Asma al-Husna -- The Most Beautiful Names of God, published by Threshold Society. "Asma Allah" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. If you want to download this top naat, simply click the three vertical dots on the mp3 blacktoothrecords. Asmaul Husna merujuk kepada nama-nama, gelar, sebutan, sekaligus sifat-sifat Allah SWT yang indah lagi baik. 99 Names (Asma Ul Husna) Lyrics. Salam AUDIO LINK (Asma ul Husna) MP3 Format. We don't have this lyrics yet, you can help us by submit it After Submit Lyrics, Your name will be printed as part of the credit when your lyric is approved. Track Listings - Click to listen to Samples 1. Download MP3 . • Asma Ul Husna TV3 #DaiTV3 • Tamanna Urdu Nasheed by Ehsaan Tahmid ᴴᴰ Inc Lyrics • Maula Ya Salli Ft. 1 year ago Al Asma Ul Husna 99 Names Of Allah God Asma ul Husna – 99 Names of Allah. با فعال بودن پخش خودکار، در صورتی که سایت را رها نکرده باشید، پس از پایان نمایش، ویدیو بعدی پخش میشود. Lantunan Asmaul Husna yang biasa di kumandangkan sesaat sebelum adzan di tiap-tiap masjid ini memang memiliki nada yang memang terdengar nikmat di telinga sehingga secara tak langsung menimbulkan daya tarik bagi pendengarnya sembari menghafal Asmaul Husna . Islamic Music Best Songs I Love You Lyrics Quran Recitation Lessons Learned In Life World Youtube Allah Asmaul Husna dan Artinya - Sahabat Asmaul-husna. 5 MB], musik mp3 terbaru, gudang lagu Mp3 gratis terbaik. Awakening Records Lyrics: We were given so many prizes We changed the desert into Maher Zain - Insha Allah (Arabic) | ماهر زين - إن شاء الله | Official Music Video . Try and Learn 3 names of Allah a day for the next 33 days. What code is in the image? Asmaul Husna Nasheed Berikut ini adalah semua link ke video atau lagu ASMAUL HUSNA NASHEED LAGU MP3, VIDEO MP4 & 3GP terbaru yang kami sajikan untuk anda. Al-Maaliku : Maha Merajai 4. lagu Kar33m Asmaul Husnahtml MP3. 4:42 · 51,321 Views. asma ul husna, 99 names of ALLAH. Mustafa Özcan Güneşdoğdu 19,867,271 views 10:07 99 Names of Allah (SWT) Al-Asma-ul-Husna ( اَلاسْمَاءُ الْحُسناى ) Al-Asma-ul-Husna ( اَلاسْمَاءُ الْحُسناى ) The 99 Most Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah the Almighty. Oct 26, 2017 Lyrics for Asma-Ul-Husna (99 Names of Allah) by Mohd. Asma ul Husna Lyrics Chorus: Asma ul Husna, these are the names of Allah Asma ul Husna, they are the names of Allah Ar Rahmān, Ar Rahīm, Al Malik, Al Quddūs As Salām, Al Mu’min, Al Muhaimin ul ‘Azīz Al Jabbār, Al Mutakabbir, Al Khāliq Al Bāri ul Musawwir, Al Gaffār Al Qahhār Bridge Al Wahhāb, Ar Razzāq, Al ‘Alīm Al Fattāh As Samī’, Al Basīr, Al Latīf ul Khabīr Al Lyrics for 99 Names (Asma Ul Husna) by Khalil Ismail Nasheed. Indonesian Sufi Music . Rashid Azam. 99 Names of Allah Asma ul Husna "Allah! there is no god but He! To Him belongs the Most Beautiful Names. He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. ) if you see your own videos; you will contact us with your videos link or youtube channel name and we will remove them. Lantunan Asmaul Husna yang dibawakan oleh grup musik hijjaz ini membantu untuk memudahkan menghafal Asmaul Husna (Nama-nama baik Allah SWT) . 2 mebibytes" which is the first one and click on "Save Target as" to download. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. It has been requested that lyrics written in native Arabic script be added to this song. Friday, March 27, 2009. com. Islamic Nasheed. Sedang Menurut istilah, asmaul husna berarti nama-nama yang indah bagi Allah. La ilaha illallah Arabic Nasheed by Mishary Rashid Alafasy. Beautiful Arabic Nasheed by Little Girl! 3:31 · 19,895 Views. Click Here if the download does not start Automatically . As Muslims, we believe in Allah in accordance with His beautiful names and attributes. Sufi Music is extremely popular in Indonesia and Malaysia in form of Hamd, Naat and Nasheeds. Sami Yusuf - MY UMMAH Islamic Nasheed, Quran, Allah, Lyrics, Music Lyrics . Nasheed Meaning is Beautiful one. 51 Lyrics For Hollow ; Babyface Soon As I Get Home Mp3 Play and Listen subscribe let s walk together 99 names of allah al asma ul husna the glorified names nasheed by omar esa allahu allah me tera faqeer malang 99 NAMES OF ALLAH (Asmaul Husna-The Glorified Names) | NASHEED BY OMAR ESA Mp3 Shukran ya rabi َalwasmy | islamic nasheed lyrics. 99 NAMES OF ALLAH (Asmaul Husna-The Glorified Names) | NASHEED BY OMAR ESA . Karena Ayat Kursi merupakan salah satu ayat yang bisa menjadi amalan sebagai pegangan hidup dalam artian untuk terkabulnya doa dan hajat, keberkahan, keberlimpahan, amalan lancar dan murah rezeki-rejeki, perlindungan diri, perlindungan usaha dan bisnis. [A B Bm Em D Am C G Dm] Chords for Beautiful Islamic Arabic Nasheed - Asmaul Husna with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Asma Ul Husna (Exclusive) Asma ul Husna (ptv) sma ul Husna 99 Names of Allah, The Lord of Kabah . Muhammad Suleman. 99 Names (Asma Ul Husna) Khalil Ismail Nasheed. Facebook Rss Twitter YouTube Instagram Email. com yang berbahagia. There are total 9 naats in this album Zaky sings his first ever children's nasheed called, Allah Created Everything. Pada Kesempatan kali ini Kami akan membahas mengenai Ayat kursi. Islam is great. Ar-Rahmaanu : Maha Pengasih 2. Please move the romanized lyrics to a subpage rather than removing them. mp3: Arrows of Yesterday - Castillo Nasheeds. Names of Allah With Arabic, English, Transliteration; Names of Allah Search lyrics, video with Khalil Ismail Nasheed on DamnLyrics - All lyrics is here. Sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan Pertama tama marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas limpahan rahmat dan nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada kita. 16 Nasheed-99 Name of Allah Al-Asmaul Husna. Al-Qudduusu : Maha Suci 5. doc) documents for learning, remembering and sharing with your family and friends. Lyrics for 99 Names (Asma Ul Husna) by Khalil Ismail Nasheed. Asmaul Husna hanya layak disandang oleh Allah SWT, sesuai kebesaran dan keagungan-Nya. TRIKUS. 5:01. Type song title, artist or lyrics. See more. VidoEmo is a Video Search portal and all of videos are hosted big videos websites (youtube myspace dailymotion ect. tusksforever. Asmaul Husna (99 Nama Allah) Nas-aluka [ perlahan ] Yaa Man Huwallahulladzii Laa Ilaaha Illaahu Awarrohmaanur Rohim Almalikul Qudduusus Salaamul Mu’minul Muhaiminul ‘Aziizul Jabbaar Islamic Website By Doctor Mushtaq Anis. If you like to switch to lite version of this site, then click Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Assubahu bada min tala'atihi Wa llaylu daja min wa faratihi Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Kanzulkaramii mowl-an-ni'amii Haadilumamii li sharii'ati hii Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Sa'ata shshajaru nataqa lhajaru Shaqqa lqamaru biisharatihi Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah Free Mp3 Tabina 165 Download , Lyric Tabina 165 Chord Guitar , Free Ringtone Tabina 165 Download , and Get Tabina 165 Hiqh Qualtiy audio from Amazon , Spotify , Deezer , Itunes , Google Play , Youtube , Soundcloud and More [D Am A Dm C Gm F G Bb E] Chords for OPICK - ASMAUL HUSNA ( Lyrics Video ) with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. (Surah Al A'raf, ayat 180) Sesungguhnya di sebalik setiap nama dalam asma'ul husna terdapat keistimewaan yang sangat dalam dan luas yang berada di luar jangkauan akal manusia. Nasheed is a Muslim Girl Name. 3. Often children sing songs in praise of Allah and Prophet, played on simple instruments. Secara harfiyah, pengertian Asmaul Husna adalah "nama-nama yang baik". mp3 The phrase Asma ul Husna, made up of the word asma, the plural for "name", and husna, meaning beautiful or most beautiful, means "Allah's most beautiful names. Below is selection of the best Indonesian and Malay Sufi Music. Free Mp3 99 Names Of Muhammed Saw Nabi Ul Husna Qtv Hd Download , Lyric 99 Names Of Muhammed Saw Nabi Ul Husna Qtv Hd Chord Guitar , Free Ringtone 99 Names Of Muhammed Saw Nabi Ul Husna Qtv Hd Download , and Get 99 Names Of Muhammed Saw Nabi Ul Husna Qtv Hd Hiqh Qualtiy audio from Amazon , Spotify , Deezer , Itunes , Google Play , Youtube , Soundcloud and More He is the owner and ruler of the entire universe, visible and invisible, and of all creation, from before the beginning and after the end. mp3: Al Madeena Beautiful Arabic Nasheed - Al Madeena Beautiful Arabic Nasheed . Kanz UL Iman Official. Sami Yusuf lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Download Asma ul Husna Mishary Rashid. Siti Nurhaliza - You Came To Me, Sami Yusuf - Hasbi Rabbi | سامي يوسف - حسبي ربي |, Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah (Indonesian Subtitle) HD, Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah, Sami Yusuf - Asma'ul Husna, SAMI YUSUF - ASMA'UL HUSNA, Sami Yusuf - Supplication(FULL_). Qasida Burda - Naqshbandi Haqqani. (Names Of ALLAH) Asma Ul Husna By Labbayk @ Voice Only Nasheed @ Gratitude Album A nasheed (Arabic: singular نشيد nashīd, plural أناشيد anāshīd, meaning: "chants"; also nasyid in Malaysia and Indonesia, and neşid in Turkey) is a work of vocal music that is either sung acappella or accompanied by percussion instruments such as the daf. Asmaul Husna, Arabic Names, English Names, Transliteration, Arabic Sound and Beautiful Video, أسماء الله الحسنى 99 Names of Allah (Al Asma Ul Husna) The first pillar of imaan (faith) in Islam is Belief in Allah . Nas-aluka Yaa Man Huwallahulladzii Laa Ilaaha Illaahu Awarrohmaanur Rohim Almalikul Quddu Arabic Nasheed Lyrics. ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔and its orignal singers. allah names 99 urdu english 99 NASHEED-99 NAMES OF ALLAH-WE KAMAL UDDIN. Strength, Love, And Light Lyrics to Ahmed Bukhatir's Anasheed. 99 Names of Allah. Surah Al Fatihah 2. Allah - 99 Names (Nasheed: Duff) absolutely beautiful. Asmaul Husna adalah nama-nama yang baik milik Allah SWT. Asma ul Husna 4 99 name of Allah by owais raza qadri full video clip, 99 name of Allah by owais raza qadri Mp4 HD Download, 99 name of Allah by owais raza qadri movie trailer, 99 Sami Yusuf | Naats, Hamds & Nasheed Hamd & Naats Leave a comment 122,732 Views Sami Yusuf was born in July 1980 into a musical family of Azeri origin, learning to play several instruments at a very young age and demonstrating a keen interest in singing and composing. 99 Names of Allah (Al Asma Ul Husna) Menu Healing Powers of Al-Asma al-Husna. 6. The Most Beautiful Names of Allah. You will be able to experience the 99 Names of Allah Asma ul Husna with beautiful calligraphy, English translation, and pronunciation. La ilaha illah Hu Ar Rahman, Ar Raheem, Al Malik, Al Quddoos Ala Hazrat Naat Lyrics 2019 Subscribe, let's walk together! #EidMubarak 99 Names of Allah (Al Asma Ul Husna - The Glorified Names) - Nasheed by Omar Esa ALLAHU ALLAH - Me Tera Faqeer Malang Khuda | Hafiz Fahad Shah - Lyrics Lyrics for 99 Names (Asma Ul Husna) by Khalil Ismail Nasheed. Imran Sheikh Attari has recited this beautiful Naat Sharif Asma Ul Husna in a melodious and soothing voice. Allah(SWT) says in the Glorious Qur’an: “He is Allah (God), the Creator, the Originator, The Fashioner, to Him belong the most beautiful names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, do declare His praises and Glory. We have compiled a list of different anasheed sung by Ahmed Bukhatir from a variety of his nasheed albums. 5:25. Yang mana Ayat Kursi / Ayatul Kursi semua umat muslim pasti sudah tahu. Bilal Academy. Get lyrics of Shukran ya rabi َalwasmy | islamic nasheed song you love. Sami Yusuf Qasida Burda Shareef [NASHEED] • Emotional Naat - Marhaba Ya Mustafa by AR Rahman (Hindi/Urdu/Arabic) • As sub hu bada min tal’ati hi | Ayisha Abdul Basith • Duaon me meri Khudaaya asar de - Ayisha Abdul Basith Kata asmaul husna berasal dari bahasa arab Al-Asmaau yang memiliki arti nama-nama, beberapa nama dan al-Husnaa yang berarti yang baik, yang indah. The nasheeds have been cross-checked and approved by three scholars to ensure that the lyrics and content are Shari’ah-compliant. asma ul husna 99 names of ALLAH. And thus have We bestowed from on high this divine writ as a discourse in the Arabic tongue, and have given therein many facets to all manner of warnings, so that men might remain conscious of Us, or that it give rise to a new awareness in them. Learn about Allah's creations while singing along with Zaky. The music combined with the lyrics found in these Nasheeds (Islamic Songs) are intended to provoke the intellect towards deeper reflection; inspire the hearts towards renewed hope, love, gentleness and awareness of our servitude as slaves of the Majestic One; and re-awaken the soul towards nearness to and presence of the Divine. Ar-Rahiimu : Maha Penyayang 3. Hu wallah hullazi. Al-Asma-ul-Husna )The 99 Most Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah the Almighty) Poster (PDF Available) · October 2017 with 48,804 Reads Cite this publication Allah SWT mempunyai asma'ul husna (nama-nama yang indah) maka memohonlah kepada Nya dengan menyebut asma'ul husna. Prelude 3. . 53 MB) Gratis , Sami Yusuf - Asma Allah, Sami Yusuf Ft. Michael Jackson Lyrics. 99 Names of Allah, Qari Amjad Ali Ballali . Written, arranged and produced by Subhi AlshaikPerformed by Z Download lagu Kar33m Asmaul Husnahtml MP3 [5. Asma Al Husna 99 Names Of Allah Nasheed. 1. Come back to ALLAH. flv, Sami Tulisan Arab 99 Asmaul Husna Arab Latin dan Artinya - kali ini saya sharing tentang Asmaul Husna dan Artinya. Islamic Website By Doctor Mushtaq Anis. Lyrics La Ilaha ILALLAH Muhammadun Rasool ALLAH Alaihi Saula TuLLAH Wa AA li Hee Wal Ahibaa La Ilaha 99 Names of Allah Lyrics 99 Names of Allah – Asma Allah – In Arabic, English Meanings & Detailed Information There are 99 names of Allah, Asma’ullah ulhusnaa They are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman Ar Rahman, Ar Raheem, Al Malikul, Quddoos As Salaamul, Muminul, Muhaiminul, ‘Azeez Al Jabbarul, Mutakabbirul, Khaliq Al Bariul, Musawwirul, Gaffarul, Qahhar There asma ul husna 99 names of ALLAH. Asma Ul Husna اسماء الحسنی In Diwani Arabic Script Style 99 Names Of Allah Beautiful Arabic Nasheed Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. List contains Shukran ya rabi َalwasmy | islamic nasheed song lyrics of older one songs and hot new releases. La ilaha illah Hu Ar Rahman, Ar Raheem, Al Malik, Al Quddoos As Salaam, Al Muminul, Al Muhaimin, Al 'Azeez Tulisan Arab 99 Asmaul Husna Arab Latin dan Artinya - kali ini saya sharing tentang Asmaul Husna dan Artinya. 1 click link above. Mishary Al-Afasy Asmaa ALLAH (أسماء الله) Allah names Lyrics and translation: Asmaa Al-Husna (99 names of Allah) La ilaha illallah. There are total 9 naats in this album Al Hayat - Ahmed Al Muqit Best Arabic Nasheed الحياة - أحمد المقيط (Eng Subs). allah names 99 urdu english 99 Names of Allah God in Arabic with English and Urdu. Asma-ul-Husna Arabic old version with orignal video. Ar-Raheem (The All Merciful) Ar-Rahman (The All Compassionate) Allah (The God) Raihan 99 Names of Allah Asma-ul-Husna Lyrics. com n the owner of those photo n HIJAZ too Read, Listen, and Understand the 99 Names of Allah (Asma Ul Husna) on your Android! Bring these Holy Names of Allah closer to your heart while immersing yourself in a beautiful user interface that is easy to use. He is the Imam of Masjid Al-Kabir (Grand Mosque (Kuwait)) in Kuwait City, and leads the taraweeh prayers in Ramadan every year. But she insisted she didn’t make a mistake. Lyrics for Asma-Ul-Husna (99 Names of Allah) by Mohd. Beautiful Names of God (Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى ʾasmāʾ allāh al-Ḥusnā), are the names of . Ar-Raheem (The All Merciful) Ar-Rahman (The All Compassionate) Allah (The God) Arabic Nasheed With no Music and Duff Insha Allah. Lyrics La Ilaha ILALLAH Muhammadun Rasool ALLAH Alaihi Saula TuLLAH Wa AA li Hee Wal Ahibaa La Ilaha Hear Your Call Lyrics VERSE 1 Don’t despair, don’t lose hope Hold on to that … Aie Rab e Jahan Panjtan e Pak Ka Sadqa Aay Rubbay Jahan Punjtan e Pak Ka Sadqa Lyrics Ae Rabbe jahan punjtan e paak … Asma Ul Husna اسماء الحسنی In Diwani Arabic Script Style 99 Names Of Allah Beautiful Arabic Nasheed Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Learn the 99 Names of Allah (SWT) - Asma Al-Husna Memorise and learn the meanings of the 99 Names of Allah by heart. Download Asma ul Husna. mp3: Asma ul Husna by Labbayk Voice Only Nasheed Gratitude Album. Asma ul Husna by Iranian Qura at Itikaf City, Lahore. Nasheed - Allah is Calling You ᴴᴰ. If you click on any of the links below you will be taken directly to the English translation of that particular nasheed. Asma ul Husna 99 names of Allah by Hisham Abbas; 99 names of Allah nasheed by Kamal Uddin; 99 names by Qari Mohammad Saley; 1. "The names which are attributes of Allah can be found in the Holy Quran. 17 Asmaul Husna Names of Allah Dena Sulistiyo. Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi In Arabic 3GP Mp4 HD Video Download Ati ul Allah Wa Ati ul Rasool SAW Download MP3 Naat Asma Ul Husna by famous Naat Khawan Imran Sheikh Attari or see lyrics of one of the best naat mp3 Asma Ul Husna at MP3Naat. Beautiful Islamic Arabic Nasheed - Asmaul Husna. 2 right click mouse parton on "MP3 at 3. com - Watch and stream Arabic jihad nasheed video (3:18), Arabic Jihad Nasheed, Arabic Jihad Nasheed Mp3 Free Download, Arabic Jihad Nasheed Mp3, Arabic Jihad Nasheed Lyrics, Arabic Jihad Nasheed Download, Arabic Jihad Nasheed Compilation, Famous Arabic Jihad Nasheed Compilation Naat Khawan of album Asma-ul-Husna (Arabic) is Syed Faseehuddin Soharwardi. Asma Ul Husna Lyrics. Mishary Al-Afasy Allah names. " (Qur'an 20:8) 99 Names Audio MP3 download. Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy was born in Kuwait in 1976 and is a Kuwaiti national and a qari. Lyrics La Ilaha ILALLAH Muhammadun Rasool ALLAH Alaihi Saula TuLLAH Wa AA li Hee Wal Ahibaa La Ilaha Asmaul Husna "99 Names of Allah"(Official Video Original HD) Mustafa Özcan Günesdogdu- Esmaül Hüsna - Duration: 10:07. It has been discovered by Doctor Ibrahim Karim (Biologist) that Asma ul Husna, most beautiful names of Allah (SWT) have healing power to a large number of diseases. com - Download Sami Yusuf Asma Ul Husna mp3 music (7. Get known every word of your favorite song or start your own karaoke party tonight :-). The much awaited album by Labbayk is here! With 11 inspiring nasheeds, the album aims to appeal to people of all ages. blacktoothrecords. During our Quran recitation, when Sister Winnie read her few lines, the sisters all corrected her saying “ you said a yaa, not a taa” . 99 Names Of Allah – Asma ul Husna 99 Names of Allah are the names of God. Ar-Rahman ASMA UL HUSNA TAMIL MUSLIM SONGS BY ZAINUL ABIDEEN FAIZI Asma ul Husna by Labbayk @ Voice Only Nasheed @ Gratitude Album (with Lyrics) MP3. Diyah Nur Aulia. Download 99 Names of Allah audio, video, images, PDF and Word (. Pin by HUSNA ISMAIL on Nasheed Lyrics | Pinterest: pin. Download mp3 cepat, mudah dan yang stabil. Each representing a certain Attribute or Description of God. La ilaha illallah. Nas- aluka Yaa Man Huwallahulladzii Laa Ilaaha Illaahu lyric - 99 names of Allah by kamal uddin. 99 names of Allah --- Asma ul Husna --- Beautiful 99 Names of Allah. 6 99 Names Of Allah (Asma Ul Husna ) with In VidoEmo person watching videos now. Asma Ul Husna (99 Glorious names of ALLAH) Hijjaz - download Credit to - Artislamic. ASMAUL HUSNA - LIRIK DAN TERJEMAHAN and when i was reading my book whilest listening to this nasheed i realized that i had not memoriezed 99 i had only memorized Asma Al Husna 99 Names Of Allah Nasheed. Nasheed 99 Names of Allah. Download free Islamic mp3 ringtones to your PC and transfer by bluetooth or serial cable! high quality mp3 format for your mobile phone, Enjoy! Sami Yusuf is a British singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, record producer, and His first album, Al-Mu'allim, in English with some Arabic lyrics, became a huge success especially across North Africa and the Middle East. (Arabic Qasidah) By Muhammad Hussain Al Asma Ul Husna (Arabic Nasheed) The Name Of Allah He is the owner and ruler of the entire universe, visible and invisible, and of all creation, from before the beginning and after the end. 99 Names of Allah with English translation and transliteration. Discover ideas about Islamic Music. Al Malik Asmaul Husna Wazifa for Rizq darood e taj naat lyrics, darood-e-taj in arabic text, darood-e-taj ki fazeelat, darood-e-taj translation in urdu, desire Lantunan Asmaul Husna yang dibawakan oleh grup musik hijjaz ini membantu untuk memudahkan menghafal Asmaul Husna (Nama-nama baik Allah SWT) . 18 Nama nama Asmaul Husna Asma-ul-husna (99 Names Of Allah) (asmaul Husna-the Glorified Names) | Nasheed By Omar Esa Duration : 5. ASMA E HUSNA | RAMZAN KALAM | |2019| SHABBIR ABU TALIB. asma ul husna arabic nasheed lyrics
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