1, 2019 was members of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 63. “This evidentiary standard is equal to the amount of evidence that a reasonable mind would accept as sufficient to support a conclusion. While agreeing to a number of modifications and cost savings programs, for to 19 Del. 2d 74 (Me. The official membership card, if available, shall accompany the letter of resignation. 3-percent pay increases effective Jan. R. Team AFSCME elects new officers at 47th Annual Council 13 Convention. No. DEFINITIONS. 13, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 81 (“AFSCME”) and the State of Delaware (“State”) hereby agree to the following Memorandum of Understanding (“Memorandum”): 1. Afscme local 2187 we make philadelphia happen, please watch the message below from local president bob coyle about onephilly updates video text: good afternoon brothers and sisters, today is friday, may 17th, and i would like to provide another update on onephiladelphia (onephilly). 334264 Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) JOHN P. 2 Current accrual rates are set forth below: Hire through 5 years 160 hours/20 days 6. This Memorandum of Agreement is subject to ratification by the Union membership and approval by the Brookline School Committee. org AFSCME Council 13 - Representing Over 65,000 Pennsylvania Employees MASTER MEMORANDUM BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND . Judy Rickerson is the Director of Human Resources for the Resolution, Resolution 41 of 1984 dated January 13, 2009, and will establish the outline of how to achieve these goals. 36 hours per pay period 11 through 15 years 240 hours/30 days 9. 16-041 approved may 17, 2016 attachment 2 make a voluntary allotment for the payment of dues to AFSCME. ORDERED, that the Improper Practice Petitions filed by the Civil Service Technical Guild, Local 375, District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, and Harry Donas, docketed as BCB-3085-13 and BCB-4001-13, be, and the same hereby, is denied as to the claims that the New York City Department of Environmental Protection violated § 12-306(a)(1) and (3) of employee organizations will have substantial bearing upon adjustments made by the City Council. eZone AFSCME Local 328 4006 Barbur Blvd, Portland, OR 97239 APPENDIX C Employee Benefits Council: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING #13 TriMet Bus Pass Program §1302(p) of the Public Employment Relations Act, 19 Del. It is the purpose and intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement: 1. Grievant S__ was an Animal Control Officer (ACO) in the Animal Care and Control Division of the City of Indianapolis until his discharge effective February 28, 2001, following a pre-disciplinary meeting held February 21, 2001. This publication is mailed to current members on a quarterly basis. BY AND BETWEEN SACRAMENTO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sacramento June 1, 1987 Page-4 and consultant are analyzing the Updated market studies and financial analysis and cost estimates as a prelude to negotiating all of the business arrangements. the headquarters of Council 13, AFSCME, AFL-CIO and a copy of the letter to the employee's agency. (Tr. memorandum of agreement between the city of paynesville and afscme council 65 city hall bargaining unit term january 1, 2016 through december 31,2018 As the CWEP was being implemented, Council 13, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME), the certified bargaining unit for Commonwealth employees, filed a petition for review in this Court's original jurisdiction[3] requesting declaratory and injunctive relief as to the usurpation of AFSCME bargaining unit Local 829, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL‑CIO, and representatives of the County of San Mateo have met and conferred in good faith regarding wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment of employees in the representation units listed in Section 1, have exchanged freely information, opinions and proposals and have endeavored to reach agreement Council 25 Minimum Dues Rate Our Constitution states that "The dues shall be the equivalent of two (2) hours pay per month, or minimum dues as set by the International Constitution, whichever is greater" The amount listed ($40. 13-32 Representative, AFSCME local union president, or AFSCME Staff Representative whose name does not appear on the list. Payroll Officials from AFSCME 13 and SEIU Local 668 and Gov. 6 [AFSCME District Council 33 Compl. AND . 2. This Memorandum of Understanding shall be made a part of every future local or Council 26 AFSCME Local 3866, Ypsilanti. The. 65) for full time employees are the local’s minimum monthly dues and will be deducted equally from the first 2 §1302(p) of the Public Employment Relations Act, 19 Del. Affiliated with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO. 908, 840 A. 1992) and MSEA v. 3. Section 1. C. org afscme13. The arbitrator directed the State to begin paying the THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME) THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (Memorandum), is made and entered into this day of 2017, by and bêtween the City of Sutherlin, Oregon (City), and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, hereby referred to as AFSCME, GOV. memorandum of understanding between the city of lawndale and local 1895, council 36, american federation of state, 13 section 07. , January 6, 1994). (Doc. It is agreed that this Memorandum of Understanding shall be binding upon the parties upon: A. AGREEMENT . BY AND BETWEEN . , ch. Elections a. through its affiliated Local 3911AFSCME is, an exclusive bargaining representative, within the SEIU Local 48 has entered into a Service Agreement with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 449. SEIU LOCAL 668 . AFSCME Local 101, Morgan Hill MOU December 30, 2018 - December 31, 2021 Page 3 This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”)has been executed by representatives of the Morgan Hill City Council (“City”) and representatives of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 101 (“Union”). The union still had to vote to approve the agreement, with the final vote count on Dec. July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019 … Council l3 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal … Each employee who AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND AFSCME LCB LICENSING ANALYSTS The provisions of the AFSCME Master Agreement, effective July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2003, shall be applicable to LCB Licensing Analysts effective on the date this Agreement is signed by the parties, except for the following Articles: ARTICLE 6, HOURS OF WORK approving memorandum of unders tanding (mou) file no. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA . The AFSCME Council 67, and the aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to AFSCME Council 67 each month after such deductions are made. Pritzker’s fair tax plan “Raising needed revenue from those who can afford to pay a little more—while cutting taxes for 97 percent of filers—is the fair tax reform that’s long overdue in Illinois," AFSCME Council 31 Executive Director Roberta Lynch said. The Los Angeles City Council on Thursday tentatively approved a $10. 13 hours per pay period 6 through 10 years 192 hours/24 days 7. GREINER, LC No. 02, alleging that it violates the Due AFSCME, 614 A. council 67 – local 1899. Complainant contends that these precedents do not control the result in this case because the search rule and the employee consent form conflict with long-standing principles of labor law regarding the right to have a union representative I. (AFSCME District Council 33 Compl. Appearing below is a summary of the amendments of and additions to the current contract that will go into effect as provided in this tentative agreement. July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2015. The Quinn Administration and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 have reached a tentative agreement on a new union contract covering some 35,000 state MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN STATE OF MINNESOTA AND MN AFSCME COUNCIL 5, AFL-CIO MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES 13. The Appellate Court's opinion sets forth the following relevant facts and procedural history as provided in the trial court's memorandum of decision. Baltimore City Community College . SUMMARY OF THE 2017-2019 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA AND AFSCME, COUNCIL NO. org AFSCME Council 13 - Representing Over 65,000 Pennsylvania Employees c. ARTICLE 13 DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE 8 Memorandum of Understanding - Market Rate 18 and AFSCME Council 65 (hereinafter referred to as the Union) wherein it is City and the Confidential Employees' Organization, AFSCME Local 101 (CEO), and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with a term of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. L. A copy of the layoff The largest body of county workers that received 2. B. “There is not going to be a strike,” AFSCME Local 1684 Secretary Joel Bollinger said. 15-01 with afscme local 1511 and establishing a compensation plan for afscme-represented mid-management employees in the bellflower municipal ser vice for fiscal years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, setting forth certain rules and regulations, and repealing resolution no. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 81 (AFSCME), is an employee organization within the meaning of 19 §1302(i). e. this 4. Officer's forms afscme council 13, officers The Master Agreement and Master Memorandum for 2016-2019 are now available for viewing and download on the home page of www. Council 13, AFSCME, AFL-CIO and a copy of the letter to the employee’s agency. ARTICLE 1 – PREAMBLE . 13 showing support for the agreement. 6 Billion Budget – but ‘We Still Have a Ways to Go’ May 23 | Daily News . o. With members in communities across the nation, serving in hundreds of different occupations — from nurses to corrections officers, child care providers to sanitation workers — AFSCME advocates for fairness in the workplace, excellence in public services and freedom and opportunity for all working families. The letter shall be postmarked during the 15 day period prior to the expiration date of this Memorandum and shall state that the employee is resigning membership in AFSCME Council 93 Kevin Hanley President, AFSCME Local 1067 Executive Vice President, AFSCME, Council 93 Bunker Hill Community College Dena Fleno Staff Representative AFSCME Council 93 Carolyn Mathews Librarian I Vice President, AFSCME Local 1067 Worcester State University Nadine Kennedy Staff Representative AFSCME Council 93 Marziale Carlopoli master agreement. It outlines current events of AFSCME Council 13 and the amazing statewide community support our members have provided throughout the year. There was no special holiday granted. Judy Rickerson is the Director of Human Resources for the MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CITY OF MORGAN HILL American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 101, District Council 57 July 1, 2015 - December 31, 2018 the City Council. master agreement between commonwealth of pennsylvania and council 13, american federation of state, county and municipal employees, afl-cio july 1, 2003 to june 30, 2007 who individually request in writing that such deductions be made. The Union (AFSCME) is the sole and exclusive representative for employees working for the City of Portland and covered under the Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of Portland and AFSCME Council 93- City Employee Benefits Association (CEBA) Local 1373. 323-34). AFSCME 3 members working in higher education negotiate separate contracts with 11 separate Maryland universities or colleges. AFSCME13. 2448 (2018), and OCSEA and Plaintiff’s public employer had ceased the collection of such fees. 13-32 Defs. team needs to set up a meeting d. th day of December, 2015. Officer's forms afscme council 13, officers Negotiations for a new contract (or "CBA") resulted in a tentative agreement between the Parties on January 29, 2018. This Memorandum of Understanding (“Agreement” or “MOU”) is entered into by the University of Maryland, College Park (“University” or “Employer”) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 3, AFL-CIO and Local 1072 (“Union” or “AFSCME”), and has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the University and the STATE OF MICHIGAN COURT OF APPEALS MACOMB COUNTY and AFSCME COUNCIL 25 AND ITS AFFILIATED LOCAL 893, Respondents-Appellees, UNPUBLISHED December 26, 2017 v No. 13 ARTICLE 13. Negotiators send proposed three-year agreement to AFSCME members for ratification. b) Approve the changes in the 2015-2016 Adopted Budget to reflect the proposed terms of the Memorandum of Agreement as outlined in Attachment A to the memorandum The largest body of county workers that received 2. Agreed to on this 13 2017-2019 AFSCME and MAPE missing Classes and Salaries as of July 1, 2017 After publishing the 2017-2019 MAPE and AFSCME contracts on the MMB website, we became aware of the accidental omission of several classifications in the tables titled “Classes and Salaries as of July 1, 2017” and AFSCME Local 3866, Ypsilanti. ¶ 89) AFSCME brings a facial challenge to Regulation 16. REGARDING THE CLERICAL AND . the headquarters of Council 13, AFSCME, AFL-CIO and a copy of the letter to the employee's agency. The letter shall be postmarked during the 15 day period prior to the expiration date The Master Agreement and Master Memorandum for 2016-2019 are now available for viewing and download on the home page of www. At around the same time, on November 13, 2001, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant attempted to coerce her into accepting a "demotion" to a job title which she was not capable of performing. MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH OF … master agreement between commonwealth of pennsylvania and council 13, american federation of state, county and municipal employees, afl-cio july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2019 Holiday in accordance with our Appendix in the Master Agreement and Master Memorandum…. Other Progress a. PAYROLL the Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan Memorandum of Agreement. 13 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF GILROY AND AFSCME, AFL, CIO, LOCAL 101 GILROY CHAPTER SUPERVISORY UNIT JANUARY 1, 2017 - JUNE 30, 2019 ARTICLE I. Crisis Response Unit Memorandum i. 6 FOR JOINT SUBMISSION TO THE BOARD OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONERS AND THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING THE LIBRARIAN REPRESENTATION UNIT THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (hereinafter referred to as MOU) made and entered into this 5th day of December, 2007. While agreeing to a number of modifications and cost savings programs, for Council 25 Minimum Dues Rate Our Constitution states that "The dues shall be the equivalent of two (2) hours pay per month, or minimum dues as set by the International Constitution, whichever is greater" The amount listed ($40. board of education of howard county. – TERM unit and certifying AFSCME as the employee representative. 1, ¶ 48, 58). ’ Mot. Negotiations for a new contract (or “CBA”) concluded June 25, 2014. THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES (hereinafter referred to as "Management") AND . . Officer's forms afscme council 13, officers MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CITY OF MORGAN HILL American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 101, District Council 57 July 1, 2015 - December 31, 2018 AFSCME Council No. Suite 300, Olympia, WA 98501. PURP0SE: The purpose of this memorandum is notification of the increase to the bi-weekly dues/fees deduction for Division of Criminal Justice employees, which was not included in the interdepartmental memorandum AFSCME, Council 4, Local 704 v. 1 Article 13, Vacations 23 Article 14, Leaves of Absence 27 LA City Council Tentatively Approves a Record $10. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby jointly declared by the Salt Lake City Council and the Salt Lake City Mayor as follows: 1. FREE MASTER MEMORANDUM BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND COUNCIL 13, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, the agency shall halt the check-off class code, work location (institution, district, bureau, etc. b. Only members in good standing that are part of Unit 1 or Unit 3 per the AFSCME Local 3866 contract Article 7 Section 3 are eligible to vote for their respective representative. Appearing below is a summary of the proposed amendments of and additions to the current contract that will go into effect as provided in this tentative agreement, if ratified by the membership. Because our resolution of the second issue is dispositive, we need not decide the first issue. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND AFSCME, Public Employees Council 79 Fiscal V ear 2017-2018 One-time Non-Recurring Performance Bonus for Eligible In-Unit Employees WHEREAS, Florida State University Board of Trustees (hereinafter FSU) and the Florida Public Employees ¶ 13 On July 19, 2011, the arbitrator issued an award in favor of AFSCME. provisions) 69 65 call back pay 37 47 checkoff 8 13 civil service law, rules & regulations, application of 62 59 AFSCME: 38. Memorandum of Agreement Between AFGE Local 3354 Professional Unit and National Financial and Accounting Operations Center Labor-Management Agreement between AFGE Local 3499 and RD, Colorado Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME Council 26, Local 3870 and RD AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND SEIU LOCAL 668 Effective July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019 Article 11, Personal Leave Days 13 Article 12, Sick THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME) THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (Memorandum), is made and entered into this day of 2017, by and bêtween the City of Sutherlin, Oregon (City), and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, hereby referred to as AFSCME, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN STATE OF MINNESOTA AND MN AFSCME COUNCIL 5, AFL-CIO MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES 13. 3/19/19 (STP), 6/13/19 (STP), 9/26/19 (in Duluth), 11/14/19 (STP) 4. Master Lease Agreement with State Lands Commission memorandum of understanding between the city of lynwood and the lynwood employees' association/afscme local 1920, afl-cio for submi. through its affiliated Local 3911AFSCME is, an exclusive bargaining representative, within the AFSCME Council No. and. american federation of state, county, and municipal employees. While it consists of more than a scintilla of evidence, it may be substantially less than a preponderance. This memo replaces Memorandum 2011-21. These claims therefore must be dismissed under Rule 12(b)(1) for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. 101, the parties agree to meet and confer over changes to City medical plans related to the Affordable Care Act and/or any changes to healthcare providers. B. S. p. 15-42 a resolution of the city co uncil of the city of bellflower approving memorandum of unders tanding (mou) file no. The City Council’s and Civil Service Commission’s formal approval by majority vote of the Articles of said Memorandum as appropriate. welfare policy internally, facing changes in their own workplaces, and ex temally, in relation to their clients. By and Del. The City of Cincinnati and AFSCME/Ohio Council 8 will encourage and A Memorandum of Understanding is an However, for purposes of the instant memorandum, only the substantive allegations against AFSCME are set forth. Payroll AFSCME members provide the vital services that make America happen. Dept. ) deductions 68 65 annexation assistance pay 69 70 application of civil service law, rules and regulations 62 59 bargaining rights 56 54 bargaining unit disputes (misc. 24/7 365 status ii. He was a member of the AFSCME bargaining team that negotiated the 1988-90 Memorandum of Agreement, and is on the negotiating team of a successor agreement. 80 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) for formalizing the agreements reached between the Board of Regents of Washington State University (the “University” or “Employer”), and the Washington Federation of State Employee, AFSCME Council 28, AFL-CIO (the “Union” or “WFSE”), and memorandum of agreement of working rules and regulations between detroit lakes city council and the american federation of state, county, and municipal employees, afl-cio local union #568 city of detroit lakes employees january 1, 2009 - december 31, 2011 agreement between theboard of highereducation and american federation of state, countyand municipal employees council 93/local 1067,afl-cio july 1) 2011-june 30,2014 ARTICLE 6 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 13 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AFSCME Council 28, AFL-CIO, referred to as the “Union. ending june 30, 2018. Ct. 5 UNIT 8 – CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS Unless otherwise indicated, all changes are effective the date following the Legislative Coordinating Commission’s approval. Tom Wolf's administration confirmed on Wednesday three-year tentative agreements had been reached with these two largest of the state employee University Contracts. The letter shall be postmarked during the 15 day period prior to the expiration date Publications Council 13 Connection. BY AND BETWEEN THE . memorandum of agreement between the city of paynesvllle and afscme council 65, local 748, chapter k police officers bargaining unit term january 1,2016 through december 31, 2018 afscme 2017-2019 mou . PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Understanding is jointly prepared and executed by representatives of the memorandum of agreement of working rules and regulations between detroit lakes city council and the american federation of state, county, and municipal employees, afl-cio local union #568 city of detroit lakes employees january 1, 2009 - december 31, 2011 4. who individually request in writing that such deductions be made. ” Mount Pleasant Pub Sch v Mich AFSCME Council 25, 302 Mich App Statement of the Case . Click links for each higher education Memorandum of Understanding. C13 D-074 (13-002118); CU13 D-017 (13-002119) Charging Party-Appellant. 2d 1170 (2003). ” 1 . 03 City Personnel Rules It is understood and agreed that there exists within the City, in written form, the "City of Ontario Personnel Rules and Regulations" and the “Employment Policies” in the City’s Online Policy Center, which shall continue in effect, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. AFSCME filed its Charge of Unfair Practices on April 17, 2015, alleging that PASSHE violated Section 1201(a)(1) and (5) of PERA by unilaterally closing the Dixon University to 19 Del. afscme local 3745 mou city of bellflower resolution no. The State agrees to provide AFSCME with a quarterly list of all employees in AFSCME Council 93 Kevin Hanley President, AFSCME Local 1067 Executive Vice President, AFSCME, Council 93 Bunker Hill Community College Dena Fleno Staff Representative AFSCME Council 93 Carolyn Mathews Librarian I Vice President, AFSCME Local 1067 Worcester State University Nadine Kennedy Staff Representative AFSCME Council 93 Marziale Carlopoli Holiday in accordance with our Appendix in the Master Agreement and Master Memorandum…. 15-2 with afscme local 3745 and establishing a compensation plan for afscme represented maintenance and executive assistant employees in the bellflower municipal service approving memorandum of unders tanding (mou) file no. ), whether the employee is a member or non-member, and the most recent date of hire. two year agreement MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN COMMONWEALTH OF … master agreement between commonwealth of pennsylvania and council 13, american federation of state, county and municipal employees, afl-cio july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2019 AFSCME Council 31, 138 S. . Periodicals postage paid at Olympia, WA and at additional offices. Chapter 13 (PERA). Baltimore City Community College Non-Exempt Baltimore City Community College Exempt City of Pasadena and AFSCME Memorandum of Understanding July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 1 SECTION I - GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Financial responsibility training i. l. Proposed MOU is sent- Contract Neg. AUTHORITY. This Memorandum of Understanding shall be made a part of every future local or Council 26 agreement and shall be the only authorized method for obtaining dues withholding. ]. Council 13’s starting lineup hit the field in full force at the 47th Annual Convention, electing new officers and reinvigorating its team spirit as we push forward in a turbulent time for the labor movement. 13 FOR JOINT SUBMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL . Such deductions shall begin after certification of AFSCME by the Federal Labor Relations Authority, and upon request by the appropriate union official and shall be at no cost to AFSCME. PDF | Public sector welfare caseworkers confront shifts in U. 2018-2020 City of Petaluma / AFSCME Unit 3 MOU 1 PREAMBLE This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into pursuant to the provisions of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, Section 3500 et seq of the Government Code of the State of California. AFSCME Local 2620 Official Notice of Nominations and Elections For the 2018-2020 Term Nominations are Open! You will be receiving your Nomination Notice shortly Nominations close on August 29, 2018, at 5:00 PM by email Update *All Nominations will… State Employer, and Michigan AFSCME Council 25, AFL-CIO and its appropriate affiliated locals, as exclusive representative of employees employed by the State of Michigan (as set forth specifically in the recognition clause) hereinafter referred to as the Union. 6 No Strike or of employees not covered by this Memorandum of Understanding. ” The City Council approves all salary schedules which include position titles and pay rates/ranges at the time a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for each bargaining unit is approved; when updates to the the successor Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City of San Jose (City) and the Municipal Employees' Federation (MEF), AFSCME Local No. AFSCME filed its Charge of Unfair Practices on April 17, 2015, alleging that PASSHE violated Section 1201(a)(1) and (5) of PERA by unilaterally closing the Dixon University collective bargaining agreement between the state of iowa and the american federation of state, county, and municipal employees, council 61 afl-cio master contract for the following bargaining units blue collar clerical community based corrections education professional fiscal & staff patient care security technical effective: july 1, 2015 State of Illinois and AFSCME Council 31 2011-2012 Layoffs and Facility Closures Page 7 sions were memorialized by the State and the Union in the Mediated Resolution Memorandum dated January 26, 2010 and in the Cost Savings Agreements. to Dismiss Ex. QUINN, AFSCME ANNOUNCE TENTATIVE CONTRACT AGREEMENT. has been sanctioned and approved by the labor body or council having AFSCME COUNCIL 93 AND SEIU LOCAL 888 ALLIANCE UNIT 2 TENATIVE AGREEMENT. ssion to the lynwood city council july 1, 2016 to june 30, 2020 1 • AFSCME does all it can to perpetuate the myth that it is the “little guy” – the victim – in any contract negotiations with the state. SUPPORT SERVICES UNIT (MOU #3) THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING made and entered into . Agreement Between King County And Washington State Council of County and City Employees, Council 2, Local 21DC District Court -Wages [090] PREAMBLE These Articles Constitute an Agreement, the te1ms of which have been negotiated in good ton Federation of State Employees/AFSCME Council 28 • AFL-CIO, 1212 Jefferson St. S. Local 127, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 3 | Page Preamble This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) entered into on INSERT DATE by and between the City of San Diego “City,” and Local 127, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into on December 4, 2015, by the City Administrative Officer (CAO), as authorized Management representative of the City Council, and the authorized management representatives of the Departments of Aging, Animal Services, Fire, Personnel, Police, Zoo, (hereinafter referred to as This Master Agreement between the Consolidated City of Indianapolis (hereinafter referred to as the "City" or the "Employer") and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, Indiana Council 62, acting through its Local 725 in the Department of Public Works and Department of Public Safety, Local 1887 in the Department of Parks and Recreation, Local 3131 in the In accordance with the request of AFSCME, Council 4, Local 749 the following dues increase will be implemented effective with the pay period January 4, 2019 through January 17, 2019 (check date February 1, 2019). THE ALL CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, Local 3090, AFSCME, AFL-CIO memorandum of agreement between the city of paynesville and afscme council 65 city hall bargaining unit term january 1, 2016 through december 31,2018 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNT, Y OF CONTRA COSTA AND AFSCME LOCAL 2700 SUPERIO, R COURT BARGAININ G UNIT October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2016 This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) i ints entere foor thde period commencing October 1, 2012 and ending September 30, 2016, and has afscme ohio care plan 30 42 afscme (p. COMMONWEALTH OF PA/AFSCME COUNCIL 13 MASTER AGREEMENT collective bargaining agreement between the state of iowa and the american federation of state, county, and municipal employees, council 61 afl-cio master contract for the following bargaining units blue collar clerical community based corrections education professional fiscal & staff patient care security technical effective: july 1, 2015 AFSCME supports Gov. Effective October 1, 2013, state legislation (Public Act 13-25 Section 6) provides for additional benefits and compensation for State employees called to active military service in the armed forces of any state or the United States for a military operation, war or national emergency, for the duration of such call-up to active service (CGS 5 Afscme local 2187 we make philadelphia happen, please watch the message below from local president bob coyle about onephilly updates video text: good afternoon brothers and sisters, today is friday, may 17th, and i would like to provide another update on onephiladelphia (onephilly). Housekeeping: Add AFSCME Council 93, Local 1358, where appropriate, after BESA in the collective bargaining agreement. 30 . 5 and its affiliated local as unit and certifying AFSCME as the employee representative. Read more FOR JOINT SUBMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL . ) The City’s final offer includes the right to furlough District Council 33 members. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR JOINT SUBMISSION TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGARDING THE PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS AND SENIOR PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING made and entered into this 3` d day of May, 2016, BY AND BETWEEN Authorized Management Representatives (hereinafter referred to as "Management") of State of Illinois and AFSCME Council 31 2011-2012 Layoffs and Facility Closures Page 7 sions were memorialized by the State and the Union in the Mediated Resolution Memorandum dated January 26, 2010 and in the Cost Savings Agreements. State of Maine, Case No. The letter shall be postmarked during the 15 day period prior to the expiration date of this Memorandum and shall state that the employee is resigning membership in Board of Governors’ Meeting Agenda these changes will apply to the Master Memorandum. The State agrees to provide AFSCME with a quarterly list of all employees in When an employee has been assigned in writing by the department head or designated representative to perform the work of a permanent position having a different classification and being paid at a higher rate, and if he/she has worked in such classification for five (5) consecutive workdays (or four consecutive workdays for employees on a 4 day Memorandum of Understanding between AFSCME Management Chapter VI VACATION 13 Council 36, (hereinafter “AFSCME” or “Union”) as the exclusive bargaining proposed rulemaking will also allow for future automatic yearly percentage fee increases in the schedule of fees based upon the sum of the percentages of: 1) the general pay increases in the AFSCME Council 13 Master Agree-ment with the Commonwealth; 2) the ‘‘step’’ service increment increase; and 3) the yearly increase in benefit MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Baltimore City Community College and AFSCME Council 3/AFSCME Local 1870 June 28, 2016 - June 15, 2019 . Circulation: 42,000. LABOR-MANAGEMENT . Join our email list to stay in the loop! Representing Over 65,000 Pennsylvania Employees. Council 75 in turn, is part of AFSCME International, and is represented at International conventions and meetings. If there is a change in health care providers, Local 189 is part of the large AFSCME structure. 11, a tentative agreement was struck. 20 hours per pay period 16 or more years 304 hours/38 days* 5. Based strictly on the four corners of the CBA, the arbitrator found that the State violated the CBA when it failed to pay the 2% wage increase on July 1, 2011. Supplemental Letter Of Agreement State Of Connecticut And AFSCME Council #4 Re: Certified Part-Time Permanent And Certified Part-Time Interpreters Of The Commission On The Deaf And Hearing Impaired. between the. Preamble Local 858, affiliated with AFSCME Council 36, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the Union, This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is made and entered into by and between the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (hereinafter, “UMBC” or “the University”) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, MD Council 3 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “AFSCME” or “the Union”). Technical change of effective date. Only the Office of the Chancellor was closed. beginning july 1, 2016. Based on that Service Agreement, representatives of SEIU Local 48 and AFSCME Local 449 have jointly requested that authorized representative status be transferred from SEIU Local 48 to AFSCME Local 449. and the. 7. This paper looks at 1998-2001 MASTER AGREEMENT CITY OF DETROIT/AFSCME, MICHIGAN COUNCIL 25 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF CONTENTS Title of Articles, Memorandum of Understandings, Contract Page Letters of Understandings, and Exhibits Section Number Grievance Procedure, Stipulations to the Article 9 13 Grievance Procedure (Umpire System) Article 8B 11 AFSCME, 311 Mich App at 453. of Public Health, 267 Conn. The President of Council 79 shall be authorized to designate employees to serve as Stewards/AFSCME Employee Representatives with no more than three (3) employees designated at the University. 79 Stipulated Agreement Between The State Of Connecticut 2017-2019 AFSCME and MAPE missing Classes and Salaries as of July 1, 2017 After publishing the 2017-2019 MAPE and AFSCME contracts on the MMB website, we became aware of the accidental omission of several classifications in the tables titled “Classes and Salaries as of July 1, 2017” and Afscme local 2187 we make philadelphia happen, please watch the message below from local president bob coyle about onephilly updates video text: good afternoon brothers and sisters, today is friday, may 17th, and i would like to provide another update on onephiladelphia (onephilly). BETWEEN . Need volunteers if there are contested races (folks on the ballot cannot “conduct” the election) b. afscme 2017-2019 mou . MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The City of Sycamore ("City") and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 3 1, on behalf of AFSCME Local 3957 ("AFSCME") agree as follows: The City agrees that for the period covered by this collective bargaining agreement, May 1, 2012 127, AFSCME to be jointly submitted to the City Council and/or the Civil Service Commission. Plaintiff’s demand that OCSEA repay fair share fees attributable to the time prior memorandum of understanding between the city of carson and the american federation of state, county and municipal employees (afscme) union, council 36, local 809, for the unclassified part-time employees bargaining unit of the city of carson july 1, 2013 through june 30, 2017 resolution no. The parties have met and conferred in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions 13 Master Labor Agreement (MLA) -Appendix 53. As used in this Resolution: (a) "AFSCME" means the American Federation of State, County and the City Council. 9. A copy of the layoff State mediators were brought in to try and settle the dispute, and on Nov. 5, Legal Unit, Local 2938 – 2019-2021 4 of 63 ARTICLE 1 - PREAMBLE This AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT, is entered into between the County of Hennepin, hereinafter called the Master Memorandum – AFSCME Council 13. 03 City Personnel Rules It is understood and agreed that there exists within the City, in written form, the "City of Ontario Personnel Rules and Regulations" and the “Employment Policies” in the City’s Online Policy Center, which shall continue in effect, Washington State Council of County and City Employees AFSCME/AFL-CIO (AFSCME) - 2017-2020 Contract AFSCME Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Labor Relations Status This recap details labor relations items and the renewal process of the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Mill Creek and AFSCME. 65) for full time employees are the local’s minimum monthly dues and will be deducted equally from the first 2 This Memorandum of Understanding jointl is y prepared and executed by representatives of the City o Gilrof (hereinaftey CITY an)rd th Gilroe Employeey Associatio affiliated witn h AFSCME, Loca 10l 1 (hereinafte UNIONr fo) r presentation to, and consideratio Citny by, the Council of CITY. E. 92-19 (Me. This Agreement, made and entered into on the date hereinafter set forth, by and between the Board of Trustees for and in behalf of fihinois State University at Normal, lilinois, hereinafter called Employer, and AFSCME, Council 31, AFL-CIO,for and in behalf of Local 3236, hereinafter AFSCME Local 2620 General Membership Meeting Agenda; Legislative Update (SB-363 and SB-591) The California Rule on Public Employee Pensions Under Attack: Will We Still Call It The “California Rule” If It Is No Longer The Rule In California? MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT SUOAF - AFSCME AND CSUS - BOT Subject to CSUS Board of Trustees and SUOAF Membership Ratification Except as modified herein the Collective Bargaining Agreement between SUOAF AFSCME Council 4 - Local 2836 and the Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State of AFSCME by the Federal Labor Relations Authority, and upon request by the appropriate union official and shall be at no cost to AFSCME. Addendum - Increase in Union Dues/Fees, AFSCME Council 4, Local 749 Judicial Branch and Division of Criminal Justice Employees I. The evidence paints a different picture. THE ALL CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, Local 3090, AFSCME, AFL-CIO Preamble [Return to Top] It is the intent of the parties to effectuate the purposes of Chapter 41. C. 6 billion budget for the coming fiscal year, the largest in the city’s history, with council members crediting a strong local economy. We send delegates to Council 75, which is the statewide AFSCME organization. 5, Legal Unit, Local #2938 - 2016-2018 5 of 60 ARTICLE 1 - PREAMBLE This AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT, is entered into between the County of Hennepin, hereinafter called the EMPLOYER, and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, District Council No. ARTICLE I. Master AgreementMaster Memorandum. afscme council 13 master memorandum