the equipment they would need was being held. This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 at 9:53 am and is filed under Borderlands 2. I died an astonishing number of times to relatively weak enemies. Borderlands 2 Psycho Krieg Borderlands 2: Best Mechromancer Build. Borderlands 3 looked great though, just wish they had some gameplay deets or a date. You can use an editor like Gibbed to create only the ones you like. Phaselock Action Skill. [Discussion] Gear for Gaige UVHM (self. 0. Gaige is the best shamfleeter( Sham +norfleet) in the game. BL2 is probably my most played game and I've still yet to find anything that comes close to how much fun I have playing through with friends. Best OffHand Ever, qq360889817. It's like "JOKES JOKES JOKES how do you do fellow kids please enjoy this reference" levels of bad. You wouldn't have any problem finishing the game from there. I have Gaige is very powerful when played properly, and her damage scaling is quite Most of the gear won't be relevant by the time you reach Sanctuary in TVHM, so it's Get yourself a really good slag weapon (Slagga[borderlands. guide for everyone new to borderlands 2 . Gaige Lvl 72 GameSave. “Time to storm the keep/To train Frankenstein’s monster/Zed better not Gaige The Mechromancer - summon a huge robot to smack dudes in the face for you! Also includes a skill tree designed for newer players, and one for "more advanced" players. (You get a +dmg -accuracy buff, stat stacks 999x, an you can then get a talent that makes 50% of whatever misses, richoccete and hit anyways. There are a lot fewer weapon specific skills in this game compared to Borderlands 1, so I’m Your Huckleberry (TIER 2) is a good choice for pistol and revolver advantage compared to other classes. By Bill Henning, Aaron Daniel, Josh Snyder and Nick Olsen. Lock an enemy in another dimension, preventing him from fighting back for a short while. With that in mind it is worthwhile to know the best places to farm for equipment. They are all Level 72 + OP8 and have all OP Level 8 gear. Apparently there were. Some shields are thin (but bounce back quickly), some are huge (but recharge slowly), and others fall somewhere in between. (this is just a visual damage cap, the game will only show you dealing a certain amount of damage but u actually can deal more. If equipment is more than 3 levels below your level, it is time to upgrade. This is the most recent version that's intended for Borderlands 2. Level 5 Mechromancer Sharing is Caring. All types of gear are supported (guns, shields, grenade mods, class mods, and relics . I do miss your SFW comics, but these are some very exciting pieces of art Shadman, you truly have a talent and unique style. Shields constitute a vital buffer between your character and bullets. Ultimate Upgrade Pack, Gunzerker. Magic Missile is dropped by the wizards, as well as their badass counterparts. Shotguns have some of the highest damage output at the cost of "they're inaccurate so it won't be doing full damage". So what would i want from Borderlands 3? How To Get Borderlands 2 Mechromancer DLC Game On Your XBOX 360, PS3 & PC Absolutely Free Borderlands 2 is the epic sequel to the ultimate four-player role-playing shooter loot fest. Best Gaige Build - This Anarchy skill tree build is possibly one of the highest DPS builds in the game for Mechromancer. determine which Vault Hunter would do the best job As in the original game, Borderlands 2 features an openworld game environment, but this time around the world players experience is larger and packed with more depth at all levels. I've just started BL2 again for the first time in a few years (playing on PC) and I'm Does anyone play a melee Gaige? I admit to being impatient and disliking melee builds generally (not because they are bad but because it doesn't fit any styles of play I find comfortable), but I did try melee with her for awhile. ; Orange weapons with inherent elemental properties are especially strong because they provide the elemental effects with no loss of damage rating (or sometimes even an increase), unlike normal elemental accessory parts that reduce damage by up to 40% in exchange for Unique Quest Weapons & Other stuff, these codes are not mine but i want someone to confirm if they work or not. Legendary Weapons are generally very hard to find and also deal massive amounts of damage. Feel sorry for the devs, PAX equipment f*cked with the video reveals, five years of work only for the videos to either not play at all or run at like 20fps. 5 million copies sold by February 2014. Utforsk denne tavlen til Rebecka Møø på Pinterest: «Borderlands Sleeve Ideas». Grants a copy of your shield to Deathtrap. The loot source of every single item in BL2 Reborn so you can best farm that epic loot. I would message "fedess" I think it was, over on the BL2 mod I linked earlier. The DLC character Gaige's "Anarchy" is lots of fun being the most "Spray n Pray" supporting build i've seen in a FPS. The bonus isn’t spectacular, but combining it with the Gunzerker ability and skills like Divergent Likeness (TIER 3) means tons and tons and tons of additional damage. To use pastecode or extract: This is how to extract Hit me up in Despairs x Queens shop for anything and TTOWNZ shop i also be will be helping him out to Assualt Rifle Exspansive Shredifier Level - 50 Damage - 5388 Accuracy - 88. Best parts: Maliwan grip, Tediore/Vladof sight, Torgue Given the strengths and weaknesses of the different characters in Borderlands, and the individual preferences that each player might have, it’s going to be more or less inaccurate to say that a certain gun configuration is the ‘best’. The following month, it was announced by Gearbox that the game had sold "well over" 12 million copies. I’m not complaining because the masculine and feminine body are piece of art themselves, nudity and sex will always grab the human mind’s attention, so I don’t see the point of keeping track of Shagbase when you can simply put a warning before anyone enters your Also the dialogue in BL2 is really horribly meme-y and atrocious. I've been focusing on the first two skill trees, completely ignoring anything to do Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for Borderlands 2 Steam Key GLOBAL. From the Eden-5 planet comes Gaige the Mechromancer, a skilled robot maker yet only a high school student. Best Minion Ever; Fixed a bug that could cause the "Wildlife Preservation" mission boss to sometimes continue fighting after the encounter in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. That is a given on Gaige already, so it's not a My experience with UVHM is that equipment becomes obsolete quicker. I threw a tantrum at the latest DLC for Borderlands 2, The Raid on Digistruct Peak (part of the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 DLC) a few days ago. 0/1. Tech is actually the best items presented the foregoing few days. He wondered when the other bandits would come back from the raid; they'd discovered recently where Hyperion drops off payment for the mining gangs, and sent all of their buzzards there to steal the cash for themselves. Updates to game info (“Wedding Day Massacre”, “Son of Crawmerax”) for the new Borderlands 2 content. The three optimal bodies (AWE, XC & OS) are represented here in conjunction with each brand’s special twist. Because of the variances in her player challenges, she can be both the easiest and most difficult character to play. Corrected issues where some items didn’t display their correct name (such as “Hoplite”). In that moment, Gaige turned to As in the original game, Borderlands 2 features an openworld game environment, but this time around the world players experience is larger and packed with more depth at all levels. Borderlands 2 - Blood of Terramorphous Jump to a section: Home Releases Credits Characters List Overview Story Gameplay Classes Weapons / Equipment Challenges Locations Enemies Editions Media DLC Easter Eggs Walkthrough Achievements Cheats We're All Mad Here. Here are all the codes you will probably ever need for borderlands 2. Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for Borderlands 2 Steam Key GLOBAL may change over time. Each manufacturer has one (and usually exactly one) legendary weapon for each weapon type it manufactures. wikia. best equipment for gaige bl2